English Assignment Ekspotion Teks

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1. M. Fadhil
2. Ambarwati Eka Umroni
3. Dean Gifta Rahma Putri
4. M. Nafal Khalis

TEACHER : Vyna Yuniarti S.Pd,Gr

Jl. Lingkar Timur Kel. Muara Dua Kec. Prabumulih Timur (3113)

TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................................2
BAB I INTRODUCTION.........................................................................................................4
A. BACKGROUNDS..........................................................................................................4
B. OBJECTIVE..................................................................................................................4
BAB II DISCUSSION...............................................................................................................5
A. DEFINITION OF TEKS ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION.....................................5
B. STRUCTURE OF TEKS ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION.....................................5
C. EXAMPLES OF TEKS ANALYTICAL EXPOSITION.......................................6
BAB III CLOSING...................................................................................................................8
A. CONCLUSIONS................................................................................................................8

We express our gratitude to Allah SWT for His blessings and for giving us the
opportunity and ability to complete this paper titled "Exposition Text." we also send my
blessings and greetings to the Messenger of Allah, who enlightens us with knowledge and
guides us away from ignorance. It is well known that this paper is still lacking and has various
irregularities. Therefore, we welcome constructive criticism from all parties to improve its
quality and make it more informative.

In addition, we would like to express my appreciation to all those who have provided
assistance, encouragement, guidance, advice, and criticism. Without their support, we would
not have been able to complete this paper.

Prabumulih city, 16 january 2024



The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) is a set of curriculum
standards that outlines what students in Texas should know and be able to do in each
grade level. The TEKS cover a wide range of subjects, including English language
arts, math, science, social studies, and fine arts. One important component of the
TEKS is the analytical exposition, which is a type of writing that is required to be
taught and assessed under the English language arts standards. In this paper, we will
discuss what analytical exposition is, its purpose, and its importance in the TEKS.
Analytical exposition is a type of writing that aims to persuade the reader to
accept a particular point of view or opinion on a topic. It presents arguments and
evidence to support the author's perspective and attempts to convince the reader
through logical reasoning. Analytical exposition is different from other types of
writing, such as narrative or descriptive writing, as it focuses on presenting a well-
reasoned argument rather than simply telling a story or describing something.

As for the purpose of making this paper, are;
1. Students can recognize the social function, text structure, and linguistic elements
of analytical exposition text about actual issues that happen around in accordance
with the context of use.
2. Students can find the main idea, detailed information, and specific information
from oral and written analytical exposition texts related to actual issues that occur
3. Students can compose and present oral and written analytical exposition texts
related to actual issues that occur by paying attention to social functions, text
structures, and correct and contextually appropriate language elements.



Analytical exposition is a type of writing that aims to persuade the reader to
accept a particular point of view or opinion on a topic. It presents arguments and
evidence to support the author's perspective and attempts to convince the reader
through logical reasoning. Analytical exposition is different from other types of
writing, such as narrative or descriptive writing, as it focuses on presenting a well-
reasoned argument rather than simply telling a story or describing something.
Teks analytical exposition is characterized by its use of logical reasoning and
evidence to support the writer's opinion. It is also known for its objective and formal
tone, as it aims to present a balanced and well-reasoned argument. This type of writing
typically follows a deductive reasoning approach, where the writer starts with a
general statement or opinion and then presents supporting evidence to back it up.
The language used in teks analytical exposition is also important, as it should be clear,
concise, and persuasive. Writers often use persuasive techniques, such as rhetorical
questions, emotive language, and appeals to logic and emotions, to strengthen their
argument and convince the readers to agree with their perspective.


The structure of teks analytical exposition is similar to other argumentative texts,
consisting of an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. However, each
section has a specific purpose and follows a particular structure to effectively present
the writer's argument.
a) Introduction: The introduction of teks analytical exposition should capture the
reader's attention and provide an overview of the issue or topic being discussed. It
should also include a clear thesis statement, which states the writer's opinion on
the topic and sets the direction for the rest of the paper.
b) Body Paragraphs: The body paragraphs of teks analytical exposition should
present the writer's argument in a logical and organized manner. Each paragraph
should focus on one main idea or piece of evidence and support it with relevant
examples, statistics, or expert opinions. The writer should also address any
potential counterarguments and provide a rebuttal to strengthen their position.
c) Conclusion: The conclusion of teks analytical exposition should summarize the
main points of the argument and restate the thesis statement. It should also leave a
lasting impression on the readers and reinforce the writer's opinion on the topic.


“COVID-19 Health Protocol Violators Should Be Sanctioned”

Thesis COVID-19 health protocol violators should be sanctioned. As we

know, the number of people infected with the covid virus is still
increasing in our country, but some people still ignore the health
protocol by not wearing mask and keeping their distance.
Argument Firstly, the violators will continue to ignore the health protocol
suggested by the government if they aren’t sanctioned. By being
sanctioned, they will feel deterred and ashamed so that in the future
they will obey the rules given.
Secondly, by sanctioning the violators, they will understand
responsibility. Not only does it prevent us from being infected by the
virus, but adhering to health protocols also keep others safe. We may
not feel infected, but at least we prevent bad things by continuing to
keep distance and wearing masks. That way, we will fulfill our
responsibilities to ourselves and others.
Lastly, giving sanctions to the violators will make them more aware
of the danger of COVID-19. It is said that WHO declared COVID-19
a pandemic, which means that this virus is very dangerous, so it is
best to continue to maintain health and avoid COVID-19.
Conclusion Therefore, the health protocol violators should be sanctioned because
of the reasons given above.
1. Why does the government impose sanctions on people who ignore health protocols?
By giving sanctions, they will feel deterrent and embarrassed so that in the future they will
obey the rules given.
2. What are the benefits of punishing offenders?
They will understand the responsibility of not only preventing us from contracting the
virus, but also keeping others safe.
3. What is the purpose of sanctioning offenders?
to make them more aware of the dangers of covid 19.

The conclusions that can be drawn, are:
 Analytical exposition is a form of writing that aims to persuade the reader to
accept a particular point of view or opinion on a topic.
 Analytical exposition presents arguments and evidence that support the writer's
point of view and seeks to convince the reader through logical reasoning.
 Analytical exposition focuses on presenting reasoned arguments rather than
simply telling or explaining something, so it is similar to narrative and
explanatory types of writing, in contrast to text.
 The presentation of an analytical text is characterized by the use of logical
reasoning and evidence that supports the author's opinion.

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