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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 7504 (1995): Gears - Cylindrical Gears - Accuracies -

Methods of inspection [PGD 31: Bolts, Nuts and Fasteners

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
( Reaffirmed 2005 )

Indian Standard
( First Revision )

UDC 621-833.1 : 620~111~1

Q BIS 1995


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1995 Price Group 9

Gears Sectional Committee, Lhl 13


This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after -the
draft finalized by the Gears Sectional Committee had been approved by the Light Mechanical Engineer-
ing Division Council.
This standard was originally published in 1974. The present revision incorporates the latest internation-
ally accepted techniques for inspection of cylindrical gears which includes inspection of gear blanks of
meshing gears, inspection of teeth forms of gears pairs and the inspection of gear pairs in assembled
conditions. The gears are classified into 12 grades based on their accuracies. The revision also incor-
porates the methods for determining individual errors,_schematic for electronic pitch testing equipment,
schematic circuit for single flank testing and measurement of double flank total composite error
Assistance has been derived from the following standards while revising the standard:
i) DIN 3960 : 1987 ‘Definitions parameters and equations for involute cylindrical gears and gear
pairs’, issued by DIN. Dxutsches Institut fiir Normung, Germanv.
ii) DIN 3961 : 1978 ‘Tolerances for cylindrical gear teeth’, issued by DIN. Deutsches Institut ftir
Normung, Germany.
iii) DIN 3967 : 1978 ‘System of gear fits, backiash tooth thickness allowances, tooth thickness
tolerances, principles’, issued by DIN. Deutsches Institut fiir Normung, Germany.
IS 3681 : 1994 ‘Gears -- Cylindrical gears - Accuracies (Jivsi revision )’ may be referred for definitions
and notations.
In reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value,
observed or calculated, is to be rounded off, it shall be done in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for
rounding off numerical values ( revised )‘.
IS 7504 : 1995

Indian Standard
( First Revision )
1 SCOPE SMax - Maximum tooth thickness
1.1 This standard covers the general plan for Win - Minimum tooth thickness
cylindrical gears of involute, modified involute flank
forms, comprising of gears with straight or inclined sb - Tooth thickness on base cylinder
teeth for connecting parallel shafts. Fn - Chordal tooth thickness
I.2 This standard covers the inspection methods for SC - Constant chordal tooth thickness
gear teeth oncylindrical gears of module 1 to 70 and
Y - Addendum modification co-efficient
with reference circle diameter up to 10 000 mm graded
in 12 gear tooth qualities. z - Number of teeth
2 REFERENCES zv - Virtual number of teeth
A - Factor (Table 7)
IS 3681 : 1994 ‘Gears - Cylindrical gears - Ac-
curacies (first revision)‘may be referred for definitions Cl - Factor (Table 8)
and notations. Factor (Table 9)
c2 -
OM - Measuring pin or ball diameter
a” _ Radial pitch distance (double flank pitch
distance) Ff - Total profile error
6 - Face width Fi’ - Single flank total composite error
d’ - Reference circle diameter F; - Double flank total composite error
4 - Top diameter, Blank diameter FP - Total cumulative pitch error
db - Base circle diameter Fpk - Cumulative pitch error over k pitches.
dM - Measuring circle diameter Fpz/a- Cumulative pitch error over 1/8%ofperiphery
ff - Profile form error Fs - Total alignment error
4’ - Single flank tooth to tooth composite error Fr - Radial run-out error
fi” _ Double flank tooth to tooth composite error IT - Tolerance grade

fP - Individual pitch error M - Tooth width

Base pitch error Ml - Tooth width for module 1
fv -
fu - Tooth to tooth pitch error MR - Dimension over pins or balls

fHa - Profile angle error Rp - Range of pitch errors

h-v - Flank line angle error Rs - Tooth thickness fluctuation t

cl - Pressure angle
fif - Longitudinal form error
Ii - Chordal height an - Normal pressure angle
& - Constant chordal height at - Transverse pressure angle

In - Normal backlash aw - Working pressure angle

k - Number of teeth measured awt - Transverse working pressure angle
m - Module aR - Pressure angle, pin or ball
ma - Normal plane module aRt - Transverse pressure angle, pin or ball
mt - Transverse module Helix angle
B -
Pb - Base pitch fib - Base helix angle.
s - Tooth thickness * - Tooth thickness semi-angle

IS 7504 : 1995

4 INSPECTION METHODS FOR 5.3 Reference Surfaces

53.1 Radial Run-Out
4.1 The logical order of manufacture of a gear pair is: This is the total range of movement of an indicator
a) Machining the blanks of the two gears, stylus which is in contact with the radial cylindrical
b) Cutting of the teeth of the hvo gears, and reference surface during a complete revolution of the
c) Assembling the toothed wheels in operating
condition. 53.2 Axial Run-Out (wobble)
It is, therefore, normal to carryout the successive This is the total range of movement of an indtcator
inspection in corresponding order: stylus which .is in contact with the axial reference
surface during a complete revolution of the gear.
1. Inspection of the blanks of the two gears.
2. Inspection of the teeth of the two gearqand 5.4 Tolerauces on Gear Blanks
3. Inspection of the assembly conditions of the two The tolerances on gear blanks shall be as given in
gears. Table 1.

