OA Terminal Report February 19

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Title: Regional Heirloom Rice Market Encounter and Organic

Agricultural Investment Forum cum Exhibit
Date: October 26-27, 2013
Venue: Diamond Hall Convention Plaza - Hotel Supreme, Magsaysay
Ave., Baguio City

Highlights of Activity:

This activity has been attended by at least 400 farmers and other
stakeholders from the start and closing of the program in the third day.

a) Brief Activity Profile:

Total participants ………………. 400 farmers and stakeholders

Gender Ratio: Female …..205 or 51.25 percent

Male …… 195 or 48.75 percent

b) Computed Budgetary requirements Php1,000,000.00

c) Actual bills for payment Php 983,325.00 or Php2,458.32/pax
Computed expenses/pax/durationPhp2,500.00 (about
d) Actual cost of supplies used was more or less Php115,970.00

The Organic Congress and Investment forum was conducted in order to

help develop and institutionalize the massive adaption of the organic
agriculture technologies as a way of helping improve human life not only
through the consumption of organically grown foods but also in the protection
and development of the natural environment like soil, water and air. To
address these, specific topics were presented and discussed such the RA
10068; Opportunities in Organic Agriculture; the Certification and Control
systems and policies; the Value chain, as well success stories from
practitioners. The three-day activities were supported by a product exhibition
and cooking demonstrations.

Significant outputs during the three-day activities were;

1. Winners of the Organic Rice Cooking Contest

2. Within the 400 plus participants who consistently attended the
whole three day sessions, there was a strong participants’
move to help further push for the full implementation of the
organic agriculture program to its commercial level.
3. Organic Agriculture Enterprises Opportunities have been
properly presented where entrepreneurs can invest either on
Organic Fertilizer Production; Organic Pesticide Processing,
Organic Seed Production, Seedling Production, as well as the
production/fabrication of packing/packaging materials and
equipment, tools and machineries.
4. Some Food Processing equipment has been
presented/demonstrated for those who would like to venture
in Organic Food/drinks processing.
5. At least various organic food products and inputs have been
presented/sold during the exhibition component where
exhibitors were able to generate over the counter sales such as
vegetable, rice, root crops, fruits, preserves, wine, inputs and


Day 1 – February 19, 2013;

On the first day (after the opening program), aside from his welcome message,
Hon. Mauricio Domogan, City Mayor, Baguio City congratulated the
Department of Agriculture for holding the said congress and forum. The mayor
further said that the government has to be serious in helping improve the
living conditions of the people while at the same time, protecting the
environment from the practice of inappropriate farming practices and

Governor Nestor Fongwan of Benguet, in his welcome message for the

Province of Benguet, likewise expressed the same appreciation. He further said
that organic technologies will help further improve the farmers’ chances of
producing the needs of the high end markets as well as exports. He further
challenged the participants to join forces in helping produce sufficient and
sustainable supply in order to help reduce or if not stop unnecessary

The Governor further emphasized the incoming 2016 where the AFTA will take
effect of where the Free Trade Agreement between the Philippines with its
Asian neighbors will take effect. He then challenged all the farmers and other
stakeholder to seriously consider the possible effects of the AFTA to the local
agricultural industry. He also said that the only way we can compete in the
global market is through product quality and volume sustainability. Or else, he
said that the country will be flooded with imports to the disadvantage of our
local farmers.

Engr. Danilo Daguio gave the rationale of the activity. As defined in the
approved training design, RTD Daguio reiterated that this congress and forum
aims to help institutionalize the massive adaption of the organic agriculture
program as mandated under RA 10068. The Assistant Director further hoped
that within the few day activity, the participants will learn something not
exactly new, but more on the enhancement of their ideas and skills in the
proper implementation and management of the program in the field.

After his message, he also presented the Celebration of the National Year of
Rice, as well as the unveiling of the NYR Logo followed by the Panatang

Hon. Bernardo Vergara, Congressman, Lone District of Baguio City in his

message emphasized that the Organic Agriculture Program is a law which has
to be properly implemented. He also said that he was one of the congressmen
who strongly supported then Congressman Alcala in helping defend and
approved the RA 10068.

