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Republic of the Philippines


Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Optical Devices
Have you ever wondered how astronomers view distant objects in the clear
sky? How biologist view relatively small microorganism? How fisherman or navy view
distant ship from afar? This is because of the used of optical devices.
Optical devices refer to devices that use light to help us see things more
clearly, such as magnifying glass, microscopes, telescopes, binoculars, periscope
and projector. These tools are essential in a wide range of industries, from
astronomy to medicine, and enable us to explore aspects of the world around us that
would otherwise remain invisible.
Magnifying Glass
Have you ever wondered how we can make things look bigger with a bit of
glass? That's because of the use of magnifying glass. Now, let us define what
magnifying glasses are. A magnifying glass is a simple optical device that is used to
magnify or enlarge the size of small objects or details, allowing them to be seen
more clearly. The basic principle behind the magnifying glass is that it uses a convex
lens to bend and focus light, which results in a larger and clearer image of the object
being viewed. The main parts of a magnifying glass are the frame, convex lens and

To understand how a magnifying glass works, it's important to first understand the
concept of refraction. Refraction occurs when light travels from one medium to
another with a different density, such as from air to glass. When this happens, the
light changes direction and bends.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

A convex lens is a type of lens that is thicker in the middle than at the edges. When
light passes through a convex lens, it is refracted, or bent, so that the rays converge,
or come together, at a point known as the focal point. This is where the image of the
object being viewed is formed.

These three beams of light shone through a convex lens can visually demonstrate
how the lens manipulates light: making points converge, rather than diverge.
When a magnifying glass is held close to an object, such as a piece of text or a small
insect, the lens magnifies the object by refracting the light and creating a larger
image. The closer the lens is held to the object, the larger the image will appear. A
lens with a shorter focal length will produce greater magnification than a lens with a
longer focal length.
One important aspect to note is that magnifying glass only works for objects that are
close to the lens. This is because the lens is designed to focus the light from objects
that are a short distance away. If the object is too far away, the light rays will not
converge at the focal point and the image will be blurry.

The 11 types of Magnifying Glasses

Types Notable feature Best for
Bar Magnifiers Bar design Reading
Binocular Magnifiers Wearable around head On-the-go use
and neck
Dome Magnifiers Dome shape Reading, seeing small
items vertically
Fresnel Magnifiers Flat design Seeing a lot at once
Handheld Magnifiers Handle Versatile use
Magnifying Lamps Flexible arm Adjustable viewing
Pendant Magnifiers Necklace chain Frequent use
Pocket Magnifiers Portable case On-the-go use
Stand Magnifiers Located on stands Those with shaky hands
Hands-free Magnifiers Hands-free design Those who need to work
with their hands
Digital Magnifiers Digital Digital viewing
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Have you ever wonder why microscope can magnify microorganisms? What
do you think is the reason behind it? Like other devices use convex lens like the
magnifying glass, the magnifying glass is made with one lens only, while the
microscope use two lenses or made from a combination of lenses. They usually call
a microscope a compound microscope because it combines lenses. A lens that uses
two or more lenses is called a compound lens. Each lens magnifies only once, so
each one increase the size of the image a bit more. Compound microscopes can
magnify an extremely small object such as microorganisms which is naked to a
human eye or even a magnifying glass and make details visible. A magnifying glass
may magnify an object 2x but a compound microscope can achieve far more than
What is a Compound Microscope?
A compound microscope is a microscope with a high resolution and uses two
sets of lenses providing a 2-dimensional image of the sample.
The term compound refers to the usage of more than one
lens in the microscope. Also, the compound microscope
is one of the types of optical microscopes. The other type
of optical microscope is a simple microscope.
The difference between simple and compound
microscope is that a simple microscope uses only one
lens while the compound microscope uses more than one

A microscope is made up of two converging (convex)

lenses. The first lens is called the objective lens and is of short focal length. It forms
the real magnified image of the object. The second lens is called the eyepiece and
the image of the objective lens becomes the object of the eyepiece lens. The
eyepiece lens is basically a magnifying glass that looks at and enlarges the image
created by the objective lens. A light source below illuminates the object. And if
mirror are present it use to reflect light, one side of the mirror has a plane mirror, in
which it use when the light is strong, while the other side has a concave mirror in
which is used when the light is weak. The light on the object is directed with the help
of the reflector through the diaphragm and condenser.

