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April 22 2019

1 The environment

SESSION 7 The environment refers to all the

SITUATIONAL INFLUENCES physical and social characteristics of a Affect &
consumers external world, including:
§ physical objects (products and stores),
§ spatial relationships (location of stores and
products in stores)
Environment Behavior
§ the social behavior of other people (who is
around and what they are doing).

Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education

Van Tran - Adapted from Peter & Olson, McGraw-Hill Education 04/07/2023 5
International School of Business - University of Economics HCMC

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1 1 Different levels to analyze the environment:


Large scale, general More tangible physical and social

Each individual has a unique set of knowledge, meanings, and
environmental factors such as the aspects of someone’s immediate
beliefs, the PERCEIVED ENVIRONMENT that each consumer climate, economic conditions, surroundings
political systems and general
experiences will be some what different. landscape.

è Impossible to capture the interpretations of each consumer

è Marketers are interested in common interpretations of the
environment that is shared by groups of consumers.

Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education
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April 22 2019

2 Aspects of the environment 2 The Social Environment

The same characteristic of family-orientation of Vietnamese culture, different individuals from

different sub-cultures and social classes may manifest this value in different ways.


The social environment The physical environment

includes all social interactions between includes all the nonhuman, physical
and among people that may directly or aspects of the field in which consumer
indirectly relates to consumer behaviors. behavior occurs.

Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education
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2 The Physical Environment 2 The Physical Environment


Spatial elements Non-spatial elements Décor, sounds, aromas, lighting, weather,

and configurations of merchandise or
Physical objects of all types: Intangibles factors: materials surrounding the stimulus object.

Countries Temperature Store Atmosphere is the sum of all the

physical features of a retail environment.
Cities Humidity
Stores Illumination § Atmospherics influences consumer
Interior designs Noise level judgments of the quality of the store
and the store’s image.
Products and brands Time
§ Atmosphere is referred to as There’s no one that is superior than the other but it depends on how
servicescape when describing a appropriate the atmosphere is for the target audience.
service business such as a hospital,
bank or restaurant.
Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 15 Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 16
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April 22 2019

2 The Physical Environment 2 The Physical Environment

Components of physical surroundings

Colors Aromas Music Crowding

Physical characteristics
• Warm colors: more • Increasing intention • Slow-paced vs fast- • Causing unpleasant
and the feelings and the arousing and to visit and purchase paced music feelings
image created become catching attention by increased • Matching music • Designing outlet in
increasingly important as • Cool colors: relaxing pleasure and with the target order to reduce the
hedonic motives and the and comfortable, arousal audience preference feeling of crowding:
time involved with the reducing the • Enhancing brand • Foreground and larger stores, extra
service increase. negative feelings evaluation and background music personnel and
brand recall check-outs, etc.
• However, scent
preferences are

Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 17 Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 18
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3 Situation 3 Generic Consumer Situations

Situation is defined:
• by a person who is acting in an environment for some purpose.
• Involves a sequence of goal-directed behaviors, along with affective and
Information Shopping Purchase Consumption Disposition
cognitive responses and the various environments in which they occur. acquisition
The social and The social and
Physical, spatial, and The social and physical factors physical factors
Environments where
social characteristics physical stimuli present in the present in the
consumers acquire
of places where present in the environments where environments where
information relevant
consumers shop for environment where consumers actually consumers dispose of
to a problem-solving
products and the consumer makes use or consume the the products and
goal. products and services services they have
Information Shopping Purchase Consumption Disposition services. the purchase.
they have bought. used.
Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 19 Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 20
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April 22 2019

3 Situational Characteristics 3 Analyzing Consumer Situations: Method

Situations can be described on a number of dimensions - The major goals that define the situation for their target customers
which determine their influence on consumer behavior. - The key aspects of the social and physical environments in the situation (including marketing stimuli)
- Consumers’ affective, cognitive, and behavioral responses to these environmental characteristics
The five key dimensions or characteristics:
è Asking: Describe the major occasions when you consume the product.

1. Physical surroundings 1. How is the place? Situation 1: Hungry, in a rush Situation 2: Lazy-relaxed Situation 3: Calm at lunch.
2. Social surroundings 2. Who is there? • Environment: hectic; many • Environment: quiet, alone at • Goal: I need a reward.
other people around; between home in evening. • Affect/cognition: happy to be
classes at the university. • Goal: relax so I can concentrate home after hectic class
3. Temporal perspectives 3. Are you in a hurry? • Goal: Satisfy hunger and get on work. schedule; starting to calm down.
energy. • Affect/cognition: feeling relaxed • Behavior: eat candy for dessert.
4. Task definition 4. What occasion are you shopping for? • Affect/cognition: feeling hungry, and calm, but alert.
stressed and tense. • Behavior: Snack on candy while
5. Antecedent states 5. How are you feeling that day? • Behavior; snack on candy reading or studying.
between and during class.

Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 22
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3 Analyzing Consumer Situations: Method


Van Tran - Adapted from Hawkins, McGraw-Hill Education 24

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