Dr. Ben Ladilad, President of the Benguet State University (member, National
Organic Agriculture Board), delivered the message for in behalf of Sec. Proceso
J. Alcala who was not able to make it due to a prior and equally important
commitment. The message emphasized more on the RA 10068 and its IRR, as
well as the visions which the government would aim to achieve as a result of
the implementation of the Organic Agriculture Law. The message further
presented the goals and objectives of the International Year of Rice
Immediately after the opening program, the mini trade fair was also opened
with a simple ribbon cutting. The product exhibits include organically grown
fresh and semi-processed vegetables, rice, some fruits, root crops and inputs.

Likewise, the rice cooking contest commenced. This was participated by all the
CAR provinces. Immediately, after the contest, judging followed. The cooking
contest was won by Apayao, First Place, Benguet, 2 nd place and Kalinga, 3rd

Likewise, the Spread Organic Agriculture Philippines (SOAP), a volunteer group

involve in the consolidation of organic agriculture product
producers/practitioners requested for the coordination of a stakeholders’
meeting. They presented their volunteer activities which they said that they
can help in the preparation/ packaging of producers and product directories,
coordinate market linkage and referrals, in the promotion of the organic
agriculture program. This was attended by few participants especially those
interested in finding markets.

Day 2 – February 20, 2013

In the second day, at least six (6) topics were presented.

a. The Emerging Market Opportunities For Organic Products:

Ms. Engie Santos, Organic Agriculture Program Coordinator for
Marketing Services (AMAS), presented the topic for Engr. Gazmin
(Director, AMAS). Ms. Santos emphasized that at present, there is a
continuous demand for organic products locally and abroad. The main
concern she said is, that supply should sustain the market requirements
especially institutional buyers like hotels, big restaurants, caterers and
processors as well as export markets.

b. Safeguarding Human Health from Soil, Water and Air Pollution

through Organic Farming. By: Dir. Oscar C. Cabayanan

Likewise, Director Cabayanan of the Environment and management

Bureau presented various concerns about what man derives from the
environment such as water, air and from the soil. He strongly supported
the adaption of organic agriculture technologies as a way of helping
safeguard the environment from undue pollution and poisoning.
c. Organic Certification Procedures and, Salient Features and Updates
on the RA 10068. By Ms. Leilani Ramona Limpin; Executive Director,

Ms Limpin presented and discussed how organic practitioners avail

organic certification assistance subsidy from government as well as
the requirements to comply prior with inspection. Aside from details
of the RA 10068 which again discussed, she again reiterated the
importance of the full adaption of the organic agriculture law.

d. Mr. Ambrosio “Pat” Acosta, Organic Agriculture Practitioner.

Mr. Acosta, a certified organic practitioner presented his

vermiculture practices. Aside from the processes, he also
differentiated the Vermicast from vermicompost;
Vermicasts he said, are the feces of vermiworms, while the
Vermicomposts are the debris or residues of the food given to the
vermiworms of which were not consumed. While both vermicasts
and vermicomposts are good organic fertilizers, in his experience, he
said that too much use of vermicompost in organic farming especially
on the later stage of the leafy vegetable crops threatens the
marketing of the product where the vegetables become watery and
when transported to the lowland areas, becomes messy and easily
damaged. Mr. Acosta further said that, “Manure based organic
Fertilizer are rated 2nd rate fertilizer as to nutrient availability for
plant while the ‘Weed Based Organic Fertilizer’ are 1 st rate fertilizer
as to nutrient availability for plant. So that he recommended the use
of plant-based organic fertilizers for better production and quality.

Day 3 – February 21, 2013

a. During the hour of the forum, Mr. Felix Tan, a certified organic
agriculture entrepreneur of Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet,
demonstrated how to use/operate some of the Healthy High Fiber
Processing Equipment for the processing of organic herbs &
vegetables. Mr. Tan also demonstrated concoction methods of
some organic drinks for a healthy living. He also discussed some
postharvest and processing and marketing techniques of herbs
and vegetables that will help maintain quality with longer shelf

b. Mr. Rex Bingabing, Director - Philippine Mechanization

(PhilMech), presented and discussed their agency’s
programs/projects and activities. He presented some of the
salient points of the Administrative Order (AO) # 14 on how
proponents can avail of PhilMech projects and other Technical

c. ASEC Salvador Salacup, Director, Bureau of Agriculture and

Fishery Product Standard (BAFPS), presented the salient features
of the “The Philippine Organic Agriculture Act of 2010 otherwise
known as the RA10068, (authored by the incumbent Secretary of
Agriculture when he was the Congressman of the Province of
Quezon.) ASec Salacup informed the participants that requests
for BAFPS project funding assistances should be indorsed by the
Local Technical Committee which shall be forward to the DA-CAR
for the Regional Technical Committee’s further evaluation. (For
viable and qualified project proposals, not included in the DA RFO
CAR approved targets, these will be endorsed to BAFPS Central
Office for further evaluation and possible consideration). He
further said that the DA RFO CAR management should further
workout better strategic plans to help reach out and assist
potential and or qualified recipients in the remote areas.

