Chu 1947

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The Theory of DiskLoaded Wave Guides

E. L. Chu and W. W. Hansen

Citation: Journal of Applied Physics 18, 996 (1947); doi: 10.1063/1.1697586

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inside diameter of the cup and the diameter and a single standar{sample will be found sufficiently
length of the bob. Machining tolerances should accurate for most purposes. Below 1 poise, how-
be within 0.002 cm (0.001 in.). For most meas- ever, since the end-effect has been shown to
urements two cups and bobs, making available become increasingly large, calibration should be
three clearances, will be found enough; we have made with a standard the viscosity of which is
found cups 1 and 2 and bobs 1 and 4 most useful. close to that of the material to be measured. If
Because of the nature of the study we were this is not possible, the multiple-bob method
making, the end-effects were determined without should be used.
any reference to standard viscosity samples A separation of at least 1 cm should be kept
except for final confirmation. For this purpose between the bottom of the bob and cup, and an
the method of multiple bobs is recommended. overlay of about 5 mm of liquid above the top
For most applications and industrial uses, how- of the bob is desirable. In addition to constancy
ever, a simple calibration with standard samples in end-effect, one advantage of the bob immersed
is more convenient and entirely satisfactory. It well below the liquid level when measuring
is enough to determine P, the ratio of load to solutions or suspensions is that evaporation of
r.p.m., as described above, and substitute for it all except the most volatile solvents introduces
and the known value of 1] in the equation small or negligible effects during the course of
1]=K v ·P in order to determine the constant K •. measurement.
This constant combines the end-effect with all
the various instrument constants, dimensions of
cup and bob, etc. The authors are indebted to Mrs. Dorothy P.
Within the range from 1 to 150 poises (and Stubbs and Mr. Samuel E. Miller who made
probably considerably higher) calibration with many of the experimental measurements.

The Theory of Disk-Loaded Wave Guides

Department of Physics, Stanford University, Stanford ,University, California
(Received July 11, 1947)

The properties of circular wave guides loaded with apertured disks are discussed both
qualitatively and quantitatively. Formulae and curves are given for various quantities in-
cluding the wave and group velocities, the attenuation, and the power flow.

INTRODUCTION low frequency one already present, .so that the

loaded structure has many of the characteristics
I NFig.thela,normal circular wave guide shown in
the running waves of field propagate of a band pass filter. We propose to report here
with a phase velocity greater than that of light. certain calculations on the properties of such
By the introduction of apertured disks, as shown structures, which we call disk-loaded wave
in Fig. lb, which also defines some of our nota- guides.
tion, this velocity can be reduced as much as While the main formulae we use are of general
desired. In addition to altering the phase veloc- interest, some special formulae and many of the
ity, the loading disks change the group velocity numerical examples are developed to fit the
and, two parameters being available, the two special circumstances of an important possible
velocities can be controlled independently. use of disk-loaded guides-namely, that of
Finally, the periodic spacing of the disks intro- accelerafing electrons. Indeed, interest in this
duces a high frequency cut-off, in addition to the problem has been the primary motive for devel-
oping the theory that follows.
* On leave from the Institute of Physics, Academia
Sinica, Shanghai, China. Before describing the details of the calcula~