Parts of the Compound Microscope

The compound microscope is mainly used for studying the structural details of
cell, tissue, or sections of organs. The parts of a compound microscope can be
classified into two:

 Non-optical parts
 Optical parts
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

In non-optical parts include:

Base- is also known as the foot which is either U or horseshoe-shaped.
Pillar-The connection between the base and the arm and support the stage.
Arm-is also known as the limb which is a metallic handle forming the connection
between the arm to the inclined joint. The stage and the body tube is supported by
the arm.
Inclination Joint- If the observation has to be done in a sitting position, then the
microscope can be tilted using the inclination joint.
Stage- the flat and rectangular palte that is connected to the arm’s lower end. The
specimen is placed on the stage for studying and examining the various features.
The center of the stage has a hole through which light can pass.
Body Tube- The purpose is to hold the objective and ocular lenses at the two ends.
The end where the ocular lens is present is known as the head while the end where
the objective lens is placed is known as the nose piece. For the passage of light rays
through the body tube, there is a pathway.
Draw Tube- The upper end of the body tube has a small fixed tube which is known
as the drawtube. The main function of the drawtube is to hold the ocular lens.
Rack and Pinion-To bring the object under focus, the rack and pinion are either
attached to the body tube or the stage.
Adjustment Screws (course and fine adjustment knob) - These are two pairs of
adjusting screws that are used either for a coarse adjustment or for fine adjustment.
When a fine adjustment is made, the body tube or the stage moves extremely short
distances while in coarse adjustment, the body tube and stage move up. Through
fine adjustment, a sharp image can be obtained. While through the coarse
adjustment knob it brings the object to be examined under exact focus.
Optical Parts include:
Diaphragm-The amount of light falling on the object can be controlled through the
diaphragm. It is present below the stage. The disc and iris are the two types of
Condenser- It is present below the diaphragm. The focusing of light can be done by
adjusting the condenser by moving it either up or down.
Reflector- A reflector is a mirror that is attached above the base. One side of the
mirror has a plane mirror while the other side has a concave mirror. When the light is
strong, the plane mirror side is used and when the light is weak, the concave mirror
side is used. The light on the object is directed with the help of the reflector through
the diaphragm and condenser.
Objective Lenses- These lenses are present over the nose piece. There are two to
three types of objective lenses:

 Low power (10x)

Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

 High power (45x)

 Oil immersion (100x)
The objective lens is a compound lens that forms a real inverted image of the image
inside the body tube.
Ocular Lens-The ocular lens is also known as the eyepiece. The image of
microscopic objects can be viewed through these lenses. There are four types of
magnification that can take place in the ocular lens:

 5X, 10X, 15X, 20X

Light travel in the microscope

Light from a light source (mirror or electric lamp) passes through a thin
transparent object. The object lens produces a magnified real image first image) of
the object. This image is again magnified by the ocular lens (eyepiece) to obtain a
magnified virtual image (final image), which can be seen by eye through the
eyepiece. As light passes directly from the source to the eye through the two lenses,
the field of vision is brightly illuminated.
Anatomy of compound microscope
In Microscopy, convex lenses are used for their ability to focus light at a
single point. This is how the human eye works, with the convex biological lens
focusing light on the back of your eye where rod and cone cells can detect it.
Microscopes borrowed this idea, using convex lenses to focus light towards a point
that is f distance away from the lens. This distance is known as the focal length of
the lens and depends on the shape
A very short focal length fo (where fo , 1 cm) and
an ocular lens, or eyepiece, with a focal length fe
of a few centimeters. The two lenses are
separated by a distance L that is much greater
than either fo or fe . The basic approach used to
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

analyze the image formation properties of a microscope is that of two lenses in a

row: the image formed by the first becomes the object for the second. The object O
placed just outside the focal length of the objective forms a real, inverted image at I
1 that is at or just inside the focal point of the eyepiece. This image is much
enlarged. The eyepiece, which serves as a simple magnifier, uses the image at I1 as
its object and produces an image at I2 . The image seen by the eye at I2 is virtual,
inverted, and very much enlarged.
The lateral magnification M1 of the first image is 2q 1/p 1. Note that q1 is
approximately equal to L because the object is placed close to the focal point of the
objective lens, which ensures that the image formed will be far from the objective
lens. Further, because the object is very close to the focal point of the objective lens,
p 1 < f o . Therefore, the lateral magnification of the objective is

From Equation 25.6, the angular magnification of the eyepiece for an object
(corresponding to the image at I 1) placed at the focal point is found to be

The overall magnification of the compound microscope is defined as the product of

the lateral and angular magnifications:

The negative sign indicates that the image is inverted with respect to the object.
Rules for obtaining images formed by convex lens in compound microscope
In convex lens, the image is always formed at a point where at least two refracted
light rays meet.

