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Thank you for your purchase of the DC-646.
To ensure safe and efficient prolonged use of this machine, read and thoroughly understand this
manual before using the machine.
After using this manual, be sure to keep it in a handy place to reference.

Pictorial Symbols and Other Notations Used in This Manual

IMPORTANT : Introduces instructions for correct operation of the machine.
If these instructions are ignored, the machine may not be able to operate at
optimum performance or may break down.

REFERENCE : Introduces information that is useful for operation and maintenance of the
machine, or information about the machine’s performance, etc.

(→ P.00 “xxxx”) : Indicates the page number and item containing related information.

The English manual of DC-646 is the original translation.

● Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
All other company names and product names shown in this manual are trademarks or
registered trademarks of their respective companies.

In the interests of upgrading our product, specifications and other data given in this manual are
subject to change without notice.
If the manual contains anything that you do not understand, contact the dealer for clarification.

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For EU
Duplo Seiko Corporation, located at 353, Koudai, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama 649-6551, Japan, declares that the product (or products)

Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC
Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive 2011/65/EU

Duplo International Ltd, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road, Esher, Surrey, KT108BL, United Kingdom
Die Duplo Seiko Corporation mit Sitz in 353, Koudai, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama 649-6551 Japan, erklärt hiermit, dass das Produkt (oder die

Niederspannungsrichtlinie 2006/95/EG
Maschinenrichtlinie 2006/42 EG
Richtlinie 2004/108/EG zur elektromagnetischen Verträglichkeit

Inhaber der technischen Datei in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft:

Duplo International Ltd, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road, Esher, Surrey, KT108BL, United Kingdom
Duplo Seiko Corporation, dont le siège est situé au 353, Koudai, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama 649-6551, Japon, déclare que le ou les produits

Directive 2006/95/CE relative au matériel électrique destiné à être employé dans certaines limites de tension
Directive 2006/42/CE relative aux machines
Directive 2004/108/CE concernant la compatibilité électromagnétique
Directive 2011/65/UE relative à la limitation de l’utilisation de certaines substances dangereuses
Dépositaire du dossier technique auprès de la Communauté européenne :
Duplo International Ltd, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road, Esher, Surrey, KT108BL, United Kingdom
Duplo Seiko Corporation, sita a 353, Koudai, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama 649-6551, Giappone, dichiara che il prodotto (o i prodotti) è/sono

Direttiva 2006/95/CE relativa alle apparecchiature a bassa tensione

Direttiva 2006/42/CE sui macchinari
Direttiva 2004/108/CE di compatibilità elettromagnetica
Direttiva 2011/65/UE sulla restrizione dell'uso di sostanze pericolose

Responsabile della documentazione tecnica all’interno della Comunità Europea:

Duplo International Ltd, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road, Esher, Surrey, KT108BL, United Kingdom
Duplo Seiko Corporation, con domicilio en 353, Koudai, Kinokawa-shi, Wakayama 649-6551, Japón, declara que el producto (o los productos)
cumple con las disposiciones previstas en los reglamentos. Seguidamente se indica la tabla de referencia.

Directiva 2006/95/CE sobre baja tensión

Directiva 2006/42/CE sobre máquinas
Directiva 2004/108/CE sobre compatibilidad electromagnética
Directiva 2011/65/UE de restricción de sustancias peligrosas

Depositario del archivo técnico en la Comunidad Europea:

Duplo International Ltd, Sandown Industrial Park, Mill Road, Esher, Surrey, KT108BL, United Kingdom

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Disposal of Old Electrical & Electronic Equipment
This symbol (the symbol of the crossed out wheeled bin) indicates that in European
countries this product should not be disposed of as household waste.
Please recycle where facilities exist by checking with your local authority or supplier for
recycling advice.
By ensuring this product is disposed of correctly through proper treatment, recovery and
recycling, you will help prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human
Entsorgung von alten elektrischen und elektronischen Ausrüstungsteilen
Dieses Symbol (das Symbol mit dem durchgekreuzten fahrbaren Müllbehälter) zeigt an,
dass dieses Produkt in europäischen Länden nicht als Haushaltsmüll entsorgt werden
darf. Bitte informieren Sie sich bei Ihren örtlichen Behörden oder bei Ihrem Händler
hinsichtlich einer Empfehlung für die Entsorgung und führen Sie die betreffenden Teile
dort, wo solche Einrichtungen vorhanden sind, einem Recycling-Prozess zu.
Indem sie sicherstellen, dass das betreffende Produkt durch richtige Behandlung,
Rückführung und Recycling entsorgt wird, tragen Sie dazu bei, möglichen negativen
Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt und die menschliche Gesundheit vorzubeugen.
Elimination du matériel électronique et électrique usagé
Ce symbole (une poubelle marquée d’une croix) indique que dans les pays européens, ce
produit ne doit pas être éliminé comme des ordures ménagères.
Recyclez-le dans les sites adaptés qui vous seront indiqués par les autorités locales ou
renseignez-vous auprès de votre fournisseur.
En veillant à ce que ce produit soit éliminé correctement avec un traitement, une collecte
et un recyclage adaptés, vous contribuez à éviter son action nocive potentielle sur l’
environnement et la santé humaine.
Smaltimento di attrezzature elettriche ed elettroniche consumate
Questo simbolo (il simbolo della pattumiera con rotelle barrata) indica che nei paesi
Per favore smaltire in luogo addetto al riciclo, dove esistente, chiedendo informazioni alle
autorità locali o a chi fornisce consulenza a proposito.
Garantendo uno smaltimento adeguato di questo prodotto (trattamento, recupero e riciclo
corretto), aiuterete a prevenire effetti negativi sull’ambiente e sulla salute dell’uomo.
Eliminación de residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos
Este símbolo (un cubo de basura tachado) indica que en los países europeos este
producto no deberá eliminarse como si se tratara de un residuo doméstico. Solicite
asesoramiento sobre reciclaje a las autoridades locales o a su distribuidor, y siga la
normativa en materia de gestión medioambiental y reciclaje de este tipo de residuos.
Si toma las medidas pertinentes para que este producto se elimine mediante un
tratamiento, recuperación y reciclaje adecuados, contribuirá a evitar posibles efectos
negativos en el medio ambiente y la salud humana.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)
Safety Precautions
Various symbols and pictures are used in this manual and on the labels affixed to the machine.
These symbols and pictures provide warnings and instructions to prevent danger to you or other
personnel, and to prevent damage to office property.
The meanings of these symbols and pictures are explained below.

WARNING Indicates a high degree of potential danger. Failure to heed the warning
may lead to death or serious injury.

CAUTION Indicates a medium degree of potential danger. Failure to heed the

caution may lead to injury or damage to property.

<Examples of Pictorial Symbols>

A circle with a line through it indicates a prohibited action.
The particular act prohibited is indicated by a picture inside the circle.
(In the example shown here, the prohibited act is disassembly.)

A black disc indicates an instruction, or sometimes a prohibited action.

The instruction itself is indicated by pictorial symbols drawn in white on
the disc. (In the example shown here, the instruction is “Remove the plug
from the outlet.”)

● Precautions for Use

● If the machine is used after foreign matter (metal fragments, water, or liquid) has
entered the machine, this may result in fire or electric shock.
→ Turn the main unit’s power switch OFF, and then remove the power plug from
the outlet. Contact the sales distributor.

● If the machine is used after heat, smoke, a strange smell, or other abnormality
has been detected, this may result in fire or electric shock.
→ Turn the power switch OFF, and then remove the power plug from the outlet.
Contact the sales distributor.

● Do not insert or drop metal, flammable material, or any other materials through
the ventilation holes into the interior of the machine.
→ Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

● Keep the machine away from a pin, wire, or other metallic or foreign objects.
Do not allow liquid to enter the machine through its openings or gaps.
→ Malfunctions and a fire or electric shock may result.

● Do not place flower vases, flowerpots, cups, or water containers (including metal
containers) on top of the machine.
→ Fire or electric shock may result if liquid spills inside the machine.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

● Caution for Grounding

● Use only the power cord that is provided among the accessories.
Insert the power cord plug firmly into the socket, so that proper electrical contact
is effected.
→ Use of any other power cord could result in imperfect grounding.
If grounding is imperfect and electrical leakage occurs, fire or electric shock
could result.

● Caution for Power Supply and Power Cord

● Use only the power cord that is provided among the accessories. The power cord
is only for this product. Never use it for another product.
● Do not use a source voltage other than that specified.
Do not connect two or more loads to a single outlet.
→ Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

● Be sure to remove dust from the power plug and/or the outlet.
Using these without removing dust may have minute electric current flow to the
surface due to the humidity and cause a fire due to the heat.
→ It may cause a fire or electric shock.

● Do not remove or insert the power plug with wet hands.

→ Doing so may result in electric shock.

● Do not damage, break, or modify the power cord.

Do not place heavy objects on, tug or bend it unnecessarily.
→ Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

● Remove the power plug itself, not the cord.

→ Tugging the cord may damage it (expose conductors, or cause disconnections,
etc.), resulting in fire or electric shock.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

● Prohibition of Disassembly or Modification

● Do not modify the machine.
→ Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

● Do not remove the rear lid, cabinet, or covers from the machine.
→ The inside of the machine contains high-voltage parts, which may cause electric

● Caution for Location

● Do not place the machine in a humid or dusty area.
→ Doing so may result in fire or electric shock.

● Before moving the machine, remove the power plug from the outlet.
→ If the power cord is damaged, this may result in fire or electric shock.

● Do not place the machine in an unstable position such as on an unsteady floor or

sloping area.
→ If the machine drops or falls over, it may result in injury.

● Avoid placing the machine in a place subject to direct sunlight or heating

equipment such as a stove.
● Avoid placing the machine in a place subject to high or low temperature or high
→ The document absorbs moisture and it may cause document jam or wrinkles.

● Leave the power cord unplugged when the machine is not used for a long period.
→ The insulation may deteriorate and cause an electrical fire.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

● Caution for Cleaning

● Before cleaning the machine, turn off the power switch and unplug the power
→ If the machine is activated accidentally, it may cause injury.

● Do not use flammable sprays or solvents inside or near the machine.

→ Gas may accumulate inside the machine causing a fire or explosion.

● Preventing Injury to Hands or Fingers

● The optional modules contain uncovered tools. Keep your hands or fingers off
inside those.

● Use pliers or a similar tool to remove jammed document.

Be sure to unplug the power cord before removing jammed document in order to
prevent an electric shock.

● Caution for Installation

● The machine must be installed by service personnel only.
→ If you want to change installation location, contact your service personnel.
(Changing location requires precise adjustment.)

● Once the machine is in position, secure in place using the casters.
→ If the machine falls over, this could result in personal injury.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Locations of Warning Labels

Keep the WARNING and CAUTION labels clean at all times.
If labels become damaged or come off, contact your service personnel.


1 2

No. Part No. Name Q'ty


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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

No. Part No. Name Q'ty


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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Labels of High-Voltage Warning

There are several high-voltage area inside the machine.


No. Part No. Name Q'ty

* This label is for the DC-646 230V and DC-646 230V(PRO).

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Location of Rating Labels

Rating labels are located on the lower part of the ejection side.

1 3

270Kg(Full option 305kg)

15A ac
115V W5-V700*

Model Rating
DC-646 115V 1
DC-646 230V 2, 3
DC-646 230V(PRO)

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Interlock System for Safety

● What is the interlock system for safety?
It is the function for keeping you safety and for avoiding any danger operations or situations by the
limitation of operation which may cause a damage to the machine or other surrounding facilities.
The DC-646 is equipped with various safety functions for the case of causing any danger
operations or situations, and it stops running the operation in that cases.

3 2 1

No. Name Equipment for safety

1 Top cover 1 The DC-646 stops running when the interlock switch detects
the cover opened.
The DC-646 stops running when the interlock switch detects
2 Top cover 2 the cover opened.
3 Top cover 3 The DC-646 stops running when the interlock switch detects
the cover opened.
4 Front cover The DC-646 stops running when the interlock switch detects
the cover opened.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Emergency Stop Function

The machine is equipped with the emergency stop functions for the safety of an operator.
When you need to stop the machine for emergency, press the emergency stop switch.
Turning the switch to the right releases the emergency stop.
To stop the machine normally, press the STOP key of this machine.

Emergency stop switch

Turning the switch to the right releases
the emergency stop.

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Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe)

Machine Dimensions and Required Space for Operation

* With the PC arm amount attached

Dimensions in ( ): DC-646 115V, DC-646 230V(PRO)

800mm 800mm










800mm 1650mm 800mm


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Introduction ........................................................................... i
Notes on Safety (Please Read and Observe) ................................. iv
Locations of Warning Labels.................................................viii
Labels of High-Voltage Warning ............................................. x
Location of Rating Labels ..................................................... xi
Interlock System for Safety .................................................. xii
● What is the interlock system for safety? ................................ xii
Emergency Stop Function....................................................xiii
Machine Dimensions and Required Space for Operation ............. xiv

Chapter 1 Before Using This Machine

Part Names and Their Functions ................................................. 2
Appearance ...................................................................... 2
Ejection Side ..................................................................... 3
Ejection Side (with card stacker attached) ................................. 4
Inside.............................................................................. 5
Control Panel .................................................................... 6
LCD Panel ....................................................................... 8
Turning Power ON/OFF ............................................................. 9
Turning Power ON .............................................................. 9
Turning Power OFF ........................................................... 10
Preparation Before Use ............................................................ 11
Loading Documents ........................................................... 11
Attaching the Upper Guide ................................................... 12
Setting the Exit Tray ........................................................... 12
Attaching the Card Stacker .................................................. 13
Hanging the Unused Module ................................................ 16
How to Connect the DC-646 to Your Computer ............................... 17
Before Preparing Document ...................................................... 18
Definition of Programming Terms ........................................... 19

Chapter 2 Programming JOB on Control Panel

Before Programming JOB ......................................................... 26
Programming a JOB on the Control Panel ..................................... 28
Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode) .................................. 30
Programming a New JOB (Simple Mode) ...................................... 38
Changing the Stored JOB ......................................................... 41

Chapter 3 Basic Operations

Processing Documents by Selecting a JOB .................................... 44
Function Setting ..................................................................... 47
Setting Functions .................................................................... 50
Function Setting 1 ............................................................. 50
Function Setting 2 ............................................................. 53

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Function Setting 3 ............................................................. 57

Adjust All (in Vertical/Horizontal Direction) ................................ 58
Automatic Setup Using Barcodes ................................................ 60
Adjusting Feeder .................................................................... 62
Elevator level (Feed tray)..................................................... 62
Separator ........................................................................ 62
Airflow ............................................................................ 62
Skew Compensation .......................................................... 63
Curled Document / Light Weight Document .................................... 64

Chapter 4 Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

What is PC Controller? ............................................................. 68
Before Installation ............................................................. 68
PC Controller Installation Procedures ........................................... 69
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ................................ 69
Windows XP .................................................................... 71
Driver Installation Procedures .................................................... 73
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ................................. 73
Windows XP .................................................................... 77
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ................................ 84
Windows XP .................................................................... 85
Driver Update ........................................................................ 87
PC Controller Setting ............................................................... 88
Main Menu ...................................................................... 88
Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD) ........................ 90
Creating a JOB by Entering Values (DIRECT) ......................... 102
Setting Frequently Used Functions on Computer (“SETTING”) ..... 107
SETTING 1.................................................................... 110
SETTING 2.................................................................... 113
SETTING 3.................................................................... 115
Reading a JOB from DC-646 (UPLOAD) ................................ 117
Registering a JOB Saved in Computer onto DC-646 (DOWNLOAD)
.................................................................................. 119
Processing a JOB by Retrieving from DC-646 (SELECT)............ 121
JOB Detail ..................................................................... 123
Processing a JOB by Retrieving from Computer....................... 124
Correcting a JOB on Computer ................................................. 129
Messages on the Status/System Display ..................................... 134

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting
When Messages Appear on the OK Monitor ................................. 136
When Messages Appear ......................................................... 139
When Service Call Messages Appear ......................................... 147
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred ............................................. 150
J2 FEED TRAY ............................................................... 150
J3 FEED ERROR ............................................................ 151

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J4 CCD AREA ................................................................ 153

J5 MSM/SLOT2 .............................................................. 154
J6 SLOT3/4 .................................................................. 157
J7 CUT, CREASE ............................................................ 159
J8 EXIT TRAY ................................................................ 163
J9 WASTE BOX .............................................................. 164
J10 REJECT AREA.......................................................... 166
J11 WASTE BOX ............................................................ 168
J12 DOCUMENT LENGTH ................................................ 170

Chapter 6 Daily Maintenance

Daily Maintenance ................................................................ 172
Cleaning the Slitter Tool .................................................... 172
Cleaning the Sensors ....................................................... 173
Cleaning the Conveyance Rollers ........................................ 180
Cleaning the Skew Correction Belt ....................................... 181
About Slitter Tool Intersection Correction................................ 182
Waste Box .......................................................................... 186

Chapter 7 Specifications
Specifications ...................................................................... 188

Index................................................................................. 192

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Chapter 1
Before Using This Machine

Before Using This Machine

This chapter contains essential information you should understand such as how
to set up the system, the names of the machine parts, etc.

Part Names and Their Functions .......................................................... 2

Appearance ............................................................................... 2
Ejection Side .............................................................................. 3
Ejection Side (with card stacker attached) .......................................... 4
Inside....................................................................................... 5
Control Panel ............................................................................. 6
LCD Panel ................................................................................ 8
Turning Power ON/OFF ...................................................................... 9
Turning Power ON ....................................................................... 9
Turning Power OFF ................................................................... 10
Preparation Before Use .....................................................................11
Loading Documents ....................................................................11
Attaching the Upper Guide ........................................................... 12
Setting the Exit Tray ................................................................... 12
Attaching the Card Stacker .......................................................... 13
Hanging the Unused Module ........................................................ 16
How to Connect the DC-646 to Your Computer ....................................... 17
Before Preparing Document .............................................................. 18
Definition of Programming Terms ................................................... 19

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Part Names and Their Functions
11 9 10 8 7 2
12 4



20 5

15 6

14 19
17 18
No. Name Function
1 Side guide (for feed tray) Set this according to the document size.
2 PC arm mount Install a commercial monitor arm for putting the laptop computer.
(Optional on 230V model)
3 Feed tray Original document is placed here.
4 Level adjustment knob Adjusts the elevator height.
5 Airflow adjustment knob Adjusts airflow level.
6 Separator adjustment knob Adjusts the distance between the separator and conveyance belt.
7 Top cover 1 Open this to move the upper guide or to remove the paper jam
from the feed unit. When the cover is opened, machine stops
running by the interlock switch.
8 Control panel Displays operations and status.
9 Emergency stop Press this to stop the machine in emergency. Turning the switch
switch to the right releases the emergency stop.
10 Top cover 2 Open this to remove the paper jam from the slitter/optional module
area or to replace the optional module.
When the cover is opened, machine stops running by the interlock switch.
11 Top cover 3 Open this to remove the paper jam from the cutter/crease/
optional module or to replace the optional module. When the
cover is opened, machine stops running by the interlock switch.
12 Scale Measures the cut and slit position, and the finished product.
13 Front cover Open this to remove the waste box. When the cover is opened,
machine stops running by the interlock switch.
14 Waste box Receives pieces of waste paper.
15 Reject tray This is where the document comes when it is rejected due to
double feed, barcode error, REG mark error, etc.
(Optional on 230V model)
DC-646 Reject Option is required for ejecting document to the
reject tray.
16 USB terminal Used for the connection to your computer on PC controller using.
17 Skew adjustment knob Adjusts the document skew.
18 Power switch Move this up/down to turn the power on/ off.
19 Module hanger Unused module can be hung on here.

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Part Names and Their Functions

No. Name Function

20 AC inlet Connect the power cord here.
21 Elevator down switch Press this to lower the feed tray to the bottommost position.


Before Using This Machine


No. Name Function

1 PC tray Place a desktop computer on this tray. (Optional on 230V model)

Ejection Side

No. Name Function

1 Exit tray Receives the finished products.
2 Side guide (for exit tray) Set this according to the document size.
3 Back guide Set this according to the document size.

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Part Names and Their Functions

Ejection Side (with card stacker attached)


No. Name Function

1 Guide Set this according to the card width. (Optional on 230V model)
2 Support guide Set this when paper alignment is poor. (Optional on 230V model)
(for card stacker)
3 Stopper assy Set this according to the card length. (Optional on 230V model)
(for card stacker)
4 Card stacker Receives the card-sized finished product. (Optional on 230V model)
5 Exit tray Receives the finished product.

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Part Names and Their Functions

Ejection Document

side Inside of top covers 2, 3 feed side

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 8
Inside of top cover 1

Before Using This Machine


No. Name Function

1 Margin slitter module Cuts off the both margins of operator’s side and non-operator’s side.
2 Standard module *1 Conveys the document.
Rotary tool module *2 Perforates or scores parallel to the document feed direction.
*1: DC-646 115V * You can also install the center slitter module (optional) or cross
DC-646 230V tool module (optional) here.
*2: DC-646 230V(PRO)
3 Center slitter module 1 Cuts parallel to the document feed direction. * You can also install
the standard module or rotary tool module (optional) here.
4 Center slitter module 2 Cuts parallel to the document feed direction. * You can also install
the standard module or rotary tool module (optional) here.
5 Gutter deflector Drops the margin cut off by the slitters into the waste box.
6 Creaser module Creases perpendicularly to the document feed direction.
7 Cutter module Cuts perpendicularly to the document feed direction.
8 Reject This is where the document comes when it is rejected due to double
feed, barcode error, REG mark error, etc.
9 Upper guide Used to set the light weight document.

• When removing various modules of this machine, always re-set the module in the
sequential order indicated in the figure above. It is especially that the slitter module is
properly assembled, when setting it in the slot 2, 3, and 4 again.
• Slitter modules for DC-645 cannot be used in the DC-646.