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tions, it will be useful to consider several qualita- be taken as having small radial extent. From
tive descriptions of the operation of such a this point of view the fields of Fig. 2a are obvious
structure. and Fig. 2b is nearly so; we merely have to
One point of view regards the disk-loaded remark that, at cut-off, the disks do not influence
guide as derived from an infinite sequence of the electric field since they are at right angles
end-to-end cylindrical cavity resonators by open- thereto. As we enter the pass region, the disks
ing up "coupling holes" between adjacent cavi- do not suppress the propagation so long as the
ties. Then if we consider the behavior at various disks are closer together than half a loaded-
frequencies, as is done in Fig. 2, we start at guide wave-length, for in such a case the reflec-
zero frequency with Fig. 2a showing the electric- tions from succeeding disks cannot add up but
field lines terminating on the disks and decreasing must, over a long distance, cancel. This cease:;
rapidly in strength as we go from left to right. to be so when the guide wave-length decrease:;
Here we are below the low frequency cut-off, the to the point that the disks are a half-wave apart,
device acts as an attenuator, and curvature of for then the reflections add and transmission is
electric-field functions toward the axis, when impossible. We then enter the attenuation region
going in the r direction, is canceled by curvature as in Fig. 2d.
away from the axis in the z direction to give the The third point of view, and the one most
zero total curvature required at zero frequency. closely connected with the mathematics here
As we increase the frequency, the curvature used to reduce qualitative ideas to quantitative,
away from the z axis decreases until at the starts with the fields, and more particularly the
resonant frequency of the uncoupled resonators fields near the axis, as given, and seeks a struc-
without holes (X = 2.61b) the fields are in phase ture that fits the fields, as opposed to the above,
everywhere in the guide, there is no attenuation, and usual, procedure of starting with a structure
and the field curvature is all in the r direction, and finding the fields.
as shown in Fig. 2b. This field configuration may Thus we start by requiring a field which, for
be regarded as obtained by removing disks. of r <a, is finite, axially symmetric, and represents
radius a from the inter-resonator boundaries of a wave running in the z direction with (real)
a sequence of resonators all oscillating in phase, wave number k 3• These conditions completely
such removal not altering the fields since the specify the wave functions-the only possible
currents on opposite sides of any removed disk solution of Maxwell's equations is
are equal and opposite. As we further increase
Ez = EoJo(klr)e-ika.,
the frequency, so running the cavities off reso-
nance, it becomes necessary to supply reactive Er =Eoj(k3/kl)J1 (klr)e- ikaz , (1)
power to each cavity. This comes through the
coupling hole from the adjacent cavity which
B", = Eoj(k/kl)Jl(klr)e-ik,z,
must then be of somewhat different phase. The with all other components zero. Here Eo is a
resultant field pattern is sketched in Fig. 2c and constant, we use Gaussian units and a positive
it must now be remembered that this represents time factor, and
a running wave. As the frequency is further
increased, the phase shift per section increases k 12 +k a2 = k 2 = 4r1"7\2.
until it becomes 180 0 at which point the fields It would appear that since ka, which regulates
are as shown in Fig. 2d. As the frequency is the wave velocity, is unrestricted we can make
further increased, more phase shift is impossible, waves which go with any velocity whatever.
attenuation again sets in and the fields are as in But we note that, the velocity being given by
Fig. 2e. Thus we see that the two cut-off fre- vi c = klka. a velocity less than that of light
quencies correspond to the two modes of cavity implies a ka which is greater than k, and so an
oscillation shown in Figs. 2f and 2g. imaginary value of k 1 • While the above are still
A second point of view regards the disk-loaded solutions, their characteristics change when kl
guide as derived from an ordinary guide by the becomes imaginary, and we must investigate
introduction of loading disks which may at first their properties for both real and imaginary k 1•

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 997

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fig I a. line. The correct boundary conditions are then
EI B = 00. Moreover, it is easy to see that by
choosing a fin depth between zero and X/2, it is
possible to obtain any desired value of E/ B.
Thus, by using such a finned boundary we can
contain any field and in particular the one
assumed above. Thus we are led to the disk-
loaded guide, and conclude that waves in such
a structure can be made to run with any velocity
In carrying out an analysis along the above
lines it is plain that the results wiH approach
exactness as the fins get closer and the phase
shift per fin approaches zero. On the other hand,
FIG. 1. The sketch of Fig. ia shows the configuration as the fin spacing is increased no qualitative
of electric-field lines in an unloaded circular wave guide,
while Fig. ib shows the fields in a guide loaded by means changes occur until the phase change per fin
of apertured disks, and also defines the notation used in becomes 11", at which point the approach breaks
describing the guide dimensions. The special case shown
has the loads one-quarter wave apart-any other spacing down completely. This corresponds, of course,
is, of course, possible. to the high frequency cut-off.
We can now conclude our introductory re-
For real kl the Bessel function is oscillatory so marks by specifying the quantities given and to
that Ez passes through zero for an infinite be computed and the approximations to be made.
number of values of r. A qualitative field plot The six quantities a, b, d, 7/d, the skin depth
for this case is given in Fig. 3a. When kl is o characterizing the guide material, and X, may
positive imaginary, however, J o and J 1 are be regarded as given, and may obviously be
monotonic increasing functions of r, so that the reduced to five by measuring lengths in terms of
E lines cannot reverse directions with the result X. These five we take as ka, kb, kd, 7/, and XI o.
that the field is qualitatively as shown in Fig. 3b. Usually XI 0 is large, in which case it may be
Now, having specified the fields, we ask what
metallic boundaries we can introduce to confine
them to a finite region in space. In the case of
fields like those of Fig. 3a one answer is well
known: we can introduce a conducting tube in
the position indicated by the dotted lines, in
which case the electric field is everywhere perpen-
dicularto the conductor and the currents carried
by the conductor support the discontinuity in
magnetic field. But this is impossible for the
fields of Fig. 3b, for they never become perpen-
dicular to the axis.
, But another, and more general, possibility fig 2C_ _,--,----,-----,----._ fig 2f: ! I I
t t

