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Fourth Q F h Quarter and Fi l Y d Fiscal Year E d R End Results l

Quarter Ended October 1, 2011

Safe Harbor Statement

Certainofthefollowingstatements,includingthediscussionregardingourfirstquarterfiscal2012outlookand futureprospects,constituteforwardlookingstatementswithinthemeaningofthesafeharborprovisionsofSection 21EoftheSecuritiesExchangeActof1934.Actualresultscoulddiffermateriallyfromthoseprojectedinthese statementsasaresultofanumberoffactors,includingadeteriorationinthemarketsfortheCompanyscustomers l f b ff i l di d i i i h k f h C productsandaresultingdecreaseintheCompanyscustomersabilitytopayfortheCompanysproducts,which thereforecouldreducetheCompanysrevenue;customerbankruptcyfilings,whichcouldcausetheCompanyto recordchargestoitsearnings;reductionorcancellationofcustomerordersthatreducesforecastsforthequarter; thesufficiencyoftheCompanyscashpositionandothersourcesofliquiditytooperateandexpanditsbusiness;an y p y p q y p p ; increaseinshorttermratesthatwouldincreasetheCompanysinterestexpense;componentshortages,including thosearisingfromthenaturaldisasterinJapanand,potentially,floodsinThailand;impactoftherestrictions containedintheCompanyscreditagreementsandindenturesupontheCompanysabilitytooperateandexpandits business;competitionnegativelyimpactingtheCompanysrevenuesandmargins;anyfailureoftheCompanyto effectivelyassimilateacquiredbusinessesandachievetheanticipatedbenefitsofitsacquisitions;theneedtoadopt effectively assimilate acquired businesses and achieve the anticipated benefits of its acquisitions; the need to adopt futurerestructuringplansasaresultofchangesintheCompanysbusiness,whichwouldincreasetheCompanys costsanddecreaseitsnetincome;andtheotherfactorssetforthintheCompany'sannualandquarterlyreports filedwiththeSecuritiesExchangeCommission(SEC).Inaddition,duringthecourseoftoday'spresentation,we mayrefertocertainnonGAAPfinancialinformationforhistoricalperiods.ThecorrespondingGAAPfinancial informationandareconciliationfromGAAPtoNonGAAPforsuchinformationiscontainedinourfourthquarter earningsrelease,,aswellasattheconclusionofthispresentation. TheCompanyisundernoobligationto(andexpresslydisclaimsanysuchobligationto)updateoralteranyofthe forwardlookingstatementsmadeinthispresentation,thepressrelease,theconferencecallortheInvestor Relationssectionofourwebsitewhetherasaresultofnewinformation,futureeventsorotherwise,unless R l i i f bi h h l f i f i f h i l otherwiserequiredbylaw.

Non GAAP Non-GAAP Financial Results Compared to Outlook

Q411 (A) Revenue: Diluted earnings per share: $ 1.70B $0.47

Q411 O tl k WAS Outlook $1.65 - $1.70 B $0.40 - $0.44

Financial Results
Three Month Periods
($ in millions, exc ept per share data)

Twelve Month Periods Q4'10 FY'11 FY'10



GAAP: Revenue Net income Diluted earnings per share Non-GAAP : Revenue Gross profit Operating expense Operating income Other expense Taxes Net income Diluted earnings per share

$1,697 $18 $0.22 $0 22 $1,697 $133 $62 $70 $25 $7 $39 $0.47

$1,674 $9 $0.11 $0 11 $1,674 $134 $69 $65 $23 $7 $35 $0.42

$1,688 $31 $0.38 $0 38 $1,687 $132 $63 $69 $25 $6 $38 $0.46

$6,602 $69 $0.83 $0 83 $6,602 $513 $255 $258 $96 $26 $136 $1.64

$6,319 $122 $1.48 $1 48 $6,319 $492 $255 $238 $104 $27 $107 $1.30


financial results exclude charges or gains relating to: stock-based compensation expenses, restructuring costs (including employee severance and benefits costs and charges related to excess facilities and assets), acquisition and integration costs (consisting of costs associated with the acquisition and integration of acquired businesses into our operations), impairment charges for goodwill and intangible assets, amortization expense and other infrequent or unusual items, to the extent material or which we consider to be of a non-operational nature in the applicable period . Please refer to Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures in our Q4 earnings release available at as well as at the conclusion of this presentation. Numbers may not foot due to rounding.