In the case of pinions or wheels with bores, the axis of 6.1 Circular Pitch Errurs
the bore is adopted as the reference axis. Circular pitch errors called as pitch errors in short, ilre
In the case of pinions on shafts, the reference axis shall measured on thereference circle or any other circle as
be the bearing axis of the bearings. close to it as possible and concentric with respect to the
In order to facilitate the operations of machining, gear axis. The difference between the measuring circle
inspection and assembly of toothed wheels, it is diameter & and the reference circle diameter d in-
recommended that radial and axial auxiliary reference fluences the measurement of the error by the factor
surfaces should be indicated clearly on the working d&d and these errors aregenerally negligible.
drawings ( see Fig. 1). The measured values are also affected by eccentricity
of the teeth with respect to reference axis and also by
profile error.
Inspection of the pitch by measuring the deviation from
the design value is normally performed only on high
precision gears where exact angular transmission is
indispensable, A tooth flank is butted against a fixed
anvil in the region of the reference circle while a
movable measuring feeler senses the corresponding
flank of the adjacent tooth. The differences between the
adjacent pitches csn be read from a dial indicator
( see Fig. -2 ).
Eccentricity of the teeth with reference to the gear axis
gives rise to an error curve of overall sinusoidal form.
\\ When pitch measurement is carried out using a hand
operated comparator, the computation of the individual
5.2 Tip Cylinder pitch error, tooth to tooth pitch and total cumulative
pitch error is carried out as given in Table 2 and the
5.2.1 Tip Dimne~er
graph of the errors can be drawn from the values thus
The value of the tip diameter is not of essential impor- computed.
tance. In cases where the apparatus for inspecting the The difference between the consecutive measured
tooth thickness rests on the tip cylinder, allowance values gives tooth to tooth pitch error, fU. Then the
should be made for the tip diameter error. algebraic mean value is calculated from all the
measured values. The difference between the measured
5.2.2 Radial Run-Out values and the mean valuegives individual ptich error,
ft The algebraic addition of individual pitch error fp
This is the total range of movement of an indicator gives the cumulative pitch error. The total cumulative
stylus which is in contact with the tip cylinder during a pitch error Fp is given by the difference between
complete revolution of the gear (seeFig. 1). This check maximum and minimum values of cumulative pitch error.
is important only in the case where certain tooth inspec-
tion instruments rest on the cylinder. The circular pitch errors can also be measured by using
electronic pitch testers. Individual pitch errors are

Table 1 Tolerances on Gear Blanks (pm)
( Clause 5.4 )

I Quality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Bore ITl In IT3 IT4 IT4 IT6 IT6 IT6 IT7 ITa
error of form

Shaft In In IT3 IT4 IT4 IT5 ITS IT5 IT6 In IT8 IT8
error of form

Xp diameter IT6 IT6 IT7 IT7 IT7 IT7 IT7 IT8 Il?3 n-9 IT11 IT11
‘) Radial b-out of
Xp cylinder
Radial run-out of the 2.5 0.014 + 5 0.0&f, + 10 Usd, + 15 O.O4d, + 25
reference surface
Axial run-out of the
reference surface

NOTE-& - Blank diameter, mm.

‘) When the tip cylinder is used as a datum surface for a checking instrument.



measured Lvith an attachment for involute and helix actual value of a single transverse pitch and nominal
testers, which operates on the comparison pitch transverse pitch.
measuring principle and at the same time defines a
mean value. Figure 3 shows a schematic of an In a gear with z teeth there are z individual pitch errors
electronic pitch testing equipment. The attachment of the right flank and as many of the left flanks. The
compares the initial comparison pitch value ‘0’ of any errors, fP are obtained as the difference between the
one pitch of the gear with all subsequent pitches. This individual measured value and the mean of all z’
is achieved with the electric tracer ‘K’ which, with its measured values.
pair of styli ‘M’ switched to difference measurements, 6.12 Cumulative Pitch Error, Fpk
measures values in relation to the initial datum value
‘0’. When the last measured value has been recorded, This is the deviation of the actual dimension of a pitch
electronic unit ‘R’ automatically evaluates the mean interval over k individual pitches from the correspond-
value which k then drawn automatically as a straight ing nominal value. The cumulative pitch error is
line through the previously recorded pitch diagram. The obtained as the algebraic sum of the k individual pitch
actually recorded individual pitch errors are then read errors contained in the interval, provided the error of
Hoffalong the line. measurement is sufficiently small.
6.1.1 Individual Pitch Error, fp k
Individual pitch error,fpis the difference between the OP