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Part Names and Their Functions

Control Panel

1 2 7 5 8

3 4 6 9

No. Name Function

1 OK Monitor The LED of the error area flashes when detecting an error.
2 LCD panel Displays the status of the machine.
Displays the message when an error or paper jam occurs.
3 F key Switches to function selecting screen.
4 RETURN key Switches to the previous screen.
5 CURSOR (Up) key Press to move the cursor in an upper direction.
Press to retrieve the saved JOB.
6 CURSOR (Down) Press to move the cursor in a lower direction.
key Press to confirm module setup and tool setup for cross tool module
and rotary tool module.
7 CURSOR (Left) key Press to move the cursor to the left.
Press to retrieve function setting.
8 CURSOR (Right) Press to move the cursor to the right.
key Press to save or overwrite a JOB.
9 SET key Press to fix selection / entry.

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Part Names and Their Functions

10 13 14

Before Using This Machine

11 12 15 16

No. Name Function

10 NUMERIC key Press to enter JOB/values during manual programming.
11 CLEAR key Press to clear the count. Press to cancel manual programming.
12 SET key Press to fix selection/entry.
13 JOG key Press to eject the document from the machine when paper jam
14 TEST key One (sheet) document is processed to test the current JOB details.
The processed document temporarily stops for a while at the
entrance of the card stacker for guide adjustment.
15 START key Press to start processing documents. The START key light turns
green when the machine is ready to process the document in this
machine. This key is inactive when the light is red. In this case,
the machine may be running or having an error.
16 STOP key Press to return the current screen to the main screen or to stop

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Part Names and Their Functions

LCD Panel
● Standby screen

Continuous count Batch count

1 2 1 2

↓ ↓
↓ ↓

Sheets 9999 3 Sheets 999/999 3

5 6 7

No. Name Function

1 JOB No. Displays the JOB number currently selected.
2 JOB Name Displays the JOB name currently selected.
3 Counter Displays the number of document sheets processed with the JOB
currently set.
4 REG mark REG is displayed when "REG mark reading" is ON.
5 Barcode BC is displayed when "barcode reading" is ON.
6 % ↓
% is displayed when "Apply shrinkage" is set in "Settings3.

7 is displayed when "Adjust All" is set.

● “Select menu” screen

Select menu Select menu Select menu

1 Retrieve JOB 4 Settings2 7 Cleaning mode
2 Enter JOB 5 Settings3 8 Return
3 Settings1 6 Adjust All

No. Name Function

1 Retrieve JOB Retrieves saved JOB.
2 Enter JOB Enters and changes JOB.
3 Settings1 Changes functions of the machine.
4 Settings2 Changes functions of the machine.
5 Settings3 Changes functions of the machine.
6 Adjust All Corrects the document position in vertical and horizontal direction
against the JOB set.
7 Cleaning mode Retrieves Cleaning mode to clean conveyance belt / conveyance
8 Return Returns to standby screen.

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Turning Power ON/OFF
Turning Power ON
Connect the “female plug” of the power cord to the
“Inlet.” Female plug of the
power cord

Before Using This Machine

Connect the “male plug” of the power cord to the
Male plug of the
power cord
● Insert the power cord plug securely, so
that proper electrical contact is effected. If Outlet
grounding is imperfect and electrical leakage
occurs, fire or electric shock could result.

● Use an access-friendly outlet so that an
operator easily plugs and unplugs the power
cord after installation.

● Unplug the power cord when emergency

Move the power switch lever upward to turn ON the


Model name of this machine appears on the LCD

panel and warm-up starts.

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Turning Power ON/OFF

Turning Power OFF

Press down the power switch lever to turn OFF the

The power turns off and the display on the LCD

panel disappears.

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Preparation Before Use
Loading Documents
Loosen the stack of the documents by flipping
through the sheets and align them.

Before Using This Machine

Load the documents on the feed tray and gently
push them toward the inside of the machine.

Fully extend the feed tray for the vertically long

The height of the document stack should not
exceed the “MAX” level.

Attach and adjust the two side guides according to

the document size.

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Preparation Before Use

Attaching the Upper Guide

Attach the upper guide to keep the document feed stable when using light weight document.

Open the top cover 1.

Attach the upper guide and adjust it to the position

where the left edge of the document passes.

Upper guide

Setting the Exit Tray

As shown in the right figure, lift the exit tray.
There are three setting positions of the exit tray.


Attach the back guide and side guides. Back guide Side guide
Attaching orientation of the back guide differs
depending on the setting angle of the exit tray.
(See the right figure.)
1: Exit tray - upper position
→ Attach the back guide with "L" orientation. 1
2: Exit tray - middle position 2
→ Attach the back guide with "L" orientation. 3
3: Exi tray - lower position
→ Attach the back guide with " L" orientation.

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Preparation Before Use

Attaching the Card Stacker (Optional on 230V model)

Attach the card stacker when making card-sized products.

● Use the card stacker when the length of a finished product is 150 mm or shorter.
● In the case that the finished products are not aligned on the exit tray even the finished

Before Using This Machine

product size is 150 mm or longer, use the card stacker with the stopper. Adjust the stopper
according to the finished product length.

Remove the side guide and the back guide from the
exit tray.
Set the exit tray 10 degrees upper from the
horizontal level.


Locate the card stacker on the exit tray with

contacting it to the stopper as shown in the right Stopper
(Screw head)

Press and hold the TEST key to perform a test run

for one sheet.

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Preparation Before Use

The finished products temporarily stop when they

reach the ejected point.
Slide the guide to the ejected point during the
The finished products are automatically ejected
to the card stacker 60 seconds later.

Adjust each guide to appropriate position so that Adjust the guide to the card edge.
the card edge on the non-operator’s side comes
into contact with the guide.
The cards tidily drop off with leaning.

The right figure shows front view of (A) in step 4.

Non-operator’s side operator’s side

Slightly shift the guide position.
● It will improve paper alignment by slightly
shifting the guide to the position as shown in
the figure when paper alignment is poor.

Non-operator’s side operator’s side

● It will improve paper alignment by setting the Set the guide between each card.
guide to the position as shown in the figure
when the document is processed with gutter
and the finished products are long.

Non-operator’s side operator’s side

Set the stopper assy (for card stacker) by

adjusting the position to the finished product
Adjust the distance (A) from the guide to the
stopper assy according to the document length.
Stopper assy (A)

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Preparation Before Use

After 60 seconds since the temporary stop or

after pressing the STOP key or the TEST key, the
finished products are ejected on the card stacker.

Set speed to "SLOW" when the JOB is processed
without gutter on using the light weight document.


Before Using This Machine

• When you press and hold the TEST key, the
machine enters "Stacker setup mode."
• When you press the START key, the finished 01: DUPLO
products temporarily stopped at the ejection
Stacker setup
section will be ejected and all documents on
the feed tray will be processed continuously. ––– –– − −−
• If you entered number of sheets for preset Sheets 0
count, the machine will process the document
for the number of sheets entered.

● How to Use the Support Guide (for Card Stacker)

When the length of the finished products is longer

than the guide length, attach the support guides (for
card stacker) to the guides.
Tuck the support
guide in this gap.

Support guide

After attachment
When moving the guide after setting the support
Support guide
guide, move it by holding the indicated part in the
figure, not holding the support guide.
If you move the guide by holding the support
guide, the support guide may bend.

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Preparation Before Use

Hanging the Unused Module

You can hang the edges of the top plate of the unused module on the module hanger. Two
module hangers (upper and lower) are equipped with the main unit and enable you to hang two

Align the both edges of the top plate of the unused

module with the module hanger.

Edge of
When hanging the module on the module hanger, Module
top plate
make sure that the both edges are aligned with hanger
the module hanger.

Module Edge of top plate

Hang the both edges of the top plate of the module Module
on the module hanger.

After hanging the module on the module hanger, top plate
check again that the both edges are hung on the
module hanger.
Do not move the main unit with the module hung
on the module hanger. Doing so may drop the
Module Edge of top plate

When hanging or unhanging the module, be
careful not to bring the module in contact with
the USB cable. Doing so may damage the USB
USB cable

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How to Connect the DC-646 to Your Computer
Prepare an USB 2.0 Cable (A/B 4-pin).
Plug the USB terminals into the USB port of the DC-646 and the USB port on your computer.
USB cable must be within 3 m long.

Before Using This Machine

USB 2.0 Cable


Do not connect the DC-646 to your computer until the driver of the PC Controller is installed.

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Before Preparing Document
The DC-646 can save up to 80 patterns of JOB. JOB contents can be programmed either via
computer or on the control panel. This chapter describes items required to program a JOB.

SLIT : The DC-646 has six slitters. Two slitters (1, 2) are for the margins and the remaining four
slitters are for the center area of the document.
CUT : There is a guillotine cutter that performs cuts perpendicular to the document feed
direction. The DC-646 can cut up to 25 cuts on one document.
CREASE : There is a creaser that performs creases perpendicular to the document feed direction.
The DC-646 can crease up to 20 creases on one document.

Document and processing position

G : Cut
1 : Slit 1
5 3 1
3 : Slit 3
5 : Slit 5
G FE D C B A 6 : Slit 6

Document 4 : Slit 4
6 4 2 2 : Slit 2

F : Crease

No. Name Function

1 Slot 1 Cuts off the margin of the operator’s side and the non-
2 (for Margin slitter module) operator’s side.
Slot 2 (for Standard module / Slitter Cuts or perforates parallel to the document feed direction.
B module / Cross tool module / Rotary * Cuts or perforates perpendicularly to the document feed
tool module) direction with the cross tool module installed.
3 Slot 3 (for Standard module / Sliter
C Cuts or perforates parallel to the document feed direction.
4 module / Rotary tool module)
5 Slot 4 (for Standard module / Slitter
D Cuts or perforates parallel to the document feed direction.
6 module / Rotary tool module)
The gutter strips cut off by module A, B, C and D are dropped
E - Gutter deflector
into the waste box.
F - Creaser module Creases perpendicularly to the document feed direction.
G - Cutter module Cuts perpendicularly to the document feed direction.

• When removing various modules of this machine, always re-set the module in the
sequential order indicated in the figure above. It is especially that the slitter module is
properly assembled, when setting module B, C and D again.
• Slitter modules for DC-645 cannot be used in the DC-646.

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Before Preparing Document

Definition of Programming Terms

Document feed direction

Before Using This Machine

Barcode REG mark

Slit 2 Slit 1

Slit 4 Slit 3

Slit 6 Slit 5

Document feed direction

First cut
REG mark



Last cut

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Before Preparing Document

Slit / Cut / Crease Limitations

There are limitations for slit / cut / crease process on the DC-646.

Document feed direction

Slit : Up to 6 slits are possible on one document.
Up to 8 slits are possible with the optional modules.
Slit 1 and Slit 2 are for cutting the margins at both side edges.
Cut : Up to 25 cuts are possible on one document.
Crease : Up to 20 creases are possible on one document.
Slit 2 Slit 4 Slit 6 Slit 5 Slit 3 Slit 1

Lead margin:
Cut 1 3.0 mm–

Card length:
Crease 1 50 mm–

Cut 2
Center margin:
Cut 3 3 mm–
(More margin may
be required
depending on

Crease 2

Cut 4
Trail margin:
5 mm–

Left margin: Card width: Gutter: Right margin:

3.2–55 mm 48 mm 5–15 mm 3.2–55 mm
from the left edge from the right edge

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Before Preparing Document

Moving range of the slitter

Document feed direction

Slit 2 Slit 4 Slit 6 Slit 5 Slit 3 Slit 1

Before Using This Machine

2 3.5 1


1. Moving range of the slitter 1

3.2 to 55 mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
2. Moving range of the slitter 2
Width of document-(3.2 to 55) mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
3. Moving range of the slitter 3
48 to (Width of document-48) mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
* However, a 48 mm or wider distance is required between input values of the Slitter 3 and
the Slitter 4.
4. Moving range of the slitter 4
48 to (Width of document-48) mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
* However, a 48 mm or wider distance is required between input values of the Slitter 3 and
the Slitter 4.
5. Moving range of the slitter 5
48 to (Width of document-48) mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
* However, a 48 mm or wider distance is required between input values of the Slitter 5 and
the Slitter 6.
* However, a 5 mm or more difference is required between input values of the slitter 3 and
slitter 5.
6. Moving range of the slitter 6
48 to (Width of document-48) mm (The width stands at 0 when it is not set.)
* However, a 48 mm or wider distance is required between input values of the Slitter 5 and
the Slitter 6.
* However, a 5 mm or more difference is required between input values of the slitter 4 and
slitter 6.

*Limitation of the range for each slitter varies by the other slitter’s input values.

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Before Preparing Document
REG Mark (Registration mark) * Optional on 230V model
The DC-646 automatically compensates for image drift, one of the common problems on
digital printers. It detects the image drift caused on each page by reading REG mark with
built-in CCD scanner and adjusts the cut / slit / crease position accordingly.

To use this function, each document must have REG mark printed on them. Please refer to
the following instructions for specifications and position of REG mark.

Document feed direction

1. Specifications
REG mark consists of two straight and
perpendicular lines.

Line length : 5 mm or more / each

Line thickness : 0.4 mm or more / each

Lead mark: corrects

for image drift in this Side mark: corrects
direction. for image drift in this

Use pen tool etc. of your software application to draw two straight and perpendicular lines.

2. Position
Document feed direction : The whole REG mark should be within 3 to 20 mm from the lead edge.
Document width direction : The whole REG mark should be within 3 to 20 mm from the right edge.

20 mm The illustration below shows the best
position to print the REG mark.

20 mm
3mm 3mm
5 mm or more

6 mm
5 mm
or more 20 mm
20 mm

6 mm
0.4 mm or more
REG mark
position range

REG mark

When there are scratches or stains in the printing range of the REG mark, the position may
not be corrected.
When the read side of the document is rough and glossy, the CCD scanner may not be able
to read REG mark and barcode. (The document may diffusely reflect light.)

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Before Preparing Document
Barcode (Automatic JOB selection) * Optional on 230V model
By adding barcode which indicates JOB number on each document, the DC-646 automatically
sets up the machine and starts the job. Operator can press the START key and leave.
Even if multiple types of jobs are loaded on the feed tray at one time, the DC-646 recognizes

barcode on documents also with the built-in CCD scanner and automatically switches setup and
finishes the jobs.
To use this function, each document must have barcode printed on them. Please refer to the
following instructions for specifications and position of barcode.

Before Using This Machine

1. Specifications Document feed direction
Barcode type : CODE-39
Start and Stop code : Required
Minimum resolving power : 0.254 mm
Thin bar : Thick bar : 1 : 2.5
Bar height : 4 mm or more

• CODE-39 barcode must be used.

Use barcode generator function equipped on your software application or use barcode
generator software.

2. Position
Document feed direction : The whole barcode should be within 3 to 20 mm from the lead edge.
Document width direction : The whole barcode should be within 25 to 60 mm from the right
(See below) No check digit
is the start code designator for CODE-39. Enter “*.”
is the tenths digit data of the JOB number.
(Example: When the JOB number is 21, the
data is “2.”) * *
is the units digit data of the JOB number.
(Example: When the JOB number is 21, the data is “1.”) With check digit
is the check digit. (Corresponding to with or without)
is the stop code of CODE-39. Enter “*.”

Positioning the barcode * *

60 mm or shorter
35 mm 25 mm

3 mm

20 mm

position range

Barcode Document feed


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Before Preparing Document

When both of REG mark and barcode are printed on one document
* Optional on 230V model
60 mm or shorter
35 mm 5 mm 20 mm

5 mm or more

5 mm 20 mm
or more

0.4 mm or more

Barcode REG mark

Document feed direction

When REG mark and/or barcode are printed outside the specified area, the DC-646 cannot
detect them properly. When positioning the REG mark and barcode on the document, take the
possibility of image shift into consideration.

Non-Printing Area
35 mm 5 mm 20 mm
3 mm or more 1 mm or more

Non-Printing Area

20 mm
1 mm

Barcode REG mark

Document feed

The print image other than REG mark and barcode should not be overlapped with the gray-
colored area.

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Chapter 2
Programming JOB on Control Panel
This chapter describes how to program a JOB on the control panel of the DC-646.

Programming JOB on Control Panel

Before Programming JOB ................................................................. 26

Programming a JOB on the Control Panel ............................................. 28
Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode) .......................................... 30
Programming a New JOB (Simple Mode) .............................................. 38
Changing the Stored JOB ................................................................. 41

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Before Programming JOB
The DC-646 includes DC-646 115V, DC-646 230V, and DC-646 230V(PRO).
Display on the LCD panel differs depending on model.

The DC-646 can save up to 80 patterns of JOB.

This chapter describes how to program and change a JOB on the control panel of the DC-646.

Before programming a JOB, accurately measure the positions of slits, cuts and creases in
mm/inch. Familiarize yourself with the following illustrations and instructions to make the
programming process easy and trouble free.

Slitter : There are a total of six slitters. Two slitters are for the margins and the remaining
four slitters are for the center of the document.
Cutter : There is a guillotine cutter that performs cuts perpendicular to the document feed
direction. The DC-646 can cut up to 25 cuts on one document.
Creaser : There is a creaser that performs creases perpendicular to the document feed
direction. The DC-646 can crease up to 20 positions on one document.

The DC-646 provides two programming modes, Advanced mode and Simple mode. You can
select either mode by your preference. When programming a JOB in Simple mode, select
“Simple mode” in “Settings2” before programming.
Advanced mode : You need to select module for the slot 2 to slot 4 before entering
processing position. You can set slit position alternately from side to side
in order of module along the document feed direction. The screen displays
“Slit1” to ”Slit6.”
* Screens for “Slit3” and the rest of the Slit are not displayed depending on
the combination of module in the slots.
Simple mode : Optimum module setup in the slot 2 to slot 4 is displayed by entering processing
position. You can set slit position in order, from the right side of the document
along the document feed direction. The screen displays “SlitA” to ”SlitF.”

Cut Trim Mode

There are three modes in this function.
● Full bleed mode : The area (lead margin) between the lead edge and first cut, the area (trail
margin) between the last cut and trail edge, and the area (gutter) (0–48.9
mm long) between two cuts are considered to be waste, and are chopped
up and dropped into waste box.
● No bleed mode : Gutters of 48.9 mm or shorter are chopped up and dropped into the waste box.
● Process all : All of the cut pieces are ejected to the exit tray, except that lead margin
and gutters of 27.9 mm or shorter and the trail margin of 48.9 mm or
shorter are chopped up and dropped into the waste box.

Lead edge
Lead margin
First cut

The area between two cuts shown

Processed area on the next page are chopped up
in Cut Trim Mode and dropped into the waste box.

Last cut
Trail margin

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Before Programming JOB

• Full bleed mode

Document feed direction Document feed direction

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Chopped up

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Not chopped up


Programming JOB on Control Panel

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Chopped up

• No bleed mode
Document feed direction Document feed direction
0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Not chopped up

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Not chopped up

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Not chopped up

• Process all

Document feed direction Document feed direction

0 - 27.9 mm Chopped up 28.0 mm - Not chopped up

0 - 27.9 mm Chopped up 28.0 mm - Not chopped up

0 - 48.9 mm Chopped up 49.0 mm - Not chopped up

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Programming a JOB on the Control Panel
The following items should be entered to program a JOB.

JOB number
Select a JOB number in which the JOB currently being programmed is saved.

JOB name
Enter a JOB name with the NUMERIC keys for easy reference.

Select Module (Module selection in the slot 2 to slot 4)

Select an optional module as needed.

Select Tool (Displayed when using rotary tool module and/or cross tool module)
Select a tool of the module in the slot 2 to slot 4.

Enter the width of document.

Enter the length of document.

REG mark position (Optional on 230V model)

When using REG mark reading:
Enter the distance between the lead edge of the document and the REG mark, and the
distance between the right edge of the document and the REG mark.

Slit position
Enter the distances between the right edge of the document and each slit position.
The DC-646 can slit up to 6 positions on one document. (can slit up to 10 positions when
installing optional slitter modules.)

Cut position
Enter the distances between the lead edge of the document and each cut position.
The DC-646 can cut up to 25 positions on one document.

Crease position (Perpendicular to the document feed direction)

Enter the distance between the lead edge of the document and each crease position.
The DC-646 can crease up to 20 positions on one document.

Tool position of cross tool module (Optional)

Enter the distance between the right edge of the document and perforation start/end positions.

Tool position of rotary tool module (Optional on 115V model and 230V model)
Enter the distance between the lead edge of the document and perforation start/end positions.

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Programming a JOB on the Control Panel

Air knife
Compressed air is blown out from the front of the document to loosen documents.
This prevents double feed.

Side blow fan (Optional)

Air is blown out from the side of the document to loosen documents. This prevents double

Fan reg (Fan register)

Document skewing in feeding area is corrected.
When using light weight document, set to “MIN” or turn OFF this function to prevent paper jam.

Read REG mark (Optional on 230V model)

This sets “Read REG mark” function. You can correct cut position with the REG mark.

Programming JOB on Control Panel

Slitter guide
When any slitters are not in use, these slitters act as document guide to stabilize the document
conveyance. Recommended for light weight document.

Cut trim mode

Lead margin, trail margin, and any gutter cuts (48.9 mm or shorter) are chopped up and
dropped into the waste box.
If there is no lead margin or trail margin on the document, select “No bleed mode.”

Auto trail cut

This sets trail margin cut.

Crease depth
This sets the depth of the crease when creasing a document.
Usually set to “MID.”
Set to “MAX” for heavy weight document and “MIN” for light weight document.

Select the processing speed.
Selecting “SLOW” improves finishing accuracy.

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)
The DC-646 provides two programming modes, Advanced mode and Simple mode. You can select
either mode by your preference. When programming a JOB in Simple mode, select “Simple mode”
in “Settings2” before programming. (See chapter 3 “Basic Operations“ in the DC-646 Instruction

Advanced mode : You need to select module for the slot 2 to slot 4 before entering processing
position. You can set slit position alternately from side to side in order of
module along the document feed direction. The screen displays “Slit1” to
* Screens for “Slit3” and the rest of the Slit are not displayed depending on
the combination of module in the slots.