Rule 1: A ray of light which is originally parallel to the principal axis passes through
the focus after refraction through the lens.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Rule 2: A ray of light passing through the optical centre of the convex lens does not
bent after refraction but goes straight. Also, a ray of light going along the path of
principal axis of a convex lens also goes straight and does not deviate.

Process/step in making a ray diagram in compound microscope.

1. A ray from the object parallel to the axes will bend through the focal point.
Continue the ray.

2. A ray from the object through the centre of the objective lens will not deviate.
Continue the ray. These ray should cross.

3. A (real) image would be formed at the point where the rays cross. Draw it. It is
used to construct the final image location.

4. Draw a ray that passes through the center of the lens. It will not deviate.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

5. Draw another ray parallel to the principal axes. It will bend through the focal
point (of the eyepiece lens). Continue both these rays (virtual)back until they

6. You now know the location of the final (virtual) image. It forms where these
rays cross.

7. Finally you can complete the direction of the original two rays. These will bend
so that they appear originate from the final (virtual) image.

Convex lens use in Microscope

In a microscope we use a convex lens because convex lens magnifies
images. Microscopes generate extremely magnified images of every small objects
for this purpose convex lens are very useful.
With the use of microscope we can be able to see smallest detail of microorganisms
that help us study and understand their behavior as well as their components.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

The night sky always attracted people by its charming mystery. Observers
had been using naked eyes for their explorations for many centuries. Obviously, they
could not achieve a lot due to eyesight limitations. It cannot be estimated, how
important the invention of telescopes was for astronomers. It opened an enormous
field for visual observations, which had lead to many brilliant discoveries.
That happened in 1608, when the German-born Dutch eyeglass maker had
guessed to combine several lenses and created the first telescope. This occasion is
now almost forgotten, because no inventions were made but a Dutchman. His device
was not used for astronomical purposes, and it found its application in military use.
The event, which remains in people memories, is the Galilean invention of his first
telescope in 1609. The first Galilean optical tube was very simple, it could only
magnify objects three times. After several modifications, the scientist achieved
higher optical power. This helped him to observe the venusian phases, lunar craters
and four jovian satellites.
The main tasks of a telescope are the following:
• Gathering as much light radiation as possible
• Increasing an angular separation between objects
• Creating a focused image of an object
We have now achieved high technical level, which enables us to create colossal
telescopes, reaching distant regions of the Universe and making great discoveries.

The Anatomy of a Telescope

Components of Telescope
The main parts of which any telescope consists with are the following:
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

 Lenses
The lens is one of the necessary parts of a telescope. In most refracting telescopes,
there are two lenses in which is the objective lens, and the other is the eyepiece
lens. The bigger lens is an objective lens, while the smaller lens is an eyepiece lens.
 Mirror
Mostly all telescopes have two mirrors. Depending upon design consideration, the
shape of the mirror can be plane, parabolic, or hyperbolic.
 Structural Support / Tripod
As we know, high-power telescopes are huge and difficult to handle with our hands.
So that it mounts on the robust structures & can move on the horizontal and vertical
 Eyepiece
The eyepiece is the part of a telescope by which we can see our specific object.
 Telescopic Tube
A telescopic tube is the body of any telescope which contains a primary mirror.
Generally, the diameter of the telescope is about 8 inches. It improves its focal
length by just adjusting the knob.
 Finderscope
Finderscope is not an essential but an important part of a telescope. It is nothing but
a small telescope attached to the main telescope of the body. It is pointed in the
same direction as a telescope.
This image shows how the image formed in the Telescope.