Table 2 Pitch Errors on Gears

( Clause 6.1 )

pitch No. Individual ;;IuhtAa4a;

‘%x? ‘izil%%f” Pitch Emu-
w fu,Irm fp.CM Fp7w
1 0 1 +l +l
2 +3 3 +4 +5
3 +5 2 +6 +I1
4 +l 4 +2 +13
5 -1 2 0 +13
6 -3 2 -2 +I1
7 -5 2 -4 +7
8 -3 2 -2 +.5
9 -6 3 -5 0
10 -3 3 -2 -2
11 -1 2 0 -2
12 +l 2 +2 0
NOTE - Mean value -+lO 22 - - 1 (Mean value to be rounded off to the nearest micrometer).

Base or guide- body for H and J
Ckria side for eleck tracer K
Gvrier side for electric tracer L
I!kctric tracer for pitch tests, etc
F%ztric tracer for true nmning tests
Pair of tracer styli of K switched to
different measurements.
N Selector switch for separate tracer pressure
direction setting for M
0 Fine setting screw for adjusting the
distance betwken tracer styli of M
P Supporting ball pin or ball/type stylus of
L for true running teats
Q Measuring head adjustment swivelling and
locking members

2 Counting mechanism
R Computer for mean value evaluation
S Measured Glue store
T Stroke mechanism
iJ Stroke restriction
V Indicator instrument
W Ekctric tracer for involute tests, etc


If the errors of all the pitch intervals are measured from Tooth to-tooth pitch errors are directly obtained from
a particular reference tooth profile or calculated from ciradar pitch measurements as the difference of
the individual errors& according to the above equation measurements offleighbouring pitches.
and then plotted against the corresponding teeth num- 65.7 Base Pitch Error, fp
bers, then the cumulative pitch errors are obtained as
per Fig. 4. Base pitch erroris the difference between the ac-1 and
nominal values of the base pitch. Deviations measured
6.13 Cumulative Pitch Ermr Over 118 of Periphery, in the transverse plane are denoted by fpt and in the
Fpzf8 normal plane by fpea.
This is the Amulative pitch error over-aniuterval of l/8 Insped~on is performed by means of a base pitch
circumference of the gear (k = z/8). measuting instrument which is pie-adjusted to setting
i.lA T&al Cumulative Pdch Errs, Fp gauges. Either portable or bench instruments can be
The maximum cumulative pitch errorin agear is called . employed. In both cases, measurement is independent
the total cumulative pitch error. It is indicatedwithout of the gear axis with no influence of radial run-out on
sign and is obtained from the cumulative pitch ermrs as the base pitch. -Se2Fii. 5.
the difference belweeu the algebraic maximum value The absolute value of the base pitch on the line of action
and the algebraic minimum value. ksn idicative of the pressure angle. Error in the base
piti Implies an error ln the pressure angle.
6.1.5 RangeofPitch Errors, Rp
For spur gears, error in the pressure angle can be -
This is the difference between maximum and minimum determined by means of the equation:
actual values of the transverse pitches of the right or left
flanks of a gear.
6.I.6 Tooth to Tooth P&h Errol fi For helical gears, the measured error of the base pitch
may be due to an error in the pressure angle or in the
The tooth to tooth pitch error is the difference between
helix angle or both. Measurement of the base pitch on
the actual values of two successive right or left the line of action is particularly important for the gears
tmnsverse pitches.
produced by si@e tooth cutters.

Is 7504 : 1995

’1 r-fu
FLANK F(O. 21 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9101-l 12131415161718192021


a- Individual pitch em+ marked as vertical blocks between the flnak numbers.
R, - Range of pitch exror, fU - Tooth to tooth pitch error
b-Total cumulative pitch error referred to flank 21.
Fp - Total cumulative pitch error.
c -Cumulative pitch error over intervals of every three teeth,&3 (k = 3) shown a5 vertical blocks in the middle of the flanks.

