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Finlatics Investment Banking project – 1

An unconventional, yet potentially optimal, profile-idea combination could be

Arjun is an engineer with an MBA degree, and has previous experience of
working in Information Technology. The kind of startup arjun wants to do is to
build a International transfer remittance system that reduces the cost and time
to make am international transfer.
Reasons for picking this Profile-idea combination:

1. Technical Expertise: With his engineering background and experience in

IT, Arjun brings a deep understanding of software development and
technology. This enables him to create a robust and efficient software
solution for international transfers, reducing both cost and time
involved. Investors would see this technical expertise as a strong asset,
ensuring the viability and scalability of the product.
2. Innovation and Adaptability: Arjun's background equips him with the
skills to innovate and adapt to changes in technology. In the fast-paced
world of fintech, where new solutions and technologies emerge rapidly,
this ability to stay ahead of the curve is crucial for success. Investors
would be attracted to Arjun's startup for its potential to remain
competitive and continuously improve its offerings.
3. MBA Skill Set: Arjun's MBA provides him with practical business skills
that complement his technical expertise. He understands various
business models, management styles, and soft skills necessary for
running a successful startup. This combination of technical and business
acumen enhances Arjun's ability to make strategic decisions and
navigate the complexities of the market.
4. Network: Through his MBA program and professional experience, Arjun
likely has built a strong network of contacts in both the engineering/IT
and business sectors. This network can provide valuable resources,
connections, and opportunities for his startup. Investors would
recognize the potential for leveraging Arjun's network to accelerate
growth and expansion.

Benefits to the Idea:

 Credibility & Trust: An engineering background paired with an MBA

builds investor confidence, offering a stamp of quality and technical
competence for the proposed software.
 Project Management & Execution: Combining technical knowledge with
business acumen helps Arjun effectively manage project timelines,
budgets, and resources, increasing the likelihood of successful
development and launch.
 Market Savvy & User Focus: His IT experience positions him to
understand user needs within the financial technology landscape,
guiding product development towards a target market and competitive

An example of a successful startup founder with a comparable background is

Satya Nadella, who currently serves as the CEO of Microsoft. Nadella's
educational qualifications include a bachelor's degree in electrical engineering
and a master's degree in computer science. His blend of technical expertise,
complemented by an MBA from the University of Chicago, Booth School of
Business, has played a pivotal role in guiding Microsoft through substantial
industry advancements and strategic transformations.

When Arjun goes for funding to the investors, he will be considering the best
benefits. Out of the given 4 benefits he will choose as follows:

1. Stamp Quality
2. Network driven benefits

While both "stamp of quality" and "network-driven benefits" are crucial for
Arjun while raising funds, emphasizing "stamp of quality" might be slightly
more impactful in this specific scenario. Here's why:

Importance of "Stamp of Quality":

 High-risk domain: International transfer remittance involves financial

transactions and security, making investors highly risk-averse. Arjun's
engineering background with an MBA and relevant IT experience
provides a strong stamp of quality, assuring investors of his technical
competence and ability to build a secure and compliant system. This
reduces perceived risk and fosters trust, making them more receptive to
the idea.
 Compliance complexities: Navigating regulatory compliance is a
significant hurdle in this domain. Arjun's IT experience positions him well
to understand these complexities, further solidifying the stamp of
quality and his ability to overcome compliance challenges. This instills
confidence in investors seeking a founder who can navigate regulatory
landscapes effectively.
 Competition in the space: Established players exist in the remittance
market. Highlighting his technical expertise and relevant experience sets
Arjun apart, showcasing his potential to deliver a high-quality product
that can compete effectively. This stamp of quality becomes a key
differentiator and attracts investor interest.

Network-driven benefits compared to the "stamp of quality":

While "network-driven benefits" are valuable, their impact might be slightly

less emphasized in this case:

 Stage of the startup: Arjun's startup is in the early stages, requiring

initial funding for development and launch. At this stage, establishing
technical credibility and trust through the "stamp of quality" might be
more crucial than leveraging extensive networks for partnerships or
market access.
 Focus on compliance and development: Initially, Arjun's primary focus
should be on building a secure and compliant product. Extensive
networking might require time and resources that could be better
directed towards development at this stage.

Combining both strengths:

Arjun should strategically present both the "stamp of quality" and "network-
driven benefits", but with a slight emphasis on the former during initial
fundraising. As the venture progresses, leveraging his networks for
partnerships, collaborations, and market expansion will become increasingly

In conclusion, while both benefits are valuable, prioritizing the "stamp of

quality" by highlighting Arjun's technical expertise, relevant experience, and
understanding of compliance will likely hold greater weight with investors at
this initial stage, fostering trust and confidence in his ability to build a
successful international transfer remittance system.

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