Non-GAAP P&L Metrics

($ in Millions)
Revenue GrossProfit/Margin

EBITDA represents non-GAAP operating income plus depreciation expense to the extent not otherwise excluded.

Non-GAAP P&L Metrics

($ in Millions)
Revenue Gross Profit / Margin

Operating Income / Margin

EBITDA represents non-GAAP operating income plus depreciation expense to the extent not otherwise excluded.

Summary Balance Sheet

($ in Millions)
10/1/2011 Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Inventories Property, plant and equipment, net Other assets Total assets Accounts payable Long-term debt Other liabilities Total stockholders' equity Total liabilities and stockholders' equity

7/2/2011 $583 $1,042 $886 $563 $243 $3,317 $958 $1,152 $457 $749 $3,317

$640 $1,014 $891 $588 $220 $3,354 $984 $1,182 $417 $771 $3,354

Balance Sheet Metrics

($ in Millions)
Cash and Cash Equivalents Inventory $ / Turns

Q1 12 Q112 Outlook

( ) (1)

The following forecast is for the first fiscal quarter ending December 31, 2011. These statements are forward-looking and actual results may differ materially.

Revenue: Non GAAP Non-GAAP EPS:

$1.5 - $1.6B $0.26 - $0.34

(1) The above identified outlook for the quarter ending December 31, 2011 is on a non-GAAP basis. The comparable GAAP earnings or loss per share amount is not accessible without unreasonable effort due to inherent difficulties in predicting certain expenses and gains affecting GAAP earnings or loss, such as the amount and timing of Sanmina-SCIs restructuring costs, as well as debt security repurchases, if any, that could result in gains or losses reported in GAAP earnings.

Revenue Breakdown By End-Market

($ in Millions) Q411
Defense/Industrial/ Medical $399 / 24%

Defense/Industrial/ Medical $1,609 / 24%

Communications Networks $792 / 47%

Communications Networks $3,135 / 48%

Enterprise Computing & Storage $242 / 14%

Multimedia $264 / 16%

Multimedia $945 / 14%

Enterprise Computing & C ti Storage $913 / 14%

Communications Networks
(Networking, Wireline & Wireless Infrastructure) I f t t )

Enterprise Computing & Storage

(High-end enterprise servers and storage) t g )

(Industrial equipment, aerospace and defense, MRI and CT machines and clean-tech) l t h)

(Gaming equipment, set-top boxes, cinematography, point-of-sale systems, automotive electronics) t t ti l t i )

Sequential FY11 / FY10


1.5% 26.2%

2.8% 14.9%

0.5% 0.3%

12.6% 17.7%

FY11 Top 10 Customers 49.9% of Revenue


FY2012 Strategy: Focused On The Key Business Groups To Drive

Growth And Margin Expansion Continuous Improvements
Interconnect Mechanical Systems S t Optical Components C t Manufacturing Services (EMS) S i Collaborative Design and Engineering Products and Services S i Logistics and Direct Order Fulfillment


Design Services

Interconnect Systems
(Printed Circuits & Backplanes)

Sanmina Global Gl b l Services

(Repair & Logistics)

Mechanical Systems
(Precision Machining)

Viking Technology
( (Modules and SSD Solutions)

Optical Components & RF/MicroElectronics

Newisys N i
(Storage JDM / ODM) 1

Defense & Aerospace Systems

(Mission Critical Products)



Consolidated Financial Statements Reconciliation of GAAP vs. Non-GAAP

Quarter Ended October 1, 2011

GAAP Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheet

($ in thousands) ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable, net Inventories Prepaid expenses and other current assets Assets held for sale Total current assets Property, plant and equipment, net Other non-current assets Total assets LIABILITIES AND STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY Current liabilities: Accounts payable Accrued liabilities Accrued payroll and related benefits p y Short-term debt Total current liabilities Long-term liabilities: Long-term debt Other Total long-term liabilities Total stockholders' equity Total liabilities and stockholders' equity $ $ 984,014 109,478 112,193 60,200 1,265,885 1,182,308 135,263 1,317,571 770,517 3,353,973 $ $ 923,038 140,371 122,934 65,000 1,251,343 1,240,666 148,186 1,388,852 661,601 3,301,796 October 1, 2011 (Unaudited) October 2, 2010