OFPrm ERROR(Eg : 21)





Is 7504 : 1995

4.2 FlankDeviations tester,flank test graph as shown in Fig. 7 can be

6.2.1Inspection of the involute Profile
This inspection, together with the pitch measurement is
of foremogt importance in the schedule of individual
error tests, since for the correct meshing and the
measurement ofgears it is essential that the tooth flanks
are really involutes.
The formof the profile can be opticallyenlarged and
compared with the drawing of an involute, especially
in case of fme pitches. The diftkulty lies in determining
the position of the proftie in relation to the base circle.
Usually the test is made by means of an apparatus which
generates the true involute by roiling a straight edge on
a base circle disc and records the deviations of the
actual tooth profile to an enlarged scale on graph paper.
See Fig. 6. The diameter of the base circle disc follows
from the equations:
For spur gears:
db = z.m cosa
For helical gears:

By plotting the flank deviations with the help of a flank FE. 6 IXSPECXON

Profile Flank Line

Total profile error, Ff Total alignment error, Fp

Profile angle errorha Flank line angle error&


0 3 Profile form error,fi Longitudinal form error faf

BB Intermediate actual profile Intermediate actual flank line

AA,A’A’ Nominal profile Nominal-flank lines which envelop the actual flank
R’B’, B”B” Actual profile Actual helical lines which envelop the actual flank
C’c’, C”C” Nominal profile Nominal flank lines which cut the actual flank lines at the beginning
and end point of the teat range

IS 7504 : 1995 Totalprofile err06 Ff

In a test graph, as shown in Fig. 7, the total profile error,
Ff is the measurement made perpendicular to the paper
feed direction between the parallel lines AA and A' A',
drawn in the direction of the paper feed within the profile
test region through tbe extreme point of the test graph. Tbe
desired modifications from the involute form are taken
into consideration by corresponding deviations of the
lines AA and A’A’ from tbe straight line. Pnzjile form error, ff
In a test graph as shown in Fig. 7, the profile form error
ff is the measurement taken perpendicular to the paper
feed direction between the lines B’B’ and B’B” which
am parallel to the actual involute BB. Line BB is drawn
to average the involute curve which touches tbe test
curve within the profile test region.
62.13 Profile angle err03 fia
In a test graph as shown in Fig. 7, the profile angle error, FIG.8 A~PARKIUS
fHa, is the measurement taken perpendicular to the ,~GNMENTERROR
direction of paper feed between the lines C’C’ and
C”C” parallel to AA, which cut the line BB at the start
Hence, there are two different definitions for tbe sign
and end point of the profile test region respectively.
of the Eat& line angle error. In all production docu-
6.2.2 Inspection of Tooth Alignment Errors ments, test reports, etc, the direction of the effect of the
623.1 Total alignment error Fp errors should be clearly indicated.
For measuring the tooth alignment errors, Fig. 8 shows In a test graph, as shown in Fig. 7, the flank line angle
an apparatus that imparts the gear, a rotation cor- error,fHg is the distance measured perpendicular to the
responding to the helix angle set on the apparatus. This direction of the paper feed, between the lines C’C’ and
rotation, combined with the movement of tbe feeler C”C” which are parallel to the 1ineAA and cut the line
parallel to tbe gear axis, results in a vertical straight line BB at the end of the Eank line test region.
diagram, if tbe acutal helix angle coincides with the 6.3 Radial Run-Out-Error, Fr
design value.
In a test graph as per Fig. 7, the total alignment error Radial run-out error, Fr of a gear is tbe radial positional
Fg is the distance, measured perpendicular to the paper difference of a measuring piece (Ball, cylinder or
feed direction, between the parallel lines AA and A’A’ wedge), placed successively in all the tooth spaces,
which are drawn iu the direction of paper feed within which touches the tooth flanks near the reference circle,
the flank line test region through the extreme points of while tbe gear is mounted on its guide axis, free to
the test graph. The intended deviations from tbe helix rotate. Fr is used to designate the maximum difference
line form ‘are taken into account by corresponding between the measurements at the gear peripbery.
deviations of the lines AA and A’A’ from the straight The simple method to measure the radial run-out error
line. of small and medium diameter gears consists of succes-
62.2.2 Longitudinal form error, fpf sively introducing a ball or roller into all the tooth
spaces, whilst the-gear is supported between centres.
The longitudinal form error, fbf of a tooth flank is the The relative depths attained by tbe ball iu the tooth
distance between the two helix lines with the actual spaces are mad from a dial indicator. See Fig. 9.
lead, which touch and envelop the actual flank line
within the flank line t&t region taking into account the 6.4 Tooth Thkkness Measurement
intended deviations from the helix line form.
The measurement of tooth thickness is to guarantee the Flank line angle error, fHp observance of a specified backlash for a given cenire
For all the defi‘irritions and calculations concerning the distance taking into account, tbe inevitable tooth errors:
gear pair, 3 flank line angle for an external gear is a) Measurement independent of the axis is applied
considered a:, pcsitive when it is right banded with mainly for setting up the gear production
respect to a helix line witb the nominal lead and it is machine. It should be noted that tbe specifying
considered negative wbcn it is left handed with respect of the tooth thickness consistent with a likewise
to a helix line with the nominal lead. In case of an specified backlash at the theoretical centre dis-
iuternal gear, the signs are opposite. Thus in case of a tance postulates that all mothererrors are withirr
spur ge;lr mating, equal errors with opposite signs csn- their respective limits, particularly the radial
ccl each other out.
and axial run-out. Thus the measurement of