Hints for entering a JOB:

● Pressing the SET key goes on to the next step.
● Pressing the CURSOR (Up) key returns to the previous step.
● Pressing the CURSOR (Down) key goes on to the next step.
● Pressing the STOP key during JOB entering returns to the standby screen.
● Pressing the RETURN key returns to the previous screen.

The following items that appear on the LCD panel stand for as below.
Standard : standard module Perf : perforation tool SLOT2 : slot 2
Slitter : slitter module Micro : micro perforation tool SLOT3 : slot 3
CPM : cross tool module SI-Score : slit-score tool SLOT4 : slot 4
RTM : rotary tool module Score : score tool

Turn on the power.

Make sure the standby screen is displayed on the LCD panel. 00: *********

REG BC - - -
Sheets 0

Press the F key.

The “Select menu” screen will appear.

Select menu
Select “Enter JOB” using the CURSOR (Up/Down) key and press
the SET key. Retrieve JOB
Enter JOB

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Select a JOB number (01–80) using the NUMERIC keys or the

CURSOR (Up/Down) key, and then press the SET key.
1: **************
2: **************
3: **************


Programming JOB on Control Panel

Enter a JOB name using the NUMERIC keys.
Maximum 30 characters in the table below can be entered.
Press the SET key when input is complete.

Key Pressing the same key switches character.

1 1 ! ” $ % & ’ ( )
2 A B C a b c 2
3 D E F d e f 3
4 G H I g h i 4
5 J K L j k l 5
6 M N O m n o 6
7 P Q R S p q r s 7
8 T U V t u v 8
9 W X Y Z w x y z 9
0 0
C Clear
Space, Moves the cursor to the left.
Space, Moves the cursor to the right.

Example: Entering “DUPLO” in JOB01

Press the <3> key and the CURSOR (Right) key. Job Name

* To delete a character, press the CLEAR key. Enter JOB name


Press the <8> key twice and the CURSOR (Right) key. Job Name
Enter JOB name

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Press the <7> key and the CURSOR (Right) key. Job Name
Enter JOB name

Press the <5> key three times and the CURSOR (Right) key. Job Name
Enter JOB name

Press the <6> key three times and the CURSOR (Right) key. Job Name
Press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Enter JOB name

Module in the slot 2 Select Module

Modules are displayed in order of “Standard”, “Slitter”, “CPM”,
and “RTM.” 2:Standard
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select a desired optional 3: Slitter
module, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. 4: Slitter
When any optional modules are not used in the slot 2, select

Refer to the instruction manual of each optional module for
programming a JOB with an optional module.

Module in the slot 3 Select Module

Modules are displayed in order of “Standard”, “Slitter”, and
“RTM.” 2:Standard
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select a desired 3: Slitter
optional module, and press the SET key or the CURSOR 4: Slitter
(Down) key.
When any optional modules are not used in the slot 3, select

Refer to the instruction manual of each optional module for
programming a JOB with an optional module.

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Module in the slot 4 Select Module

Modules are displayed in order of “Standard”, “Slitter”, and “RTM.”
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select a desired optional 2:Standard
module, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. 3: Slitter
When any optional modules are not used in the slot 4, select 4: Slitter

Refer to the instruction manual of each optional module for

programming a JOB with an optional module.

Width Document Size

Enter the width (mm) of the document using the NUMERIC keys.
The value must be between 210.0 to 370.0 mm.

Programming JOB on Control Panel

When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR ***.*mm
(Down) key. (210.0-370.0)

Length Document Size

Enter the length (mm) of the document using the NUMERIC keys.
The value must be between 210.0 to 670.0 mm. Length
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR ***.*mm
(Down) key. (210.0-670.0)

Side mark Reg Mark

This screen appears only when CCD (optional on 230V model) is
used. Side mark
When using “REG mark reading” function, enter the distance **.*mm
between the right edge of the document and the side mark using
the NUMERIC keys. The value must be 3.0 to 15.0 mm.
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR
(Down) key. If you enter “0”, the screen skips to step 19.

Lead mark Reg Mark

This screen appears only when CCD (optional on 230V model) is
used. Lead mark
When using “REG mark reading” function, enter the distance **.*mm
between the lead edge of the document and the lead mark using (3.0-15.0)
the NUMERIC keys. The value must be 3.0 to 15.0 mm.
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR
(Down) key.

When using “Slit” function, enter the distance from the right edge
of the document to the position for “Slit1” using the NUMERIC Slit1
keys. ***.*mm
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR (0/***.*-***.*)
(Down) key.
• Advanced mode: The screen displays “Slit1” to “Slit6.”

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Document feed direction

Slit position setting order
• Simple mode : from “Slit A” to “Slit F”
• Advanced mode: from “Slit ” to “Slit ”
Inputtable range depending on document is displayed
in (0/***.*-***.*).

Enter the value for “Slit2” to “Slit6” in a similar way to step 19.
When you require fewer than six slits, enter “0” after the last slit
setting and then press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Slit6
REFERENCE (***.*-***.*)
No screen appears for the slot that is not used.

Cut trim mode

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select Full bleed mode,
No bleed mode or Process all, and press the SET key or the Cut trim mode
CURSOR (Down) key. Full bleed mode

Full bleed mode : Chops up the lead margin, the trail margin, and
the gutters of 48.9 mm or shorter.
No bleed mode : Chops up the gutters of 48.9 mm or shorter.
Process all : Ejects all of the cut pieces to the exit tray, except
that the lead margin and the gutters of 27.9 mm or
shorter and the trail margin of 48.9 mm or shorter
are chopped up.

Cut Cut
When using “Cut” function, enter the distance from the lead edge
of the document to the position for “Cut1” using the NUMERIC Cut1
keys. This value must be smaller than the value set for document ***.*mm
length. (0/***.*-***.*)
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR
(Down) key.

Up to 25 cuts can be set. Cut

Enter the value for “Cut2” to “Cut25” in a similar way to the above.
This value must be “previous cut position + 3 mm.” The value for Cut25
the last cut must be under “the document length - 5 mm.” ***.*mm
When you require fewer than 25 cuts, enter “0” after the last cut (0/***.*-***.*)
setting and then press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key.

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Crease Crease
Enter the distance from the lead edge of the document to the
position for “Crease1” using the NUMERIC keys. This value must Crease1
be smaller than the value set for document length. ***.*mm
When input is complete, press the SET key or the CURSOR (0/***.*-***.*)
(Down) key.

Enter the value for “Crease2” to “Crease20” in a similar way to Crease

step 25.

This value must be between the value for the previous crease Crease20
position set + 0.1 and the value set for document length. ***.*mm
When you require fewer than 20 creases, enter “0” after the (0/***.*-***.*)
last crease setting and then press the SET key or the CURSOR
(Down) key.

Programming JOB on Control Panel

Air knife
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to turn ON/OFF the “Air
knife”, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Air knife
Turn ON this function when processing document with
excessive static electricity or heavy weight document.

Side blow fan (Optional) Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID, MIN
or OFF, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Side blow fan
Set this function to MAX when processing documents with
excessive static electricity or heavy weight documents.
Set to MIN or OFF when processing light weight document.

Fan reg Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID, MIN
or OFF, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Fan reg
Set this function to MIN when processing light weight document
to prevent paper jams.

Read REG mark (Optional on 230V model) Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to turn ON/OFF the
“Read REG mark” (REG mark reading), and press the SET key Read REG mark
or the CURSOR (Down) key. ON OFF

It is not possible to turn ON this function if either the “Lead
mark” or “Side mark” does not have a value entry (i.e. if the
value entry is 0 mm). To turn ON this function, enter an value
of “Lead mark” and “Side mark.” (See steps 18 and 19).

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

Slitter guide Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to turn ON the “Slitter
guide” when using the module in the slot as a document guide, Slitter guide
or turn OFF when not using as a document guide, and press the ON OFF
SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key.

When you use rotary tool module or slitter module, you can set
this function to “ON.”

Auto trail cut Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to turn ON/OFF the “Auto
trail cut”, and press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. Auto trail cut
Default is “OFF.”
• ON : Dummy cut is performed.
Set to ON when the trail margin does not drop easily.
• Dummy cut : The machine performs cutting operation three
times at the last cut. This is effective for dropping
the document, such as when the trail margin is
jammed between the roller and the lower tool of
the cutter.
• The above screen appears only when value is entered to “Cut.”
(→P.34 “Cut”)

Crease depth Function

Use the CURSOR (Right) key and (Left) key to select crease
depth from MAX, MID or MIN, and press the SET key or the Crease depth

• Default is “MAX.”
• The above screen appears only when value is entered to
“Crease.” (→P.35 “Crease”)

Speed Function
Use the CURSOR (Right) key and (Left) key to select processing
speed from FAST or SLOW, and press the SET key or the Speed

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Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)

The display shown on the right appears on the screen. Job**entry

To save the JOB, select YES and press the SET key.
Enter JOB **?
If you want to cancel the settings, press the STOP key.

● When you are selecting already stored JOB number, the
messages “Overwrite JOB**” or “Save as different JOB no.”

will appear on the screen. Overwrite JOB**
If you select “Overwrite JOB**” and press the SET key, the Save as
JOB will be overwritten. different JOB no

Programming JOB on Control Panel

● If you select “Save as different JOB no.” and press the SET JOB01entry
key, a list of JOB number will appear on the screen.
Use the CURSOR (Up) key or (Down) key to select JOB 1: DUPLO
number, and press the SET key. Every time you press the 2: [No Data]
CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key, the setting details of the 3: [No Data]
highlighted JOB number are displayed.

The message “Saving JOB” will appear on the screen and the 01: DUPLO
JOB settings are saved in the memory.
The display returns to the standby screen as shown on the right
--- -- - --
figure and the JOB number with its name which you just saved is
displayed. Sheets 0

When retrieving a JOB, saving a JOB, or turning on the power,
if the JOB contains common function item (ex. Air knife) with
“Settings1” and “Settings3,” the setting in the JOB overwrites
the setting made in “Settings1” and “Settings3.”

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Programming a New JOB (Simple Mode)

Set “Simple Mode” in the “Settings2” to program a JOB in Simple Mode.
(→P.53 “Function Setting 2”)

Simple mode : Optimum module setup in the slot 2 to slot 4 is displayed by entering processing
position. You can set slit position in order, from the right side of the document
along the document feed direction. The screen displays “SlitA” to ”SlitF.”

When programming a JOB in Simple Mode, slitter settings are entered in order as shown on
the figure below.

Hints for entering a JOB:

● Pressing the SET key goes on to the next step.
● Pressing the CURSOR (Up) key returns to the previous step.
● Pressing the CURSOR (Down) key goes on to the next step.
● Pressing the STOP key during JOB entering returns to the standby screen.
● Pressing the RETURN key returns to the previous screen.

The following items that appear on the LCD panel stand for as below.
Standard : standard module Perf : perforation tool SLOT2 : slot 2
Slitter : slitter module Micro : micro perforation tool SLOT3 : slot 3
CPM : cross tool module SI-Score : slit-score tool SLOT4 : slot 4
RTM : rotary tool module Score : score tool

Document feed direction

Slit F Slit E Slit D Slit C Slit B Slit A

Left edge of Right edge of

the document the document


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Programming a New JOB (Simple Mode)

Proceed with steps 1 to 11 and steps 15 to 18 of “Programming a New JOB (Advanced

(→P.30 “Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)”)

● When only slitter module is installed in the slot 3 and slot 4. (Cross tool module and rotary
tool module are not used.)

Enter the distance from the right edge of the document to the Slit
position for “Slit A” using the NUMERIC keys, and then press the

SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key. SlitA
In simple mode, “SlitA” to “SlitF” are displayed. ***.*mm

Programming JOB on Control Panel

REFERENCE Document feed direction
Slit position setting order: F E D C B A
• Simple mode : Slits are set in alphabetical
order from “Slit A” to “Slit F.”
• Advanced mode : Slits are set in numerical
order from “Slit ” to “Slit “.

Enter the distance from the right edge of the document to the Slit
“Slit B” using the NUMERIC keys, and press the SET key or the
CURSOR (Down) key. SlitB
When you require fewer than six slits, enter “0” after the last slit (0/***.*-***.*)
setting and then press the SET key or the CURSOR (Down) key.

When saving a JOB with side margin of 48–55 mm in Simple mode:
Right margin : Enter 0 for “SlitA” and 48–55 for “SlitB.”
Left margin : Enter 48–55 for the width of the last slit but one and document width for
the last slit width.

Enter the distance from the right edge of the document to the Slit
“SlitC” using the NUMERIC keys, and press the SET key or the
CURSOR (Down) key. SlitC
The number of icons indicates how many SLOT2 SLOT3 SLOT4 SLOT2 SLOT3 SLOT4
center slitter modules are used for the JOB.
Not used

When a center slitter module is used both in the



slot 3 and slot 4 as shown in the right figure, two

icons are displayed on the LCD panel.
Two center slitter modules ↑ ↑
are used.

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Programming a New JOB (Simple Mode)

Enter the value for “SlitD” to “SlitF” in a similar way to the above.

Proceed with steps 21 to 33 of “Programming a New JOB (Advanced mode)”.

(→ P.34 “Programming a New JOB (Advanced mode)”)

Check that the modules in the slot 3 and slot 4 are slitter module. Module setup
The right screen shows that standard module is used in the slot 2,
and slitter module is used in the slot 3 and slot 4. 2:Standard

The display shown on the right appears on the screen. Job**entry

To save the JOB, select YES and press the SET key.
If you want to cancel the settings, press the STOP key. Enter JOB **?


● When you are selecting already stored JOB number, the
messages “Overwrite JOB**” or “Save as different JOB no.”
will appear on the screen. Overwrite JOB01
If you select “Overwrite JOB**” and press the SET key, the Save as
JOB will be overwritten. different JOB no

● If you select “Save as different JOB no.” and press the SET JOB01entry
key, a list of JOB number will appear on the screen.
Use the CURSOR (Up) key or (Down) key to select JOB 1: DUPLO
number, and press the SET key. Every time you press the 2: [No Data]
CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key, the setting details of the 3: [No Data]
highlighted JOB number are displayed.

The message “Saving JOB” will appear on the screen and the 01: DUPLO
JOB settings are saved in the memory.
The display returns to the standby screen as shown on the right
--- -- - --
figure and the JOB number with its name which you just saved is
displayed. Sheets 0

When retrieving a JOB, saving a JOB, or turning on the power,
if the JOB contains common function item (ex. Air knife) with
“Settings1” and “Settings3”, the setting in the JOB overwrites
the setting made in “Settings1” and “Settings3.

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Changing the Stored JOB
This section describes how to change the stored JOB and to overwrite the JOB.

Make sure the standby screen is displayed on the LCD panel.


Press the F key. --- -- - --

The “Select menu” screen will appear. Sheets 0

Use the CURSOR (Down) key to select “Enter JOB”, and press Select menu
the SET key.
Retrieve JOB

Programming JOB on Control Panel

Enter JOB

The JOB numbers are displayed in ascending order.

Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select the “JOB number”
that you want to change, and then press the SET key. 1: DUPLO
2: *************
3: [No Data]

Press the SET key or CURSOR (Down) key to select the item to
be changed.
Follow the steps in “Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)
for each setting.
(→P.30 “Programming a New JOB (Advanced Mode)”)

When input of the last item is completed, the display shown on Job**entry
the right appears.
If you save the changes as the currently selected JOB number, Overwrite JOB**
press the CURSOR (Up) key or (Down) key to select “Overwrite Save as
JOB**”, and then press the SET key. different JOB no.
If you save them as different JOB number, press the CURSOR
(Up) key or (Down) key to select “Save as different JOB no.,” and
then press the SET key.

The message “Saving JOB” will appear on the screen and the 01: DUPLO
changed JOB settings are saved in the memory.
The display returns to the standby screen shown on the right
--- -- - --
and the JOB number and the JOB name that were just saved are
displayed. Sheets 0

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Chapter 3
Basic Operations
This chapter describes the operating sequence from turning on the DC-646 until
completing process.

Basic Operations
Processing Documents by Selecting a JOB ............................................ 44
Function Setting ............................................................................. 47
Setting Functions ............................................................................ 50
Function Setting 1 ..................................................................... 50
Function Setting 2 ..................................................................... 53
Function Setting 3 ..................................................................... 57
Adjust All (in Vertical/Horizontal Direction) ........................................ 58
Automatic Setup Using Barcodes ........................................................ 60
Adjusting Feeder ............................................................................ 62
Elevator level (Feed tray)............................................................. 62
Separator ................................................................................ 62
Airflow .................................................................................... 62
Skew Compensation .................................................................. 63
Curled Document / Light Weight Document ............................................ 64

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Processing Documents by Selecting a JOB
This section describes the procedures to process documents by selecting a JOB from “Retrieve
JOB no.” or “Retrieve JOB log.”

Make sure the standby screen is displayed on the LCD panel.


Press the F key. REG BC - - -

The “Select menu” screen will appear. Sheets 0

Press the SET key with “Retrieve JOB” is selected. Select menu
Retrieve JOB
Enter JOB

Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select “Retrieve JOB Retrieve JOB
no.” or “Retrieve JOB log,” and press the SET key.
Retrieve JOB no.
“Retrieve JOB no.” : JOB numbers appear in ascending order. Retrieve JOB log
“Retrieve JOB log” : JOB numbers appear in descending order of Return
input from the latest processed JOB number.

Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select the JOB number Retrieve JOB01
that you want to process, and press the SET key.
● If you press the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key with the Retrieve JOB01
cursor under the JOB number, you can confirm the details of
the JOB number that you selected. 1:DUPLO
● After selecting “Retrieve JOB no.,” you can select “JOB no.” 3:20mm SLIT
using the NUMERIC keys.

● Retrieving JOB number from “Retrieve JOB log” JOB log

Processed JOBs are saved in the DC-646 as JOB log.
The latest processed ten JOBs are saved and older JOBs 1:DUPLO
exceeding ten are deleted in chronological order. 30:DUPLO30

Prepare the documents for the JOB selected, then loosen the
stack of the documents by flipping through the sheets.

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Processing Documents by Selecting a JOB

Load the documents on the feed tray.

(→P.11 “Loading Documents”)

The height of the document stack should not
exceed the MAX level.

Set the side guides.

(→P.11 “Loading Documents”)

As shown on the right figure, lift the exit tray.

(→P.12 “Setting the Exit Tray”)

Basic Operations
● When the finished product size is A3 (11”×17”)
or longer, it is recommended to set the exit tray
in the downward position.
● If the finished products are adhered on the exit
tray due to static electricity, set the exit tray in
the downward position.

Attach the back guide and the side guides.

(→P.12 “Setting the Exit Tray”)

Press the TEST key to process a test run for one

Confirm whether the finished product is processed
as it is programmed. If not, make fine adjustment in
“Function Setting.”

If you already determine the number of document to

be processed, use the NUMERIC keys to enter the
number of documents.

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Processing Documents by Selecting a JOB

Make sure that the LED on the START key is green,

and then press the START key.
• If it is red, the DC-646 is having an error.
Follow the instruction displayed on the LCD panel.

After the processing is complete, the standby screen appears.


REG BC - - -
Sheets 0

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Function Setting
The following functions can be set.

< Function Setting 1 >

This sets the tools which are installed on the right and left of the module.

Air knife
This is used when double feed occurs frequently.
Compressed air is blown out from the front of the document to loosen the documents,
preventing double feed.

Side blow fan (Optional)
Air is blown out from the side of the document to loosen the documents, preventing double

Fan reg (Fan register)

Basic Operations
This suctions the document to the conveyance belt for skew correction.

Read REG mark (Optional on 230V model)

This sets operation mode when sensing the REG mark. Sensing the REG mark and handling
operations at the regular position improve accuracy of documents handling.

Slitter guide
When any slitters are not in use for performing a JOB, these slitters act as document guide
to stabilize the document conveyance.
Recommended for light weight document.

Cut trim mode

Lead margin, trail margin, and any gutter cuts (48.9 mm or shorter) are chopped up and
dropped into the waste box. If there is no lead margin or trail margin on the document, select
“No bleed mode.”

Crease depth
This sets the depth of the crease when creasing a document. Usually set to MID. Set to MAX
for heavy weight document and MIN for light weight document.

This is used to select processing speed from FAST and SLOW.

Auto trail cut

The trail margin of the document is chopped up.
ON : Appropriate cutting or chopping is processed by automatic calculation.
OFF : No cutting or no chopping is processed in any length of the trail margin.

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Function Setting

< Function Setting 2 >

DBL detection (double feed detection)

This detects double feed (two or more sheets are fed at once).
Select AUTO or OFF.

Read Barcode (Barcode reading)(Optional on 230V model)

This sets whether to execute automatic setup when reading a barcode.

Reject (Optional on 230V model)

Double-fed documents or documents with reading error (REG mark or Barcode) are ejected
to the reject tray automatically.

Waste compactor (Optional)

This makes the lopsided waste in the waste box even.

Waste detection
This sets the detection timing of waste box full. When waste box full is detected, waste box
full message appears on the LCD panel.

Feeder capacity
The elevator level can be adjusted to three levels according to the document quantity.

Basic mode
You can select “Simple mode” or “Advanced mode” for entering a JOB.

CPM on pos adj

This adjusts processing start position of cross tool module.

CPM off pos adj

This adjusts processing end position of cross tool module.

RTM on pos adj

This adjusts processing start position of rotary tool module.

RTM off pos adj

This adjusts processing end position of rotary tool module.

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Function Setting

< Function Setting 3 >

Apply shrinkage
In case printed documents are shrunk by heat generated on digital printer, by entering the
original document size and document size after shrunk, DC-646 automatically calculates the
shrinkage ratio and adjusts the cutting and creasing position accordingly.
This function compensates for the shrinkage in the feed direction only.