becomes apparent if we consider a special type 1-1-1-1-1

-.:::: ~~
I 1-1-:

of boundary. If we use a conducting sheet, the 1t=H=I 1i=;=iI I :,-n I
correct boundary conditions are E tan =0, BtaD~O, I

or E/ B = O. But if we now add to the sheet a FIG. 2. Sketches a-e show the qualitative behavior of
number of closely spaced conducting fins, each the E lines in a loaded guide as the frequency is raised
X/4 long and perpendicular to the main sheet, from zero to above the high frequency cut-off. Illustrations
f and g show how a cavity can be constructed from a
we have a boundary which will sustain an electric section of the guide by the addition of conducting planes,
field without a magnetic field since each pair'of shown as dotted lines. The two indicated modes of oscilla-
tion of this cavity correspond to the low and high frequency
adjacent fins acts as a quarter-w'ave resonant edges of the pass band for the loaded guide.


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disregarded in wave-length calculations and will
appear only in loss calculations. Moreover, we I
will often assume that kd is negligibly small, in
",- I I
which case there remain three quantities ka, kb, -:& .& ~a(2'E
and "1. Further, "1 may sometimes be negligible I ..
also. ~'
In principle there are only two quantities to .i .4~

compute, the wave number in the z direction, -- .

_~+(I+i-l{a2) 2
--- I _--d::-

which we call ka and which would be called the C\>(k,a)' II (-Jk,a)

I (jk,alIljk,a)
propagation constant in filter theory, and a
'.0 '.0 40 3.0 2.0 LO 0 '.0 2.0
characteristic impedance Z;, to be defined more
precisely later. As to ka, a slightly more con-
j I - - Pjk.o,-
I I I I .2

venient quantity is ka/k = 1/,8, where the wave FIG. 4. This'shows-", as a'Junction of k1a, real values of
the argument being on the right-hand side, and imaginary
velocity is (3c. We also note that ka is complex values on the left. Various approximate formulae are
so that we must compute both real and imaginary shown in dotted lines.
parts, the latter being a measure of the attenua-
tion. pend on the calculational approach used. As
Although ka and Zi contain all the information, indicated in the qualitative discussion, at least
it is useful to compute also certain related three procedures are possible. First, we can treat
quantities. These will be defined as the occasion the structure as a series of resonators perturbed
arises but we may mention that the group by the coupling through the center holes. For
velocity and the axial field for a given power are such a calculation we must have a«b, a«d.
important, and that it is useful to compute not Second, we may consider the loading to be nearly
only the attenuation but the Q. continuous, in which case we must have d«a,
As to the approximations involved, they de- d«b-a. Third, we may consider a cylindrical

fig.3a 0 0 wave guide, perturbed by the addition of loading

disks. For this calculation we take b-a«d,
b-a«b. For the computation of ka we have used
all three methods. For the attenuation, imped-

ance, and other quantities which are less critical
we have usually used approximations based on
the second approach. Thus it happens that the
_.------------- numerical majority of our results depend on

this second approach, which will now be ex-
plained in detail.


1. Phase and Group Velocity

fig. 3b ~ VdJ In (1) we have already given the fields to be

used for r <a. For a <r <b we take
Ez = CEoZo(kr)e- ik3 (z) ,


FIG. 3. Sketch a shows qualitatively the shape of E with C a constant and Zo a Bessel function that
lines given by Eq. (1) for real values of kI, while b shows
them for imaginary k1 • In the former case a cylindrical is zero at r=b,
conducting boundary can be introduced at the radius
indicated by the dashed lines. Zo=Jo(kr)NoCkb) -No(kr)JoCkb), (3)