tooth thickness, independent of the axis can be

regarded as a form of acceptance test only on
condition that other errors (radial run-out in
particular) are also inspected and remain within
the limits specified.
b) The measurement of tooth thickness with refer-
ence to the axis, usually-included in the accep-
tance test schedule,supplies the most important
information for the determination of the effec-
tive tooth thickness, namely, the tooth thickness

of an imaginary gear concentric with the axis,
which encloses all the errors of the gear.
The theoretical tooth thickness measured on the

reference cylinder is:


The tooth thickness fluctuation, R, is the

difference between the maximum and minimum FIG. 10 MEAWREMENT
tooth thickness s of a gear: hFERENCE&'LINDEB

4 = %,- &I
6.4.1 Measurement tif the Tooth Thickness by Means of
Gear Tooth Calipers
in -which y) = $ t F (in radians)
a) Meizsurement on the reference cylinder ”
Refer Fig. 10. Measurement on the reference
cylinder is given b-y: -$ -$ for ~gears without addendum
<-mqsin11, modifications.

IS 7504 : 1995

For spurgears: zv = z points of the periphery. All individually measured tooth

widths must lie within the tolerances in accordance
invat with tooth thickness fluctuation, R,
For helical gears : zv = z -
inv a
Measurement is possible in case of both spur and helical
gears. In case of helical gears, measurement has to be
For backlash allowance ‘$ the dimension S is
made~in the normal plane.
NOTE - * sign used in the formulae given in the text
to be reduced by & means plus sign for’positive correction and minus sign for
negative correction and the absolute value of x’is to be
For corrected gears the dimension & must be substituted in the formulae.
reduced by the appropriate amount.
6.43.1 General formulae
b) Inspection by constant chord method
Refer Fig. 11, in this case, the measurement is The general formida for nominal dimension A4of tooth
not taken on the reference cylinder, but a little width is:
~higher, which has a detrimental effect when the M=mncc6 a,[(k-05)x+z. inv at]
~pressure angle is large and/ or the number of + .. . ..(1)
teeth is low.
To ensure the contact between the measuringjaws
YC-m. cos2a[t*Zr.tana] and tooth flanks is made near half the tooth depth,
k must be calculated from:

EC-m 1 - Ic sina cosa f x . cos2a k_f
4 --2Etanan- inv at + 0.5 .....(2)
[ I II cos2Bb
For module = 1 and a - 20°, & - 1.387 05
k must always be rounded off to a whole number.
and & = 0.747 58. The transversti working pressure angle awt on the
cylinder with the diameter (d + can be
calculated from:
cosawt-cosat .....(3)
The helix angle on the base cylinder is computed
tanfib - tar+ cosat .....(4)
The transverse pressure angle is calculated from:
tanat = - ....
BASE ClRCLf Gears wtihoutprofile correction

a) Spur gears
The odoth width ‘M’ in case of a spur gear is
calculated from:
M - m cosa [(k - 0,0.5) n + z&v a]
.. ...(a)
The number of teeth measured is computed
from the formula:

k=z - ao + 0,OS (rounded off to whole

6.4.2 Tooth Width Measurement with theAid of M-Test 180°
Dimension number) ......(7)
In case of spur gears, without profile correc-
The tooth width M is the distance betweeri two parallel tion with module = 1; the value of k and the
planes each touching a right and left flank in the vicinity width ikft for the pressure angles a = 14.9,
of the pitch circle, measured over k teeth. See Fig. 12. lS”, 2@ and 30’ can be obtained from the
Its particular advantage is that it permits measurement Tables 3 to 6. With any given module, the
of the tooth width independent of the outside diameter. tooth width is computed from:
Since the variations in the pitch also come into the ......(8)
M = M1.m.
measurement, it is necessary to measure at several