640,288 1,014,121 891,325 69,587 13,925 2,629,246 588,097 136,630 3,353,973

592,812 1,018,612 844,347 81,191 53,047 2,590,009 570,258 141,529 3,301,796


GAAP Condensed Consolidated Statement of Operations

($ in thousands, except per share data) Net sales Cost of sales Gross profit G fit Operating expenses: Selling, general and administrative Research and development Amortization of intangible assets Restructuring and integration costs Asset impairment Gain on sales of long-lived assets Total operating expenses Operating income Interest income Interest expense Other income (expense), net Interest and other, net Income before income taxes Provision for income taxes Net income Basic income per share Diluted income per share Weighted-average shares used i computing W i ht d h d in ti per share amounts: Basic Diluted $ $ $ Three Months Ended October 1, 2011 $ 1,696,702 1,562,830 133,872 133 872 59,401 5,925 956 13,724 13 724 365 80,371 53,501 371 (21,341) (3,717) (24,687) 28,814 10,726 10 726 18,088 0.22 0.22 $ $ $ $ October 2, 2010 1,687,768 1,556,057 131,711 131 711 61,170 3,597 392 8,417 8 417 (28) 73,548 58,163 710 (27,668) 2,612 (24,346) 33,817 2,418 2 418 31,399 0.39 0.38 $ $ $ Twelve Months Ended October 1, 2011 $ 6,602,411 6,092,060 510,351 510 351 247,127 20,802 3,831 29,609 29 609 450 (3,465) 298,354 211,997 1,861 1 861 (99,114) (15,206) (112,459) 99,538 30,621 30 621 68,917 0.86 0.83 $ $ $ $ October 2, 2010 6,318,691 5,835,701 482,990 482 990 252,534 13,004 3,555 21,822 21 822 1,100 (13,824) 278,191 204,799 2,246 2 246 (108,144) 40,341 (65,557) 139,242 16,807 16 807 122,435 1.55 1.48

80,713 82,729

79,683 82,734

80,345 83,158

79,195 82,477


Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures

($ in thousands, except per share data) GAAP Revenue Adjustments Customer bankruptcy reorganization (1) Non-GAAP Revenue GAAP Gross Profit GAAP gross margin Adjustments Stock compensation expense (2) Amortization of intangible assets Contingency item expected to reverse in a future period (3) Customer bankruptcy reorganization (1) Non-GAAP Gross Profit Non-GAAP gross margin GAAP Operating Expenses Adjustments Stock compensation expense ( ) p p (2) Amortization of intangible assets Customer bankruptcy reorganization (1) Restructuring, acquisition and integration costs Gain on sales of long-lived assets Asset impairment Non-GAAP Operating Expenses GAAP Operating Income GAAP operating margin Adjustments Stock compensation expense (2) Contingency item expected to reverse in a future period (3) Amortization of intangible assets Customer bankruptcy reorganization (1) Restructuring, acquisition and integration costs Gain on sales of long-lived assets Asset impairment Non-GAAP Operating Income Non-GAAP operating margin $ 1,696,702 $ 133,872 7.9% 905 156 (2,332) 132,601 7.8% 80,371 ( , (3,097) ) (956) (13,724) (365) 62,229 53,501 3.2% 4,002 1,112 (2,332) (2 332) 13,724 365 70,372 4.1% $ 1,674,200 $ 131,601 7.9% 1,773 157 $ 133,531 8.0% $ 78,694 ( , (4,284) ) (958) (6,336) 1,460 68,576 52,907 3.2% 6,057 1,115 6,336 (1,460) 64,955 3.9% (570) $ 1,687,198 $ 131,711 7.8% 859 209 (570) 132,209 7.8% 73,548 ( , (1,937) ) (392) 608 (8,516) 28 63,339 58,163 3.4% 2,796 601 (1,178) (1 178) 8,516 (28) 68,870 4.1% $ 6,602,411 $ 510,351 7.7% 4,730 627 (3,091) 512,617 7.8% 298,354 ( , (13,253) ) (3,831) (29,609) 3,485 (450) 254,696 211,997 3.2% 17,983 4,458 (3,091) (3 091) 29,609 (3,485) 450 257,921 3.9% $ $ 6,318,691 482,990 7.6% 5,452 209 3,039 759 492,449 7.8% 278,191 ( , (9,715) ) (3,555) (23,115) 13,824 (1,100) 254,530 204,799 3.2% 15,167 3,039 3,764 759 23,115 (13,824) 1,100 237,919 3.8% Q4'11 Three Month Periods Q3'11 $ 1,674,200 Twelve Month Periods Q4'10
FY11 FY10

