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ple Paper Issued by PSEB, December 2021 (Solved) Class : 10+2 Term Il (2021-22) Subject : Physics 22 Hrs, M.M. : 35 . Question paper has total 17 questions. All questions are compulsory. - Q.1 to 5 will carry 1 mark cach. Q.6 to 13 will be of 2 marks cach. There will be intemal choice in two questions. 5. Q.14 to 16 will be of 3 marks. There will be internal choice in two questions. §. Q.17 will be of $ marks, There will be internal choice in it. One Dioptre is power of a tens of focal length___. Ans, One metre. If the intensity of radiations incident on a photosensitive plate is doubled, how does _ the stopping potential will change ? ’ Ans, No effect Name the series of hydrogen atom which lie in UV region. ‘Ans. Lyman series. Name the type of material which has energy gap between conduction band and valence band of the order of 0.07 eV. : Ans, Conductor, What is dispersion of light ? Also deseribe the cause of dispersion of light, ‘Ans Itis the phenomenon of splitting of a beam of white light into its constituent colours, 0 passing through a prism. The band of seven colours so obtained is called the visible ‘Pecttum. The order of colours from the lower end of the spectrum in violet (V) Indigo (0, Blue (B), Green (G), Yellow (¥), Orange (O), and Red (R) and can be recollected by the word VIBGYOR. Scanned with CamSca 6 Unimax's Quicky (Quick Revision’ of Poy, Causes of dispersion : Each colour has its own characteristics ue Q). sam According to Cauchy's formula, refractive index (1) of a material depends on wavele,., - of light as incide c 1 | ¢ ea Atget ate Mrctou Where A, B, C are constants, depen +. 1 of material of prism is different for different colours. 7 | K For prisms of small refracting angle, we have shown that angle of deviation is : of ue 8 =(u- DA An 1 of prism is different for different colours, therefore, different colours deviate thy different angles on passing through the prism. Hence they are seen as separate. This is the caus gf dispersion. ( : As Aviolet ps red ( Hence, 5 violet > 5 red I ie, max. deviation is of violet’ colour. That is why violet colour is at'the lower end Of the spectrum and red colour is at the upper.end. the position of the image. R ‘ Ans. Weknow f= = 40 o9¢m ” 2 For concave mirror 4 =—2m = ~200 em f=-20 em By using mirror formula | y= 700 = 29.226m a Laws of Photoelectric effect (@ Law of intensity : For a given metal and fre: | emitted per second is directly proportional to inte { rs ‘What is photoelectric effect ? State its laws 2 Ans. Photoelectric effect is the me Or Ly An object is placed 2 m in front of concave mirror of radius of curvature 40 cm. Find : : zero) ue rele (in frost of the mi ¥°1 thod of emission of electrons from the surface i ‘uency of incident radiations, no, of photoelec!™™ Tsity of the incident light, ocdineu WIUT came Law ef freqatacy : For a given metal, there exists = certain mini of te @ i: Regaebsinslipes — minim frequenty (@ Law of potential : The negative poteatial of collector, at which the phomelectric cament = zera, is called stopping potential, The valee of stopping potential fora given metal surface ‘on the Sregecacy of incident radiations, bet is independent of the inncasity of incident codiations. Iris am instantaneous process, the time log betiveen the incident of radiations sad emission wa as 10° second. & Seste de Brogiie hypothesis for matter waves and write the expression fer de Broglie wetensth. we Aus de Broglie hypothesis : de broglie put forward the duality hypothesis on the basis carat a ({) Notere lowes syoumety, 8s the radiations have got dual mature, matter showld alse possess mesma (Q) ip eniverse, the whole energy is im the form of matter and electromagnetic radiations. Derivation of de Broglie wavelength : Fora phown Emecgy of 2 photea can be written as pant an Ba photam possesses some mass (which is by virtue of its motion Ze. its rest mass would be ‘nere) iS energy scoonding to the theory of relstivity energy of phoma . E=mc Using Eq. (), we set ie = & « qo == « Roa = * ci ay For a material particle © Wimstead of proton, we consider a sasterial particle of mass a (say an clectroa) moving it wwelocky vw + Wavelength associated with the material particle, - s , a-$-5 7s wavelength is called de Broglie waveleng®® 16x 9 A photon of energy 8 eV is incident on 2 