Is 7504 : 19YJ
Tabk3 Tooth Width of Gears Without Profile Correction, Module = 1, PressureAngle = 14.F’
( Clause6.4.2.2 )
z = number of teeth in gear blank, k = number of teetb measured, MI = tooth width for module 1
p, - m.n cos14.5” = 3.041527. m
a = 14.50
IS 7504 : 1995
Table 4 Tooth Width of Gears Without Profile Correction, Module = 1, Pmssure Angle = 15”
( Chse )
z = ,number of teeth in gear blank, R = number of teeth measured, Ml = tooth width for module 1
pe = m.3c.cosW = 3.034 546.m

a = 15O

t i i

/~/~!‘~757 )l159! 14 ! 41.9109 !!209! 18 ! 54.3461 1

112 ) 10 ) 29.4935 11162 1 14 1 41.9287

115 1 10 1 29.5113 11165 1 14 1 41.9465

/+j+%%j’~! 17.0821 ll116! 10 ! 29.5173 !!~166! 14 ! 41.9525 ]

12012 4.6706 117016

12312 4.6884 117317

35 13 / 7.7943 1185 18 1 23.2640 ll1351~12 1 35.6992 111851 16 1 48.1344 11235)20 j 60.5697

/ 42 1 4 1 10.8704 IL

45 ( 4 1 10.8882 11 95 1 8 1 233234 jj145( 13 ) 38.7932 11195) 17 1 51.2284 I1245 1 21 1 6

IS 7504 : 1995
Table 5 Tooth Width of Gears Without Profile Correction, Module = 1, Pressure Angle = 20’
( Clause )
z = number of teeth in gear blank, k = number of teeth measured, MI = tooth width for module 1
pe = m.n ws20° - 2.952 133.m

t-,mf$$ 38.5262 /1166! 19 ! 56.9393 !!216! 2.5 ! 75.3524 1

t-\-j’@ ! 47.6768 lj187! 21 1, 63.1377 1)237! 27 ! 81

141 1 5 1’ 13.8588 11 91 Ill 1 32.2719 IL

‘hble 6 Tooth Width of Gears Without Profile Cormction, Module = 1, Pressurp Angle = 30”
( Cluuse )
z = number of teeth in gear blank, k = number of teeth measured, MI = tooth width for module 1
p,-m.ncos300= 2.720 698.m

795930 11211 I36 I 106.4068


5465 11 186 1 32 1 94360 2 ii236 1 40 1 118.453 3 1

187 1 32 1 94.406 8 237 1 40 1 118.4998
138 17 1 19.4534 43.5466 11138b41 703603 ljl88l 32 ( 94.45331rUign

46.4068 11411241 70.4999 11191)32 1 94.59301241 ,l 1 121.4067 1

/+!-%%j#%%ii&42!24! 705465 !!192!33! 97.3602 jl242141 l-:21.4533 1

145 ] 8 1 225000 1195 116 ] 465930 )]145)25 1 73.4068 )I195133 1.97.4

33 1 97.5464 11246 ( 42 1 124.360 2 j

150 1 9 1 25.4534 \\100\ 17 1 49.5465 Ill50126 1 76.3602 j1200) 34 \ 100.4533 1[12itjy .2 1 124.5464 1

I!3 7504: 1995


where A = (k - 0.5)~. cosas

b) Helical gears
Cl Anv at. cosan
In case of helical gears the tooth width is com-
puted from: The values of A for various values of k are given in
j%fI ma.cosaa [(k - 0,O.S) rt + z.inv at] .....(9) Table 7. The values of Cl for various helix angles
and the number of teeth is measured from: p and various pressure angles an can be obtained
from Tabb 8. The minimum face width 6 required
Bb ......(lO) for M-measurement is calculated from formula 19.
6.433 Gears withprofile correction
for &-- 200, k can be obtained from Fig. 13. a) Spur gears
By introducing, constants that can be tabulated, The nominal dimension M of the tooth width of
formula 4 can be simplified as follows: a spur gear with profile correction factor n over
M-ma(A+z.Cl) .....(n) k teeth is: .

All dimensions in millimetres.


Table 7 FactorA
( Clause )

M - mcosa[ (k - 0,5) x + zinva] + 2xmsina The effective pressure angle aw on the diameter
. ......(12) (d + 2xm) is computed from:
Number of teeth measured, k is computed from: z
cosaw =eosa- .....(15)

tana,,,-2Ztsna-inva +OS .....(13) b) Helical gears
The nominal dimension M~of the tooth width of a
By introducing constant C2, the formula 12 can be helical gear with profile correction over k teeth
simplified as: according to formula 1 is:
M-m.(Mt +C2) .....(14) M = mn cosa” [(k~- 0,s) x + z.inv at]
Value of C2 can be obtained from Table 9.
+ 2xmn sin an .....(16)
Value of Ml can be obtained from Tables 3 to 6.



