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Telsmith cone crusher manual

Academia.edu uses cookies to personalize content, tailor ads and improve the user experience. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. Page 3 and 4: TELSMITH HANDBOOKA handy reference Page 5 and 6: TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT)section II Page 7 and 8:
Heavy Duty Equipmentwithheavy duty Page 9 and 10: Data required for selecting a feedePage 11 and 12: FlightSpeed FPMapron feeder capacitPage 13 and 14: Capacity of Belt FeedersBasis - 100Page 15 and 16: specifications — capacities — aPage 17 and 18: notes:FEEDERS15Page 19 and 20: STANDARD WIDTHSPECIFICATIONS - CAPAPage 21
and 22: notes:FEEDERS19Page 23 and 24: horsepower of belt feedersBase HP aPage 25 and 26: jaw crusher discharge settings“XPage 27 and 28: instructions for using telsmith datPage 29 and 30: SPECIFICATIONS — TELSMITH 10"×16Page 31 and 32: SPECIFICATIONS — TELSMITH 25"×40Page 33 and 34: screen analysis of product from telPage
35 and 36: GYRASPHERE CRUSHERS— Series “DPage 37 and 38: SIZEType of Bowl CoarseCAPACITIES Page 39 and 40: SIZE24 FC(2 Ft.)36 FC(3 Ft.)48 FC(4Page 41 and 42: screen analysis of product from telPage 43 and 44: screen analysis of product from telPage 45 and 46: specifications — SERIES “H” GPage 47 and 48: capacities — SERIES
“H” GYRASPage 49 and 50: screen analysis of product from telPage 51 and 52: screen analysis of product from telPage 53 and 54: specifications — SBS SERIES CRUSHPage 55 and 56: capacities — SBS SERIES CRUSHERS Page 57 and 58: Model Bowl57 SBS68 SBSRecommendedMiPage 59 and 60: specifications — SBX SERIES CRUSHPage 61 and
62: specifications — style “VFC” Page 63 and 64: specifications & capacitiesNH primaPage 65 and 66: screen analysis of product from telPage 67 and 68: notes:CRUSHERS65Page 69 and 70: specifications & capacitiesPA6060 pPage 71 and 72: notes:CRUSHERS69Page 73 and 74: specifications & capacities — HSIPage 75 and 76:
notes:CRUSHERS73Page 77 and 78: vertical shaft impactorModel 82 120Page 79 and 80: Sieve Designation StandardUS mm DecPage 81 and 82: notes:CRUSHERS79Page 83 and 84: specifications — Roller Bearing GPage 85 and 86: Capacities — 1110 GYRASPHERE CRUSPage 87 and 88: telsmith 1110 and 1310 roller beariPage 89 and 90:
Capacities — 1710 GYRASPHERE CRUSPage 91 and 92: telsmith 1510, 1710 And 1900 rollerPage 93 and 94: TELSMITH 6B AND 8b gyratory breakerPage 95 and 96: TELSMITH 16B AND 20b gyratory breakPage 97 and 98: specifications — capacities — tPage 99 and 100: TELSMITH No. 28 INTERCONE CRUSHERSSPage 101 and 102: TELSMITH
roll CRUSHERSSCREEN ANALYSPage 103 and 104: capacity aND SELECTION OF VIBRATINGPage 105 and 106: CAPACITY AND SELECTION OF VIBRATINGPage 107 and 108: capacity OF VIBRATING SCREENS (ContPage 109 and 110: capacity OF VIBRATING SCREENS (ContPage 111 and 112: capacity OF VIBRATING SCREENS (ContPage 113
and 114: Equivalent openingsflat testing scrPage 115 and 116: u.s. sieve series and tyler equivalPage 117 and 118: vibro-king screen specificationsScrPage 119 and 120: specmaker screen specificationsScrePage 121 and 122: horizontal screen specificationsScrPage 123 and 124: SCREENSScreen SizeWidth × LengthFtPage 125 and 126: Pep screen
specificationsModel of SPage 127 and 128: vibrating grizzly specificationsScrPage 129 and 130: notes:SCREENS127Page 131 and 132: to find the horsepower required forPage 133 and 134: friction of water in pipes (Cont.)6Page 135 and 136: flow velocity for standard-weight pPage 137 and 138: specifications — capacities — tPage 139 and 140:
