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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE3 – Art Appreciation Module No. 1

MODULE 1 Foundation of Art and Brief Introduction to Humanities
Topic 2. Functions of Art

Art plays an important role in society. In this module, we will investigate the different functions and
uses of art. We will also distinguish the differences and similarities between functional and indirectly functional
art. Lastly, we will apply concepts and theories on beauty and aesthetics in our real-life scenarios.


At the end of the module, you should be able to:

1. Distinguish between directly functional art and indirectly functional art;

2. explain and discuss the basic philosophical perspectives on the art;
3. realize the function of some art forms in daily life; and
4. apply concepts and theories on beauty and aesthetics in real-life scenarios.


From the very beginning, arts have been part of human history. It described, defined, and deepened
the human experience. Art has had a great number of different functions throughout history. In the Prehistoric
period, for example, people performed songs and dances to gratify their ancestors. Likewise, hunters brushed
different figures on the walls of caves to depict their day-to-day experiences. Art was also the impelling force
of any religion in different countries and different communities. In the Philippines, many examples of traditional
arts show the influence of religion. Aside from religion and religious traditions, there is a number of social
customs that condition or influence art. Music and Dance were used for ritual and worship of the gods, for
social activities, festivities, celebrations, and entertainment. Paintings and sculptures may be used to narrate
events, portray people or occurrences, commemorate individual or historical events, and serve as vehicles for
personal expression of a vision of nature and its beauty.

Different art forms have their unique functions and different reasons for being created. Every art form
has a definite function since it satisfies particular needs. To find meaning in art, it must serve a utilitarian
purpose and be capable of serving the purpose for which it was intended. Each of these examples is made for
some definite and specific use.

1. Personal / Individual Function

Artists have their personal reason as they try to express themselves. An artist may create out
of a need for self -expression, or gratification. She/he might have wanted to communicate a thought or
point to the viewer. Perhaps the artist was trying to provide an aesthetic experience, both for self and

A singer presents a concert for free because of his advocacy and his love of singing. For
example, Regine Velaquez (Asia’s Songbird) is well-known for possessing an extensive vocal range.

2. Social Function

As a social being, man associates with those around him. Art is an avenue to extend his
sense of belongingness and connection with people. Art gathers man as one family and community,
through celebrations like festivities, choral singing or group dancing in religious rituals. Architectural
structures like houses are built to unite families. Churches play an important role in communal


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE3 – Art Appreciation Module No. 1

worship. Almost all art forms are created to be seen or used primarily in public situations.

3. Economic Function

Any art production will involve money. Reproduction of any artworks that would still become
the highest—paid, or even the reproduction of songs by great singers like Michael Jackson and
Whitney Houston will gain millions of dollars. Film industries like the movies of Coco Martin and Vic
Sotto spent millions of pesos for production. J.K. Rowling, the author of the best-selling Harry Potter
series, became one of the most highly paid women in British history. All these examples and others
that you may consider related to this, constitute a significant part of the economic system.

4. Political Function

The political aspect of one country plays a very distinctive role nowadays. Arts became the
political medium to promote their political programs and political status. Art provides a forum for ideas
that will lead to employment, prestige, status, and power. During the election period, for example, the
candidates created their artworks (poster) that expresses their propaganda, agendas, and political
views about making a stable society.

5. Historical Function

Art is an essential technique for information to be recorded and preserved. It serves to

document or reconstruct historical figures and events. Most arts that are in Museums, for example,
are filled with amazing stories about the world's most excellent and most creative people who brought
us the treasures. By looking at a work of art’s colors, materials, and symbolism, we can learn about
the story and culture that produced it in the past.

Paintings, sculptures, architectural works, and other art forms serve to record historical
figures and events. It commemorates great people in history, almost all parks in the country have the
statue of Rizal and murals painted on it. History is available anywhere and is not just limited to a
history book or literary arts alone.

6. Cultural Function

Art is an articulation and transmission of new information and values. Tangible

representations of one culture like architectural structures like buildings, sculpture-like furniture, and
intangible representations like music, dance, and language or literary pieces form part of a nation's
culture. These cultural representations through art forms serve as a channel to share and transmit
from one generation to another generation.

7. Religious Function

Artforms like architecture, music, dance, and sculpture play an important role in one cultural
spirituality. People from the past worshipped their gods through sculptures with music and dance.
Nowadays, people are gathered in an architectural structures like churches, arenas, and other venues
to worship and they incorporate music and dance.