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 999

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and Plainly these are solutions of Maxwell's equa-
tions, and they satisfy the boundary conditions
Zl = Jl(kr) No(kb) - Nl(kr)Jo(kb). (4)
on the cylinder r = b and on the plane surfaces
Here (z) is equall to zero when -d12 <z<dI2, of the disks. To join this function to that for
to d for dI2<z<3d/2, etc., with the loading r<a, we (a) make the values of B", match at
disks at z=d/2, 3dI2···. Otherwise said, (z) is r=a, and (b) make (l-TJ)E z from (2) at r=a
equal to the value of z midway between the two equal Ez from (1). To do this we must adjust
nearest loading disks. Also, the fields are to be the constant C and also find a kl such that the
zero in the space occupied by the disks. equation

1 Jl(kla) 1 J1(ka)No(kb) -N1 (ka)Jo(kb) 1

cf>(kla) = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - = - - a ( k a , kb) (5)
kla JO(kla) (l-TJ)ka Jo(ka)No(kb) - No(ka)Jo(kb) 1-TJ

is satisfied. accumulates on the edges of the loading disks

This makes B", continuous at r=a, z=(z), because of the difference in current from section
and the average value of Ez likewise, and this is to section.
the best that can be done with these approximate The above is easy to understand, and is
functions. Besides the fact that Ez and B", are certainly right in the limit kad-tO. If kad is finite,
not continuous at r=a, for general values of z, the correct procedure would be to take E. at
we note Er is finite for r<a and zero for a<r. r=a to be of the form coskszf[z-(z)], wherefis
This is also correct on the average, for charge some suitable function of the distance from the

6.0r--.-.-----.--.--.,--r---r--.-,-----.-....,-,.--r---r-"?Il1-- ''O
contours of constant 0<
in the ka, kb plane

4.81f---t--+--t--+--+-+-----1'---t--+--+--+-~~W:,<---"il1-. L2>

.2.0 FIG. 5. Shows contours of con-

d2.8f--r-+--f---+-+--+-~~~~~~~~~~~~~G-~ stant a in the ka, kb plane.


1 This notation is similar in spirit, though not in detail, to the standard notation (x) for "the integral part of x."


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-- ----
·--_.- __ c _ _ _ 2.0 -------- . . n •• _ . _

t I. ,
C:X(ka. kb)

~= 2
~ I.e
B' '.'

d 12

FIG. 6. The functions", and

t- --+
ex are plotted against kla and
ka for b/a=2. I .. 1\ :Ii
__ V, V


.. , 1\ I I

- \

~ f..--

.. I


4.0 3.6 3.2 2.8 2.4 /?O 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 0.4 0.8

1.6 2.0 2.4 z.e

center of the cell in which z lies. 2 This function various useful and easily derived approximate
would then be expanded as a Fourier integral formulae. And in Fig. 5 we give a contour map
for r<a and as a Fourier series for a<r. where- of IX in the ka, kb plane.
upon if the assumed form of Ez is correct. the In obtaining this map, and for various future
computed values of B.p will match everywhere purposes, the following easily derived approxi-
on r=a. To carry such a calculation out in detail mate expressions are useful
would be possible but not simple. In certain
1X:::(1/k2a2)(1/ln~), ~=b/a, ka«l, kb«l,
cases, however. some progress can be made. In
a""(1/k 2a2) [1/ln(2/yka)], 'Y = 1.781,
particular, if d«a and d«b-a, a good guess
ka«l, Jo(kb) ~ 0,
for f will be [1- (4Z2/d 2 ) ]-i. If we take this form (7)
kb""2.405 + 1.545(1/2 -a)k2a 2,
for f without verification we need match only at
ka«l. kb""2.405.
one point, say at the center of a cell, and if we
a= (l/ka) cot(kb-ka). l«ka, l«kb.
furthermore carry only one Fourier term in the
magnetic-field series for both r<a and a<r, we For given b and a, and therefore fixed b/a=~,
get a crude but tractable result, namely. that a is now a function of k or of kat which can be
one merely multiplies the left-hand side of (S) by determined from Fig. S. A typical curve of a vs.
J o(k ad/2) to get ka, for kb / ka = 2 is plotted in Fig. 6. On this
J o(k ad/2) . cp(k. a) = a(ka, kb )/1-7]. (6) same graph. we have plotted cp as a function
of k i a.
This correction, while reaching a maximum To solve (5) for given k and 7] =0, we enter the
value of J o(7r/2) =0.S71 at k 3d=7r, rises slowly chart at ka and follow the vertical dotted line to
and for small values of k 3d is often negligible. an intersection with the a-curve, proceed hori-
In much of what follows, it will be omitted in zontally to find an equal value of cp, and then
the interests of simplicity. drop down to the axis to find the value of kia.
To solve this equation, we need values of cp Finally, we compute (k3/k) = (1- (kia/ka)2)~ and
and a. In Fig. 4 we give a plot of cp for both so are able to construct a graph of k3/k vs. ka
real and imaginary values of kia, together with or kb.
It is instructive to follow the results qualita-
2 A justification of this statement would be simply a
paraphrase of Floquet's theorem on the solutions of Hill's tively as ka increases from zero. For ka small,
equation. See, for example, Whittaker and Watson, a and so cp are large and we easily find (ka/k)
Modern Analysis (Cambridge University Press, New York,
1945), p. 412. ""j(2.40S/ka)(1- (ka/2.40)2)!, i.e., the guide acts