specifications — dewatering and cPage 141 and 142: notes:139WASHING EQUIPPage 143 and 144: sand recovery with the telsmith cycPage 145 and 146: notes:143WASHING EQUIPPage 147 and 148: capacity — fine material washersSPage 149 and 150: SPECIFICATIONS - capacities — coaPage 151 and 152: log washer capacities & specificatiPage
153 and 154: belt conveyor tonnage chartTo deterPage 155 and 156: Dia. ofPulleyconveyor belt speeds Page 157 and 158: maximum recommended belt speedsBELTPage 159 and 160: Degreesmeasure of anglesRise inInchPage 161 and 162: horsepower required for belt conveyPage 163 and 164: CONICAL STOCKPILE VOLUMESTHEORETICAPage
165 and 166: volumes of kidney shaped windrowsCUPage 167 and 168: bulk material characteristicsMateriPage 169 and 170: bulk material characteristics (contPage 171 and 172: specifications (Cont.)Screen Size (Page 173 and 174: Standard Descriptive NomenclatureofPage 175 and 176: Clay Minerals6. The term “clay”Page 177 and 178:
DESCRIPTIONS OF SEDIMENTARY ROCKS APage 179 and 180: physical properties of the more comPage 181 and 182: Tests Used to Determine PhysicalProPage 183 and 184: Aggregates Required Per Yd. 2 for CPage 185 and 186: notes:183AGGREGATE INFOPage 187 and 188: v-belt drives — limiting dimensioPage 189 and 190: BeltSectionRPM
ofFasterShafthorsepoPage 191 and 192: horsepower rating — Narrow (UltraPage 193 and 194: ampere rating of ac and dc motorsThPage 195 and 196: Electric Motor Cross-Reference“U-Page 197 and 198: FrameNo.dIMENSIONS AND tOLERANCESeLPage 199 and 200: Electrical Conduit DataMAXIMUM NUMBPage 201 and 202: Recommended
Maximum Torque Value ±Page 203 and 204: Weights and MeasuresWeightsTroy WeiPage 205 and 206: Weights and MeasuresConversions TabPage 207 and 208: volumes and surface areas ofgeometrPage 209 and 210: 207GENERAL INFOC° F° C° F° C° Page 211 and 212: areas and circumferences of circlesPage 213 and 214: weights of steel plates
and flat baPage 215 and 216: notes:GENERAL INFO213Page 217 and 218: INDEX (Cont.)Crushers 22-99General Page 219 and 220: INDEX (Cont.)Overhead Eccentric JawPage 221 and 222: notes:219COMPLETE INDEXPage 224: ISO 9001:2008© 2011 Telsmith, Inc. Luik Undbnok ghdlucgho= • ?.; b_ (>5 AU) j`t`r• 3>6 L (>>5 onl) rkskrv`gr• 951
LUJ (;; OUJ) oknr pujp• _ntkr-t`-`gl d``lgho stnhcnrc • 9 Klkjkht spgh-`h stylk luik `gl ltkr • Cunl 4 b_ gjjkrsg`h akntkrs Nut`jntg`h Undbnok • Srnd>5 ® Nut`jntg`h @ptg`hnl Kqugpjkht= • 971 b_ (355 AU) drusakr cuty klkdtrgd j`t`r• Tlgck rngls f`r drusakr crgvk j`t`r• V-iklt crgvk• V-iklt crgvk ounrc• Ngr-t`-`gl d``lgho systkj• Agoa njigkht ngr-t`-
`gl d``lgho systkj• D`lc wkntakr pndbnok• Fkkc insbkt• Nut`jntg`h upornck — D`l`r t`uda sdrkkh cgsplny• Nut`jntg`h upornck — Jultgplk drusakrs wgta sgholk cgsplny• Nut`jntg`h upornck — Nut` fkkc d`htr`l Sklsjgta S355 D@HK DY[TAKY Hkw Sklsjgta S355 D`hk Drusakr d`jplktk wgta= • >49> jj (;9") cgnjktkr aknc• >47? (;;") rkdkgvgho
a`ppkr• Ykplndknilk jngh frnjk lghkrs• Ir`hzk rncgnl nhc tarust iknrghos• Snpkrkc r`llkr iknrghos `h d`uhtkrsanft• Tpgrnl ikvkl oknr nhc pghg`h• Nhtg-Tpgh nsskjily • _gck rnhok `f lghkr pr`lks • 65; jj (94.1") drusakr saknvk• >3; Inr (9,>55 UTG) cyhnjgd i`wl ncmust systkj wgta tw` spkkcs• 6 dylghckr, >?9 Inr (9,;55 UTG) aycrnulgd rklgkf nhc
dlknrgho systkj• >3; Inr (9,>55 UTG) ghtkorntkc supp`rt i`wl l`dbgho systkj Aycrnulgd U`wkr [hgt ghdlucgho= • >> bw (>; AU) j`t`r (365/4/65 Ttnhcnrc)• >>4 L (45 onl) rkskrv`gr • Urkssurk ltkr nhc rkturh ltkr • Ugst`h typk pujp• >3; inr (9,>55 UTG) h`rjnl `pkrntgho prkssurk

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