The Assistant Secretary also strongly recommended that the

region must also conduct congress/meetings/consultations per
province or in each municipality where possible.

d. Ms. Maria Christine Lopez, Director III, Agri Credit Policy Council
(ACPC), talk about agricultural loans that can be availed from their
office. She said that LGUs should help organized farmers
registered to NGO/PO accrediting agencies for easier monitoring.
Projects funded under the council’s agri-credit loan program are
charged 12% per annum. This can be availed through any of the
government owned/controlled banks like Land Bank of the
Philippines, Philippine National Bank and Development Bank of
the Philippines. She also said that an organization under a pilot
stage borrower can avail a loan amount of One million Pesos

e. Ms. Nancy Aspuria, Agriculturist II,( a representative of the

Bureau of Plant Industry), presented the BPI’s programs and
activities in support to the organic agriculture program such as
coffee seed and seedling production, vegetable seed productions
through seed and invetro-culture system. She said that farmers
can avail these from their office through requests. She also said
that BPI is also focused on conducting studies on the HVCDP’s
priority commodities’ seed production.

f. Mr. Charles Sagudan, Organic Agriculture Focal Person at the

Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) CAR, presented the
programs/activities of the institute in support to the program such
as the conduct of trainings on Organic Agriculture Technologies;
how to prepare and Implement Internal Control System (ICS)
within each organized producers. He also introduced the different
Organic Agriculture Learning Sites or where interested farmers
can also visit.

g. Mr. Jefferson Laruan, an organic agriculture practitioner and

proprietor of the Lily of the Valley Organic Farm shared his
experiences in the organic industry. He said that it is in one’s
diligence and or patience that one can achieve his objective
especially so that organic agriculture is laborious that only those
who can patiently work will be successful.

h. Mr. Bernie Berondo, General Manager GLOW Corporation talked

about the Value Chain for rice. While he did not present any value
chain figure of map, he said that a successful marketing can be
learned from a value chain analysis. He said that out the market
chain, are possible gaps affecting product marketability such as
unnecessary layers, packing/packaging, unnecessary labor costs,
storage, trucking and others that may affect product quality and
price which may not be beneficial to both producers and

i. Prof. Rashid Lokines, of the Benguet State University (BSU)

talked about the Value Chain for Organic vegetables. Like Mr.
Berondo, Prof. Lokines did not also present any statistics on the
vegetable value chain but he said that to make a product clean
and quality as well as affordable, he said that the involvement of
the different stakeholders in the disposal of organic products is
very important. He also emphasized the importance of sustainable
quality along the value chain to make the product presentable and

After all the presentations, the forum ended with evaluations from the
participants through an open-ended questionnaire..

The Forum was evaluated generally as very satisfactory.

The specific objectives were properly met with a very satisfactory rating
from the participants.

All the resource persons with their presentations were rated very
satisfactory according to the importance of the topics, materials used and
methodologies, time element. (Some speakers did not follow their exact
presentation schedule). The participants commented that the demonstrations
the processing of dietary/herbal drinks/foods was not enough considering that
it was very interesting.

In the other hand, one of the limitations of the forum was the absences
of some resource persons and the sending of substitute resource persons
which some participants asked and; the delayed distribution of brochures.

Participants’ Responses:

Kalinga – we would like to focus on unoy rice and coffee because

we are not applying commercial fertilizers. We request that we
will be conducting an organic congress in our province.
Apayao – It’s an honor to be garnering first prize in the cooking
contest. We hope our products could be certified.

