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http://ece.pec.edu 47 EC P33 - ELECTRON DEVICES LABORATORY 1.

V-I characteristics of semiconductor diodes a) PN Junction diode b) Point contact diode c) Zener diode 2. Characteristics of BJT in CB configuration a) Determination of input and output characteristics b) Determination of voltage gain, current gain, input and output resistances fro m the characteristics 3. Characteristics of BJT in CE configuration a) Determination of input and output characteristics b) Determination of voltage gain, current gain, input and output resistances fro m the characteristics 4. Characteristics of JFET a) Determination of output and transfer characteristics b) Determination of pinch off voltage, rd, gm and from the characteristics 5. Characteristics of MOSFET a) Determination of output and transfer characteristics b) Determination of rd, gm and from the characteristics 6. Characteristics of SCR and TRIAC 7. Characteristics of UJT Determination of intrinsic stand off ratio 8. Characteristics of photonic devices a) Determination of V-I characteristics of LED b) Determination of V-I and intensity characteristics of phototransistor 9. Clipper circuits using diodes Positive, negative, biased and combinational clippers 10. Switching circuit a) AND and OR logic gates using diodes b) NOT gate using transistor

EC T34 - ELECTRON DEVICES UNIT- I Electron Ballistics and Semiconductor Theory: Force on charge in electric field two dimensional motion- force in a magnetic field - parallel and perpendicular elect ric and magnetic field electrostatic and magnetic deflection in CRT. Energy band structu re of insulators, conductors and semiconductors conductivity of an intrinsic semicondu ctor Fermi Dirac distribution and energy band diagram Fermi levels in extrinsic semiconductor Hall effect. UNIT- II Semiconductor Diodes: PN Junction Diode operation, forward, reverse bias characteristics- Diode equation, Temperature effects DC and AC resistance Diode equivalent circuit Transition and diffusion capacitance Diode switching times Di ode applications- Logic gates AND and OR, Series and parallel clippers. Zener diodec

haracteristics Breakdown concepts- Zener/Avalanche breakdown. UNIT- III Transistors: Transistor operation Current components CB, CE, CC configuration an d characteristics Early effect Eber-Moll model of transistor Transistor as an ampl ifierTransistor as a switch Transistor switching times. Construction and characterist ics of JFET Relation between pinch off voltage and drain current JFET as voltage variab le resistor MOSFET Depletion and enhancement types, CMOS Its construction and characteristics. UNIT- IV Special Diodes and Photonic Devices: Construction, Principle of operation, appli cation and characteristics of Schottky barrier diode, Varactor diode, Tunnel diode, PIN diode. LED, LCD, Seven segment display, Photoconductivity Photodiode, APD, Phototransistor, Solar cells- Concept of DLP. UNIT- V Power Devices: SCR, Two transistor model- operation and characteristics, Phase c ontrol using SCR, SCS and light activated SCR, Schottky diode, DIAC, TRIAC and their applications. Characteristics and equivalent circuit of UJT intrinsic standoff r atio UJT relaxation oscillator, triggering circuit for SCR programmable UJT. Text Books: 1. Jacob Millman and Christos C. Halkias, Electronic Devices and Circuits Tata McGraw Hill 2. R.L. Boylestad and L. Nashelsky, Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, PHI Learning Private Limited, Ninth Edition, 2008 Reference Books: 1. David A. Bell, Electronic Devices and Circuits, PHI Learning Private Limit ed,

EE T56 COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING UNIT I: MODULATION SYSTEMS Time and frequency domain representation of signals, amplitude modulation and demodulation, frequency modulation and demodulation, super heterodyne radio rece iver. Frequency division multiplexing. Pulse width modulation. UNIT II: TRANSMISSION MEDIUM Transmission lines Types, equivalent circuit, losses, standing waves, impedance matching, bandwidth; radio propagation Ground wave and space wave propagation, critical frequency, maximum usable frequency, path loss, white Gaussian noise. UNIT III: DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Pulse code modulation, time division multiplexing, digital T-carrier system. Dig ital radio system. Digital modulation: Frequency and phase shift keying Modulator and demod ulator, bit error rate calculation. UNIT IV: DATA COMMUNICATION AND NETWORK PROTOCOL Data Communication codes, error control. Serial and parallel interface, telephon e network, data modem, ISDN, LAN, ISO-OSI seven layer architecture for WAN.

UNIT V: SATELLITE AND OPTICAL FIBRE COMMUNICATIONS Orbital satellites, geostationary satellites, look angles, satellite system link models, satellite system link equations; advantages of optical fibre communication - Light propaga tion through fibre, fibre loss, light sources and detectors. TEXT BOOKS 1.Wayne Tomasi, Electronic Communication Systems, Pearson Education, Third Edition , 2001. 2.Roy Blake, Electronic Communication Systems, Thomson Delmar, 2nd Edition, 2002. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.William Schweber, Electronic Communication Systems, Prentice Hall of India, 2002 . 2.G. Kennedy, Electronic Communication Systems, McGraw Hill, 4th edition, 2002. 3.Miller, Modern Electronic Communication, Prentice Hall of India, 2003

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