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 1001

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1\.=0 at the intersection'-o(the two curves, where a
and ¢ are usuaIly about 0.5. Moreover, at this
5.0,.------"r----r--\---r---.---__ low frequency cut-off, which occurs at kb = 2.405,
kl is a linear function of k and so ka/k has the
rh k
= 4.810/1_'(
kb )'
4.180 / approximate form (ka/k)~(2(kb-2.405)/2.405)!
\\ I I . (-dkr/dk)!, and so the curve has a vertical
tangent at cut-off. As we further increase ka,
k1a decreases and the next interesting point is at
r '\,
" kJ _ 5.70 /"!
t/I k1a = 0, where k1a changes from rea.! to imaginary,
\ k - kbI3.60- kb)
~3.0 and ka/k passes through unity. Nothing striking
happens to ka/k, it being easily verified that its
derivative is given by
dk a k kt da/ dka 1
-=--- ,kla~O, (8)
dk ka ka d¢/dk1a 1-,.,
dk a 1 8 da
dk = 1- 1-,., ka dka' k1a""O.

These formulae are of some importance, for

they give the reciprocal of the group velocity,
FIG. 7. Shows ka/k as a function of kb for b/a=2, ,,=0, and this quantity is often of direct interest,
kd~O. Also shown are a number of approximate formulae. especially in the special case ki = 0, ka = k where
the wave velocity is c.
as an attenuator, and with the attenuation As ka increases further, a and so ¢ approach
characteristic of a tube of radius a. The wave zero, kl becomes large and imaginary, and ka
number ka first.becomes real when k1a=ka, i.e., large and real. An approximate formula, valid in

1£ = 2.0 1£ • 1.50 J2.
11 =t •2~

1.8 - 1'\.- 0 / /
5 / /
1.4 I / //
I / /

I II /V FIG. 8. Shows k3/k as a func-
tion of kb for a variety of ratios


I /V /
I--- - ~
::::: 1.0 b/a.

0.4 f!1

1.5 2.0 2.4 2.8 3 2 3.5 4.0 4.4 4.8 5.2 5.6 6.0


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•. Ol---...,.----,---~----,---------~
~ I, ~ 24~
I '. l

'.0 I-------II~---'I· i 1

I I /
FIG. 9. The value of ka that makes
k,=k is plotted against kb. The full

- 0+co
,-I -ko(I-~1
2 ~/

curve is based on the assumption

that d«a, d«b-a, as are two of ., •. 0t-----t-----+----t-----r.''l-l+-----t----i
the dotted curves which give ap-
proximations to the solid curve.
Also shown dotted is a result valid
in the limit a«d, a«b.
.>< :,t,/
,/ /b=2.405-.773(~ka-
·· T.T)k4 4 k4 4