metal surface of thresteld He West win bebe netic energy of emit photeeectis ? (Take A= = 10°82. ABs Energy of photon (E) “ =8eV Tiseshold foqeeacy of metal serfece = 1.6 = 10'S Hr OCaNNeuU WIL Ldlndca ate wb to- nlo nto! abn loxiors exten ioe ew = Tonio ‘We know ~6e¥ (1M «tories, 1“ ‘Max, 16. of emitted electrons = B-% =8eV-6eV>2eV mass number. Why 7 9, Natural redionctive seckel are nuctel of high ‘Aue. The Binding energy per necioon of bigh mase member ts snail For stable mace Bing, ‘eucegy por wucleon is high. Also neutron to proton ratio of nuctel with high mass nant, dificrem 2s compared to thet of the stable mucici. Such nuciei with igh mass sationctive decay £0 1s to attain greater value of binding energy per nucleon and to ing, ‘neutron to proton ratio so 2s to attain stability. |All the protons in an atom remain packed in a small nucleus in spite of the electrons repulsive force among them. Explain how. (Aas. lnside the nucleus, the coulombian electrostatic force of repulsion between the jr is cxaremedy large. inspite of this electrostatic repulsion, all the protons in an stom tems packed io a small nucleus becsuse of nuclear force between them, which is basically sam, smractive force. , IL Select the pairs of isobars and isotones from the following ¢ sate, pit", Na”, Ne 1 ieee ee them Svatenes ¢ (2) 1. ga hs om 0) Me™, gre? : 2 wove 12, Give any two points of difference between #-type and p-type semiconductor 2 ’ scanned witn vam issued by PSEB December 2021 (Soived) 9 13. State the a why GaAs is most commonly used in making of a solar cell. a= For solar ° : pene must be greater than forbidden energy gap. Gaas fe 43 2 relatively high absorption coefficient GaAs equipments are comparatively insensitive to overheating because of their higher energy band gap. GaAs has higher carrier mobility and low resistive device characteristics. Such properties are required for the fabrication of solar cells. i. i lls. i.e. why GaAs Such properties ae reed cells. i.e. why GaAs is commonly 14. The refractive index of the material of an equi-double convex lens is 1.5. What is its focal length ? (Radius of curvature = R). ‘Ams. As per lens maker’s formula By using Huygens’ Principle, prove the laws of refraction of light. ‘ans. Huygen’s Principle : Huygen’s principle helps to find the new position and shape of wave front at any instant during propagation of wave in a medium. It is based on the following two assumptions : 1. All the particles on a wavefront can be regarded as point sources of new disturbance called the secondary wavelets which travel out with the same velocity as that of the original waves, provided the medium is the same. 2. A surface tangential to the second: wavefront. Proof of Law of refraction : lary wavelets gives the position and shape of the new OCalINeu WIL] Vallocd Unimax's Quicky (Quick Revision of Phy. Xt) Laws of refraction ” sa Let XY bea plane refracting surface separating two media of refractive index Hy and Hy respeg, ‘ Let the velocity of light in medium of refractive index jt, be v, and that in medium of refractive in, iy be vy. (It is assumed that jy > } and hence vy > vp). First law of refraction Let a plane wavefront AB incident on XY at an angle i, According to Huygen’s principle ea point on the wavefront becomes a source of secondary wavelets and, Time taken by wavelets from B to C = time taken by wavelets from A to D. . BC _ AD = tye sub cou °r DY i Int. ZAABC, BC -#. Fe = sini or BC =AC sini i) Similarly, in rt. ZAADC AD =AC sin r From (ii) and (iii), we have BC a) (oi) From (i) and (iii),, we, have sini gar m2 ‘This is first law of refraction and is called Snell’s law. Second law of refraction : Since the incident ray, refracted ray and the normal, all lie on same plane XY at the point of incidence. This proves second law of refraction. 157 State radioactive decay law. Prove that radioactive decay is exponential in nature. ‘Ans. Radioactivity : It is the natural process by which some atoms spontaneous disintegrate by emitting both particles and energy as they transform into different, m0* stable atoms. Laws of radioactivity : Laws of radioactivity dinsintegration:. ; 1. Radioactivity is spontaneous process which does not depend upon external factors. 2, During disintegration either a-particle. or B-particle is emitted, Both are never emi! simultaneously. 