$ 1,696,702

$ 1,687,768

$ 6,602,411


$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $


Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (Continued)

($ in thousands, except per share data) GAAP Interest and Other, net Adjustments Loss on repurchase of debt (4) Gain from litigation settlement Gain on sale of business Acquisition and integration costs Non-GAAP Interest and Other, net GAAP Provision for Income Taxes Adjustments Nonrecurring t it N i tax items Non-GAAP Provision for Income Taxes GAAP Net Income Adjustments: Operating income adjustments (see above) Loss on repurchase of debt (4) Acquisition and integration costs Gain from litigation settlement Gain on sale of business Nonrecurring tax items Non-GAAP Net Income GAAP Income Per Share: Basic Diluted Non-GAAP Income Per Share: Basic Diluted $ Q4'11 Three Month Periods Q3'11 $ (39,254) 16,098 (23,156) 4,248 2,425 2 425 6,673 9,405 12,048 16,098 16 098 (2,425) 35,126 $ Twelve Month Periods Q4'10 (24,346) (541) (24,887) 2,418 3,760 3 760 6,178 31,399 10,707 (541) (3,760) 37,805 $
FY11 FY10

(24,687) (24,687) 10,726 (3,711) (3 711) 7,015 18,088 16,871 3,711 38,670

(112,459) 16,098 (96,361) 30,621 (5,066) (5 066) 25,555 68,917 45,924 16,098 16 098 5,066 136,005

(65,557) 1,197 (35,556) (3,710) (541) (104,167) 16,807 10,018 10 018 26,825 122,435 33,120 1,197 1 197 (541) (35,556) (3,710) (10,018) 106,927

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $

$ $ $ $

0.22 0.22 0.48 0.47

$ $ $ $

0.12 0.11 0.44 0.42

$ $ $ $

0.39 0.38 0.47 0.46

$ $ $ $

0.86 0.83 1.69 1.64

$ $ $ $

1.55 1.48 1.35 1.30

Weighted-average shares used in computing per share amounts: Basic Diluted

80,713 82,729

80,579 83,141

79,683 82,734

80,345 83,158

79,195 82,477


Reconciliation of GAAP to Non-GAAP Measures (Continued)

(1) For FY11, represents reversal of reserves previously established in connection with customer bankruptcy reorganization announcements. For FY10, relates to revenue reversal and inventory and bad debt reserves associated with customer bankruptcies. (2) Stock compensation expense was as follows: October 1, 2011 Cost of sales Selling, general and administrative Research and development Stock compensation expense - total company (3) $ Three Months Ended July 2, October 2, 2011 2010 $ 1,773 , 4,209 75 6,057 $ 859 1,899 38 2,796 Twelve Months Ended October 1, October 2, 2011 2010 $ 4,730 , 13,070 183 17,983 $ 5,452 , 9,809 (94) 15,167

905 3,072 25 4,002

Represents a non-recurring contingency that the Company expects to resolve favorably in future periods. , g y However, there can be no assurance of the exact amount or timing of this recovery.

(4) Represents a loss, including write-off of unamortized debt issuance costs, on debt redeemed or repurchased prior to maturity. (5) Represents cash received in connection with a litigation settlement.


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