Telescopes can be divided into two main categories: refractors and reflectors.
Refracting telescopes
Refracting Telescope use a lens to collect and focus rays of light. The lens at
the front of the telescope, called the objective lens, gathers and refracts (bends) the
light, bringing it to a focal point at the other end of the tube. The eyepiece, located
near the focal point, magnifies the image and makes it visible to the observer. The
larger the objective lens, the more lights the telescope can gather, and the clearer
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

the image will be. Refracting telescopes are commonly used for observing planets,
stars, and other celestial objects.

The appearance and a schematic view of refracting telescope are shown in Figure1.

Figure 1. The refracting telescope.
Reflecting telescope
Reflecting telescope use a large concave mirror instead of lens for the same
purpose. The mirror is usually parabolic in shape and reflects the light to a
secondary mirror which then reflects the light through a small hole in the center of
the primary mirror, allowing the light to reach the eyepiece at the other end of the
telescope. Reflecting telescopes are often larger than refracting telescopes and are
popular among astronomers because they can gather more lights and produce
sharper images. The first reflecting telescope was invented by Sir Isaac Newton in
the 17th century.
The appearance and a schematic view of reflecting telescope (Newtonian design)
are shown in Figure 2.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Figure 2. The reflecting telescope

Telescopes are more the achievement of eyeglass makers than the invention
of scientists. We can now see, how important opticians’ device became for the
astronomers. Telescope observations proved that the Earth is not the center of the
Universe, and that the Solar System consists of several planets and their satellites.
The optics is constantly modified and better telescopes are being produced for better
The image formed by an astronomical telescope is inverted like the image
formed by a microscope. The inverted image is not a big problem for viewing stars or
planets, but it can be confusing for viewing objects on land. The most familiar form of
land or terrestrial telescope is a pair of prism binoculars, which use multiple
reflections in the prisms to re-invert the image.
A binocular are an optical devices that are used for viewing distant objects. They
consist of two telescopes mounted side by side and aligned to point in the same
direction. It enable the user to view an object with both eyes, resulting in a
stereoscopic image that appears three-dimensional. This type of optical devices can
be utilized for various activities ranging from birdwatching, stargazing, hunting, and
marine navigation, among others.
Optical parts of binocular
In binoculars it consist of three optical assemblies that refract and focus light
to enlarge a distant object and make it appear closer. These three essential
components are the objective lens, prism system, and eyepiece.

Figure 1: shows the essential parts of the

Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Objective Lens
The objective with its large collection
lens is located at the front end or the bottom
end of the binoculars, depending on how
you look at it.
The Objective lens is aimed at the object of
interest. It collects incident light and
concentrates it in the focal point, usually a
lens system of 2 or more lenses to
compensate for aberration
The larger the aperture – the diameter of the lens, the more light-gathering power the
binoculars have, thus the brighter the image will appear.
The virtual intermediate image created by the objective lens is upside down and
mirrored. To correct this, the prisms are used inside the binoculars.
Prisms system
The prism in binoculars is a component that plays a
critical role in producing a clear and properly inverted
image for the viewer. Binoculars use prisms to correct the
orientation of the image that is produced by the objective
lens, which would otherwise be upside down and
As the light beam passes through the prisms, multiple
reflections flip the upside-down and inverted image projected by the objective lens,
so the observer can see a normal-looking image.

The most common prism systems used in

binoculars are Porro prisms and roof prisms, which
are located inside the binocular body.

Porro prism
This type binocular uses a porro prism invented by
Ignazio Porro, an Italian inventor.

It has excellent optical properties and enables a bright, sharp field of view from low
to high magnifications.
Roof prism
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Binoculars that use a roof prism can be made more compact and lightweight as the
optical axis of the eyepiece and objective lenses can be designed in a straight line.