Ifugao – When we deliver lectures or info drive, we are saying that

we practice the highest practices because our ancestors observed
the moon, birds-time for sowing. We have the rice Terraces
demoted 4 years ago but last February, we returned as heritage
site – Cordillera Rice Terraces.
We were given funds for the restoration of the terraces from
March 2012 – June 2013. Last week we prepared a proposal for 70
barangays – like what we are doing in Battad so the farmers will
restore the rice terraces. Next we will include all provinces
producing heirloom rice so that we will all produce and have
something to sell locally and globally.

As of now, what is important is, our farmers are 40% self

sufficient; many farmers don’t have enough rice for the whole
year – good for 3-4 months consumption; 9 months they buy
other rice-so they sell their unoy and buy other rice. What is
important there is rice even without viand. In closing, the leaders
of Ifugao are supportive of the Organic Agriculture.

ASec Salvador Salacup, said, “I am very happy for this forum. I

was a witness to the experience of Mr. Acosta. I have received
reports from Sec. Alcala that CAR is active on organic Agriculture.
You will attest to that. You have the momentum. Stay to that
momentum. This should be conducted to the municipalities and
barangays to ensure.

He further stated that he would like to make clarifications, such


1. You should know how to deal and sell to export markets.

On the rice importation, I will now correct you that at the end of
CY 2013 we will not import from other ASEAN countries. The
Secretary will not import the same volumes. NFA rice will be
bought from our Filipino farmers.
2. Yes, we have to serve our local consumers. You have the
option-we are looking for your quality products. Likewise, the
President was dismayed on the agricultural trading which only
reached $4.1 B. The challenge-there is a big potential; that CAR
could be the best supplier and exporter of quality heirloom rice.
As response to the terraces problem, I will report this to the
Secretary for his attention. KAYO ANG BIDA FOR THE

On the Trade Fair/Exhibits

Total sales during the 3 day activity – PhP 155,000.00 (rice &
processed products)
Commodities as follows:
- Rice – 285 kgs.
- Coffee – 17.5 kgs.
- Vegetables – 64 kgs.
- Various processed products