● Functions of Air knife, Side blow fan, Fan reg, Read REG mark and Slitter guide, Cut
trim mode, Crease depth and Speed are normally set when programming a JOB.
● These settings memorized when programming JOB take priority over those set by
Function Setting. Therefore, the settings by Function Setting are valid only for the
process which is just after the setting.
Programmed JOB details are not overwritten and remain as they are. However, settings
in Settings2 are overwritten.
On the other hand, functions of DBL detection, Read Barcode, Reject and Apply

Basic Operations
shrinkage can be set by Function Setting only.

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Setting Functions
The temporarily set functions by Function Setting 1 and Function Setting 3 are valid until
the power is turned OFF or another JOB is selected. The already stored JOB details are not
overwritten. However, functions set by Function Settings 2 are overwritten. “DBLdetection” and
“Feeder capacity” are valid even after turning off the power.

The following items that appear on the LCD panel stand for as below.
Standard : standard module Perf : perforation tool SLOT2 : slot 2
Slitter : slitter module Micro : micro perforation tool SLOT3 : slot 3
CPM : cross tool module SI-Score : slit-score tool SLOT4 : slot 4
RTM : rotary tool module Score : score tool

Function Setting 1
Turn the power on.

Make sure the standby screen is displayed on the LCD panel.


Sheets 0

Press the F key. Select menu

The “Select menu” screen will appear.
Retrieve JOB
Enter JOB

Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select “Settings1,” and Select menu
press the SET key.
Retrieve JOB
Enter JOB

Air Knife Settings1 */**

Compressed air is blown out from the front of the document to
loosen the documents, preventing double feed. Air knife
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF. ON OFF
When using light weight document, select OFF.
After selecting ON or OFF, press the CURSOR (Down) key.
If you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
"Cutter speed" setting screen.

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Setting Functions

Side blow fan (Optional) Settings1 */**

Air is blown out to the edge of the document to easily separate
the documents when feeding. Side blow fan
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID, MAX MID MIN OFF
MIN or OFF, and press the CURSOR (Down) key.
If you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

Fan reg Settings1 */**

Document skewing in feeding area is corrected.
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID, Fan reg
MIN or OFF, and press the CURSOR (Down) key. MAX MID MIN OFF
If you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

Read REG mark (Optional on 230V model)

This sets REG mark reading function.
Every time the CURSOR (Right) key is pressed, the screen

Read REG mark

displays ALL/Only first sht/Every**sht/**.*mm or more/OFF in

Basic Operations
order. If you press the CURSOR (Left) key, the screen returns to
the previous one. When not using this function, select OFF.
After selecting a mode, press the CURSOR (Down) key.
If you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

● Every**sht : You can set 2 to 9999. Set the number of documents when reading
REG mark. For example, if you set 2 sheets, REG mark will be read
once in 2 sheets (1st, 3rd, 5th, ...). Rejected sheets are included in
the number.
● **.*mm or more : You can set 0.2 to 12.0. If you set **mm and the difference between
the REG mark and the current slit position is under ** mm, the
slit position does not move. “**.*mm or more” is used when the
difference is large and REG mark needs to be compensated.

Slitter guide Settings1 */**

When any slitters are not in use for performing a JOB, these
slitters act as document guide to stabilize the document Slitter guide
conveyance. Recommended for light weight document. ON OFF
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF.
When using the slitters as document guide, select ON. When
not using, select OFF.
After selecting ON or OFF, press the CURSOR (Down) key.
If you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

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Setting Functions

Cut trim mode Settings1 */**

Lead margin, trail margin and gutters are chopped up and
dropped into the waste box. Cut trim mode
Every time the CURSOR (Right) key is pressed, the screen Full bleed mode
displays Full bleed mode/No bleed mode/Process all in order.
If you press the CURSOR (Left) key, the screen returns to the
previous one.
After selecting a mode, press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

Full bleed mode : Chops up the lead margin and the trail margin, and the gutters of 48.9
mm or shorter, then drops into the waste box.
No bleed mode : Chops up the gutters of 48.9 mm or shorter and drops into the waste
Process all : Ejects all of the cut pieces to the exit tray, except that the lead margin
and the gutters of 27.9 mm or shorter and the trail margin of 49.8 mm or
shorter are chopped up and dropped into the waste box.

• If the document has no lead margin or trail margin, select “No bleed mode.”
• The above screen appears only when value is entered to “Cut.” (→P.34)

Crease depth Settings1 */**

Set “Crease depth” function when creasing on the document.
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID Crease depth
or MIN, and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the MAX MID MIN
CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

• Set to MAX for heavy weight document and MIN for light
weight document.
• The above screen appears only when value is entered to
“Crease.” (→P.35)

Speed Settings1 */**

Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select FAST or
SLOW, and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the Speed
CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item. FAST SLOW

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Setting Functions

Auto trail cut Settings1 */**

You can set trail margin cut of the document.
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF, Auto trail cut
and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the CURSOR ON OFF
(Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.
• The above screen appears only when value is entered to “Cut.” (→P.34)

Press the SET key.

● If you exit Function Setting without pressing the SET key, the function set are not
● If you press the SET key before completing Function Setting, the setting you just
input is saved and the standby screen appears. 3

Basic Operations
Function Setting 2
Press the F key. Select menu
The “Select menu” screen will appear.
Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select “Settings2,” and Enter JOB
press the SET key. Settings1

DBL detection (Double feed detection) Settings2 */**

This detects double feed (two or more sheets are fed at once).
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF, DBL detection
and press the CURSOR (Down) key. ON

Double feed may not be detected if you are using rough- Settings2 */**
textured document.
DBL detection

Read Barcode (Optional on 230V model) Settings2 */**

This sets whether to perform automatic setup when reading the
barcode. Read Barcode
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF, ON OFF
and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the CURSOR
(Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

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Setting Functions

Reject (Optional on 230V model) */**

Double-fed documents or documents with CCD reading error
are ejected to the reject tray automatically. If error occurs three Reject
times continuously, processing stops. ON OFF
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON or OFF,
and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the CURSOR
(Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

Waste compactor (optional) Settings2 */**

This makes the lopsided waste in the waste box even.
ON : Keeps swaying the waste box from side to side Waste compactor
during document processing. AUTO
AUTO : Sways the waste box by automatic detection
depending on the height of the accumulating waste.
OFF : The message "waste box full" appears instead of
swaying the waste box.
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select ON, AUTO
or OFF, and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the
CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

Waste detection Settings2 */**

This sets the detection timing of waste box full. When waste
box full is detected, an error message appears on the LCD Waste detection
panel. MID
MAX : Detects full when the waste comes to 70% of the
waste box.
MID : Detects full when the waste comes to half of the waste
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX or MID,
and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the CURSOR
(Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

• The dotted line in the figure on the LCD panel is a rough guide of waste box full.
• This function is only for when processing light weight document or shot document.

Feeder capacity Settings2 */**

The elevator level can be adjusted to the three levels below
Feeder capacity
according to the document quantity.
MAX : when loading high quantity of documents
MID : when loading middle quantity of documents
MIN : when loading low quantity of documents
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select MAX, MID
or MIN, and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If you press the
CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the previous item.

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Setting Functions

Basic mode Settings2 */**

You can select “Simple mode” or “Advanced mode” for entering
a JOB. Basic mode
Simple mode : The appropriate modules are automatically Simple mode
designed after you entered all the
processing values.
Advanced mode : You can set all the modules and tools
alternately from side to side in order of Settings2 */**
module along the document feeding
Basic mode
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select “Simple mode” Advanced mode
or “Advanced mode,” and press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

CPM on pos adj

You can adjust processing start position when installing the
cross tool module.
CPM on pos adj
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select shift direction +0.0mm

Basic Operations
(+/-), and use the NUMERIC key to enter the value.
+ : Shifts processing start position toward the operator's side.
− : Shifts processing start position toward the non-operator's
When input is complete, press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

CPM off pos adj Settings2 */**

You can adjust processing end position when installing the
cross tool module. CPM off pos adj
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select shift direction +0.0mm
(+/-), and use the NUMERIC key to enter the value.
+ : Shifts processing end position toward the operator's side.
− : Shifts processing end position toward the non-operator's
When input is complete, press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

RTM on pos adj Settings2 */**

You can adjust processing start position when installing the
rotary tool module. RTM on pos adj
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select shift direction, +0.0mm
and use the NUMERIC key to enter the value.
+ : Shifts processing start position toward the document rear
edge from its reference position.
− : Shifts processing start position toward the document lead
edge from its reference position.
When input is complete, press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Setting Functions

RTM off pos adj Settings2 */**

You can adjust processing end position when installing the
RTM off pos adj
rotary tool module.
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select shift direction, +0.0mm
and use the NUMERIC key to enter the value.
+ : Shifts processing end position toward the document rear
edge from its reference position.
− : Shifts processing end position toward the document lead
edge from its reference position.
When input is complete, press the CURSOR (Down) key. If
you press the CURSOR (Up) key, the screen returns to the
previous item.

Press the SET key.

● If you exit Function Setting without pressing the SET key, the function set are not
● If you press the SET key before completing Function Setting, the setting you just
input is saved and the standby screen appears.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Setting Functions

Function Setting 3
Press the F key. Select menu
The “Select menu” screen will appear.
Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select "Settings3," and Settings1
press the SET key. Settings2

Apply shrinkage Settings3

In case printed documents are shrunk by heat generated
on digital printer, by entering the original document size Apply shrinkage
and document size after shrunk, the DC-646 automatically Before → After
calculates the shrinkage ratio and adjusts the cutting and ***.*mm→***.*mm
creasing position accordingly.
Use the NUMERIC keys to enter the original document length
(Before), then enter the shrunk document length (After).

Basic Operations
When you press and hold the CLEAR key, the value of "Before"
and "After" returns to the one that was entered to "Length."

Press the SET key.

● If you exit Function Setting without pressing the SET key, the function set are not
● If you press the SET key before completing Function Setting, the setting you just
input is saved and the standby screen appears.

● The right screen appears only when you change the Save Shrinkage
value(s) of “Apply shrinkage” in step 2. in JOB**
for future?
Yes No

The standby screen appears. 01:**********

"%" is displayed at the location of only when "Apply Sheets 999/999
shrinkage" is set in Settings3.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Setting Functions

Adjust All (in Vertical/Horizontal Direction)

Adjust All (in vertical direction)
This corrects the document position in vertical direction against the JOB set.

Adjust All (in horizontal direction)

This corrects the document position in horizontal direction against the JOB set.

Press the F key. Select menu

The “Select menu” screen will appear.
Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select "Adjust All", and Settings2
press the SET key. Settings3
Adjust All

Adjust All (in vertical direction) Adjust All

This function corrects the document position in vertical direction
against the JOB set (mm). + 0.0
Make sure that “0.0” in the + 0.0 flashes. + 0.0
Use the CURSOR (Right) or (Left) key to select moving (mm)
direction (+/−), then use the NUMERIC keys to enter the value.
Press the CURSOR (Down) key.

When both “**.*mm or more” under “Read REG mark” (in
Settings1) and “Adjust All ” are set, the values are summed

Adjust All (in horizontal direction) Adjust All

This function corrects the document position in horizontal
+ 0.0
direction against the JOB set (mm).
Make sure that “0.0” in the + 0.0 flashes. + 0.0
Use the CURSOR (Up) or (Down) key to select moving (mm)
direction (+/−), then use the NUMERIC keys to enter the

When both “**.*mm or more” under “Read REG mark
(in Settings1)” and “Adjust All ” are set, the values are
summed up.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Setting Functions

Press the SET key.

● If you exit Function Setting without pressing the SET key, the function set are not
● If you press the SET key before completing Function Setting, the setting you just
input is saved and the standby screen appears.

The last crease

If the message on the right appears on the screen, the result position becomes
from the calculation of the values of “Adjust All” (for both invalid.
directions) and “Apply shrinkage” is that the crease position is

All adjustments
out of specification.
Re-enter value for the crease position, “Adjust All”, or “Apply
shrinkage.” and shrinkage

Basic Operations
are cleared.

If you changed the value of “Adjust All ” in step 2 or “Adjust Save AdjustAll
All ” in step 3, the right screen appears. in JOB**
for future?
If you select “Yes” and press the SET key, the setting will
be saved both in “Adjust All” and in the JOB.
Save Shrinkage &
If you select “No” and press the SET key, the setting will Adj. All in JOB**
be saved in “Adjust All” only.
for future?
Yes No

The standby screen appears. 01:**********

“ ” is displayed at the location of only when Sheets 999/999
“Adjust ALL ” or “Adjust All ” is set in “Adjust All.”

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Automatic Setup Using Barcodes
The DC-646 230V model: Barcode reading is option.
By adding barcode which indicates job number on each document, the DC-646 automatically sets
up the machine and starts JOB. Follow the procedures below for automatic setup.

Turn the power on.

(→P.9 “Turning Power ON”)

Prepare the document suiting the JOB selected,

then loosen the stack of the documents by flipping
through the sheets.

Set the document in the feed tray as the barcode

and REG mark printing side facing upward.

● The height of the document stack should not
exceed the MAX level. Document feed
● To set the document that is vertically long, pull direction
out the feed tray to accommodate the length of

Attach the side guides.

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Automatic Setup Using Barcodes

Lift the exit tray as shown in the right figure.

● When the finished product size is A3 (11”x17”)
or longer, it is recommended to set the exit tray
in the downward position.
● If the finished products are adhered on the exit
tray due to static electricity, set the exit tray in
the downward position.

Attach the guide between the exit tray and the


Attach the back guide and the side guides.

Set the back guide perpendicular to the floor.

Basic Operations
Set “Read Barcode” to “ON”in “Settings2.”
01: ********

Make sure that “BC” is displayed on the standby screen Sheets 0
after setting.

By pressing the START key, the built-in CCD reads the barcoded
JOB number, then starts processing the suitable JOB.

The finished products are ejected.

Slit waste accumulates in the waste box. Open the front cover and remove them
periodically. Accumulation of waste may cause paper jam.

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Adjusting Feeder
Elevator level (Feed tray)
The elevator level should be adjusted in the following
a. The machine does not feed.
→ Turn the level adjustment knob in a
counterclockwise direction (to a smaller number).
The level of the elevator is raised.
b. The machine feeds multiple sheets at once.
(double feed)
For heavy
→ Turn the level adjustment knob in a clockwise For light weight weight
document document
direction (to a larger number).
The level of the elevator is lowered. Level adjustment knob

The height of the separator should be adjusted in the
following cases:
a. The machine does not feed.
→ Turn the separator adjustment knob in a
clockwise direction (to a larger number).
The position of the separator is lowered. For heavy
b. The machine feeds multiple sheets at once. document
(double feed)
→ Turn the separator adjustment knob in a
For light weight
counterclockwise direction (to a smaller number). document
The position of the separator is raised.
Separator adjustment knob

The amount of airflow should be adjusted in the
following cases:
a. The machine does not feed.
→ Turn the airflow adjustment knob in a clockwise
direction (to a larger number).
For heavy
The amount of airflow is increased. weight
b. The machine feeds multiple sheets at once. document
(double feed)
For light weight
→ Turn the airflow adjustment knob in a document
counterclockwise direction (to a smaller number).
The amount of airflow is decreased. Airflow adjustment knob

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Adjusting Feeder

Skew Compensation
If the finished products are cut obliquely, adjust the
skew using the skew adjustment knob.

Clockwise : Turning the knob slightly shifts the

lead edge of the document toward the
operator's side. 3

Basic Operations
Counterclockwise : Turning the knob slightly shifts
the lead edge of the document
toward the non-operators side.

Press the TEST key to perform a test run for one

sheet and check the finished products.

If the skew remains, repeat the above steps 1 and 2 again.

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Curled Document / Light Weight Document
If the document is light weight or curled, the document rolls up and will not be successfully fed. In
such case, use the upper guide.

When you use light weight document, make the following settings to stabilize the
document feed when entering a JOB. (→P.50 “Function Setting 1”)
● Set "Side blow fan (optional)" to "MIN" or "OFF."
● Set "Fan reg" to "MIN" or "OFF."
● Set "Slitter guide" to "ON."

Open the top cover 1.

Adjust the upper guide position as shown on the

right figure.

Upper guide

Close the top cover 1.

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Curled Document/ Light Weight Document

Turn the level adjustment knob in a clockwise

direction to lower the elevator level.

For light weight


Turn the separator adjustment knob in a

counterclockwise direction to raise the separator

Basic Operations
For light weight document

Turn the airflow adjustment knob in a

counterclockwise direction to decrease the amount
of airflow.

For light weight document

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Downloaded from manuals search engine
Chapter 4
Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)
The DC-646 can save up to 80 patterns of JOBs. JOB contents can be
programmed either via computer or on the control panel. This chapter describes
how to install the PC controller (attached to the DC-646) in your computer and set
up a JOB for the DC-646.

What is PC Controller? ..................................................................... 68

Before Installation ..................................................................... 68
PC Controller Installation Procedures ................................................... 69
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ........................................ 69
Windows XP ............................................................................ 71

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Driver Installation Procedures ............................................................ 73
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ......................................... 73
Windows XP ............................................................................ 77
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista ........................................ 84
Windows XP ............................................................................ 85
Driver Update ................................................................................ 87
PC Controller Setting ....................................................................... 88
Main Menu .............................................................................. 88
Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD) ................................ 90
Creating a JOB by Entering Values (DIRECT) .................................. 102
Setting Frequently Used Functions on Computer (“SETTING”) .............. 107
SETTING 1............................................................................. 110
SETTING 2............................................................................. 113
SETTING 3............................................................................. 115
Reading a JOB from DC-646 (UPLOAD) ......................................... 117
Registering a JOB Saved in Computer onto DC-646 (DOWNLOAD) ....... 119
Processing a JOB by Retrieving from DC-646 (SELECT)..................... 121
JOB Detail .............................................................................. 123
Processing a JOB by Retrieving from Computer................................ 124
Correcting a JOB on Computer .......................................................... 129
Messages on the Status/System Display .............................................. 134

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What is PC Controller?
PC controller is a software used to setup a JOB for the DC-646 on computer.
Installation of this software allows the user to create and edit JOBs for the DC-646, with
preview image of the document, as well as save JOB data and execute a JOB from the

Before Installation
The following hardware and software are required to run the PC Controller.

Operating system
The following computer specifications are necessary to run the PC Controller.
•CPU : 1 GHz or faster
•Display resolution : XGA (1024x768 pixel) or more
•RAM : 1 GB or more
•Free hard-disk space: 500 MB or more
•Operating system : Windows XP Professional/Home Edition (32-bit)
Windows Vista (32-bit/64-bit)
Windows 7 (32-bit/64-bit)
Windows 8 (32-bit/64-bit)
•Interface : USB 2.0 Full speed
•CD-ROM drive : (Used for installing the PC Controller)
•USB cable : Type AB, 3 m or shorter

• WindowsInstaller is not installed in some operating systems and an error may occur
when installing the PC controller.
In this case, it is required to install the latest WindowsInstaller by downloading via
network, or install it by using the install program of WindowsInstaller in the PC
Controller install disk.
• How to install WindowsInstaller by using the PC controller install disk.
1. Open "\Setup\WindowsInstaller3 1" folder.
2. Double-click [WindowsInstaller-KB893803-v2-x86.exe].
3. Follow the instructions of the installer for installation.

Do not connect the computer and the DC-646 until the driver of the PC Controller is

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PC Controller Installation Procedures
This section describes the procedures to install the PC Controller on the computer.

Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista

• Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista allow multiple users on one computer at
the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when installing the PC Controller.
• If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during installation of
the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative rights shown.
• The following instructions use the screenshots appeared on Windows 8.
If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, the screenshots vary.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.

Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

Insert the CD-ROM that came with the DC-646 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

A message appears in the top right corner of the screen.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Click the message.
The message does not appear except for Windows 8.

Auto Play screen appears.

Click [Open folder to view files].

The Auto Play screen does not appear on Windows

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PC Controller Installation Procedures

Double-click the [Setup] icon.

Click [Next].

The screen to specify a folder to install the PC Controller

[Everyone]: Multiple users on the same computer
[Just me]: Only one user on the computer

Select either one, and click [Next].

If you want to install the PC Controller in a certain place,
click [Browse], then specify the folder to
install the PC Controller.

Click [Next].

User Account Control dialog may appear while
installation is in progress.
Click [Yes] ([Continue] for Windows Vista) to proceed
with the installation.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Installation Procedures

Click [Close].

Go on to the driver installation.

Windows XP

• Windows XP allows multiple users on one computer at the same time.

Please be sure that only one user is logged in when installing the PC Controller.
• If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during installation of
the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative rights shown.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

Insert the CD-ROM that came with the DC-646 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.
Click [Start], then click [My computer].
Double-click [DC646 PC Controller].

The contents of CD-ROM appears.

Double-click the [Setup] folder.

Click [Next].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Installation Procedures

The screen to specify a folder to install the PC Controller

[Everyone]: Multiple users on the same computer
[Just me]: Only one user on the computer
Select either one, and click [Next].

If you want to install the PC Controller in a certain
place, click [Browse], then specify the folder to
install the PC Controller.

Click [Next].

Click [Close].

This completes the installation.

Go on to the driver installation.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista

• Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista allow multiple users on one computer at
the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when installing the PC Controller.
• If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during
installation of the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative
rights shown.
• The following instructions use the screenshots appeared on Windows 8.
If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, the screenshots vary.
• There are two types (32-bit, 64-bit) of the DC-646 driver for Windows 8, Windows 7,
and Windows Vista.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.
Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

Insert the CD-ROM that came with the DC-646 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

A message appears in the top right corner of the screen.
Click the message.

The message does not appear except for Windows 8.

Auto Play screen appears.

Click [Open folder to view files].

The Auto Play screen does not appear on Windows Vista.

Double-click the [Driver] folder.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Double-click the folder of the language used.

Select the language folder of OS used. Select the
[Others] folder when there is no corresponding
language folder.

If you are using a 32-bit computer, double-click the

[DPinst] folder.

If you are using a 64-bit computer, double-click the

[DPinst64] folder.

Double-click the [dpinst] icon in the folder.

