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 Causes of food spoilage

There are mainly three types of food spoilage viz. biological, chemical and
physical causes. Biological causes compromise of growth and active microorganisms such as
bacteria yeast and moulds activity of food enzymes. Chemical causes include oxygen and
light chemical reaction within the foods. Physical causes consist of temperature and physical

 Factors which are responsible for food spoilage

1.Bacteria: they are the most abundant microorganism on earth, they are tiny size vary in shape
some bacteria are useful also.
2. Protozoa: They are single celled microorganism that causes disease like food poisoning etc.
3.Fungi: They are found in damp and warm places and grow on the dead and rotting matter.
4. Temperature: temperature is one major factor for food spoilage.
5. Yeast: are microscopic unicellular fungi, which are nonmotile round or elliptical Yeasts are
larger than bacteria in size.
6. Moulds: are multicellular filamentous fungi. They grow on foods with fuzzy and cottony
appearance, sometimes colored.
 Selection and criteria for fruits
in order to select fruits for preservation purposes, knowledge of ripening process
in fruits is essential. During ripening of fruits, fruits should be develop to its full size, the
pulpy edible tissue becomes soft and tender, and the color of the fruits changes and the
starch content changes to sugar giving a mild sweet flavor and full characteristic aroma of
the fruits develops.

Bananas: should not have black spots on the skin and be from bruises and slightly hard
when purchased.
Apple: good apples are firm, crisp, well colored and heavy. Each variety have its own colors
characteristic and shape. apples become mealy, have less flavor and taste when stored too
Grapes: should be plump, shiny well colored, firmly attached to stem free from discoloration
and bruises. They should not leak as it is a sign of spoilage.
Citrus fruits: includes oranges, sweet limes, grape fruits lemons, etc. these are sorted
according to prize and size decreases with the size.
Pears: they should be selected when it is firm and already begun to soften to be
reasonably sure that they will ripen satisfactorily.
Pineapple: select pineapple with golden yellow, orange yellow, or reddish brown color
depending on the variety.
Plums and prunes: should be selected with a good color for the variety in a fairly firm to
slightly soft stage ripeness
Peaches: which are firmly firm not too soft having skin color yellowish or at least creamy
between the red areas should be selected.

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