e) Problems, Issues, Recommendations


1. How can Producers, do direct Through OCCP certification. Speaker
business with the buyers? said that when a product is OCCP
certified. Product is automatically
profile and information is always
made available to any prospective
buyers that may need.
2. Issues on GMO seeds. Not advisable/banned in organic
3. Exportation of Heirloom Rice. To apply for renewal. Certificate
Renewal of certification form validity is per year.
4. Certification is advisable to No, they should form an organization
farmers having 1500 sq. m farm or cooperative for them to be able to
area. How about those who shoulder the certification fee imposed
have 200-500 sq.m farm area by OCCP.
only? Could it be possible for Upon certification the farmer should
them to avail of the OCCP know his capacity and his market.
certification individually? Determine potential and demand
from farmers; categorize payment for
small & large scale producers to at
least make it affordable for small farm
5. DA requirements for OCCP Accrediting/ certifying body is BAFPS
certifying body for CAR under Asec Salacup as recommending
approval & the DA Secretary as
approving officer.
6. How to produce certified seeds Department of Agriculture –CAR,
for organic growing. Organic Agriculture Focal Person said
that the agency had already tapped
the BPI for possible production
7. Mokusako Production, is it Study/research is on going.
approved for OA farming
8. Is their certification given to OA Yes.
farming input producers?
9. How to avail/ eligibility of Must be registered farmers
recipient for the PhilMech organization.
10.Could an organization avail of No. should be OCCP certified organic
the PhilMech project even practitioner.
without OCCP certification?
11.How to avail of a small flatbed (No respondent present when the
Dryer 50 – 100 cavans capacity issue was raised)
for Abra, Apayao, Kalinga & Mt.
12. How to download budget to Asec Salacup said that LGU has
LGU for support to OA. Internal Revenue Allotment (IRA)and
Organic Agriculture is priority program
of the LGU and so there is always
available fund for that.
13.Inquiry on list of accredited (No information available)
organic agriculture for input
14.Water analysis for municipality (Referred to BSWM.)
of Tublay potable water.
15.Problems on mining in the CAR. Asec Salvador Salacup said that he
Mining is affecting the needs to meet and discuss this with
Agriculture industry in the his counterpart from the concerned
community. To appeal to NCIP agency.
re: decision on mining
explorations that affects
16.Inquiry on how to avail financial Recipient should prepare project
and technical assistance in proposal stating the needed
support to OA. assistance and forward to concerned
office for evaluation.
17.Inquiry on the machine Speaker said that it can be as share
presented by PhilMech if it can technology. Write specifications of the
be duplicated, fabricated. technology needed and forward to
Assistance for technology. PhilMech.
18.Is there fertilizers grant fund to It can be on a technology Know-how
be avail? training.
19.Inquiry of BFT crates and To be addressed by other DA Program
freezer. on BFT.
20.Inquiry on organic seedlings for BPI speaker representative said that
plantation. there is lettuce, beans and potato
seed available in their office at BPI,
Baguio City.
21.During rainy season, organic If the applicant is a group, this could
production fluctuates, can the be negotiated. Submit your
certification fees be categorized application to BAFPS with the
to small farmers, etc. requirements. At present, NIZER
covers only the Visayas, while OCCP is
national in scope.
22. What is the time frame of The affectivity of the certification
certification? Its affectivity? starts on the approval, not on the
application date.
23.Do we have farmers who are Production of organic seeds is not
producing organic seeds? economical; however, we have East
West and Allied Company who are
producing selected organic seeds. At
present, we have farmers who are
producing certified organic rice seeds
in Kaharian, Batangas.
24.What is the validity of the Validity of the certification is twelve
certification? (12) months.
25.Is there no possibility of making As o now, the validity could not be
it more than twelve months more than 12 months because we are
since the fees are too harmonizing our standards with other
expensive? Is there no CODEX members. So, if we change the
possibility for marginal farmers validity, how can we trade with other
to have its certification for 2 – 3 countries? Thus, we are trying to
years? create a socialized price structure so
that this could be reduced. At present,
the governments have the subsidy
program. You may avail subject to
your Internal Control System.
26.It seems that the small organic OCCP – if there are 75 farmers who
farmers are being punished. will apply for certification (as group), a
discount of 25% will be given.
27.Do we have certified livestock OCCP – The certification includes eggs,
produce? beef, chicken & others. It is a
challenge to the Bureau of Animal
Industry on how they can encourage
feed millers to produce organic feeds.
Thus, due to the unavailability of
commercial organic feeds, organic
livestock products are expensive.
28.Do we have volume access? When the free trade agreement will
resume, there will be no more volume
access, any volume could enter our
29.Is there a Philippine National Yes, there is an ICS for livestock.
Standards (PNS) – Internal
Control System (ICS) for
30.Are there other requirements You could use the minimum PNS
from OCCP? requirements.
31.How about aquaculture? The PNS for aquaculture was just
finished. To be provided next week.
32.Can the OCCP ICS training be No, because the OCCP is following the
shortened as a discount to the 5 phases training, such as:
farmers? 1. Writing manual;
2. How to do internal control;
3. Approval committee – How to
4. Preparation of application;
5. Checking ICS.
However, if you have a good ICS, this
could be shortened.

33.Request for the copy of PNS. Distributed to participants after the

34.How about those crops planted Though not written in the ICS, you
in the mountain slopes? What is need some buffers which are higher
the remedy to be considered as than the crops.
35.How about air or ground You should have sufficient buffers.
contamination? You have to test the product for any
pesticide residue.
36.How about the farmers who at 1. There is no grant form DA,
present is practicing however, we have banks who are
conventional gardening and conduits of agricultural loans which
want to shift to organic farming, you could avail from.
is the DA providing agricultural 2. Submit request/resolution to DA.
loans? 3. Could avail from ACPC.
37.Is mukosako fertilizer registered It is still part of the agenda
as organic fertilizer?
38.How to register organic farm For discussion on the analysis of the
input/compost producers? contents of the fertilizer and
39.Is there a tax exemption on ASec Salacup – to be clarified from
marketing of organic products? DILG.
40.Problem on the possibility of ASec Salacup – submit sample to the
the mine tailings in Tublay, region for analysis.
41.Marketing Assistance for ASec Salacup:
products. -Request from DA c/o AMAD;
-Encourage farmers to engage in
production up to marketing.
42.Is there a way that the The RFU/ATI could conduct trainings
technicians could certify? the proper way & hope that there will
be a certifying body from CAR.
43.Can BAR expand the Well taken, to be requested.
commodities for the seed
Prepared by:

Agriculturist II

Reviewed By:

Chief, AMAD

Recommending Approval


RTD for Operations



Regional Executive Director

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