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Probability Theory

Background of the algorithm


Probability Theory in AI
Probability Theory in the AI subject is a fundamental concept that deals
with the analysis of random phenomena and uncertainty. It involves
using the concept of probability to indicate the uncertainty in knowledge,
especially in scenarios where certainty is not confirmed. In AI, probability
theory is crucial for probabilistic reasoning, which combines probability
theory with logic to handle uncertainty effectively. It allows AI systems to
make informed decisions in situations where being certain is impossible,
such as in machine learning algorithms. Probability theory in AI enables
the modeling of uncertainties, learning from data, and making
predictions in the face of uncertainty, making it an essential component
for professionals in the AI/ML and Data Science industry.
Probability theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the
analysis of random phenomena. The fundamental object of probability
theory is a random variable, which is a quantity whose outcome is
uncertain. Probability theory allows us to make predictions about the
likelihood of various outcomes, ranging from the simple flip of a coin to
the complex interactions of particles in physics.

Probability theory plays a crucial role in the field of artificial intelligence

(AI) and machine learning algorithms. Xie et al. (2018) introduced a
multi-objective constraint task scheduling algorithm for multi-core
processors based on artificial immune theory (MOCTS-AI). Abrahão et al.
(2021) discussed the deceptive phenomenon of simplicity bubble problem
in formal-theoretic learning systems and emphasized the importance of
algorithmic information theory and computability theory in machine
learning. Probability theory is essential for tackling real-world
complexities in AI and machine learning applications (Probability Theory,
2023). Reinforcement learning algorithms, such as Q-learning and policy
gradients, leverage probability theory to learn optimal policies through
trial and error (Probability Theory Explained, 2020). Probability theory
provides a logical explanation for how belief should change in the
presence of incomplete or uncertain information, highlighting its
importance in AI (The Importance of Probabilistic Reasoning in AI, 2022).
Additionally, probability theory is used in machine learning algorithms
such as Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) and reinforcement learning
(Is artificial intelligence just applied probability and statistics?, 2019).
Overall, probability theory is a fundamental concept in AI and machine
learning, enabling the development of advanced algorithms and models
to address complex problems in these fields.

Main Proponent and History

Probability theory originated from gambling problems encountered by

seventeenth-century individuals like Girolamo Cardano, leading to the
development of concepts like expected value and fair division of stakes. Blaise
Pascal and Pierre de Fermat furthered this work, laying the foundation for
probability theory. Christiaan Huygens published the first book on probability
in 1657, shifting the focus from gambling to more respectable applications like
insurance. Jacob Bernoulli's work on the law of large numbers and Abraham
de Moivre's contributions to annuities and insurance further advanced the
field. Thomas Bayes introduced Bayes' Rule posthumously, revolutionizing
statistical inference. Pierre-Simon Laplace's work on continuous probability
and the central limit theorem solidified the mathematical treatment of
probabilities, shaping the discipline into what it is today.

 Girolamo Cardano (Italy, 1501-1576)

Known for his work on probability and gambling problems, Cardano's

manual "Liber de Ludo Aleae" provided a systematic analysis of gambling
issues, laying the groundwork for early probability theory.

 Blaise Pascal (France, 1623-1662) and Pierre de Fermat (France,


Collaborated on gambling problems, leading to the development of new

concepts in probability, including the notion of "expected value" and the
fair division of stakes in unfinished games.

 Christiaan Huygens (Netherlands, 1629-1695)

Wrote "On reasoning in games of chance" in 1657, the first published

book on probability, after being inspired by the work of Pascal and

 Jacob Bernoulli (Switzerland, 1654-1705)

Known for his work on probability, including the exponential function

and the law of large numbers, which states that the proportion of
outcomes in a large number of trials will converge to the true probability.

 Abraham de Moivre (England, 1667-1754)

Author of "The Doctrine of Chance" in 1718, a significant textbook on
probability that covered topics like annuities and insurance, contributing
to the development of probability theory.

 Thomas Bayes (England, 1702-1761)

Known for Bayes' Rule, a fundamental concept in probability theory that

was published posthumously in 1763, revolutionizing the field of
statistics and inference.

