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Chief Guest

Mahesh Thakkar
Director General
FIDC (Finance Industry
Development Council)


Vijayakumar C Stephen George Mandeep Kumar Rajesh Hemrajani

CISO CTO Director - Security CISO
Standard Chartered Bank HSBC Operations Centre Paytm Payments Bank
Indian Navy

Prateek Mishra Melwyn Rebeiro

Diwakar Raut Kinjal Shah
Director-Head IT GRC,Regional
DGM Cyber Security CISO & DPO
Yes Securities Avendus
BSE Ltd Julius Baer
Prashant Deshpande Atanu Pramanic Shalaka Stephen Pratibha Sarathy
CISO Jt President & CIO Vice President Head IT
Shriram Transport Finance Hindalco Industries Deutsche Bank General Insurance Council

Mahesh Agarwal Mohd. Imran Bhaskar Rao Shiju Rawther

SBI General Insurance L&T Financial Services Bharat Co-operative Bank SBI Mutual Fund

Zulkernain Kanjariwala Ninad Chavan Ambarish Kumar Singh

Head IT & Applications CISO CISO
IDFC First Bank Zuno General Insurance Godrej & Boyce
9:00 AM Registration

09:30 –
Opening Note by Krypton India
09:35 AM

09:40 –
Keynote Address
09:55 AM

10:00 –
Panel 1: Zero Trust Security Frameworks in the Age of Advanced
10:40 AM
▪ Adapting to the shift from perimeter-based to identity-centric security.
▪ Implementing micro-segmentation to limit lateral movement within networks.
▪ Balancing user experience with the need for robust identity verification.
▪ Utilizing AI-driven behavioural analytics to detect anomalous activities.
▪ Ensuring the security of data shared with external partners and vendors.
▪ Aligning security practices with global regulatory frameworks.

10:45 –
Elevator Presentation 1
10:55 AM

11:00 –
11:10 AM Elevator Presentation 2

11:15 -11:55
Panel 2: Next-Gen Cyber Threats: Mitigation and Preparedness

▪ Building a resilient infrastructure to combat ransomware attacks.

▪ Defending against adversarial machine learning and AI-based threats.

▪ Addressing security implications of cloud-native architectures.

▪ Strategies for ensuring the security of IoT devices in a 5G environment.

▪ Leveraging threat intelligence sharing for proactive defence.

▪ Developing cryptographic strategies to mitigate quantum-related risks.

12:00 –
12:15 PM
Keynote Address by Guest Speaker

12: 20 –
12:50 PM

12:55 –
01:45 PM
Networking & Lunch Break

1:50 – 02:30 Panel 3: Cybersecurity Governance and Risk Management


• Incorporating cybersecurity risk management into overall risk management

• The importance of cyber insurance in mitigating financial risks associated with
cyber incidents.
• Integrating cybersecurity risk metrics into regular risk reporting.
• Aligning cybersecurity risk management with business objectives and strategies.
• Integrating cybersecurity into enterprise risk management frameworks.
• Addressing challenges related to regulatory compliance and cybersecurity.
• Implementing fraud detection and prevention technologies.
• Conducting regular fraud risk assessments and audits.
• Establishing fraud risk management policies and procedures.

02:35 –
02:45 PM
Elevator Presentation 3

02:50 –
03:05 PM
Keynote Address by Guest Speaker

03:10 –
03:40 PM

03:40 –
Networking & High Tea Break
04:00 PM
04:05 – 04: Panel 4: Securing the Future: Innovations in Cybersecurity
45 PM Technology

▪ Harnessing AI and machine learning for advanced threat detection.

▪ Exploring the role of blockchain in enhancing cybersecurity.
▪ Leveraging biometric technologies for robust user authentication.
▪ Integrating advanced technologies to protect against evolving threats.
▪ Adapting cryptographic algorithms to be quantum-resistant.
▪ Implementing automated response mechanisms for rapid threat mitigation.
▪ Impact of emerging technologies like 5G and IoT on cybersecurity.

04:50 – 5:00
Elevator Presentation 4

05:05 – 05:
20 PM
Keynote Address by Guest Speaker

05:25 – 05:
55 PM

05:55 –06:15
Networking Break & End of Event

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