3. Emission of a-particle decreases atomic number by two and mass number by 4. 4, Emission of B-particle increases atomic number by one but mass number remains the S™* ocadlneu Will van See | geepie Paper Issued by PSER, December 2821 (Solved) Ww | - S. Emission of prays does mot chane= atomic or mass mamber. wae 6 The mumber of stems Gisimteerated per secoad is directly proportional to the umber of sadioactive atoms acteslly present ot that instar This lew is called radioactivity decay law. j t a (ie Ta oN 2 Qn = Va Ny —~@ where A is 2 constant called disintegration constant and depends upon the mature of radioactive © Now Som (9, we bave 1 ; Wa =a é 1 — Jae =fe oo log,N =28=C, Ai) $ where C is constant of integration. To determine its value, Let N= Np initblly, ie. when ¢=0,N=Ny . eee a ] ‘Sabstituting the value of C in (ii), we bave T log.N =—-Mtbe.Ny ZN e2 or > ‘Weg, N—log, Ng = -2t =a x ef: or Rey) = ‘S|No S| Zz > or Neos T OM at * 7 : NeNew —> Time () Thus we find that the radioactive decay is exponential in nature. Or ? On the basis of Bohr’s.atomic model, find and expression for the wave number of a : wave emitted by an electron when it jumps from an outer orbit to inner orbit: ‘Ans, When an electron in an atom jumps from higher energy level to the lower energy level, the difference of energies of two energy levels is emitted as radiation of particular wavelength E, =Total energy of electron in inner (m,th) orbit -E, = Total energy of outer (m th) orbit ‘When an electron jumps from outer orbit to an inner orbit, the enerEy given by 5 nea WIL Ualnocarner Unimax's_Qui hy = Ey —E, according to Boht’s third postulate - Here E, and B, be given by 16. —2emtZet ee ny 2rtm?2Zet EB, ah So eq (2) becomes. y= | BEM] __aetmetctet = mek neh? be _2mEZet [s-2] x z ae ome L_ Qtek Ze] Ld ‘ ee ee ae ack ~ Now $= is the wave number of radiation emitted 2xtmktet te and R where R is a constant called Rydberg constant value of Bi R= 1.097 x 107m? So eq* (2) becomes —— Rydberg formula forthe spectrum of H-atom. What is a rectifier ? With the help of labelled circuit diagram explain the wworkins fall wave rectifier : Ans. Full Wave Rectifier : To convert full A.C. into D.C, two P-N diodes at which conduct altematively. ocdline (OV BY DY YON DL. Oupes In Ist half cycle of A.C., Ist P-N diode remains in forward bias and [ind P-M diode reanainns ite reverse bias, hence Ist P-N diode conducts and IInd P-N diode does not conduct. In second kali cycle of A.C., 2nd P-N diode becomes in forward bias and Ist diode does not conduct. Thus bot P- N diodes conduct alternatively and we get D.C. continuously from load resistance Ry. * The D.C. obtained from rectifier fluctuates. To make it smooth, filters are eased 17. With the help of labelled ray diagram, explain the formation of final image which is formed at least distance of distinct vision in case of astronomic telescope. Define its magnifying power and derive an expression for its magnifying power. Ans. Telescope : A telescope is an optical instrument used for observing distant objects very clearly. Astronomical telescope : It produces virtual and inverted image and is used to sec heavenly bodies like sun, stars, planets the inverted image does not affet the observation. Principle : It is based on the principle that when rays of light are made to incident om objective ‘from a distant object, the objective forms the real and inverted image at its focal plane. The eye lens 4s so adjusted that th final image ford tot en of oot en : , Scarined with Caltisca - Unimax’s Quick; (Quick Re I telescope coy cling type astronomical consi Construction Bete a the other eye piece, Tha bleciv i ‘ s of which is calle nea ure, It is generally a combination - in coma a length and large nite aberrations. ‘The eye plece is also a one mp a orn spherical and Coie in mounted at one end of a brass tu x : Fe ne freemalert Lalas can slide inside the bigger tube carrying the o} iective. " arn cise Is formed at least distance of distinct vision, ‘When final of * ; forms a magnified, virtual image A2B, at the least distance o} Magnifying power of telescope is the ratio of angle subtended by the image atte eet at least distance of distinct vision to the angle subtended by the object (Seen directly) atiwee at infinity. Angle subtended at the eye by the image form Angle subtended atthe eye by the object see “Magnifying power, m= a ed