 Pierre-Simon Laplace (France, 1749-1827)

Referred to as the "father of modern probability," Laplace developed the
theory of continuous probability and made significant contributions to
the understanding of probability and stochastic processes.


{Sample Space}

function getSampleSpace(events):

sampleSpace = []

for each event in events:


return sampleSpace

{Event Probability}

function getEventProbability(event, sampleSpace):

eventCount = count(event, sampleSpace)

totalCount = length(sampleSpace)

probability = eventCount / totalCount

return probability
{Conditional Probability}

function getConditionalProbability(eventA, eventB, sampleSpace):

probA = getEventProbability(eventA, sampleSpace)

probAandB = getEventProbability(eventA.intersection(eventB), sampleSpace)

if probA == 0:

return 0

return probAandB / probA


Ideal Conditions Requirement - Probability models often require ideal

conditions to provide accurate results. Real-world scenarios are complex and
may not always meet these ideal conditions, leading to potential inaccuracies
in predictions.

Predictive Limitations - Probability theory is based on past data and

assumptions, making it challenging to predict future events with absolute
certainty. The estimated probabilities may not always align with the actual
outcomes due to unforeseen factors.

Oversimplification - Critics argue that probability models oversimplify the

complexity of real-world situations. For instance, in weather forecasting,
probability models may provide estimates of rain likelihood but struggle to
predict exact rainfall amounts or locations accurately.

Misinterpretation - Probability models can be misinterpreted, leading to

incorrect conclusions and decisions. For example, a high accuracy rate in a
medical test does not directly translate to a high chance of having the disease,
as false positives and negatives can occur.

Inapplicability to Certain Scenarios - The classical interpretation of probability,

based on equally-likely, mutually-exclusive outcomes, has limitations when
dealing with events with an infinite number of possible outcomes or when
outcomes are not equally likely, such as with weighted dice.
Research Utilizing the Algorithm

Research 1:

1. Title/Author
Foundations of Probability Theory for AI - The Application of Algorithmic
Probability to Problems in Artificial Intelligence. / Ray J. Solomonoff.

2. Abstract

This paper covers two topics: first an introduction to Algorithmic

Complexity Theory: how it defines probability, some of its characteristic
properties and past successful applications. Second, we apply it to
problems in A.I. - where it promises to give near optimum search
procedures for two very broad classes of problems.

Research 2:

1. Title/Author

Logic, probability theory, and artificial intelligence - Part I: the

probabilistic foundations of logic/ Charles G. Morgan
2. Abstract

Many AI researchers have come to be dissatisfied with approaches to

their discipline based on formal logic. Various alternatives are often
suggested, including probability theory. This paper investigates the
intimate connection between probability theory and various logics. We
show that probability theory, broadly conceived, may be used as a formal
semantics for virtually any monotonic logic. Thus, rather than being seen
as competing, it is more appropriate to view formal logics as very special
cases of probability theory, usually special cases that are
computationally more tractable than the more general theory. Thus,
probability theory and logic should be seen as complementary. Viewing
probability theory in this abstract way may help to shed light on various
recalcitrant problems in AI.
My Personal Reflection

The first paper by Ray J. Solomonoff talks about how using algorithmic
probability theory can be helpful in solving problems in artificial intelligence
(AI). The idea of using algorithmic complexity to define probability and develop
good search methods for different types of AI problems is interesting. It
suggests that combining probability theory with ideas from computability and
information theory could provide a powerful way to tackle complex AI
The second paper by Charles G. Morgan explores the connection between
probability theory and formal logic, which is a fascinating perspective. The
author suggests that probability theory can serve as a formal way of
understanding various types of logics. This means that logic can be seen as a
special case of probability theory. This idea challenges the traditional view that
logic and probability are competing frameworks. Instead, it presents them as
complementary approaches, with probability theory being more general but
often more computationally complex.
I find these ideas intriguing and potentially transformative for the field of AI. By
embracing the probabilistic foundations and using the connections between
probability, logic, and computability, we may be able to develop more robust
and intelligent systems that can reason with uncertainty and handle complex
real-world problems.

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