User Account Control dialog may appear while
installation is in progress. Simply click [Yes]
([Continue] for Windows Vista) to proceed with the

Click [Next].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Read the Software License Agreement.

Select [I accept this agreement], and then click [Next].

If Windows Security screen appears while installation
is in progress, simply click [Install] to proceed with the
This software has been thoroughly tested and can be
used without any problems.

Click [Finish].

Close the installation file.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Connect the DC-646 and your computer with a USB cable, and then turn ON the

USB cable (type AB): The cable length must be 3 m or shorter.

If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, the
installation icon for the driver software appears on the

1. Click the pop-up message according to the


2. Click [Close].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

• Checking whether the driver is successfully installed

• Windows 8
1. Click [Settings] charm.

2. Click [Control panel].

• Windows 7 / Windows Vista

1. Click [Start] on the task bar.

2. Click [Control Panel] on the menu bar.

Click [Hardware and Sound].

Click [Device Manager].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Installation is successful if the [Device Manager] dialog

indicates that the [USB DC-646 *.*] is
registered in the [Universal Serial Bus controllers].

Windows XP

• Windows XP allows multiple users on one computer at the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when installing the PC Controller.

• If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during
installation of the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative
rights shown.
• There are two types (32-bit, 64-bit) of the DC-646 driver for Windows XP.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.
Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

Insert the CD-ROM that came with the DC-646 into your computer’s CD-ROM drive.

Double-click the [Driver] folder, and then double-click

the folder of the language used.

Select the language folder of OS used. Select the
[Others] folder when there is no corresponding
language folder.

Double-click the [DPinst] folder.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Double-click the [dpinst] icon in the folder.

Click [Next].

Read the Software License Agreement.

Select [I accept this agreement], and then click [Next].

If the following warning message appears while instal-
lation is in progress, simply click [Continue Anyway]
to proceed with the installation.

Click [Finish].

This completes the installation.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Connect the DC-646 and your computer with a USB cable, and then turn ON the DC-646.

• USB cable (type AB): The cable length must be 3 m or shorter.

Click [No, not this time], and then click [Next].

Click [Install the software automatically
(Recommended)], and then click [Next].

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

If the warning message appears while installation is in
progress, simply click [Continue Anyway] to proceed
with the installation.

Click [Finish].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

• Checking whether the driver is successfully installed

Click [Start] on the task bar and click [Control Panel]

on the menu.

Click [Performance and Maintenance].

The screens vary in classical view.

Click [System].

The [System Properties] dialog appears.

Select the [Hardware] tab. Then click [Device

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Installation Procedures

Installation is successful if the [Device Manager] dialog

indicates that the [USB DC-646 *.*] is registered in the
[Universal Serial Bus controllers].


Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

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PC Controller Uninstallation Procedures

• Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP allow multiple users on one
computer at the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when uninstalling the PC Controller.
• For Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista, if User Account Control dialog
appears during uninstallation of the PC Controller, click [Yes] for Windows 7 and
Windows 8, and [Continue] for Windows Vista.
If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during uninstallation
of the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative rights shown.
• The following instructions use the screenshots appeared on Windows 8.
If you are using Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, the screenshots vary,
depending on the operating system.
• For Windows XP, uninstallation of the PC Controller requires administrator rights.
Ensure to log on as a user with administrative rights.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.

Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

• Windows 8
1. Click [Settings] charm.

2. Click [Control panel].

• Except for Windows 8

Click [Start] on the task bar and click [Control Panel]
on the menu.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Uninstallation Procedures

Click [Uninstall a program] under [Programs].

• Windows XP:
Click [Add or Remove Programs].

Select [DC-646 PC Controller V*.**] from the [Uninstall

or change a program] list, then click [Uninstall].

Windows XP:
Select [DC-646 PC controller V*.**] from the
[Currently installed programs] list, then click

Click [Yes].

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Uninstallation Procedures
Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista

• Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista allow multiple users on one computer at
the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when uninstalling the PC Controller.
• If User Account Control dialog appears during uninstallation of the PC Controller, click
[Yes] for Windows 8 and Windows 7, click [Continue] for Windows Vista.
• If you are requested to enter password of administrator account during uninstallation of
the PC Controller, enter the password of the user with administrative rights shown.
• The following instructions use the screenshots appeared on Windows 8.
If you are using Windows 7 or Windows Vista, the screenshots vary.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.

Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

• Windows 8
1. Click [Settings] charm.

2. Click [Control panel].

• Windows 7 / Windows Vista

Click [Start] on the task bar and click [Control
Panel] on the menu.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Uninstallation Procedures

Click [Uninstall a program] under [Programs].

• Windows XP:
Click [Add or Remove Programs].

Select [Windows Driver Package - Duplo Seiko Corp.

(usbdc7...] from the [Uninstall or change a program]
list, then click [Uninstall/Change].

• Windows 7, Windows Vista:
Click [Uninstall].

Click [Yes].

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Windows XP

• Windows XP allows multiple users on one computer at the same time.
Please be sure that only one user is logged in when uninstalling the PC Controller.
• Uninstallation of the PC Controller requires administrator rights. Ensure to log on as a
user with administrative rights.

Make sure that the DC-646 is turned OFF.

Turn the computer ON to start the Windows.

Click [Start] on the task bar and click [Control Panel]

on the menu bar.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Uninstallation Procedures

Click [Add or Remove Programs].

Select [Windows Driver Package - Duplo Seiko Corp.

(usb646) USB (**/**/****)] from the [Currently installed
programs] list, and click [Remove].

Click [Yes].
Close the screen after the confirmation.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Driver Update
Uninstall the previously installed driver according to the driver uninstallation procedures.
(See →P.84 “Driver Uninstallation Procedures”)

Install a new driver according to the driver installing procedures.

(See →P.73 “Driver Installation Procedures”)


Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

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PC Controller Setting
Main Menu
This menu appears when the PC Controller is launched.
Select the sub menu to set from this main menu screen, for actual settings.

26 12
6 7 8
9 14
10 11
15 16 17
1 19
2 27



Number Item Function

Create a JOB in Wizard format.
1 WIZARD A preview of the JOB being created is displayed. Create the JOB
while checking the input details.
Directly input the number value to create a JOB.
2 DIRECT Use this to create a JOB rather than “WIZARD” when the
dimensions are already finalized.
3 UPLOAD Read the JOB from the DC-646 and save in computer.
4 SETTING This is used to set the default values of the PC Controller.
For service personnel use only. This is used for setting the
machine etc. Password is required to access.
6 SELECT This reads the saved JOBs on the DC-646. Select one from them.
7 Job Detail Input JOB details are displayed.
8 DOWNLOAD This sends the JOB saved on the computer to the DC-646.
9 OPEN This opens the saved JOB on the computer.
10 Preset Count This presets the number of sheets to be processed for the JOB.

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PC Controller Setting

Number Item Function

11 Clear This clears the number of preset count.
Click [Start] to perform the process.
12 Start button This lights up in green in the standby mode. This will be invalid
while the machine is running or having an error.
13 Test button Click [Test] to process only one sheet.
14 Stop button Click [Stop] to stop the running process.
This sets Air Knife, Slitter Guide, Auto Trail Cut, Cut Trim Setting,
15 SETTING 1 Read REG. Mark, Fan Register, Side Blow Fan, Crease Depth,
Speed and Change Tool Settings.
This sets Read Barcode, Reject, Double Feed Detection, Feeder
16 SETTING 2 Capacity, Waste full detect level, Waste Compactor, CPM on pos
Adj., CPM off pos Adj., RTM on pos Adj., and RTM off pos Adj.
17 SETTING 3 This sets Apply Shrinkage and Adjust All.
Select the [Stacker Setup] check box and click [Test] to process
only one sheet and stop it at the document ejecting position.
18 Stacker Setup Then click [Stop] or [Test] to eject it to the Exit tray. At that time,
if you click [Start], the DC-646 ejects it to the exit tray and then

continues the JOB.
Select the [Connect] check box to control function limit of the
19 Connect
control panel on the DC-646.
Select the [Advanced Mode] check box to put the machine in
20 Advanced Mode Advanced Mode.
Clear the check box to put the machine in Simple Mode.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

This changes the view of the system.
21 DC<>SYS Change
(Except “DL ONLY”)
The JOBs processed by the PC Controller (JOBs processed by
clicking [Start] or [Test]) are saved in the computer as logs. Up to
22 JOB Log
50 lately processed JOBs can be saved. If the number of saved
JOBs exceeds 50, they will be deleted in chronological order.
This displays JOB log programmed and saved by the PC
23 Saved Job log
24 Job log. Details This displays the details of a JOB in the JOB log.
25 Select Job log. Click to download the JOB being selected from the JOB log.
26 Status This displays the current machine status by letters.
This displays the current machine status by picture (icon and
27 System

Note when opening the JOBs
When you click [SETTING] and select the [Enable re-editing Wizard JOB data] check
box on the [DEFAULT] tab, the retrieved JOB data that was created with the “WIZARD
program” is displayed on the “WIZARD” screen.
When you created a JOB with the “DIRECT program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was created with the “WIZARD program,” on the
“DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

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PC Controller Setting

Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)

The DC-646 can save up to 80 JOBs.
This section describes the procedures to set up a JOB in Wizard format. Following items
should be entered to create a JOB.

Slot 2, 3, 4
Select an optional module for the job when necessary.

Select a JOB No. in which the JOB currently being programmed is saved.

JOB Name
Put a name to the JOB with your keyboard for easy reference.

Paper Size
Standard size: A4 (297.0 ×210.0 mm)
Enter size of the document.
Standard document size can be selected from “Standard size,” or custom size can be
entered in “Custom size.”

Finished Size
Specify the size of cards after processing the documents.

Cards per document

Specify how many cards are to be aligned in crosswise and in lengthwise direction.

Specify the position of the first cut and right margin slit.

Gutter Slits (Distance between finished documents (left /right))

When aligning 2 or 3 cards in crosswise direction, it is possible to have a gutter slit between
each card.
Specify the distance between each card. (The distance should be between 5 mm and 15
Though it is also possible to set 15 mm or more, the gutter is conveyed to the exit tray.)

Gutter Cuts (Distance between finished documents (top / bottom))

When aligning 2 or more cards in lengthwise direction, it is possible to have a gutter cut
between each card.
Specify the distance between each card. (The distance should be 3 mm or more.)

Specify the position of the crease on the cards.
Up to 20 creases can be set on a document.

Inch>> mm
The values entered in inches are converted to the values in millimeters automatically.

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PC Controller Setting

Air Knife
Set the Air Knife function to “Enable” or “Disable.”
Compressed air is blown out to loosen the documents.
This is to prevent double feed.

Fan Register
Document skewing in feeding area is corrected.
When processing light weight document, set this function to “Disable” as it may cause a
paper jam in feed area.

Reg. Mark (Optional on 230V model)

Select whether to use REG. Mark function or not.
When using this function, enter the position of REG. Mark.
Side mark: 3.0 to 15.0 mm (From the right edge of the document)
Lead mark: 3.0 to 15.0 mm (From the top edge of the document)

Slitter Guide
When any units of the modules are not used, these units act as document guide to stabilize
the document conveyance.

Select “Enable” or “Disable.”
Recommended for light weight document.

Cut Trim Setting

Lead margin, trail margin, and any gutters shorter than 49 mm are chopped up and dropped
into the waste box.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

If a document has no lead margin or trail margin, select “No Bleed Mode.”
Full Bleed Mode : Lead margin and trail margin are chopped up and dropped into the waste box.
No Bleed Mode : Gutters shorter than 49 mm are chopped up and dropped into the waste box.
Process All : All of cut pieces are ejected to the exit tray, except that gutters shorter than
28 mm and trail margin shorter than 49 mm are chopped up and dropped into
the waste box.

Crease Depth
This sets the depth of the crease when creasing a document.
Normally set to Mid. Set to Max for heavy weight document and Min for light weight

Select the processing speed.
Selecting “Slow” improves finishing accuracy.

Auto Trail Cut

You can set trail margin cut of the document.
Select “Enable” or “Disable.”

Side Blow Fan (option)

Air is blown out to loosen the documents.
This is to prevent double feed.

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PC Controller Setting

Select a JOB creating mode.

Select the [Advanced Mode] check box to select
Advanced Mode.
Clear the check box to select Simple Mode.

Click [WIZARD].

[Inch>> mm]
When you select the [Inch>> mm] check box, the
values entered in inches are converted to the values in
millimeters and displayed.
The values entered before selecting the check box
are not converted.
Be sure to select the check box before entering
values. You can enter the values to three places of
decimals in inches.

Select a module from the [Slot 2 [L/R]] box, and click

Standard Module
Slitter Module
CPM (Cross Tool) Module (option)
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module

Select a module from the [Slot 3 [L/R]] box, and click

Slitter Module
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module
Standard Module

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Select a module from the [Slot 4 [L/R]] box, and click

Slitter Module
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module
Standard Module

When you select “CPM Module” or “RTM Module” in the

[Slot 2 [L/R]] box in step 4, select a tool for the selected
module from the [Tool] box.
Then click [NEXT].
CPM Module: Select a tool.
Perf., Micro, Sl-Score
RTM Module: Select a tool for the left tool and the
right tool.

Perf., Micro, Sl-Score, Score

When you select “RTM Module” in the [Slot 3 [L/R]]

box or [Slot 4 [L/R]] box, select a tool for each Slot in a
similar way to step 7.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Select a JOB number from the [JOB No] box, and click
You can set up to 80 JOBs.

Enter a JOB name in the [JOB Name] box, and click

You can enter up to 30 characters.

Usable characters;
• Alphabets (A to Z, a to z)
• Numbers
• Symbols

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PC Controller Setting

Paper Size
● Custom Size
Select [Custom Size] when using other than the
standard size document.
Enter the value of document width and length, and
click [NEXT].

You can set “Custom Size” in the following range.
Width: 210 to 370 mm
Length: 210 to 670 mm

● Standard Size
Click [Standard Size] and select from [Paper Size] box.
Then click [NEXT].

REG. Mark (Optional on 230V model)

Click [REG. Mark enable] to use the REG. Mark reading
Enter the distance from the right edge of the document
to the side mark in the [Side Mark] box, then click
Enter the distance from the lead edge of the document
to the lead mark in the [Lead Mark] box, then click

When not using this function, click [REG. Mark disable], then click [NEXT].

Finished size
Enter the value of the finished document width in the
[Width] box, and click [NEXT].
Then enter the value of the finished document length in
the [Length] box, and click [NEXT].

Cards per document

Enter the number of cards in the [Crosswise] box, and
click [NEXT].
Then enter the number of cards in [Lengthwise] box,
and click [NEXT].

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PC Controller Setting

Set the margins of the document.
Enter the value of the lead margin in [Lead Trim], and
click [NEXT].
Then enter the value of the right-side margin in [Side
Trim R], and click [NEXT].
Enter “0” for no trim.

Gutter Slits
Set the gutter slit width (width between each card)
(vertical cutting).
After entering one number value, click [NEXT].
Then enter the next value. Set the all gutter slit widths.
Enter “0” if there is no gutter between cards.

EX) When you select “Slitter Module” in the
[Slot 3 [L/R]] box and [Slot 4 [L/R]] box, you can
enter up to six slit positions.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

If you entered “5” in the [Crosswise] box of
[Cards per document] as shown in the right
figure, the DC-646 cannot process gutter slit and
“Cannot enter Gutter Slits” dialog appears.
Click [OK].

Gutter Cuts
Set the gutter cut length (horizontal cutting).
After entering one number value, click [NEXT].
Then enter the next value.
Set the all gutter cut lengths.
Enter “0” if there is no gutter between cards.
Up to 25 cuts can be set on a document.
When you set one for [Lead Trim] in step 15, you can
set the other 24 cuts, which means you can set 12
gutter cuts in total.

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PC Controller Setting

Set the crease positions.

After entering one number value, click [NEXT].
Then enter the next value.
Set the all crease positions, then click [NEXT].
Enter “0” if there is no crease.

You can set up to 20 crease positions on a document.

[center] appears while you are entering the crease
Click [center], the first crease can be set in the center
of the distance between the first cut and the second

The first cut

The first crease

position when
clicking [center].

The second cut


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The function setting screen appears.

1. Air Knife
Compressed air is blown out to loosen the documents.
This is to prevent double feed.
Select [Enable] or [Disable].

Select [Disable] for the light weight document.

2. Fan Register
This suctions the document to the conveyance belt for
skew correction.
Select [Max], [Mid], [Min] or [Off].

Select [Off] for the light weight document.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

3. REG. Mark (Optional on 230V model)
When you use the REG. Mark reading function, click

4. Slitter Guide
When using the module in the slot as sliter guide,
select [Enable]. When not using it as slitter guide,
select [Disable].

Recommended for light weight document.
“RTM Module” and “Slitter Module” can be used as
“Slitter Guide.”

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PC Controller Setting

5. Cut Trim Setting

Full Bleed Mode: Lead margin and trail margin are
chopped up and dropped into the
waste box.
No Bleed Mode : Gutters shorter than 49 mm are
chopped up and dropped into the
waste box.
Process All : All of cut pieces are ejected to the
exit tray, except that the gutters
shorter than 28 mm and trail margin
shorter than 49 mm are chopped up
and dropped into the waste box.

6. Crease Depth
Select [Max], [Mid], or [Min].
Set to [Max] for heavy weight document, and [Min] for
light weight document.
Default is [Max].

7. Speed
Select [Fast] or [Slow].
Selecting [Slow] improves finishing accuracy.

8. Auto Trail Cut

Select the trail margin cut of document.
[Enable] : Processes optimum trail margin cut for a
[Disable]: Processes without trail margin cut.

● Default is [Disable].

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● Dummy cut: The machine performs cutting

operation three times at the last cut. Last cut
This is effective for dropping the

Trail margin
document, such as when the trail
margin is jammed between the roller Document feed direction
and the lower tool of the cutter.
● Trail margin: Means margin of the trail edge of the
document produced when the last
cut is performed.

9. Side Blow Fan (option)

Select [Max], [Mid], [Min] or [Off].

Select [Max] when processing documents with
excessive static electricity or heavy weight
Select [Min] or [Off] when processing light weight


Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Check the contents of the function settings, then click

Clicking [CANCEL] returns to the “WIZARD” screen

without modifying the settings.

Click [NEXT].

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Check the JOB details.

When you want to change the details, click the item and
re-enter it.

You can fine-adjust the setting positions of the JOB.
[Up] : Each click on “Up” decreases the value by
0.1 mm in the vertical direction. (Upward)
[Down]: Each click on “Down” increases the
value by 0.1 mm in the vertical direction.
[Left] : Each click on “Left” increases the value by
0.1 mm in the horizontal direction. (To the
[Right] : Each click on “Right” decreases the value
by 0.1 mm in the horizontal direction. (To
the right)

● When you want to save this JOB on the DC-646:

1. Click [DOWNLOAD].

2. Click [YES] .
Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without

● If you want to save the JOB temporarily, select
the [Temporary job] check box.
● When the JOB data is temporarily saved, it is
deleted if the DC-646 is turned off or another JOB
is selected.

3. Click [OK].

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● When you want to save this JOB on your computer:

1. Click [SAVE] .

2. Specify a file to save the JOB, and click [Save].

● Function setting
Set functions in the similar way to steps 20–21.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Click [BACK] to return to the main menu screen.

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and did not
save or download them.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

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PC Controller Setting

Creating a JOB by Entering Values (DIRECT)

This section describes the procedures to create a JOB with DIRECT program.

Select a JOB creating mode.

When the [Advanced Mode] check box is selected,
“Advanced mode” is selected.
When it is cleared, “Simple mode” is selected.

Click [DIRECT].

The DIRECT screen appears.

The value limit appears in the lower right side of the
Refer to it when you create a JOB.

[Inch>> mm]
When you select the [Inch>> mm] check box, the
values entered in inches are converted to the values in
millimeters and displayed.
The values entered before selecting the check box
are not converted.
Be sure to select the check box before entering
values. You can enter the values to three places of
decimals in inches.

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PC Controller Setting

Select a module from the [Slot 2]L/R]] box.

Standard Module
Slitter Module
CPM (Cross Tool) Module (option)
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module

Select a module from the [Slot 3 [L/R]] box.

Slitter Module
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module
Standard Module

Select a module from the [Slot 4 [L/R]] box.

Slitter Module
RTM (Rotary Tool) Module

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Standard Module

When you select “CPM Module” or “RTM Module” in the

[Slot 2 [L/R]] box in step 5, select a tool for the selected
module from the [Tool] box.
CPM Module: Select a tool.
Perf., Micro, Sl-Score
RTM Module: Select a tool for the left tool and the
right tool.
Perf., Micro, Sl-Score, Score

When you select “RTM Module” in the [Slot 3 [L/R]]

or [Slot 4 [L/R]] box, select a tool for each Slot in the
similar way to step 8.

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PC Controller Setting

Enter a JOB number (1 to 80) in the [JOB No.] box.

You can set up to 80 JOBs.

Paper size (Standard size)

Select a document size from the paper size box.

Enter a JOB name in the [JOB Name] box.

You can enter up to 30 characters.

Usable characters;
• Alphabets (A to Z, a to z)
• Numbers
• Symbols

Width (Custom size)

When you want to use “Custom size” document, enter
the value of the document width in the [Width] box.
When you select “Standard size” in step 11, the selected
document width value appears here.

Length (Custom size)

When you want to use “Custom size” document, enter
the value of the document length in the [Length] box.
When you select “Standard size” in step 11, the selected
document length value appears here.

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PC Controller Setting

Side Mark (Optional on 230V model)

Enter the distance from the right edge of the document
to the side mark in the [Side Mark] box.

Enter “0” if you do not use the “Read REG. Mark”


Lead Mark (Optional on 230V model)

Enter the distance from the lead edge of the document
to the lead mark in the [Lead Mark] box.

Enter “0” if you do not use the”Read REG. Mark”


When “Advanced Mode” is selected, the numbers 1 to 6
appear under “Slit.”