at least distance of distinct vision ZAG n directly lying at infinity A,CB, =e Since a and Bare small, so they can be Teplaced by their tangents, fanB _ A,B,/B, AB, ic M = 408 _ AB, AEA we ABBC ~ Be, * A, ‘no li one * or mobo oy has | Ber For eye Jens, oft we L foe sys : or LG Foy Scanned with CamSca ; lesved by PSEB, Decomber 2021 (5 15 , oe oe 4, Of Ms, whe a o =v Using sign conventions, we get -OY _ oe, “" STD) Gd eal or wots seal) “putting eq. (2) in (1), we get me 2Oth fs D+ys Dy AD =f], % MTS [+4] QB) So, the magnification will be large,if focal length of objective (/,) i : i jective (f,) is very large as compared t focal length of eye piece (f,). ee ae ' fe fi Since 1 + 5£ > 1 s0 we find that the amplification produced is more whenfinal image is formed at least distance of distinct vision than when final image is formed at infinity. In both cases, the final image is inverted hence it is not suitable for seeing terrestrial objects. Or () Which type of waves show the property of polarization? Ans. Let a polariser P and analyser A be placed in such a way that their crystallographie axes are parallel to each other as shown in figure (1). When ordinary light is incident on crystal P, it is seen that intensity of light transmitted by analyser, is nearly half of the original value ofthe intensity of light incident on polariserP Analyser Plane Polarised light Again place the two crystals in such way that their axes are normal to each other. In this case no light is transmitted by the analyser. From above, it is clear that crystal P has allowed light to only one direction to pass through it. It further shows, that the light normal to the direction of propagation has been allowed to pass through. Thus light is transverse in nature. OCaNNeu WIL Ldlndca : Aight aources 10 fe coherent: Derive an ey ait experiment for interference OF hg samy My, sultable diagram A i 7 o coherent # Ans. Conditions fox‘ two sources to b ears 1 1¢,, light of 6 ingle wave Id give monochromatic igh mea el : ie light waves from wo sources should be nn m jumination will be produce, (ji) The path difference bet i s igo due to intermixing of fringes un n Sr ee hhould be obtained from 4 single Source, 80 thay, hy + (iii) The coherent sources of light 8! i . difference between the Wo waves remains constant with time. Interference : The phenomenon of non-uniform distribution of energy ind medium due to superposition of two light waves is called interference of light. Let §}, $2 be the two fine slits illuminated by 4 monochromatic source S of wavelength 2. Intensity of light at any point P on the sereen ata distance D from the slit depends upon the path difference between SP and S,P. Let O be a point on the screen equidistant from 8, and S,. So path difference $;0 and $,0 is zero. Ronee this point will have maximum intensity due to constructive interference and is called central fringe. Let point P be lying on the screen at a distance y from = Path difference between two waves reaching at P = Sop — SP Inrt, ZAS,BP, we have (S:P)? = (S,B + BY yng for (WO (il) State two coniditlo pung’s double tho fringe width In Yo O as shown in fig. 2 or (S)P)? =D? + (» +4) 3s In rt. Zd AS,AP, we have : (S;P)? = (SA)? + (PAP? ae or (SP? -v'+(y-3) 4 : 2 Subtracting Eq. (2) from Eq. (1), we get F 2 (S,P)? - (S,P)? = (» +4) -(»-¥F or (S,P-+.S,P) (SP - S,P) = ay 2; or _SP- Sp = free Since point P i8 very close to A and B ye id ‘ : } 0 SP = SP =D ety s,P-Syp = 4 _ 9d DID" De oCadlneu wit Valnsca Paper Issued by PSEB, December 2021 (Solved) a “= Path difference, (A) (S:P — S,P) = 2 oy (@ For constructive interference [Bright Fri For bright fringes, the path difference should be equal to aA ae Zan : dD aD or yan It n =0; ¥o™ 0, which is the position off g ie n= ly," ZA, which is the position of fist suis = 2D, ad n= 25) = <7, which is the position of Jad sanieas. — yer DD A » and sa B = %_~ Yet = (ent fe oc p-2 (independéat of 2) _4 - @i) For destructive interference (dark fringe) : For dark fringes the path Gifiiecuce should bean odd multiple of 5 SF _en-yt Aap = Gn dg y =Ze Ds DA - a=hyi=qa (1st minim), 3a a 2 =2y¥2.= 35 i) -DA wany, =2FS Fringe width, eed =Bpen- 1 ae “ao” s s B = 2D (undependent of ) - - > » (4) and (5), we find that bright and dack fringes are of same wide nd Sings PS, aD Bra OCANNed WIL Lalldca

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