Uses of Plants Quiz Grade 2

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Palawan State University


Science and Health II

3rd Grading
Quiz No. 3

Name: _______________________________________________________ Score: ________________

Section: ______________________________________________________ Date: _________________

I. Classification. How do these plants grow? Write your answer in the blank. Choose your answer from the
words in the box. You may write each word more than once.

Seeds Cuttings Bulbs Shoots Leaves

1. Onion - _________________________ 6. Tulip - _____________________________

2. Bamboo - _______________________ 7. Banana - ___________________________
3. Mango - ________________________ 8. Monggo - ___________________________
4. Kataka-taka - ____________________ 9. Okra - ______________________________
5. Gumamela - _____________________ 10. Rose - _____________________________

II. Drawing. Draw the scene depicted in the song The Farmer Plants the Seeds. Make sure that you include the
four needs of plants. (10 points)

III. Enumeration. Write 3 ways of taking care of plants. In English sentences, please. (2 points each)

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature: _______________________

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