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FMCG industry, alternatively called as CPG (Consumer packaged goods) industry primarily

deals with the production, distribution and marketing oI consumer packaged goods. The Fast
Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) are those consumables which are normally consumed by the
consumers at a regular interval. Some oI the prime activities oI FMCG industry are selling,
marketing, Iinancing, purchasing, etc. The industry also engaged in operations, supply chain,
production and general management.
FMCG industry economy
FMCG industry provides a wide range oI consumables and accordingly the amount oI money
circulated against FMCG products is also very high. The competition among FMCG
manuIacturers is also growing and as a result oI this, investment in FMCG industry is also
increasing, speciIically in India, where FMCG industry is regarded as the Iourth largest sector
with total market size oI US$13.1 billion.

Common FMCC products
Some common FMCG product categories include Iood and dairy products, glassware, paper
products, pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged Iood products, plastic goods, printing
and stationery, household products, photography, drinks etc. and some oI the examples oI FMCG
products are coIIee, tea, dry cells, greeting cards, giIts, detergents, tobacco and cigarettes,
watches, soaps etc.
Market potentiality of FMCC industry
Some oI the merits oI FMCG industry, which made this industry as a potential one are low
operational cost, strong distribution networks, presence oI renowned FMCG companies.
Population growth is another Iactor which is responsible behind the success oI this industry.
eading FMCC companies
Some oI the well known FMCG companies are Sara Lee, Nestle, Reckitt Benckiser, Unilever,
Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, Carlsberg, Kleenex, General Mills, Pepsi and Mars etc.
ob opportunities in FMCC industry
FMCG industry creates a wide range oI job opportunities. This industry is a stable, diverse,
challenging and high proIile industry providing a wide range oI job categories like sales, supply
chain, Iinance, marketing, operations, purchasing, human resources, product development,
general management.
MlSSlnC ?Cu
WhaL parL of me have you Laken?
1haL wlLhouL you
lfe feels so empLy and nonexlsLenL
1he days so cold and lonely
So blLLer and unfrlendly
Lach day l face
l sLruggle wlLh lonellness
And noLhlng saLlsfles lL
l see Lhe world closlng ln on me
1aklng away my world my happlness
lve mlssed everyLhlng abouL you
1he way you laughed and klssed
Smlles aLLracLlng wlLh words of charms
1eeLhs llke sLars and eyes of promlse
So sweeL and femlnlne
WlLh all Lhe curves aL Lhe rlghL places

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