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

When “Simple Mode” is selected, the alphabets A to F
Click each [Slit] box, then enter the distance from the
right edge of the document to the slit position.
After entering the value, press the [Enter] key to set the
Enter “0” when finishing the slit setting.

●Advanced Mode: 2 4 6 5 3 1
Slits are set in numerical order from Slit 1 to Slit 6.
●Simple Mode: F E D C B A
Slits are set in alphabetical order from Slit A to Slit F.

Click each [Cut] box, then enter the distance from the
lead edge of the document to the cut position.
Up to 25 cuts can be set.
Enter “0 when finishing the cut setting.

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PC Controller Setting

Click each [Crease] box, then enter the distance from
the lead edge of the document to the crease position.
Up to 20 creases can be set.
Enter “0” when finishing the crease setting.

Check the JOB details.

When you want to change the details, click the item and
re-enter it.

You can fine-adjust the setting positions of the JOB.
[Up] : Each click on “Up” decreases the value by
0.1 mm in the vertical direction. (Upward)
[Down]: Each click on “Down” increases the
value by 0.1 mm in the vertical direction.
[Left] : Each click on “Left” increases the value by
0.1 mm in the horizontal direction. (To the
[Right] : Each click on “Right” decreases the value
by 0.1 mm in the horizontal direction. (To
the right)

From here, follow steps 24–25 of “Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)”
(See →P.100 )

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PC Controller Setting

Setting Frequently Used Functions on Computer (“SETTING”)

This section describes the procedures to turn ON/OFF each function.

Click [SETTING].

Click the [DEFAULT] tab.

Set each default setting.

The optional items do not appear on this screen if you
do not set the optional devices.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

● Paper Size (User Size) :
You can register custom size document as User Size.
The size registered in here will be saved in the
[Standard Size] box.
It is convenient to register the custom size document
that is frequently used.
Up to five User Sizes can be saved.

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PC Controller Setting

● Standard Size :
Select the default size from the [Standard Size] box.
It is recommended to set the most frequently used

● Custom Size (Default) :

Set the default values when using document other
than standard size.
Enter each value in the [W:] (Width) box and [L:]
(Length) box.

● REG. Mark (Default) (Optional on 230V model)

This sets the default position of the REG. Mark.
1. Enter the default position of the Side Mark in the [S:]

2. Enter the default position of the Lead Mark in the [L:]


● Default setting of the Functions

Select each function setting box.
Air Knife (Enable, Disable)
Fan Register (Max, Mid, Min, Off)
Slitter Guide (Enable, Disable)
Cut Trim Setting (Full Bleed Mode, No Bleed Mode,
Process All)
Crease Depth (Max, Mid, Min)
Speed (Fast, Slow)
Auto Trail Cut (Enable Disable)
Side Blow Fan (option) (Max, Mid, Min, Off)

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PC Controller Setting

● Enable re-editing Wizard JOB data:

When you select this check box, the retrieved JOB
data is displayed on the “WIZARD” screen.
If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,”
the JOB data is displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was
created with the “WIZARD program,” on the
“DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen.

Click the [OPTION MODULE] tab.

● Default setting
Select the default setting of modules for the Slot 2 to
Slot 4 from each [Slot *] box.
When you select “CPM Module,” select a CPM tool
from the [Tool Left] box.

When you select “RTM Module,” select a RTM tool
from the [Tool Left] box and [Tool Right] box.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Click the [SYSTEM] tab.
Select the system for connecting to the DC-646.
When you use the DC-646 alone, select [1. DC ONLY].
Click the radio button of the system configuration that
you want to select.
You can change the setting only when any of
connected units to the DC-646 are set on the
[MAINTENANCE] screen that is for service personnel
use only.

Confirm the contents.

After the setting is complete, click [OK].

Clicking [CANCEL] returns to the main menu screen

without modifying the settings.

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Click the [SETTING 1] tab.
[Side Blow Fan] and [Read REG. Mark] appear when
these settings are set to “enable” on the [OPTION
MODULE] tab of the [MAINTENANCE] screen.
The [MAINTENANCE] setting screen is locked
with the password. If you want to change the
[MAINTENANCE] setting, please offer it to your
service personnel.

Air Knife
Compressed air is blown out to loosen the documents.
This is to prevent double feed.
When using Air Knife function, select the [Air Knife]
check box to enable this function.
Clear the check box for light weight document.

Slitter Guide
When any modules are not used for performing a JOB,
these modules act as document guide to stabilize the
document conveyance.
Select the [Slitter Guide] check box when using the
modules as the slitter guide.
Recommended for light weight document.
“RTM Module” (option) and “Slitter Module” can use
as a “Slitter Guide.”

Auto Trail Cut

Select the [Auto Trail Cut] check box to enable this
Enable : Processes optimum trail margin cut for a job
Disable: Processes without trail margin cut.

● Default is “Disable.”

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● Trail margin: Means margin of the trail edge of the

document produced when the last Last cut
cut is performed.

Trail margin
Document feed direction

Fan Register
Document skewing in feeding area is corrected.
Select a level from the [Fan Register] box.

Select [OFF] for light weight document.

Side Blow Fan (option)

Air is blown out to loosen the document.
Select a level from the [Side Blow Fan] box.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)


Cut Trim Setting

Select from the [Cut Trim Setting] box.
Full Bleed Mode: Lead margin and trail margin are
chopped up and dropped into the
waste box.
No Bleed Mode : Gutters shorter than 49 mm are
chopped up and dropped into the
waste box.
Process All : All of cut pieces are ejected to the
exit tray, except that the gutters
shorter than 28 mm and trail margin
shorter than 49 mm are chopped up
and dropped into the waste box.
Select [No Bleed Mode] when there is no lead or trail margin.

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PC Controller Setting

Read REG. Mark (Optional on 230V model)

Select from the [Read REG. Mark] box.
Every sheet
Every X sheet
Adjust over X mm shift only
First sheet only

Crease Depth
This sets the depth of the crease.
Select from the [Crease Depth] box.

Select from the [Speed] box.

Change Tool Settings

Change the tool settings of the Modules in the
[Slot 2 [L/R]] to [Slot 4[L/R]].
1. Select the [Change Tool Settings] check box, and
click [Select Tool].

2. Select each tool of the Slot 2 to Slot 4 from the [Tool

Left] box or [Tool Right] box.
You can select the tools when you set “CPM Module”
or “RTM Module” in the Slot 2 to Slot 4.
After you complete the settings, click [OK].

Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen

without modifying the settings.

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Click the [SETTING 2] tab.
“Read Barcode,” “Reject” and “Waste compactor”
appear when these settings are set to “enable” on
The [MAINTENANCE] setting screen is locked
with the password. If you want to change the
[MAINTENANCE] setting, please offer it to your
service personnel.

Read Barcode (Optional on 230V model)

This function reads Barcode. Enabling this function
executes automatic JOB setting.
Select the [Read Barcode] check box to enable this


Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Reject (Optional on 230V model)
This function ejects the double-fed documents and the
documents with CCD reading error to the reject tray.
Then, it continues to process the next document.
However, if error occurs three times continuously,
processing stops.
Select the [Reject] check box to enable this function.

Double Feed Detection

This function detects double feed.
Select from the [Double Feed Detection] box.

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PC Controller Setting

Feeder Capacity
You can adjust the elevator height in three levels.
Select from the [Feeder Capacity] box.
Min : for small amount of document
Max: for large amount of document

Waste Full Detect Level

This function detects the waste strips amount in the
waste box. When waste box full is detected, an error
message appears on the screen.
Select from the [Waste Full Detect Level] box.

Waste Compactor (option)

When the Waste Compactor is equipped with the
DC-646, select whether this function is enabled or not.
OFF: The message “waste box full” appears on the
LED panel instead of swaying the waste box.
AUTO: Sways the waste box by automatic detection
depending on the height of the accumulating
ON: Keeps swaying the waste box from side to side
during document processing.

CPM on pos Adj (CPM Module on position Adjustment)

(only when CPM Module is installed.)
This adjusts processing start position by the tool of the
CPM Module.
You can adjust it in a range of −9.9 to +9.9 mm.
▲: Each click on the ▲ button increases the value by
0.1 mm.
▼: Each click on the ▼ button decreases the value by
0.1 mm.
(Refer to the CPM Module Instruction Manual.)

CPM off pos Adj (CPM Module off position Adjustment)

(only when CPM Module is installed.)
This adjusts processing end position by the tool of the
CPM Module.
You can adjust it in a range of −9.9 to +9.9 mm.
▲: Each click on the ▲ button increases the value by
0.1 mm.
▼: Each click on the ▼ button decreases the value by
0.1 mm.
(Refer to the CPM Module Instruction Manual.)

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RTM on pos Adj (RTM Module on position Adjustment)

(only when RTM Module is installed)
This adjusts processing start position by the tool of the
RTM Module.
You can adjust it in a range of −9.9 to +9.9 mm.
▲: Each click on the ▲ button increases the value by
0.1 mm.
▼: Each click on the ▼ button decreases the value by
0.1 mm.
(Refer to the RTM Module Instruction Manual.)

RTM off pos Adj (RTM Module off position Adjustment)

(only when RTM Module is installed.)
This adjusts processing end position by the tool of the
RTM Module.
You can adjust it in a range of −9.9 to +9.9 mm.
▲: Each click on the ▲ button increases the value by
0.1 mm.
▼: Each click on the ▼ button decreases the value by

0.1 mm.
(Refer to the RTM Module Instruction Manual.)


Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Click the [SETTING 3] tab.

[Adjust Fold Position] appears when any folder
machine is set to “enable” on the [OPTION MODULE]
The [MAINTENANCE] setting screen is locked with
the password.
If you want to change the [MAINTENANCE] setting,
please offer it to your service personnel.
(Refer to the Instruction Manual of each folding

Apply Shrinkage
In case printed documents are shrunk by heat generated
on digital printer, by entering the original document
size and document size after shrunk, the DC-646
automatically calculates the shrinkage ratio and adjusts
the cutting and creasing position accordingly.

1. Select the [Apply Shrinkage] check box to enable

this function.
Then click [Adjust].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Setting

2. Enter the document length before printing in the

[Original document length] box.
Enter the document length after printing in the [Actual
document length] box.

3. Click [OK].
Clicking [BACK] cancels the input value.

This function compensates for the shrinkage in the feed direction only.

Adjust All
This function corrects the document position in vertical/
horizontal direction against the JOB set (mm).

1. Select the [Adjust all] check box to enable this

Then click [Adjust].

2. Click the text-box that you want to change the

processing position, then enter the value for shifting.

3. Click [OK].
Clicking [BACK] cancels the input value.

1. Click [Correct position setting].

2. The current position settings for [Apply Shrinkage],

[Adjust All] and [Adjust Fold Position] are
To change the settings, click the text-box that you
want to change, and enter the value.

Clicking [OK] registers the setting and returns to the

previous screen.

Clicking [BACK] cancels the input value.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Setting

Confirm the settings.

If the settings are okay, click [OK].
Clicking [CANCEL] returns to the main menu screen
without changing the settings made on the “SETTING 1
to 3” screens.

If you made any changes, click [OK] or [CANCEL] to
go on to the next setting.

Clicking [Yes] starts downloading.

Clicking [No] returns to the previous screen without


Reading a JOB from DC-646 (UPLOAD) 44

This section describes the procedures to read JOBs (upload) from the DC-646 to your

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Select the [Connect] check box to connect the line.
Click [UPLOAD].

● Uploading all JOBs from the DC-646

1. Click [ALL JOBS] and click [UPLOAD].

With the above operations, JOB No. 1 to 80 are
saved in one file.

2. Click [YES].

Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without


Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Setting

3. A list of JOB data is displayed after uploading is

▪ Clicking [SAVE] saves the JOBs on the computer.

You can download this saving file.

• Clicking [Save as CVS file] saves the data as a

CVS file on the computer.

You cannot download this CSV file.

• Clicking [END] finishes uploading.

• Select and click a JOB from the JOB list, and click
The details of the selected JOB appears. If
you want to change the values, click the field to
change and re-enter the correction value.

• Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen (a

list of JOB data).

• Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings

of the JOB.

• Clicking [SAVE] saves the corrected JOB on the

computer. Designate the file name and place to

• Clicking [DOWNLOAD] downloads the corrected

JOB onto the DC-646.
If you created the JOB with the “WIZARD program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“WIZARD” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data on the “DIRECT” screen, it is displayed on the “DIRECT”

● Uploading a specified JOB from the DC-646

1. Click [JOB No.].
Select the JOB number from the [JOB number]
Click [UPLOAD].

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PC Controller Setting

2. Click [YES].

Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without


3. The details of the selected JOB appears.

If you want to change the values, click the field to
change and re-enter the correction value.

• Clicking [BACK] returns the screen to step 2.

• Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings

of the JOB.

• Clicking [SAVE] saves the corrected JOB on the

computer. Designate the file name and place to

• Clicking [DOWNLOAD] downloads the corrected

JOB onto the DC-646.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Registering a JOB Saved in Computer onto DC-646 (DOWNLOAD)
This section describes the procedures to register JOBs, saved in the computer, onto the

Select the [Connect] checkbox to connect the line.


A screen selecting a JOB file to download onto the

DC-646 appears.
Click [File].

Downloaded from manuals search engine
PC Controller Setting

Select the file to be registered in the DC-646 and click

• Extension of the file saving one JOB : J646
• Extension of the file saving all JOBs : A646

Check whether the JOB file intended to register on the

DC-646 is selected. Then click [DOWNLOAD].
When sending one job (with extension: J646), if that
JOB number already exists in the DC-646 memory,
then a screen confirming whether to overwrite the
existing JOB with this JOB appears.

If the file extension is “A646,” the maximum JOBs that can be registered on the
DC-646 are all saved.
When registering a file with “A646” on the DC-646, all JOBs registered on the DC-646
at that time will be overwritten.
The dialog appears, confirming whether to overwrite all JOBs when sending the data.

If it is okay to overwrite the data, click [YES] to send the


Click [OK].

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Processing a JOB by Retrieving

Processing a JOB by Retrieving from DC-646 (SELECT)

This section describes the procedures to retrieve a saved JOB from the DC-646 and process the

Click [SELECT].

After uploading the JOB data from the DC-646, JOB
numbers and JOB names are displayed.
Check the JOB No. box that you want to process, then
click [OK].

● Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen without

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

selecting a JOB.

● Editing the JOB data

1. The JOB details are displayed by clicking [Detail

2. If you change the settings, you can re-enter the

correction value on this screen.

Click [NEXT].

Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the contents of the

function settings of the JOB.

If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was created with the “WIZARD program,” on the
“DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

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Processing a JOB from Computer

3. The JOB details appears on the “DIRECT” screen.

• Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen.

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and did not
save or download them.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

• Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings

of the JOB.

• Clicking [SAVE] saves the corrected JOB on the

computer. Designate the file name and place to

• Clicking [DOWNLOAD] downloads the corrected JOB onto the DC-646.

The screen in step 2 appears.

Click [OK].

The selected JOB No and JOB name are displayed in

the upper portion of the main menu screen.
Click [Start ] or [Test].
The selected JOB is processed.

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Processing a JOB from Computer

JOB Detail
Click [Job Detail].

If you created the JOB with the “WIZARD program,” go

to step 2.
If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,” go
to step 3.

The details of the JOB which is displayed in the upper

portion of the main menu screen is displayed.
When you created the JOB with the “WIZARD program,”
the JOB data are displayed on the “WIZARD” screen.

● Clicking [BACK] enables you to edit the items from the

last entering area to the first entering area.
Or click the field to change and re-enter the correction
● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the functions of the

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)


When you click [SETTING] and select the [Enable re-editing Wizard JOB data] check
box on the [DEFAULT] tab, the JOB data is displayed on the “WIZARD” screen.
When you created a JOB with the “DIRECT program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen. However, if you re-enter the data, which was created with the “WIZARD
program,” on the “DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

The details of the JOB is displayed on the “DIRECT”


● Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen.

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and also you
did not save or download them.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

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Processing a JOB from Computer

● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings of the JOB.

(See → P.97 step 20–24 of “Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)”)

● Clicking [SAVE] saves the JOB on the computer.

(See → P.101 step 24 of “Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)”)

● Clicking [DOWNLOAD] downloads the corrected JOB data onto the DC-646.
(See → P.100 step 24 of "Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)")

Processing a JOB by Retrieving from Computer

This section describes the procedures to retrieve a saved JOB from the computer and process
the JOB.
● Processing a JOB by retrieving from "Saved Job log"

Click [Saved Job log].

The list of saved JOB log is displayed.

Up to 999 JOBs are logged in the list.
Click the file that you want to register on the DC-646.

You can also retrieve a JOB after confirming the
1. Select a JOB from the list of “saved JOB log” and
click [Job Detail].

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Processing a JOB from Computer

2. The details of the selected JOB are displayed.

Click [DOWNLOAD] to save the JOB onto the

When you created the JOB with the “DIRECT
program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was
created with the “WIZARD program,” on the
“DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen.

3. Click [YES] to save the JOB on the DC-646.

When saving is complete, the previous screen

Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without


Selecting the [Temporary job] check box, then

clicking [YES] saves the JOB as a temporary job. 44
When the DC-646 is turned off or other JOB is retrieved, the temporarily saved JOB is

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)


If it is okay to overwrite the data, click [YES] to send the


Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen.

Click [OK].

Click [BACK].

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Processing a JOB from Computer

The selected JOB No. and JOB name are displayed in

the upper portion of the main menu screen.
Click the [Start] button or [Test] button to start the JOB.

● Processing a JOB by retrieving from "JOB Log 1"

The processed JOBs are saved as JOB log on the DC-646.
Up to latest 50 processed JOBs are saved.
If the number of saved JOBs exceeds 50, they will be deleted in chronological order.

The JOB logs are displayed in the lower portion of the

main menu screen.

Clicking [Log], [JOB No.], [JOB Name], [Sheet
count] and [Date] changes the sorting order of the
JOB log between ascending and descending.

Click the JOB log that you want to retrieve, then click
[Select Job log.].

1. When a job already saved with the same JOB no.,
the dialog appears, asking “There is a job already
saved in #*** on DC-646. Continue?.”
If it is okay to overwrite it, click [YES].
Clicking [NO] cancels saving the data, and return to
the previous screen.

2. Click [OK].

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Processing a JOB from Computer

The selected JOB No. and JOB name are displayed in

the upper portion of the main menu screen.
Click the [Start] button or [Test] button to start the JOB.

● Processing a JOB by retrieving from "JOB Log 2"

Click the JOB log that you want to retrieve, then click
[Job log. Details].

If you created the JOB with the “WIZARD program,” go

to step 2.

If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,” go
to step 3.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

The details of the selected JOB appears on the
“WIZARD” screen.
● Clicking [BACK] enables you to edit the items from the
last entering area to the first entering area.
Or click the field to change and re-enter the correction

● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the functions of the


● When editing is complete, click [NEXT].

When you click [SETTING] and select the [Enable re-editing Wizard JOB data] check
box on the [DEFAULT] tab, the JOB data is displayed on the “WIZARD” screen.
When you created a JOB with the “DIRECT program,” the JOB data is displayed on the
“DIRECT” screen. However, if you re-enter the data, which was created with the “WIZARD
program,” on the “DIRECT” screen, it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

The details of the JOB appears on the “DIRECT” screen.

Click [DOWNLOAD] to save the JOB onto the DC-646.

● Clicking [BACK] returns to the previous screen (a list

of JOB data).

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Processing a JOB from Computer

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and also
you did not save or download them.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings of the JOB.

(See → P.97 steps 20–24 of “Creating a JOB with Preview Display (WIZARD)”)

Clicking [YES] saves the JOB on the DC-646.

Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without saving.

Selecting the “Temporary job” check box and clicking
[YES] saves the JOB as a temporary job.
When the DC-646 is turned off or other JOB is
retrieved, the temporarily saved JOB is deleted.

If there is a job already saved with the same JOB no.,

the dialog appears, asking “There is a job already saved
in #*** on DC-646. Continue?.”
If it is okay to overwrite it, click [YES].Clicking [NO]
cancels saving the data.

Click [OK].

The selected JOB No. and JOB name are displayed in

the upper portion of the main menu screen.
Click the [Start] button or [Test] button to start the JOB.

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Correcting a JOB on Computer
● Processing a JOB by retrieving from "OPEN"

Click [OPEN].

A list of JOB files programmed on the PC Controller are

Select a file, and click [Open].
If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,”
the JOB data is displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was created
with the “WIZARD program,” on the “DIRECT” screen,
it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Click the field of the item that you want to change, and
re-enter the correction value.

● Clicking [BACK] returns to step 1.

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and also you
did not save or download.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

● Clicking [SAVE] saves the JOB data as a file in the computer.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Correcting a JOB on Computer

● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings of

the JOB.

To change the settings, click the radio button that you

want to select.

Clicking [OK] registers the setting and returns to the

previous screen.
Clicking [CANCEL] returns to the previous screen
without changing.

● Clicking [DOWNLOAD] saves the JOB data on the


1. Click [YES].
Clicking [NO] returns to the previous screen without
If you want to save the JOB temporarily, check the
“Temporary job” box.
When the DC-646 is turned off or other JOB is
retrieved, the temporarily saved job is erased.

2. If it is okay to overwrite, click [YES] to send the


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Correcting a JOB on Computer

3. The dialog appears, indicating that the JOB was

successfully sent.
Click [OK] to finish.

The selected JOB No. and JOB name are displayed in

the upper portion of the main menu screen.
Click the [Start] button or [Test] button to start the JOB.

● Processing a JOB by retrieving from "Saved Job log"

Click [Saved Job log].

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

Select a JOB, then click [Job Detail].

If you created the JOB with the “DIRECT program,”
the JOB data is displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.
However, if you re-enter the data, which was created
with the “WIZARD program,” on the “DIRECT” screen,
it is also displayed on the “DIRECT” screen.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
Correcting a JOB on Computer

● Clicking [BACK] returns to step 1.