IS 7504 : 1995

Table 8 Factor C,
( Chse )

B a, - 14.50 an - 1.5’
0” 0.0053 68 0.005 940

lo 0.005 370 0.005 943

2” 0.005 378 0.005 950 24O 0.006 988 0.007 723 0.018 113

3O 0.005 390 0.005 967 25O 0.007 153 0.007 914 0.018526

4” 0.005 407 0.005 982 0.014 103 1 1 25O56’40” 1 0.007 317 1 0.008092 1 0.018 942

5O 0.005 428 0.006 007 26’ 0.007 327 0.008 102 0.018 968

6’ 0.005 455 0.006 036 27” 0.007 515 0.008 310 0.019 440

7” 0.005486 0.006 071 0.014 307 11 a0 ! 0.0~7716 1 0.008531 0.019 944

7” lo’ 51“ 0.005 493 0.006 078

8” 0.005 522 o.cKl6 112

9O 0.005 564 0.006 155

lo” 0.005 614 0.006 212

10°48’25” 0.005 657 0.006 259

14028’40” 0.005 899 0.006 527 0.015 355 11 38O 1 0.010721 1 0.011849 0.027 431

18’12’36” 0.006 238 0.006 900

190 0.006 323 0.006 994

k the number of teeth measured, computed horn cosa, = cosa, .. . ..(18)
formula 2 is: z+2xcos~

2 bna, By using tactors A, Cl, Cz the following formula is

k=- - - 2:‘tatq -_inv a, + 0.5 .....(17) obtained:
Jc cos2p, M=m,(A+z.Cl+Cz)
[ 1 .....(19)
k, for a, = 20’ can be obtained from Fig. 13.
A = (k - 0.5)x cosa,, according to Table 7,
The transverse working pressure angle awr~on the Ct = cosa,,.invat according to Table 8, and
diameter (d + 2xmn) follows from:
C;?= &.sina, acwrdingto Table 9.

Table 9 Factor C,

( Clause

” In the case of negative profile correction a minus sign (-) must be placed before the values c’z.

IS 7504 : 1995

To ensure that two parallel planes touch the flanks, 7 INSPECTION OF GEAB TEETH IN
the face width must be: ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS
b 2 iti sin& + b co@, ... ..(20)
7.1 Single Flank Total Composite Error Testing
tat& = tang. cosar
where !q,.t = Constant line overlap or width of the In this test two gears are meshed and rotated at the
measuring surface in tooth width measurement. prescribed centre distance with either the right or left
flanks in constant contact. See Fig. 16. The single flank
For gears without chamfering composite errors of the right flank are generally
&f z 1.2 + 0.018M different from those of left flank of the same gear. The
bkj > 2.0 + 0.03M deviations of the’ rotating positions of the gear with
respect to nominal positions given by the positions of
Summary of the important formulae~for the tooth width the mating gear and by the ratio of the number of teeth
measurement with the aid of M-test dimension for spur are measured starting lrorn a start position. For this, a
and helical gears are furnished in Table IO.
comparative measuring device is required where the
6.4.3 Tolerance on M-Test Dimension error free rotating angle positions are obtained. The
The upper allowance and tolerance on M-test dimension errors are generally indicated as paths along with
can be obtained by multiplying the upper tooth thickness circumference of a measuring circle, for example, the
allowance (A,,) and tooth thickness tolerance (7’,, values reference circle or base circle. The errors can also be
from Tables 7and 8 of IS 3681 : 1995, respectively by given in angles.
6.4.4 Tooth ThicknessMeasurement Over Pins or Balls 7.1.1 Single Flank Total Composite Errol; Fi’
Tooth thickness can be determined by taking the meas- In a circular test graph as shown in Fig. 17, the single
urement over pins or balls placed in diametrically flank total composite error, Fi’ is the difference between
opposite tooth spaces as shownin Fig. 14 and Fig. 15. the maximum and minimum distance of the recorded
This method is suitable for both external and internal
test graph from the axis of rotation of the test chart,
spur and helical gears. The size of the balls or pins should
namely, F,’ is the difference between the maximum
be selected in such a way that they touch the tooth flanks
on or approximately near the reference circle. and minimum Y-axis of the test graph.
The theoretical dimension,Mu over the pins or balls can 7.12 Single Flank Tooth to Tooth Composite Error, fi’
be calculated from Table 11. The selection of pin orball The single flank tooth to tooth composite error,j’ is the
diameter and the calculation procedure for other maximum difference that occurs in the rotating posi-
parameters are given in Table 12. tions deviations within a rotating angle corresponding
The tolerance on dimension, MR over pins or balls can to the period of a tooth contact.
be obtained by multiplying the upper tooth thickness
allowance (A,,) and tooth thickness tolerance. (Ta 7.2 Double Flank Total Composite Error Testing
values loom Tables 7 and 8 of IS 3@31 : 1995, respec-
In this test two gears are meshed with each other and
tively by a factor given by --- * rotated with a left and right flank of thegears always in
sinaRt . wsf3 contact at the same time (two Sank contact) under the
6.5 Blue Bearing Test (TR4) inlIuence of a force acting in the direction of the centre
Due to various gear errors and inIluence of working distance. See Fig. 18. In this process, the changes of the
conditions..a near flank will not have full bearinn on the centre distance arc measured. The centre distance found
mating flank & a gear mesh. The blue bearing t&t indi- in the double flankcomposite error testing is designated
cates the bearing zone of one flank with its mating flank. as a”.



