3 Steps Salary Negotiation Guide

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3 Steps to
Negotiating Your
Salary as a Social
Media Manager
The rockstars. The make-it-happen-ers.

Social media
managers do it all.
And it’s about damn time they got This comprehensive guide will equip
paid what they’re worth. you with the knowledge to navigate your
salary with confidence. We’ll cover how
And while talking about money can be
to broach the topic of salary negotiation,
intimidating­—especially with your boss,
provide email templates for initiating the
or when a job is on the line—our research
conversation, offer talking points and tips
actually shows that 74%* of social
for negotiating, and outline a few ways
marketers who ask for more money, get it.
to frame your value as a social marketer
So let’s get to it! —in language that even the most prickly
executive will understand.

*Hootsuite, State of the Social Media Marketer, 2023

2 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

Step 1

Introduce the Topic

of Salary Negotiation
you are making. Use these resources
Research and preparation
to determine how much you’re asking
There are a couple of scenarios for and back up your request.
where compensation increases typically
happen: raises and promotions. Schedule a meeting
Know up front which one you’re asking Request a meeting with your boss or
for and build your case accordingly. recruiter to discuss your comp. If you’re
Either way, you’re negotiating salary, negotiating for a new position, express
but for a promotion, you’ll also be your interest in the role and inquire about
discussing a change in title and increase the salary range during the interview
in responsibilities or scope. process. If you’re negotiating your salary
for a position you already have, that’s
Before starting a salary negotiation,
a different story.
conduct thorough research to
understand the market value for social Our research tells us that nearly half
media managers in general, as well as of social media managers have been
in your industry and location. Websites promoted within the company they work
like Glassdoor, Salary.com, and Payscale for. If you feel like you have a strong case
—along with Hootsuite’s own social for a promotion, start working with your
media manager salary research—can manager—or a leader you trust—to build
give you insight into what folks around a business case for your promotion.

3 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

If you’d prefer to initiate the conversation over email,
the following template can serve as a starting point:

New Message

To: yourboss@company.com Cc Bcc

Subject: Request for Salary Negotiation Meeting

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to schedule a meeting

to discuss my role as [insert title] and my compensation.

I thoroughly enjoy working with the team at [insert company name]

and have played a key role in our social media and marketing success.
I believe it’s an appropriate time to review my salary, considering my
experience, accomplishments, and the market value for professionals
in this field.

I would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter further.

Please let me know when it would be convenient for you to schedule
the meeting.

Thank you for your consideration.

[Your Name]


4 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

Step 2

Have the Conversation

Show that you’ve done the research increased vacation time, or performance-
Support your request for a salary based bonuses. Exploring alternative
adjustment by sharing the findings options can enhance your overall
from your research. Showcasing the compensation package and show
average compensation for social media flexibility in your approach.
managers in your industry and location
Wondering what benefits packages
will help validate your request and
look like at other organizations?
strengthen your negotiation position.
2023 Social Media Career Report
Concrete data can also neutralize any has got you covered.
subjective opinions. One of the top
Stay professional
reasons social media managers give
to support their case for a raise is that Throughout the conversation,
social jobs at other organizations pay it’s essential to remain composed,
more, according to our data. respectful, and focused on the facts.
Keep the conversation centered on
Negotiate for more than your salary your value and achievements. Present
Consider negotiating additional benefits yourself as a confident professional
or perks that are important to you. This who has earned fair compensation
could include flexible work hours, based on merit.
professional development opportunities,

5 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

Step 3

Show Them the

Money! (And How
You Bring it In)
Quantify your results Data adds weight to your

Whenever possible, provide specific accomplishments and makes it easier

metrics and context that quantifies for decision-makers to recognize your

the impact of your work. For example, value. Don’t forget to give it some context

metrics like conversion rates or revenue —consider how the data you’re bringing

generated through social media up fits into the goals of your business.

campaigns are great options to show Not sure how to get started? This guide
business impact. And when talking to proving ROI has what you need.
about other social metrics, remember
to give context. Don’t just report on social Showcase your wins
media engagement rates, talk about Share success stories or case studies that
the percentage increase in those rates demonstrate how your work has directly
over previous months, quarters, years contributed to achieving larger business
—or even better similar campaigns. goals. Highlight instances where your

6 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

efforts resulted in increased brand relationships, and coordinate with
awareness, customer acquisition, other departments. Effective teamwork
or improved customer satisfaction. is essential in achieving social media
Connect your work to tangible outcomes success, and emphasizing this aspect
that align with organizational objectives of your role further demonstrates
—and don’t forget to speak your boss’ your value. You could even collect
language. Got an example of a time references and comments from
you turned a frustrated DM into a happy colleagues that show how well you
customer? Talk about it. You could even work together. Find your allies!
share screenshots of the interactions.
You got this
For some extra guidance, take a peek
Advocating for yourself isn’t easy,
at our social media strategy guide.
but it’s necessary. And for many social
Talk about your future goals media managers it’s difficult to know
where to go for advice. The industry
Express your commitment to growth
is still relatively new and there’s very little
and development as a social media
information out there that talks about
professional (and beyond!). Discuss how
salary, demographics, and career
a fair and competitive salary will motivate
progression within the field.
you to continue showing up and
delivering. Talk about what kind of role But we’ve got your back. We know
you’re trying to build for yourself—and just how hard you work. And how much
how it fits into the business you work for. —or little—many of you get paid for
all the value you deliver. It’s time to close
Emphasize collaboration
the gap and lift you up.
and teamwork
So take a deep breath. You know your
Social media management often involves
worth, now make sure your boss does too.
working with many (if not all) teams
across your business. Highlight your
ability to collaborate effectively, manage

7 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

Advocating for social media managers since day one
Hootsuite’s led the social media space since 2008—back when Charlie Bit Me was
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More than 200,000 paying customers log on to Hootsuite to tell their stories, grow
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8 The Ultimate Salary Negotiation Guide

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