The right warning message appears when you
changed the settings (values, functions) and also you
did not save or download them.
If you want to return to the menu screen, click [OK].
If you want to save or download, click [Cancel].

● Clicking [FUNCTION] displays the function settings of the JOB.

● Clicking [SAVE] saves the corrected JOB on the computer.

Specify a file to save the JOB, then click [Save].

● Clicking [DOWNLOAD] saves the JOB data on the DC-646.

(See → P.130 step 3 of “● Processing a JOB by retrieving from “OPEN”")

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Display Countermeasure
Cannot input “Gutter Slits” because the number of “Cards per document”
in the horizontal direction (Crosswise) is either 1 or more than the limit
of the setting.

Cannot input “Gutter Cuts” because the number of “Cards per

document” in the vertical direction (Lengthwise) is either 1 or more than
the limit of the setting.

The JOB name contains a character that cannot be used.

Communication Error (001-***)

The PC Controller cannot recognizes the DC-646.
Check the following.
1. Is the USB cable securely connecting the computer and the

Program a JOB for DC-646 Via Computer (PC Controller)

2. Is the DC-646 turned ON?
3. (Windows)
Is [USB DC-646 Ver*.*] registered as a USB controller in the [Device
Manager] dialog]?
4. Is the USB cable 3 meters or shorter?

Communication Error (002, 003, 004)

1. Restart the DC-646 and the computer.
2. Is the USB cable 3 meters or shorter?
Input value is out of the range.

The DC-646 is in operation.

1. Either wait for the JOB to quit or press the STOP key on the DC-646
to abort the JOB.
2. The DC-646 is not ready to operate.
End function setting, input, and JOB select mode, and go to the
Operation Mode (regular state).
3. An error has occurred on the DC-646.
Check the message displayed on the LCD panel and clear the error
according to the Troubleshooting Instructions described in chapter 5
of this manual.
Input file name is not found.
Input a correct name again.

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Messages on the Status/System Display
Display Countermeasure
Service person call messages:
● Main-panel communication error
● CCD error
● Elevator error
● Crease lower error
● Memory read error
● Memory write error
● I/O Communication error
● Cooling fan lock error
● Main-slitter communication error
● Waste compactor lock error

Turn off the DC-646’s power and turn it on again.
If the same message appeared again, write down the
message and contact your service person.

Other error messages:

An error message appears on the Status display.
The error occurred area flashes on and off on the
System display.

The solution appears on the Status display.
Resolve the error according to the instructions.

●When the title bar is “OFF LINE.”

The PC Controller cannot communicate with the DC-646.
Check the following to go online.
• Is the DC-646 turned ON?
• Is the DC-646 connected to the computer with the USB
cable properly?

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Chapter 5
This chapter describes what to do when an error has occurred and how to deal
with paper jams and error messages.

When Messages Appear on the OK Monitor .......................................... 136
When Messages Appear .................................................................. 139
When Service Call Messages Appear .................................................. 147
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred ...................................................... 150
J2 FEED TRAY ........................................................................ 150
J3 FEED ERROR ..................................................................... 151
J4 CCD AREA ......................................................................... 153
J5 MSM/SLOT2 ....................................................................... 154
J6 SLOT3/4 ........................................................................... 157
J7 CUT, CREASE ..................................................................... 159
J8 EXIT TRAY ......................................................................... 163
J9 WASTE BOX ....................................................................... 164
J10 REJECT AREA................................................................... 166
J11 WASTE BOX ..................................................................... 168
J12 DOCUMENT LENGTH ......................................................... 170

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When Messages Appear on the OK Monitor
When a paper jam or error that the machine cannot correct occurs, the OK monitor will flash where
the error occurred.
In such case, follow the procedures bellow to resolve the cause.

Message Countermeasure
1. The top cover 1, 2, 3 or the front cover 2 is open.
2. The emergency switch is pressed.

1. Close the top cover 1, 2, 3 or the front cover 2.

(→P.xii “Interlock System for Safety””)
2. Turning the switch to the right will release the
emergency stop.
(→P.xiii “Emergency Stop Function”)

There is no document on the feed tray.

Load document on the feed tray.

1. A document remains in the skew adjustment

2. There is paper jam in the infeed area or feeding

1. Remove the document from the skew adjustment

2. Remove the document from the infeed area or
feeding area and then press the STOP key.
(→P.151 “J3 FEED ERROR”)
A document remains in the CCD area, or there is
paper jam in the CCD area.

Remove the document from the CCD area and then

press the STOP key.
(→P.153 “J4 CCD AREA”)

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When Messages Appear on the OK Monitor
Message Countermeasure
A document remains in the slot 1 or slot 2.
There is paper jam in the slot 1 or slot 2.

Remove the document from the slot 1 or slot 2 and

then press the STOP key.
(→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)

A document remains in the slot 3 or slot 4.

There is paper jam in the slot 3 or slot 4.

Remove the document from the slot 3 or slot 4 and

then press the STOP key.
(→P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)

A document remains in the gutter area, cut or

crease area.
There is paper jam in the gutter area, cut or crease

Remove the document from the gutter area, cut or

crease area and then press the STOP key.
(→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)

A document remains in the paper exit area.
There is paper jam in the paper exit area.

Remove the document from the paper exit area and

then press the STOP key.
(→P.163 “J8 EXIT TRAY”)

A document remains in the margin cut area or gutter

There is paper jam in the margin cut area or gutter

Remove the document from the margin cut area or

gutter area and then press the STOP key.
(→P.168 “J11 WASTE BOX”)

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When Messages Appear on the OK Monitor
Message Countermeasure
1. Waste remains in the waste box.
2. The waste box became full during processing.

1. Remove the waste from the waste box.

2. Remove the accumulated waste from the waste
box and then press the STOP key.
(→P.164 “J9 WASTE BOX”)

A document remains in the reject area.

There is paper jam in the reject area.

Remove the document from the reject area and

then press the STOP key.
(→P.166 “J10 REJECT AREA”)

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When Messages Appear
When an error occurs, the OK monitor will flash where the error occurred and a message is
displayed on the LCD panel. In such case, follow the procedures below to resolve the cause.

Message Status and Solution

NO DOCUMENT Status : There is no document on the feed tray.
Solution : Load document on the feed tray.
Place document
(→P.11 “Loading Documents”)
on feed tray
to clear

J2-* Status : Too many documents are loaded on the feed tray.
FEED TRAY Solution : The height of the document stack should not exceed the
MAX level. (There is an indication on the right side of the
feed tray.) Remove the documents and then press the STOP

Feed tray
to clear

Status : There is paper jam in the document infeed area or feeding
Solution : Remove the document from the infeed area or feeding area
and then press the STOP key.
(→P.151 “J3 FEED ERROR”)

Remove document
from feed area
to clear

Status : There is paper jam in the CCD area.

J4-* Solution : Remove the document from the CCD area and then press
CCD AREA the STOP key.
(→P.153 “J4 CCD AREA”)

Remove document
from CCD area
to clear

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

J5-* Status : There is paper jam in the margin slitter module / slot 2.
MSM/SLOT2 Solution : Remove the document from the margin slitter module / slot 2
and then press the STOP key.
(→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)

Remove document
from MSM/SLOT2
to clear

Status : There is documen jam in the slot 3 / slot 4.

SLOT3/4 Solution : move the document from the slot 3 / slot 4 and then press
the STOP key.
(→P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)

Remove document
from SLOT3/4
to clear

Status : There is paper jam in the cut or crease area.

J7-* Solution : Remove the document from the cut or crease area and then
press the STOP key.
(→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)

Remove document
from cut/crease
area to clear

Status : There is paper jam in the paper exit area.

The exit tray becomes full during processing.
Solution : Remove the document from the exit area and then press the
STOP key. Or remove the documents on the exit ray.
(→P.163 “J8 EXIT TRAY”)

Remove document
from exit tray
to clear

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

J9-* Status : The waste box became full during processing.
WASTE BOX Solution : Remove the accumulated waste from the waste box and
then press the STOP key.
(→P.164 “J9 WASTE BOX”)

Remove document
from waste box
to clear

Status : There is paper jam in the reject area.

REJECT AREA Solution : Remove the document from the reject area and then press
the STOP key.
(→P.166 “J10 REJECT AREA”)

Remove document
from reject area

to clear

Status : Waste that may cause paper jam remains in the waste box
J11-* during processing.
Solution : Remove the waste from the waste box and then press the

STOP key.
(→P.168 “J11 WASTE BOX”)

Remove document
from waste box
to clear

J12-* Status : Document length that has been saved at JOB entry is
different from that of the document that is actually fed.
Machine stopped Solution : Check if the finished products at the exit area is correctly
Document is too processed.
long (→P.170 “J12 DOCUMENT LENGTH”)

Remove document
from exit
to clear

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

MSM-* LOCK Status : The right (or left) tool of the margin slitter is locked.
“*” shows R (right) or L (left).
Check document Solution : Remove the document from the margin slitter area and then
in MSM press the STOP key.
to clear (→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)

SLOT#-* LOCK Status : The right (or left) tool of the module in the slot (2–4) is
Check document “#” shows slot number.
in SLOT “*” shows R (right) or L (left).
to clear Solution : Remove the document from the slot (2–4) and then press the
STOP key.
(→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”, →P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)

CUTTER LOCK Status : The cutter is locked.

Solution : Remove the document from the cutter area and then press
Check document
the STOP key.
in cutter area (→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)
to clear

CREASER LOCK Status : The creaser is locked.

Solution : Remove the document from the creaser area and then press
Check document the STOP key.
in creaser area (→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)
to clear

GUTTER# LOCK Status : The gutter deflector (1, 2) is locked.

“#” shows deflector number.
Check document Solution : Remove the document from the gutter deflector area and
in gutter area then press the STOP key.
to clear (→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)

SLOT# UPPER LOCK Status : The upper tool of the module in the slot (2–4) is locked.
“#” shows slot number.
Check document Solution : Remove the document from the slot (2–4) and then press the
in SLOT STOP key.
to clear (→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”, →P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)

CPM SLIDE LOCK Status : The cross perforation module is locked.

Solution : Remove the document from the slot 2 and then press the
Check document STOP key.
in SLOT2 (→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)
to clear

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

REJECT LOCK Status : The reject area is locked.

Solution : Remove the document from the reject area and then press
Check document the STOP key.
in reject area (→P.166 “J10 REJECT AREA”)
to clear

CUTTER FLAP LOCK Status : The cutter flap is locked.

Solution : Remove the document from the cut area.
Check document (→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)
cutter flap area
to clear

NO MSM Status : The margin slitter module is not installed properly.

Solution : Install the margin slitter module properly and then press the
Set MSM STOP key.
(→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)
to clear

SLOT# NO MODULE Status : The module in the slot (2–4) is not installed properly.
“#” shows slot number.
Set Module Solution : Install the module in the slot (2–4) properly and then press
in SLOT the STOP key.

to clear (→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”, →P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)

T SLOT# WRONG Status : Wrong module is installed in the slot (2–4).

“#” shows slot number.
2 → RTM Solution : Install the displayed module in each slot. If "OK" is

3 → OK displayed, a correct module is installed in the slot. (The left
4 → Slitter5_6 display is an example. It differs depending on specifications.)

NO WASTE BOX Status : The waste box is not set properly.

Solution : Set the waste box properly and then press the STOP key.
Set Waste box (→P.164 “J9 WASTE BOX”)

to clear

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the infeed area.

Solution : Remove the document from the infeed area.
Remove document (→P.151 “J3 FEED ERROR”)
from feed area

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the CCD area.

Solution : Remove the document from the CCD area.
Remove document (→P.153 “J4 CCD AREA”)
CCD area
to clear

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the margin slitter module / slot 2.
Solution : Remove the document from the margin slitter / slot 2.
Remove document
(→P.154 “J5 MSM/SLOT2”)
from MSM/SLOT2
to clear

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the slot 3 / slot 4.

Solution : Remove the document from the slot 3 / slot 4.
Remove document (→P.157 “J6 SLOT3/4”)
from SLOT3/4

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the cut or crease area.

Solution : Remove the document from the cut or crease area.
Remove document (→P.159 “J7 CUT, CREASE”)
from cut/crease

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : A document remains in the reject area.

Solution : Remove the document from the reject area.
Remove document (→P.166 “J10 REJECT AREA”)
from reject area

DOC. IN MACHINE Status : Waste remains in the waste box.

Solution : Remove the waste from the waste box.
Remove document (→P.164 “J9 WASTE BOX”, →P.168 “J11 WASTE BOX”)
from waste box

DOC. IN HINDOC Status : A document remains on the exit tray.

Solution : Remove the document from the exit tray.
Remove document (→P.163 “J8 EXIT TRAY”)
from exit tray

TOP COVER# OPEN Status : The top cover (1–3) is open.

“#” shows top cover number.
Close cover Solution : Close the top cover (1–3).

F-COVER OPEN Status : The front cover is open.

Solution : Close the front cover.
Close cover

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

EMERGENCY STOP Status : Emergency stop.
Solution : Turning the switch to the right will release the emergency
Release stop.
Emergency SW (→P.xiii “Emergency Stop Function”)

DOUBLE FEED Status : Double feed.

Solution : Remove the document from inside of the machine and then
Remove document press the STOP key.
in the machine
to clear

BC READ ERROR 1 Status : The machine failed to read barcode.

Solution : Press the STOP key to clear the error.
Cannot read If the barcode is printed out of specification, print it on
barcode appropriate position.
to clear (→P.22 for barcode specifications)

BC READ ERROR 2 Status : JOB## is not stored.

“##” shows JOB number.
JOB ## is Solution : Press the STOP key and then check JOB contents.
unknown (→P.22 for barcode specifications)

to clear

BC READ ERROR 3 Status : Check digit error or barcode error.

Solution : Press the STOP key to clear the error and then check
Check digit barcode. (Is digit correct?, Are any alphabets included?)

error Make a document with correct barcode.
to clear

REG READ ERROR 1 Status : The machine failed to read REG mark because of blot on the
Check document Solution : Check that there is no blot on the document.
is not marked (→P.22 for REG mark specifications)
to clear

REG READ ERROR 2 Status : The machine failed to read REG mark.
Solution : Press the STOP key and check whether the REG mark is
Cannot read correctly printed.
REG mark (→P.22 for REG mark specifications)
to clear

REG READ ERROR 3 Status : The machine failed to read REG mark because it is not
printed correctly.
Cannot read Solution : Press the STOP key, then check whether the REG mark is
REG mark printed straight and the document is not skewed.
to clear (→P.22 for REG mark specifications)

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When Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

REG READ ERROR 4 Status : The machine failed to read REG mark because of incorrect
REG mark position.
Check REG Solution : Press the STOP key, then check REG mark position
position and margin slitter position. If REG mark is printed out of
to clear specification, print it on appropriate position.
(→P.22 for REG mark specifications)

. JOB ERROR Status : The machine cannot perform JOB because of the false data
received from personal computer.
Check JOB detail Solution : Confirm the JOB contents and then press the STOP key.

to clear

Status : Processing positions of pattern 1 and pattern 2 by the rotary

RTM pos. adj.
tool module are overlapped. (on “RTM on pos adj” and “RTM
in Setting 2
off pos adj” screens in Settings2)
are invalid. Solution : Correct the value(s) so that the processing positions are not
Please correct. overlapped.

Status : Value(s) of “Apply shrinkage” or “Adjust All” are out of

Apply shrink. or
Adj. all setting
Solution : Enter correct value(s).
are invalid. (→P.188 for specifications)
Please correct.

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When Service Call Messages Appear
Message Status and Solution

E00-* Status : Communication error in the DC-646.

MAIN-PANEL Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

Status : Barcode or REG mark reading error.

Solution : 1. Remove the document and press the STOP key.
2. Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed,
write down the message and contact our service
Contact service


Status : Error in the elevator.


Solution : 1. Remove the documents from the feed tray and then press
the STOP key.
2. Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed,
write down the message and contact our service
E02-* personnel.

Contact service

Status : Error in the lower tool area of the creaser module.

E03-* Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
CREASE LOWER seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

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When Service Call Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

E04-* Status : Memory read error.
MEMORY ERROR Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

Status : Memory communication error.

Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

Status : Communication error in the DC-646.

Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

E07-* Status : The cooling fan stopped.

COOLING FAN LOCK Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

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When Service Call Messages Appear

Message Status and Solution

E08-* Status : Communication error in the DC-646.

MAIN-SLITTER COM Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service

Status : The waste compactor is locked.

E09-* Solution : Turn OFF the power and then turn ON again after a few
WASTE COMPACTOR seconds. If the same error message remains displayed, write
LOCK down the message and contact our service personnel.

Contact service



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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred
When a paper jam has occurred, the LED blinks on the OK monitor and a message appears on the
LCD panel. Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.

• Do not touch the tool. Doing so may cause injury.
• Before removing the jammed document make sure that the machine is fully stopped. Use
the pliers that came with the machine to prevent your hands or fingers from being caught.

Too many documents are loaded on the feed tray.
Follow the procedures below to adjust the amount of
document to proper one. Feed tray
to clear

Press and hold down the elevator down switch to Elevator down switch
lower the feed tray to the bottommost position.

Remove some documents so that the height of the

document stack does not exceed the MAX level.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.


A paper jam has occurred in the document infeed area or J3-*

feeding area. Follow the procedures below to remove the
jammed document. Remove document
from feed area
to clear

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• Be sure to close the top cover when you

operate the machine. The machine does
not work if the top cover is open.
• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document is jammed or remains in the feed

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above page, attempt to remove
the document according to the following procedures.

Open the top cover 1.

Remove the jammed document.

Close the top cover 1.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

A paper jam has occurred in the CCD area.
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.
Remove document
from CCD area
to clear

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document is jammed or remains in the CCD

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.


If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Remove the jammed document from the CCD area.

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.


A paper jam has occurred in the margin slitter module / slot 2. J5-*
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.
Remove document
Follow the procedures below as well if “SLOT#-* LOCK,” to clear
“MSM-* LOCK,” or “SLOT# UPPER LOCK” appears.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document is jammed or remains in the
margin slitter module / slot 2.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.


Loosen the fixing screws (two each) of the modules
Slot 2 Slot 1
in the slot 1 and slot 2.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Grasp the handle to take out the module from the

slot 1 and slot 2 by lifting it up.

Remove the jammed document by using the

supplied pliers.

Slowly lower the module in the slot 1 and slot 2.

Check to see that the pins on both sides are
securely fitted in the modules.

Tighten the fixing screws (two each) of the modules

Slot 2 Slot 1
in the slot 1 and slot 2.

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

J6 SLOT3/4
A paper jam has occurred in the slot 3 / slot 4. J6-*
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.
Remove document
Follow the procedures below as well if “SLOT#-* LOCK” or to clear
“SLOT# UPPER LOCK” appears.

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document is jammed or remains in the slot

3 / slot 4.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Loosen the fixing screws (two each) of the modules

Slot 4 Slot 3
in the slot 3 and slot 4.

Grasp the handle to take out the module from the

slot 3 and slot 4 by lifting it up.

Remove the jammed document by using the supplied pliers.

Slowly lower the module in the slot 3 and slot 4.

Check to see that the pins on both sides are
securely fitted in the modules.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Tighten the fixing screws (two each) of the modules

Slot 4 Slot 3
in the slot 3 and slot 4.

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.


A paper jam has occurred in the cutter module or creaser
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document. Remove document
from cut/crease
REFERENCE area to clear
Follow the procedures below as well if “CUTTER LOCK” or
“CREASER LOCK” appears.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document remains inside the machine.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Disconnect the connectors of the creaser module or

cutter module.
(The right figure shows a view from the non-
operator’s side;
▪ Left side connector: Creaser module
▪ Right side connector: Cutter module)

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Creaser module: Loosen the two fixing screws.

Cutter module: Remove the two fixing screws.

Grasp the handle to take out the creaser module by

lifting it up.

Grasp the handle to take out the cutter module by

lifting it up.


Remove the jammed document by using the supplied pliers.

Slowly lower the cutter module or creaser module.

Check to see that the pins on both sides are
securely fitted in the modules.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Tighten the fixing screws (two each) of the creaser

module and cutter module.

Connect the connectors of the creaser module or

cutter module.
(The right figure shows a view from the non-
operator’s side;
▪ Left side connector: Creaser module
▪ Right side connector: Cutter module)

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

A paper jam has occurred in the exit tray. J8-*
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.
Remove document
from exit tray
to clear

Press the JOG (Forth) key to eject the document.

• The JOG (Back) key is inactive when a
document remains inside the machine.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.


If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

Remove the jammed document with hands.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

The waste box becomes full of waste during operation. J9-*
Accumulation of waste may cause paper jam.
Remove document
from waste box
to clear

● Make sure that the machine is fully stopped before removing the waste.
Or your hands or fingers may get caught and injured.

Open the front cover, then take out the waste box.
Dispose of the waste.

If waste remains inside the machine, remove them.

● Make sure that there is no waste around
the arrow area.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

● When the waste comes to approximately half of
the waste box, the machine detects waste box
If you select “MAX” on the “Waste detection”
screen in Settings2, waste can accumulate until
it comes to approximately 70% of the waste box.
(Light weight document and shorter document

Put the waste box back in its place and close the
front cover.

• Make sure to set the waste box properly
pushing it all the way in.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

• When Waste Compactor Option is installed: Set Waste box
If no waste box is set or the waste box is not set
properly, “NO WASTE BOX” appears. Set the to clear
waste box properly pushing it all the way in.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred


A paper jam has occurred in the reject area. J10-*
Follow the procedures below to remove the jammed document.
Remove document
REFERENCE from reject area
Follow the procedures below as well if “REJECT LOCK” to clear
error appears.

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Remove the jammed document from the reject


Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

If the jammed document cannot be removed by the procedures above, attempt to remove the
document according to the following procedures.

● When removing the document from the exit tray

Remove the document from the exit tray.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

● When removing the document from the waste box area


Open the front cover, then take out the waste box.

Remove the document from the arrow area.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

Put the waste box back in its place and close the
front cover.