Table 10 Summary of Important Formulae for the Tbotb Width Measurement

Gear Prome Tooth Width, ‘M Number of Teeth

Measured, t
spur gears M=m.M1 According to
Gears without profile Tables 3 to 6
correction Helical gears M-m.(A +r.Cl) Aaxrding to
Fig. 13
spur gears
Gears with profile
crorrecGon Helical gears

Ml = according to Tables 3 to 6
A = according to Table 7
Cl = according to Table 8
C2 = according to Table 9

‘) check whether the value of k read from Tables 3 to 6 and also from Fig. 13 are tbe same. If the value is not same, use
the fomitiae 12 and 13 of 642.3 to evaluate M and k.

73.1 Double Flank To& Composite Errq fi” the distance between the highest and lowest points of
an averaging line.
Refer Fig. 19. The double flank total composite error,
Fi” is the diEerence between the maximum and mini- 7.2.3 Double Flank Tooth to Tmth Composite
mum working centre distance within one test rotation. Err04 X”
7.22 Radial Run-Ou Fr
The double flank tooth to tooth composite error, fi”
The radial run-& error& is the longwave component is the difference between the maximum and mini-
of the test diagram. This component can be obtained by mum working centre distance that occurs within a
drawing zm averaging line thereby suppressing the turning angle corresponding to the period of a tooth
short-wave components. The radial run-out error, Fr is contact.


23 = f,(-12) puuu/s
22 -
Table 11 Calculation of Theoretical Dimension Over Pins or Balis, MR
( Clause 6.4.4 )

External Geam Internal Gears

Spur Gears Helical Gears Spur Gears kklical Gears

even COSci, a=%
MR-ms =+DM Mtt-q.z- MR-mzz-DM bfR’m$-- hi
No.of +DM
a=R co% R *=Rt
over pins With
or balls odd No.
of teeth
MR-ms -D, MR'T.Z
MR-mz +44 MR-m,s +DM wsaR
CosuR waRt
Table 12 Calculation of dR,aR, aRt and q~
( Chzuse 6.4.4 )

Gears Exterual Gears Internal Geals

Spur gears DM - 1.728m D, - 1.44m 1)

Pin or ball touching the tooth n 2rtanat)
aR sc 2x tana 1)
flanks above the reference circle kaR’inva+~COSQ--f- invaR - inva _2!L+_*
22 2 mzcosa 22 z
(without correction) --
Helical gears DM - 1.72&n,, D, - 1.44%
dR _7C, bin% 1) dR L aanq, 1)
Inv a,, - inv% + invaRt - invat +----f-
mnzoxa, 22 Z m,zccsa, 25 Z

spur gears DM - mz sinq/cxw$t D, - mz sinv/waR

Pin or ball touching the tooth
flanks on the reference circle

w aR+a-3

Helical gears m, z sin *cosa, mn z sim+xosq,

DM- D,-
cosaRt . co=t cDsaRt . *=I

%-a,+* “Rt’%-q .

spur gears

Pin or ball touching the tooth
flanks below the reference circle
Helical gears

2r tAna, 1)
inva& = inva, f -

‘) Use + sign for positive correction and - sign for negative correction. Substitute the apolute value of x in the equations.
IS 7504 : 1995



10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

0 llIllIllllllllIllll111111
125242322212019181716151413121110 9 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 125




8 INSPECTION OF XNVOLUTE RACKS - Double flank composite error, and

8.1 Corresponding to the measurement of external - Profile.
gears, the racks are checked.for following values:
- Tooth thickness, For the inspection of tooth thickness, the measurement
- Penetrating depth of a pin or ball (corresponding with balls or pins is the most accurate procedure. Refer
Fig. 20.
to runout of a gear),



IS 7504: 1995

) fl” fr



The dimension MR, over pins or balls is given by the

formula: DM = $&- (Round off to a standard pin or~ball

For double flank composite error testing of racks of
limited length, double flank checking machines with
suitable attachments are employed.
The pin or ball diameter, &+.t can be calculated from Measuring microscopes and profile projectors are
suitable for profile and pitch inspection of racks.



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