"~// /}:::::--
~/ , ... : ,,,' I
I " //' I

1.0 f - - - - - - - -----[--r' / ,/ -----t----~- ---

;' ~ Q'(I- COS 1<'d i
, kb=2.405(1-.787 b'd(I-~) 1)
,'/ I I

1.0 '.0 ...I I
'.0 ...
kb -

this region, is kb = ka+cot- 1 (ka/2) (1-1),

(k3/k) = O.S71«1-71)/ka(ka -k+a) )dka/da, 1«ka, kd«l/ka. (11)
with k+a the value of ka which makes a = O. We may note that as ka approaches zero it
As remarked before, the present theory is not must inevitably become smaller than kd, in
good in this region, for when kad = '1(', the wave which case our analysis breaks down. Neverthe-
functions are not well approximated by single less, if d«b there is a region in which (10) is
Fourier terms. Nevertheless, a good guess at the useful.
high frequency cut-off may be had by assuming We may now develop the theory for the case
it to occur at kad = '1('. a«d. Here we proceed by considering the loaded
To illustrate the above quantitatively we have tube as derived from a sequence of uncoupled
prepared Fig. 7 which shows ka/k as a' function cavities perturbed by the introduction of coup-
of kb for kbjka= 2,1) =0, together with a number ling holes . The problem is solved by variational
of approximate formulae. In Fig. 8, ka/k is methods, the behavior of the trial function near
plotted as a function of kb for several values of the coupling hole being approximated by finding
kb / ka, Both these figures assume that ksd is small. a solution of the appropriate static problem.
Guides operated at k and loading values such The result is
as to give k3jk = 1, i.e., phase velocity equal to 3

that of light, have been of special interest to us, kb:::Z.40Sl1+0.787 a (l-COSkad)], (12)
and in Fig. 9 we plot for various values of kb the
value of ka that gives ka/k = 1. Two approxima- T}d4:.a4:.d, a4:.X,
tions are also shown, namely, ami this result is also plotted in Fig. 9.
kb = 2.405 +0. 772[l'jk 2a2 -l'j(k4a4 j4) + (k4a 4 j8) ], On the other end of the possible range of
ka«l, kd«l, (10) values of a we may have b-a«d, and in this

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 1003

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k,' k, 1\ = 240 ;#'~"

.6 (I +
".')' v
8 -I


FIG. 10. The quantity dkjdk a,

/// which is the group velocity divided

by c, is shown as a function of ka.
The solid line is computed from a

/ / theory valid when d«a, d«b-a, as

are two approximate results shown
dotted. Also shown is the result of

,-", "b<:
a theory valid when a«d, a«b.

.2 '- l§J.~. sin kd /


//' I
/"-' .!...:..!1.. k4 a4
/--/ 12.5 'L
o 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

case it is obviously best to take as the unper- The group velocity for guides loaded to give
turbed problem an unloaded guide and introduce a. phase velocity of c has also been of interest,
the loading disks as perturbations. There are and in Fig. 10 we plot dk/dk a against ka for
then two cases, (b-a)«TJd and TJd«b-a«d. kb=2.66 together with various approximate
In the first case we may take as a perturbed formulae. One of these approximate formulae,
field simply the unperturbed fields with the good for a«d, is obtained simply by differenti-
volume occupied by the loading rings removed. ating (12), the other two are derived on a basis
The results are most easily expressed by giving best explained in a following section.
k in terms of the various dimensions and ka, thus
k = k 3 [1 + (2.405/kab)2]! 2. Impedance, Power Flow, and Energy Storage
X [1 +5. 77(17k[b-aJ/[kb J2) J, As is usual in distributed constant problems,
(b-a)«17d. (13) any number of definitions of characteristic im-
In the other case, when TJd <b-a<d, the pedance are possible: the one that is useful for
loading disk may be considered as thin, and we connecting guides of different impedances is
use as a perturbed field the unperturbed one defined as equal to the ratio of the transverse
minus a potential function such that the bound- voltage to the wall current. If we evaluate this
ary conditions on E are satisfied over the ring in the midplane of a loading disk using the fields
while E is undisturbed at large distances from of (1) and (2) we find the impedance in e.m.u.
the ring. This function is found by a solution of to be
Laplace's equation, under the simplifying as-
sumption that the cylindrical problem may be ka 2(1-Jo(k 1a»
Zi=C------ (15)
unrolled into a plane one, i.e., b - a«b. From k klaJl(kla)
this electric field a corresponding magnetic field
is derived and the change in frequency computed For many purposes it is more useful to know
in terms of the surface integral of E 1 XB 2 , with the power flow, and this can be expressed either
El the original field and B2 an addition due to in terms of Eo, the peak axial field, or in terms
the perturbation. The result is, then of the integral of E" designated above as the
k = k a[l + (2.405/k ab)2]t transverse voltage. The power flow is easily
X [1-71/2(k a/k)2([b -aJ2/bd)]' (14) evaluated from the Poynting vector, the result