• Make sure to set the waste box properly
pushing it all the way in.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

• When Waste Compactor Option is installed: Set Waste box
If no waste box is set or the waste box is not set
properly, “NO WASTE BOX” appears. Set the to clear
waste box properly pushing it all the way in.


Slit waste is jammed in the shooter area because it cannot
drop in the waste box smoothly.
Follow the procedures below to remove the waste. Remove document
from waste box
to clear

Open the front cover, then take out the waste box.
Dispose of the waste.

If waste remains inside the machine, remove them.

Downloaded from manuals search engine
When a Paper Jam Has Occurred

• Make sure that there is no waste around
the arrow area.

Put the waste box back in its place and close the
front cover.

• Make sure to set the waste box properly
pushing it all the way in.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message

will be cleared.

• When Waste Compactor Option is installed: Set Waste box
If no waste box is set or the waste box is not set
properly, “NO WASTE BOX” appears. Set the to clear
waste box properly pushing it all the way in.

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When a Paper Jam Has Occurred


If the document is longer than the length that has been saved
at JOB entry, processing stops halfway and the document is
ejected. Machine stopped
Document is too

Remove document
from exit
to clear

Check if the finished product ejected is correctly

If there are any finished products that are not
correctly processed, remove them.

Check that the document length on the feed tray is

the one that has been saved at JOB entry.

Press the STOP key to clear the error.

The machine will be reset and the error message
will be cleared.

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Chapter 6
Daily Maintenance
This chapter describes daily maintenance for the machine.

Daily Maintenance

Daily Maintenance ..........................................................................172

Cleaning the Slitter Tool ..............................................................172
Cleaning the Sensors .................................................................173
Cleaning the Conveyance Rollers ..................................................180
Cleaning the Skew Correction Belt .................................................181
About Slitter Tool Intersection Correction..........................................182
Waste Box ....................................................................................186

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Daily Maintenance
Clean the machine periodically to maintain its performance.

● Before cleaning, be sure to turn the power off, wait until the machine cools off
and unplug the power cord. Otherwise, fire or electric shock may occur.
● Never remove covers on the machine or modify them.
● Do not spill water or any liquid inside of the machine. It may cause fire or
electric shock. If it happens, contact our service personnel.

Clean the exterior in the following procedures.

1.Tightly wring a soft cloth that has been moistened with water or mild detergent.
2.Wipe the exterior.
3.Wipe off the excess moisture on the exterior with a dry soft cloth.

● Never use alcohol or solvent cleaner. It may tarnish or damage the exterior finish.
● Do not put diluted petroleum or insecticide. It may cause fire.

Dust accumulation may cause the machine to malfunction. Clean it periodically.

Contact your service personnel as for cleaning of inside of the machine.

Cleaning the Slitter Tool

Remove the front guide on the slitter module.

Front guide

If a document is slit by the slitter after a long period

of use of the machine, finished products may get
Before starting operation, clean the slitter tool with
an air blower, then perform test run several times
and check the finished products for any blot.

Reattach the front guide removed in step 1.

Slitter Air blower

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Daily Maintenance

Cleaning the Sensors

● Sensor on the right side of the reject area

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Clean the sensor on the right side of the reject area

with an air blower.

Air blower
Operator’s side

Air blower

Daily Maintenance
Reject area
Enlarged view Operator’s side

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

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Daily Maintenance

● Sensor on the right side of slot 2

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Loosen the two fixing screws of the module in the

Slot 2
slot 2.

Operator’s side

Grasp the handle to take out the module from the Slot 2
slot 2 by lifting it up.

Operator’s side

Clean the sensor on the right side of slot 2 with an

air blower.

Air blower
Enlarged view Operator’s side

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Daily Maintenance

Slowly lower the module in the slot 2. Check to see Slot 2

that the pins on both sides are securely fitted in the

Operator’s side

Tighten the two fixing screws of the module in the Slot 2

slot 2.

Operator’s side

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

● Sensor on the right side of slot 4

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Daily Maintenance

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Daily Maintenance

Loosen the two fixing screws of the module in the

Slot 4
slot 4.

Operator’s side

Grasp the handle to take out the module from the

Slot 4
slot 4 by lifting it up.

Operator’s side

Clean the sensor on the right side of slot 4 with an Slot 4

air blower.

Air blower

Enlarged view Operator’s side

Slowly lower the module in the slot 4. Check to see

Slot 4
that the pins on both sides are securely fitted in the

Operator’s side

Tighten the two fixing screws of the module in the

Slot 4
slot 4.

Operator’s side

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Daily Maintenance

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

● Sensor on the right side of the creaser module

Open the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

Disconnect the connector of the creaser module.
(The right figure shows a view from the non-
operator’s side;
▪ Left side connector : Creaser module)

Daily Maintenance
Loosen the two fixing screws of the creaser module.
Creaser module

Operator’s side

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Daily Maintenance

Grasp the handle to take out the creaser module by

Creaser module
lifting it up.

Operator’s side

Clean the sensor on the right side of the creaser

module with an air blower.

Air blower

Enlarged view Operator’s side

Operator’s side

Slowly lower the creaser module in its position. Creaser module

Check to see that the pins on both sides are
securely fitted in the module.

Operator’s side

Tighten the two fixing screws of the creaser module. Creaser module

Operator’s side

Connect the connector of the creaser module.
(The right figure shows a view from the non-
operator’s side;
• Left side connector: Creaser module)

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Daily Maintenance

Close the top cover 2 and the top cover 3.

● Sensors at the exit

Clean the sensors at the exit with an air blower.

Air blower

Daily Maintenance

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Daily Maintenance

Cleaning the Conveyance Rollers

As the DC-646 processes digital color outputs, toner etc. on the documents may adhere to
the surface of the conveyance rollers of the DC-646. Accumulation of toner may affect the
performance of the DC-646. In this case, clean the rollers according to the following procedures.

Turn the power on.

Make sure the standby screen is displayed on the LCD panel.


Sheets 9999

Press the F key.

Select menu
The “Select menu” screen appears.
Retrieve JOB
Enter JOB

Select “Cleaning mode” using the CURSOR (Down) key, and Select menu
press the SET key.
Adjust All
Cleaning mode

Every time the top cover 1 is opened/closed, the conveyance

rollers turn 60 degrees.
Wipe off the toner and debris on the rollers using a tightly wrung
cloth by opening/closing the top cover 1.

Do not wipe the rollers with anything other than that
specified above. Use of anything else may result in
mechanical malfunction.

Do not put your hands or fingers in the feeding part when cleaning. Your hands
or fingers may be caught and get injured.

After cleaning the rollers, press the RETURN key. Cleaning mode
The “Select menu” screen appears.
Open/Close cover
to turn rollers

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Daily Maintenance

Cleaning the Skew Correction Belt

Long hours of machine use result in accumulation of paper dust.
Wipe off the paper dust with a cloth while turning the skew correction belt with your hands.

Open the top cover 1.

Do not put your hands or fingers in the feeding part when cleaning. Your hands
or fingers may be caught and get injured.

Wipe off the paper dust with a cloth while turning the skew
correction belt with your hand.

Do not wipe the skew correction belt with anything other
than that specified above. Use of anything else may result
in mechanical malfunction.

Close the top cover 1.


Daily Maintenance

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Daily Maintenance

About Slitter Tool Intersection Correction

When a heavy weight document is jammed in the slitter area, if you pull out the document by
force, the slitter upper tool and the lower tool may intersect each other.
Also, when the document cannot be slit or conveyed, the tools may have intersected.
In this case, follow the procedures below to correct the upper tool or lower tool position.

Slitters differ in shape depending on module.
The slitter 3 and the slitter 4 are the same in shape. (→ P.18 “Before Preparing
The slitter 5 and the slitter 6 are the same in shape. (→ P.18 “Before Preparing

Remove the front guide assy in the direction of the


Front guide assy

Move the slitters to the center of the module.


● In case of slitter 3 and slitter 4

1. Loosen the two hexagon socket head cap screws

securing the lid of the slitter with the intersecting
tools. (The right figure shows the slitter 3.)
You can lay the slitter module on its side if it is
easier for you to carry out the work.

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Daily Maintenance

2. Insert the jig into the hole of the lid while sliding
the lid upward.


3. Push the jig in the direction of the arrow to correct

the intersecting upper tool.
The right figure shows that the upper tool and the Upper tool
lower tool intersect.

Pushing the jig in without sliding the lit may
damage the upper tool and the lower tool.
Lower tool

Push the indicated part in the right figure with Hole of the lid
the jig. Upper tool

Push this part.

4. Pull out the jig while pushing the lid downward. 1

Make sure that the tool intersection is corrected.

Daily Maintenance
Upper tool
The right figure shows that the tool intersection
is corrected and the tools are in the normal
Lower tool

5. Tighten the two hexagon socket head cap screws

to secure the lid.
Hexagon socket head cap screw

Lower the lid and tighten the hexagon socket
head cap screws. Lid

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Daily Maintenance

● In case of slitter 5 and slitter 6

1. Loosen the two hexagon socket head cap screws

securing the lid of the slitter with the intersecting
tools. (The right figure shows the slitter 5.)

You can lay the slitter module on its side if it is
easier for you to carry out the work.

2. Insert the jig into the hole of the lid while sliding
the lid downward.



3. Push the jig in the direction of the arrow to correct

the intersecting lower tool.
The right figure shows that the upper tool and the Upper tool
lower tool intersect.

Pushing the jig in without sliding the lit may
damage the upper tool and the lower tool.
Lower tool Jig

Push the indicated part in the right figure with
the jig.

Push this part.

Lower tool

Hole of the lid

4. Pull out the jig while pushing the lid upward.

Make sure that the tool intersection is corrected. 1
Upper tool
The right figure shows that the tool intersection
is corrected and the tools are in the normal
position. Lower tool

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Daily Maintenance

5. Tighten the two hexagon socket head cap screws

to secure the lid.
Hexagon socket head cap screw

Raise the lid and tighten the hexagon socket
head cap screws.


Attach the front guide assy in the direction of the


Front guide assy

Daily Maintenance

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Waste Box
Slit waste accumulates in the waste box. Open the front cover and remove them periodically.
Accumulation of waste may cause paper jam.
Follow the instructions below for removing the waste.

Be sure to confirm that the machine is fully stopped before removing the
accumulated waste to prevent your hands or fingers from being caught.

Confirm that the machine is fully stopped.

Open the front cover and take out the waste box.
Then remove the waste in the waste box.

If waste remains inside the machine when taking out the waste box, remove them.

Put the waste box back in its place and close the front cover.

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Chapter 7
This chapter lists the machine specifications.


Specifications ................................................................................188

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Model name DC-646
Product type Slitter/Cutter/Creaser Floor model
Feeding method Belt suction
Feed tray Elevator
Infeed document size Width: 210–370 mm (8.27–14.56 in)
Length: 210–670 mm (8.27–26.37 in)
Minimum finishing size Width: 48 mm (1.89 in)
Length: 50 mm (1.97 in)
Document weight Min: 110 gsm
Max: 350 gsm
● Laminated stock or UV coated stock should be within the range
above including the lamination/UV coating.
Document type Coated, non-coated, laminated
Paper curl No curl (within 5 mm)
Feeder capacity 100 mm (3.93 in)

Speed 30 ppm: A4 LEF 2 cuts and 1 crease

Tolerance + /- 0.2 mm on finished size (Business cards: + /- 0.3 mm)
● The crease tolerance depends on the number of creases on the
documents and their depths.
Number of slitters 6 slitters (2 margin slitters and 4 center slitters are equipped as
Side margin slit width 3.2–55 mm (from the edge of a document)
Gutter slit width 5.0–15.0 mm
● Waste strips wider than 15 mm come out on the exit tray.
Gutter deflector 2 gutter deflectors
Automatic control
Max number of cuts on 1 25
Minimum cut length Lead edge margin: 3 mm
Gutter cut between cards: 3 mm
Trail edge margin: 5 mm
Maximum number of 20
creases on 1 document
Exit tray Drop down tray
Exit tray capacity 140 mm (5.51 in)
Card stacker capacity 60 mm (2.36 in)
Control panel 128 dots×64 dots LCD OK monitor
Panel languages Japanese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Polish,
Job programming On the control panel or on the PC controller software
Noise level Less than 80 db during a continuous operation

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Model name DC-646

Standard functions PC controller software
80 job memory
Test feed
Air knife
Double feed detection
Fan register adjustment
Emergency stop switch
Waste box
Image shrinkage compensation (lengthwise)
Automatic job setup by reading Barcode *
Image drift compensation by reading REG mark *
Reject *
Card stacker *
PC arm mount *
Cleaning mode
*: Optional on 230V model

PC controller (USB connection: B-type connector)

Compatible OS:
Windows XP professional/home edition (x86 32bit only)
Windows Vista Ultimate/Business/Home basic/Home premium
Windows7 Ultimate/Professional/Home premium
Windows8 Professional/Enterprise
(Windows Vista/Windows7/Windows8: x86 32bit, x64 64bit)
Optional devices RTM-02 DC-646 Rotary Tool Module *
CPM-02 DC-646 Cross Tool Module
OPK-02 DC-646 Optional PCB Kit *
*: Standard on 230V(PRO) model
Power supply 100 VAC±10%, 50/60 Hz
115 VAC, 50 Hz
230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption 100 V: current consumption 4.7 A , power consumption 430 W
115 V: current consumption 4.0 A, power consumption 420 W
230 V: current consumption 1.9 A, power consumption 400 W
Dimensions ● 230V
In use: 2310(W) × 765(D) × 1110(H) mm
Folded: 1650(W) × 765(D) × 1110(H) mm
● 115V/230V(PRO)
In use: 2310(W) × 1005(D) × 1110(H) mm
(90.94(W) × 39.56(D) × 43.70(H) in
Folded: 1650(W) × 1005(D) × 1110(H) mm
(64.96(W) × 39.56(D) × 43.70(H) in
Weight 230V 115V 230V(PRO)

Net weight 270 kg 280 kg 285 kg

(595 lb) (617 lb) (628 lb)
Gross weight 335 kg 345 kg 350 kg
(738 lb) (760 lb) (771 lb)
Safety standard UL
CE (Low Voltage Directive, Machinery Directive)

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Model name DC-646

Operating temperature 10°C–30°C (50°F–86°C)
Operating humidity 40%RH–70%RH (No condensation)
Storing temperature 5°C–35°C (41°F–95°C)
Storing humidity 20%RH–70%RH (No condensation)

The specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

Please note: Curled paper

Conveyer section of DC-646 is sensitive to the paper curled because of the automatic slitter
mechanism. If the paper jam has occurred frequently caused by paper curled, attempt to
process the followings for the solution.
1. If it is possible, adjust the printer setting or environment for preventing the paper curl.
2. Fix the curl by your hand before loading them on the feed tray.
3. Load the papers face side down.
4. Use other types of paper.

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This chapter lists an index.



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A CURSOR (Down) key ..................................6
CURSOR (Left) key .....................................6
About Slitter Tool Intersection Correction ..182 CURSOR (Up) key .......................................6
AC inlet ........................................................3 Cut ...........................................18,20,34,105
Adjust All ......................................... 8,58,116 Cut position ...............................................28
Advanced mode ........................................26 Cutter .........................................................26
Advanced Mode ...................................30,89 Cutter module ........................................5,18
Airflow .......................................................62 Cut trim mode ..................26,29,34,47,49,52
Airflow adjustment knob ............................2 Cut Trim Setting ................................. 98,111
Air knife .......................... 29,35,47,49,50,110 Full Bleed Mode ....................................98,111
Apply shrinkage ............................ 49,57,115 No Bleed Mode .....................................98,111
Attaching the Card Stacker .....................13 Process All ............................................98,111
Attaching the Upper Guide ......................12
Auto trail cut .................. 29,36,47,53,98,110 D

B Daily Maintenance ..................................172

DBL detection .................................48,49,53
Back guide ...................................3,12,13,45 DIRECT ...............................................88,102
Barcode ........................................8,23,49,60 Double Feed Detection ........................... 113
Basic mode ..........................................48,55 DOWNLOAD ..............................................88
C Driver Installation Procedures ................73
Driver Uninstallation Procedures ............84
Cards per document .................................90
Card stacker ................................................4 E
Center slitter module 1 ...............................5 Elevator down switch .................................3
Center slitter module 2 ...............................5 Elevator level ............................................62
Change Tool Settings ............................. 112 Emergency stop switch .............................2
Cleaning mode ............................................8 Enter JOB ....................................................8
Cleaning the Conveyance Rollers .........180 Exit tray ...............................................3,4,45
Cleaning the Sensors .............................173
Cleaning the Skew Correction Belt .......181 F
Cleaning the Slitter Tool ........................172
Fan reg ...................................29,35,47,49,51
CLEAR key ..................................................7
Fan Register ............................................ 111
Control panel ..............................................2
Feeder capacity ............................ 48,54,114
Correcting a JOB on Computer .............129
Feed tray ......................................................2
Counter ........................................................8
F key ............................................................6
CPM off pos adj ............................ 48,55,114
Front cover ..................................................2
CPM on pos adj ............................. 48,55,114
Full bleed mode .........................26,27,34,52
Crease .......................................18,20,35,106
Function Setting 1 ...............................47,50
Crease depth ............. 29,36,47,49,52,98,112
Function Setting 2 ...............................48,53
Crease position .........................................28
Function Setting 3 ...............................49,57
Creaser ......................................................26
Creaser module .....................................5,18 G
Creating a JOB by Entering Values
(DIRECT) .........................................102 Guide ...........................................................4
Cross tool module ..........................30,38,50 Gutter Cuts ...........................................90,95
Curled Document ......................................64 Gutter deflector ......................................5,18

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I PC tray .........................................................3
perforation tool ...............................30,38,50
Inch<< mm ...............................................102 Power switch ...............................................2
Inch>> mm .................................................90 Process all ..................................26,27,34,52
Installation .......................................68,69,73 Processing a JOB by Retrieving from
J Computer .......................................124
Processing a JOB by Retrieving from DC-
JOB Detail ...............................................123 646 (SELECT) .................................121
JOB Log .....................................................89 Processing a JOB by retrieving from “JOB
Job log details ..........................................89 Log 1” .............................................126
JOB Name .........................................8,28,90 Processing a JOB by retrieving from “JOB
JOB No. ..................................................8,90 Log 2” .............................................127
JOB number ..............................................28
JOG key .......................................................7
L Read Barcode ............................... 48,53,113
Reading a JOB from DC-646 (UPLOAD) ...... 117
LCD panel .................................................6,8 Read REG mark ............. 29,35,47,49,51,112
Lead mark ...........................................91,105 Registering a JOB Saved in Computer onto
Length .................................................28,104 DC-646 (DOWNLOAD) ................... 119
Level adjustment knob ...............................2 REG mark ........................................8,22,108
Light Weight Document ...........................64 REG mark position ...................................28
Loading Documents ................................. 11 Reject ..................................... 5,48,49,54,113
Reject tray ...................................................2
Retrieve JOB ...............................................8
MAINTENANCE .........................................88 Return ..........................................................8
Margin slitter module .................................5 RETURN key ................................................6
Message ...........................................133,139 score tool ........................................30,38,50
Messages on the Status/System Display ....134 Rotary tool module ......................5,30,38,50
micro perforation tool ....................30,38,50 RTM off pos adj ............................. 48,56,115
Module hanger .......................................2,16 RTM on pos adj ............................. 48,55,115


No bleed mode ...........................26,27,34,52 sandard module ........................................38

NUMERIC key ..............................................7 Saved JOB Log ...........................89,124,131
Scale ............................................................2
Select Module ...........................................28
OK Monitor ...........................................6,136 Select Tool .................................................28
Option Module 1 .......................................90 Separator ...................................................62
Separator adjustment knob .......................2
P Service Call .............................................147
Paper Jam ...............................................150 SET key .....................................................6,7

Paper size ................................................104 SETTING 1 ............................................... 110

Custom Size .............................................. 108 SETTING 2 ............................................... 113
Standard Size ............................................ 108 SETTING 3 ............................................... 115
PC arm mount .............................................2 Settings1 .....................................................8
PC Controller ..................................69,82,88 Settings2 .....................................................8
PC Controller Installation Procedures ....69 Settings3 .....................................................8
Setting the Exit Tray .................................12

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Side blow fan ............ 29,35,47,49,51,99,111 Upper guide .................................................5

side guide ........................................12,13,45 USB terminal ...............................................2
Side guide (for exit tray) ............................3
Side guide (for feed tray) ...........................2
Side mark ...........................................91,105 Waste box .............................................2,186
Simple mode .............................................26 Waste compactor .......................... 48,54,114
Skew adjustment knob ...............................2 Waste detection ...................................48,54
Skew Compensation ................................63 Waste Full Detect Level ......................... 114
Slit ..........................................................105 Width ...................................................28,104
SLIT .......................................................18,20
Slit position ...............................................28
slit-score tool ..................................30,38,50
Slitter .........................................................26
Slitter guide .................... 29,36,47,49,51,110
slitter module ..................................30,38,50
Slot 1 ..........................................................18
Slot 2 ...........................................18,30,38,50
SLOT2/3/4 TOOLS .....................................47
Slot 3 ...........................................18,30,38,50
Slot 4 ...........................................18,30,38,50
Specifications .........................................188
Speed ............. 29,36,47,49,52,91,98,112,117
Standard module ..............................5,30,50
START key ...................................................7
STOP key .....................................................7
Stopper assy .............................................14
Stopper assy
(for card stacker) ........................................4
Support Guide ...........................................15
Support guide
(for card stacker) ........................................4

TEST key .....................................................7

Tool position of cross tool module .........28
Tool position of rotary tool module ........28
Top cover 1 ..................................................2
Top cover 2 ..................................................2
Top cover 3 ..................................................2
Trim ............................................................90
Turning Power OFF ..................................10
Turning Power ON ......................................9

Uninstallation .......................................82,84
Update .......................................................87
UPLOAD ............................................. 88,117

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