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Unit 1: Human Body System

Lesson 5: The Nervous and Endocrine System

I. Define the following.
1. Gland - It is an organ which produces and releases chemical substances for the body to use.

2. Neuron – A neuron or a nerve cell is the basic functional unit of the nervous system that

moves electrical messages to and from the brain.

3. Axon: It is an elongated body of a neuron that conducts electrical impulses away from the

neuron's cell body.

4. Nerve: It is a collection of nerve cell extensions bundled together with blood vessels and

connective tissue.

II. Answer the following questions.

Q1. What is nervous system? What are the parts of nervous system?
Ans. A nervous system is an organ system, made of the structures that control the actions
and reactions of the body in response to the stimuli from the environment. The two parts
of nervous system are:
1. Central Nervous System (CNS)
2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Q2. How does the structure of central nervous system differ from peripheral nervous

Central Nervous System (CNS) Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

1. The CNS consists of the brain and 1. It includes all the sensory and
spinal cord. motor nerves.

2. It is made up of specialized cells that 2. The nerves connect the CNS to the
send and receive electrical signals. organs, limbs, and skin.

Q 3: Label the parts of the brain and mention its functions.


1. Cerebrum
a. Stores memories
b. Perform voluntary movements
c. Allow you to sense the environment.
d. Thinking and problem - solving

2. Brain stem (medulla)
a. Controls involuntary process such as heart rate
b. Involuntary breathing
c. blood pressure
3. Cerebellum
a. Keeps track of body position
b. Coordinate body movements

Q4. Label the diagram of the nerve cell.

Q5. Describe the parts of a neuron and mention their functions.

Ans. A typical neuron consists of the following parts:
1. Cell body/ soma- It is the large central region containing nucleus and organelles. It gathers
information from the dendrites.
2. Dendrites- These are short branched extensions of the cell body. They gather information from
the cells and create an impulse.

3. Axon-It is a long or short branch from the cell body that sends impulses away from the cell
4. Axon terminal-It is present at the end of the axon. It changes the electrical signals to chemical

Q6. Describe the path of an impulse into and out of a neuron?

Ans. An impulse enters a neuron through a dendrite, moves through the cell body, and exits the
neuron through the axon.

Q7. What is endocrine system and how does it help maintain homeostasis?
Ans. Endocrine system controls body functions by producing hormones, which act like chemical
It maintains homeostasis by increasing or decreasing amounts of hormones in the body. (feedback

Q8. How does a positive feedback mechanism differ from a negative feedback mechanism?
Ans. In positive feedback mechanism, a high level of a substance accelerates or increases levels of
something. The levels of hormones continue to rise.

In negative feedback mechanism, a high level of substance diminishes or decreases the next step or
response. The hormone levels are kept from rising too high.

Q9. Name few disorders of the following:

a. Endocrine system- type 1 diabetes, growth disorders, and thyroid disorders.
b. Nervous system- multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease.

Q10. Label the parts of the endocrine system using serial numbers as mentioned on the

1. hypothalamus

2. pituitary gland
8. pineal gland
3. thyroid gland

7. thymus

4. pancreas

5. adrenal gland
6. ovary

Q11. List the main functions of the following endocrine glands.

1. Pituitary gland- It is the main control center of the endocrine gland. It secretes hormones that
affect other glands, stimulates growth and sexual development.

2. Thymus- It is also a part of the lymphatic system where white blood cells develop.

3. Pancreas- It regulates blood sugar levels.

4. Ovaries- These are present in females which produce and release reproductive hormones.

2. Adrenal gland- They control the body’s fight and flight response in dangerous situations.

6. Thyroid gland-Hormones from thyroid gland control overall body’s metabolism.

Analyze the text.

1. Which endocrine gland is located in the neck?

Ans. thyroid gland.

2. Which endocrine glands are different in males and in females?

Ans. reproductive gland.

3. Where are the adrenal glands located?

Ans. On the top of the kidneys.

I. Fill in the blanks.
1. The central nervous system is made up of the brain and the spinal cord.

2. Glands in the endocrine system send messages to target cells.

3. Hormones produced in the thyroid gland controls metabolism.

4. Pituitary gland is the main control center of the endocrine system.

5. Sound waves enter the ear and cause the ear drum to vibrate and tiny hair cells translate
vibrations into electrical impulses.

6. The front of the eye is covered by a clear membrane called cornea.

7. The spinal cord is surrounded by protective bones called vertebrae.

8. The fast moving electrical messages passing through the neurons are called impulses.

II. Write “True” or “False” for the following statements.

1. The central nervous system allows us to sense the environment. [ False ]

2. The endocrine system functions by sending chemical signals. [ True ]

3. The spinal cord is part of peripheral nervous system. [ False ]

4. The endocrine system helps regulate our blood sugar after we eat. [ True]

5. Brain has two parts cerebellum and brain stem. [ False]

6. The peripheral nervous system has two parts brain and spinal cord. [False ]

7. Hormones are released from an endocrine cell. [True ]

8. The sensory cells of your ears turn sound waves into electrical impulse. [True]

9. Taste cells react to six basic tastes. [False ]

10. The actions under the control of brain are voluntary actions. [True ]

11. Awareness created by the impulses that reach the bran is known as sensation. [True ]

III. Choose the correct answer for the following statements.

1. Multiple sclerosis affects the brain's ability to send signals to the body.

a. asthma b. Multiple sclerosis c. pneumonia

2. The taste buds contain clusters of taste cells that respond to signals in food.
a. taste cells b. nerves c. blood vessels

3. Rays from an upside down image on the retina at the back of the eye.
a. cornea b. lens c. retina

4. Cochlea is a fluid filled organ of the inner ear, that plays a key role in the sense of hearing.
a. cochlea b. receptors c. lens

5. Impulses are carried away from the cell body by extension of the neuron called an axon.
a. dendrites b. axon c. neuron

3. Which of these glands of the endocrine system would you suspect has a problem if
someone has an abnormal level of glucose in the blood?

a. pineal gland b. thyroid gland c. pancreas

4. The glial cells are non-neuronal cells that protect and support neurons.
a. axon b. glial cells c. endocrine cells

IV. Match the columns 'A' with column 'B' by using serial numbers.

S. No Column 'A' Column 'B' Answers

1. pancreas in nose react to chemicals in air 2

2. olfactory cells is collection of nerve cells 6

3. the ear drum is a part of brain stem 5

4. motor neurons regulates the blood sugar 1

a thin membrane that separates outer

5. medulla 3
ear from middle ear

move impulses from brain and spinal

6. nerve 4
cord to different body parts

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