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being This latter use derives from the relation
P = (1/2S67["2)k3ksa4[8/ (k 1a)2] (Energy stored/cm) (group velocity) =P, (19)
X [J12(k 1a) - J O(k 1a)J 2(k 1a) ](EOX)2 / c. (16)
and owes its usefulness to the facts that P is
A plot of 8/(k 1a)2 times the bracketed Bessel
easy to compute and that it is often not hard
functions is given in Fig. 11.
to approximate the energy storage, whereas ap-
A special case of interest is that for which
proximations to dk/ dk s have not been obvious.
ka=k, k 1 =O, in which case we find
We may note that when the group velocity is
EoX=(4/7r)(Pc)1(X/a)2, k3=k. (17) computed from (19) it comes out in terms of
integrals of squares of Bessel functions, whereas
If one wishes to use radial voltage, the con-
when computed from dk/dk 3 it depends on
version can be accomplished by using the formula
derivatives of Bessel functions and it is, at first
connecting the peak value of Er and Eo,
sight, hard to see in detail why the results are
the same. We will not go into this matter, but
remark that it is similar to the well-known
theorem whereby the derivative of an impedance,
3. Energy Storage with respect to frequency, can be found from the
energy stored in the impedance.
The mean energy stored per unit length is of We will not write ?own the exact formulae for
interest, not only in itself, but also in connection energy storage, since the result is easy to obtain
with Q calculations to follow and for use in an analytically and most tedious to use numerically.
alternative method of finding the group velocity. Two approximations are useful, however. In

i I



1 I ---j


[-- 8


j .
1----+-----+----1-----0,5,!I-- - - - l - - --~------_+-

- -jk,o k,o-

FIG. 11. Plot of a function useful in computing power flow in loaded wave guides.

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 1005

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0 power flow we get one of the approximations for
~IO3,.--j -- -------
~-1- -(- + I
dk/dk s used in Fig. 10.
N ext, consider the special case ks = k and let
'1.,,240 n~4 kb~oo, so that kb::ka+(2/(1-1])ka). Then we
k, '.
, have Bq,=E okr/2 for r<a, and we can take
103 Bq,"'(E o/l-1])(l/(kb-ka)) = constant for a<r
<b. This approximation is obviously good for
t 5.10

large ka and is surprisingly close for small ka,

~t~ 10' \ I
--'---.- f - - -
being only 1.55 times too small for ka=O .
Using these fields, we find

I 5.10 1\ Eo2(k a
4 4
1 kb+ka)
Mean energy /cm::- --+-- --- ,

\ ~
I !
8k 2 8 1-1] kb-ka
ks=k, l«ka, (21)

5 ""l ~-l--+--~
and this may be further simplified by using (11)
to relate kb and ka. Doing so, we get the re-
maining approximate formula of Fig. 10.

20 3.0
50 6.0 7.0
4. Losses
-k"_ If a power P crosses some plane transverse to
FIG. 12. The imaginary part of the propagation constant the guide, the power at some distance down the
multiplied by Alk3li is plotted against ka. The radius b i~ guide will be smaller because of losses, i.e.,
such as to give k3=k, there are 4 loading disks per wave-
length, and the fields of Eqs. (1) and (2) are used. dP /dz is finite. Before computing the losses, we
must first consider how the results are to be
the first place, if ka~O we can approximate B</> expressed. At least three forms are useful. First,
quite well as [2.405E o/ (l-1])kb JJ 1 [2.405(r /b) ] we may compute the voltage attenuation l(k s)
in which case the energy storage, as computed = (1/2P)(dP/dz); second, we can find Q=27rv
by doubling the magnetic energy, comes out as (energy stored/cm)/(dP/dz); and third, we can
cO!llpute (dP/dz)/(E oA.)2.
Mean energy /cm"'0.195E o2/ (1-1])k 2 , The first two may be related by way of (19),
ka«l, (20) thus
and combining this with the expression for Q= (1/2) [k/ l(k s) J(dk~/dk). (22)

.25 k, 'k '1.',240 n' 4
r .20


--- l.--"'
FIG. 13. The quantity QafA is
plotted against ka under the same
assumptions as in Fig. 12 .


o 0.5 LO L5 2.0 2.5 3,0 3.5 4,0 4,5 5.0


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The actual calculation is simple enough in
principle, the losses being evaluated as B2 0/8 per r- kJ ' , ~'240 n=4
cm2 per cycle, with 0 = (p/211"w)! the skin depth. 0,5 f - - -

The detailed results will not be written down

since the formulae, while easy to obtain, are too i
complex to allow one to determine their behavior I /
by inspection.