The Eyepiece or Ocular

To focus on and enlarge the projected virtual image.
The eyepieces, also called ocular, are located at the front of
the binoculars and are the two lenses that we look directly
into during observation.
The eyepiece typically consists of a series of lenses that
magnify the image formed by the objective lens and project
it onto the retina of the eye. The design of the eyepiece is
critical in determining the quality of the image that is viewed through the binoculars,
including factors such as sharpness, brightness, and color accuracy.
Binoculars are complex optical instruments that require several mechanical
components to function properly. Some of the main mechanical parts of a binocular
Barrel or tube: The barrel is the housing that holds all the optical parts together.
The housing protects the optical components and holds them in a stable position so
they don’t shift from mechanical shock or when dropped.
Focus mechanism or the Focus wheel: The focus mechanism is used to adjust the
focus of the binoculars so that the image appears clear and sharp. It typically
consists of a knob or lever that moves the objective lenses back and forth to adjust
the focus.
Diopter adjustment: The diopter adjustment is a small knob or lever located near
the eyepiece assembly that allows the user to fine-tune the focus of each individual
eyepiece to accommodate differences in vision between their two eyes.
Bridge: This is the part of the binoculars that connects the two telescopes, which
allows for easy adjustment of the inter-pupillary distance.

The image on the right shows the cutaway view

how light passes through the lenses and prisms of

How Prisms Invert the Image

When a path of light travel through a pair of
binoculars, light enters through a lens, called an
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

objective lens, in each side. The objective lenses turn the image being viewed
upside down. The first lens catches light rays from the distant object and makes a
focused image a short distance behind the lens. Then the light passes through the
prisms (large wedges of glass) inside them to rotate the image through 180 degrees.
One prism rotates the image through 90 degrees (flips it onto its side), then the next
prism rotates it through another 90 degrees (flips it onto its side again), so the two
prisms effectively turn it upside down. The prisms can either be arranged in a back-
to-back arrangement (known as roof prisms) or at 90 degrees (known as Porro

The prisms turn the image right side up and reflect it toward eyepieces.
Finally, the light passes through the eyepieces into the eyes. The lenses in the
eyepieces make the image look bigger.
How prisms correct the inverted image and turn it the right way up. The eyepiece lens takes the
Periscope corrected image from the prisms and magnifies it, as before.
A periscope is a tool you use to see things that would otherwise be hidden or
obstructed. If you've ever been stuck in a submarine, curious about what's going on
above water, then you've needed a periscope.
Hippolyte Marié-Davy first discovered the instrument, the periscope, for
naval purposes during the second half of the nineteenth century. The word periscope
has arrived from the association of two words, "peri" and "scope", where peri means
"around" and scope means "viewing instrument". However, during the 15th century,
it is said that Johannes Gutenberg, has invented the periscope in order to look above
people's heads during a parade. Later this technique was applied for better
navigation in submarines.
Two types of Periscope

Simple Periscope

A simple periscope consists of an outer

case with mirrors at each end set parallel to
each other at a 45o angle. This form of
periscope with the addition of two simple lenses
served for observation purposes in the trenches
during World War-I.
Simple Periscope
Complex Periscope:

In complex periscopes, prisms are used

instead of mirrors. Advanced fiber
optics are used instead of mirrors to
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

provide magnification. They are used in submarines and in various fields of



Principles followed by periscope

Figure 1: Periscope
The apparatus of the
periscope follows the ''Laws of
Reflection''. In simpler terms,
as the ray of light enters the
tube it falls on the mirror that
is placed at an angle of 45°
and image formed by the first
plane mirror is virtual and lateral inverted. This reflected ray from the first mirror now
can be treated as an incident ray for the second mirror. The laterally inverted image
which acts as object for the second mirror, again gets laterally inverted from the
second mirror. The second time lateral inversion results in a virtual and without
laterally inverted image of the actual object. The working of the periscope is
displayed in the above-given image in figure

Applications of periscope

 There are various applications that are found in the usages of periscopes;
however, they are majorly used in submarines. In the aspect of threat
detection, the application of the periscope is evident, as it helps in determining
the distance of the torpedo. It allows one to be out of sight and supports the
observers to hide and can be used for military purposes.
 However, it is also applied in the field of nuclear reactors, which supports
observing the chemical reactions. In addition to these, the periscope is also
used in armoured vehicles and in tanks in order to inspect the surroundings
(, 2022).
 It can be said that usage s of periscopes is evident in the fields of medicines,
military and submarines.

Figure 3: Applications of periscope

Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Overall, periscope is an optical tool that follows the principle of the “Law of
Reflection”, on which the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incident. This
allows the image to reach the viewer easily, however, due to the presence of two
plane mirrors, the images change from inversion to the formation of erect images.
Several benefits are noticed with the application of periscopes as it is highly used in
the battlefield and medicinal fields.