8. Physical Function

Our health is our priority, architectural structures like hospitals, physical therapy centers, and
laboratories are there to assist us with health care. Architects, Industrial and Graphic Designers, and
Interior Decorators share responsibility for building environments that balance forms and functions.
Music and dance perform an important role when our bodies need to rejuvenate and revitalize, one
example is Zumba dance and reflective music for yoga. Painting therapy was proven as therapeutic
by some cancer patients. Art can function therapeutically. Art therapy is generally understood as a
form of therapy that uses art media as its primary mode of communication. It is a relatively young
discipline, first introduced around the mid-20th century.

9. Aesthetic Function


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE3 – Art Appreciation Module No. 1

Any artwork means beauty. It is a visual spice for gracefully adorned interiors and can bring
out the most elegant features of different décor elements. It reasonably reproduced visual images
which communicate through fantastic persuasions and meaningful words.

Beautification adds appeal and excitement like displays of paintings in an empty area on a
wall. Interior design in the newly renovated National Museum is a breathtaking experience of beauty.
Fashion always aims for beauty that is appealing to the eye. Film industries, Opera, and Theater
provide extravagant and beautiful Drops and costumes for their real impact and appeal.


Knowing and practicing the arts disciplines are fundamental to the development of the minds and
spirits of the students (National Art Education Association, 1994). Arts are inseparable from education. When
early humans drew images on the walls of the caves, the artworks have been the means of recording human
experiences and of making sense of the world. It educates us on how early people lived and survived. Thus,
without the skills in the arts, no one can claim that he/she is professionally trained.

There are several reasons for the arts to be included in an educational system. It is evident that
involvement in the arts has been shown to help students in their academic, personal, and social development.
Listed below are other details for this assertion.

1. Arts are worth studying because it served to connect our imaginations with the most profound
questions of human existence.

2. Arts are always used because it helps to present issues and ideas to teach, persuade, and entertain

3. Arts are integral to every person’s daily life because it helps shape our spiritual, political, economic,
cultural, and social environments.

4. Arts are refreshing because it offers unique sources of enjoyment, and it investigates relationships
between thought and actions.

5. Arts develop students' attitudes because it teaches self-discipline, reinforce self-esteem, foster the
thinking skills and creativity, and values the importance of teamwork and cooperation.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE3 – Art Appreciation Module No. 1



Name: ______________________________________ Course/Year/Section: ___________ Date: _________

Essay: Answer the following questions below briefly but precisely.

1. In what ways does art contribute to the physical social and spiritual well-being of Filipinos?

2. Can we consider Architecture superior to other art forms?


3. What are the functions of art in the context of enhancing your personality?

4. How functional is the design of the house in which you live?


5. Is there any relationship between function and the value of art?

Based on Punzalan, J.F. 2019 Art Appreciation Assessment Questionnaire p.26


Catchy and Creative Art-Slogans

Art-Slogans are powerful marketing tools that can motivate your clients to support your brand. It is an
advertising tag-line or phrase that advertisers create to express the importance and benefits of their product

Let the students do their creative art for advertisement. Let them use short coupon bond in making the
art-slogan. Below are examples of a catchy product/company slogan:


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in GE3 – Art Appreciation Module No. 1

Choose any of the following slogans listed below and make an original (your own version) art-logo out of it.
You can also create your very own product with matching art-logo. A recorded explanation of your art-logo
using Flipgrid is again needed. Be creative!

1. Adidas - “Impossible Nothing”

2. Disneyland - “The happiest place on Earth”
3. IBM - “Solution for a small planet”
4. FedEx Corporation - “When there is no tomorrow.”
5. Volkswagen - “Think small”
6. Canon EOS - “What we mean is what you see”
7. Nikon - “At the heart of the image”
8. Energizer - “Keep going and going and going”
9. Diesel Jeans - “Be stupid”
10. Jaguar - “Grace, space, pace”
11. AT&T - “Reach out, and touch someone”
12. m&m - “Melts in your mouth not in your hands”
13. Coca-Cola - “Twist cap Refreshment”
14. Visa - “It’s everywhere you want”
15. Burger King - “Have it your way”
16. Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) – “Finger licking good”
17. Sony - “Connecting People”
18. NOKIA - “Connecting people”
19. Nike - “just do it”
20. Hallmark - “When you care enough to send the very best”


Art plays an important role in the society. There is difficulty in quantifying the functions of arts in the
history of mankind being because almost all creations of man had its own unique purpose. Remember that the
functions of art apply not only to the artist that created a piece but to you as the viewer. Your whole
experience and understanding of a piece should contribute to the function you assign it, as well as everything
you know about its context. So the next time you are trying to understand a piece of art, try to remember these
nine points: (1) personal, (2) social, (3) economic, (4) political, (5) historical, (6) cultural, (7) religious, (8)
physical, and (9) aesthetic functions. Remember that some art serves only one function and some a
combination of these functions.


Punzalan, J.F. 2019 Art Appreciation. St. Andrew Publishing House

Art Appreciation for the New General Education Curriculum


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