V ,
The results of a typical calculation are given
in Figs. 12, 13, and 14, which give l(ka)/ka(X/o), V
Q(o/X), and, (X2/ o)(dP/dz)/(E oX)2 as functions
of ka, when kb is such that k3 = k and there are o. I /
IL -r----
four loading disks per wave-length.
While the general formulae are quite complex, /
.05 r--- c---- / --
some approximations will now be given which
are usefully simple. All of these are for the --~- ~---
lL--- f----- f------- - - - - - - - r-~---

special case ka = k.
First, let ka«l. Then we find, by using the
same field as that used for (20),
- --_.-

i f-- --- I---~-


V ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 00 W

FIG. 14. The power loss per cm per volt/cm squared,

ka«:l, ka=k, (23) divided by 0, as measured in mho, is plotted against ka.
the conditions being as described for Fig. 12.
Q= (X/o)[1-1)/n+2.61(1-1))]. (24)
with n = 211"/kd, the number of loading disks per
[1/ (E OX)2J(dP Idz) = 0.0308(o/X 2c) wave-length.
N ext, let 1«ka and use the approximation of
x[1/(1-1))2J[n+2.61(1-1))J, (25) (21), when we find

l(k a) 0 811" [ k b n kb+ka n 1)k ad ]
k-:"'-X k 4a 4 (1-1)) (kb - ka)2 + 211"(1-1))2 kb - ka + 211" (l-1))2(kb -ka)2 '
4 4 2
X [k a 1 kb+ka]/[' 21!"kb n kb+ka n1)k ad ]
Q"'8 -8-+1-1)kb--=ka (1-1))(kb-ka)2+(1-1))2kb-ka+(1-1))2(kb-ka)2'

1 dP 0 1[ kb n kb+ka n
1)k ad ]
(EoX) a;= 2
2 x c"8 0-1))(kb-ka)2+ 211"(1-1))2'kb-ka + 211" (1-1))2(kb-ka)2 .

When ka is sufficiently large, these may be A qualitative understanding of the above

simplified by using the approximate relation formulae is useful and simple. For ka = k we have
(11), with results Er=B¢ = Eokr/2 for r<a, and we will not do too
badly by continuing B¢ in a linear manner to
l(ka)/ka"'(Xlb) (o/X), (29) r = b. Thus the power flow will be proportional to
k 4a\ the energy stored to k 4b4 and the energy loss
Q"'(b/2X) (X/o). (30) on the walls will vary like k 3 b3 , all, for constant
axial field. Thus the group velocity, which depends
---~--- (31) on the ratio of power transmitted to energy
(EOX)2 dz -32 X2c stored, at first rises rapidly as ka increases and

VOLUME 18, NOVEMBER, 1947 1007

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then levels off as ka approaches kb. Likewise, the methods. On the other hand, the formulae for
linear attenuation, which depends on the ratio of loss and power flow are, for the most part, based
power loss to power transmission, starts by de- on an approximation valid when the disk spacing
creasing rapidly as ka increases. When ka is large, is small, i.e., the loading is nearly continuous.
the decrease is slower, being simply due to greater In a problem with so many variables, it is
cross-sectional area for the wave to carry power impossible, in a finite article, to cover all the
as compared to the perimeter bounding the wave proportions and conditions that might be of
and introducing losses. On the other hand, Q interest and we therefore do not feel apologetic
which depends on the ratio of energy stored to when we point out some of the gaps in the
energy loss, depends mainly on kb which at first present treatment. First, more accurate methods
increases only slowly with rising ka. Thus Q at of calculating ka are certainly possible; the virtue
first drops slowly, though finally varying like of our methods is that they give closed or nearly
l/ka, for essentially the same reason as the closed formulae and so can be used to explore a
attenuation. wide range of variables without undue labor.
Second, we have hardly touched on the behavior
CONCLUSION in the vicinity of the high frequency cut-off.
Third, the loss and power-transmission calcula-
Many of the important properties of disk- tions have been restricted to one method. And
loaded wave guides have been developed, both fourth, many of the illustrative graphs have
qualitatively and quantitatively, and have been been for a single case. Despite these lacunae, w{'
described by formulae, both approximate and hope that our results will be of use to others.
exact, and a number of curves, which will, it is Finally, it is a pleasure to record the assistanc{'
hoped, illustrate the more important points. of Mr. E. T. Jaynes with many of the early
Special attention has been paid to the wave calculations and to acknowledge the liberal help
number ka which has been computed by three of the Navy under Contract N6-ori-106.


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