The Projector
The projector has a concave
mirror that reflects light from the
intense source back into a pair. Of
condenser lenses. The condenser
lenses direct very bright light through
the slide of the projection lenses.
These lenses are mounted in a sliding
tube o that they can be moved
forward or backward for a sharp
image to be focused in the screen. If
you want a smaller, closer picture, you
have to move the lens away from the
slide. The projection lenses put a real
inverted image of the slide on the screen to get an upright picture, you have to mount
the slide upside down.
Projectors are optical devices that are used to display images or videos onto a
screen or other flat surface. They are commonly used for presentations, movie
screenings, and other events where a large, easily visible image is required. The
image is generated by a light source, typically a lamp or LED, which is directed
towards a small display panel or image source, such as a laptop or a DVD player.
The light is then magnified and focused by a series of lenses or mirrors, and
projected onto a larger surface.
Anatomy of a Projector

Bulb 1. Bulb with high brightness is used
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

2. The bulb must be placed at the centre of

curvature of the concave mirror
Concave mirror 1. The function of the concave mirror is to reflect
and focus light that shines on it to the direction
of the condenser.
2. This is to increase the brightness of the image.
Condenser 1. The condenser consists of two Plano-convex
2. The function of the condenser is to focus all the
light that brightens the whole slide.
3. It also acts as a heat insulator to stop heat from
the bulb so it does not spoil the slide
Slide 1. The slide acts as the object.
2. It is located at a distance between f and 2f from
the projector lens so that the image produced is
real and magnified.
3. It is purposely placed upside down so that the
image forms on the screen looks upright.
Projector lens 1. The projector lens projects the image on the
screen that is placed a few meters away.
2. It can be adjusted to focus a sharp image.
Image The image produced is ;
1. Real (it form on a screen)
2. Magnified
3. Inverted (Since the slide is placed upside down,
hence the image looks upright)

The main parts of a projector include:

1. Light source: The light source provides the necessary illumination for the projector
to create an image. In most modern projectors, the light source is typically a high-
intensity lamp or a set of LEDs.
2. Optical system: The optical system of a projector is responsible for directing the
light from the light source onto the screen. It consists of various lenses and mirrors
that help to focus and shape the light.
3. Imaging device: The imaging device is responsible for creating the image that will
be projected onto the screen. There are several types of imaging devices used in
projectors, including LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), DLP (Digital Light Processing),
and LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon).
4. Signal processing and control electronics: These components help to process the
input signal (such as a video or computer signal) and control the various functions of
the projector, such as focus, zoom, and keystone correction.

The main functions of a projector include:

Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

1. Displaying images: The primary function of a projector is to display images or

videos onto a screen or other flat surface.
2. Adjusting image size and focus: Most projectors allow the user to adjust the size
and focus of the projected image, which can be important for ensuring that the image
is properly sized and in focus.
3. Keystone correction: Keystone correction is a feature that allows the projector to
adjust the image so that it appears rectangular, even if the projector is not directly
facing the screen.
4. Color and brightness adjustments: Many projectors allow users to adjust the color
and brightness of the projected image, which can be important for ensuring that the
image appears clear and vibrant.
Different types of projectors
There are several different types of projectors, including LCD, DLP, and LCoS
projectors. Each type of projector uses different technology to generate and project
images, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, LCD
projectors are known for their high brightness and color accuracy, while DLP
projectors are known for their high contrast ratios and fast response times.
1. LCD Projector
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) projectors are popularly known as the modern
replacements for Slide or Overhead projectors. LCD
projectors display video and images on a projector
screen and other flat surfaces. This type of projector
generally produces fewer contrast outputs and
requires filter maintenance.

The projector consists of a lamp, three liquid crystal

panels, filters, and a prism necessary to produce the
image on the screen. The projectors offer excellent
quality color and are budget-friendly. They are commonly used for presentations,
seminars, and meetings.

2. LED Projector
LED projectors can be easily connected to devices
like mobiles, laptops, and many more. The projectors are
well equipped with LED light projections which ensure that
the image or the video which is being projected is
transparent with high-quality resolutions. LED projectors
are high-quality projectors that use LED to project images
and videos successfully.
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Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

One can operate them with a remote with an improved LED lamp life. The projectors
are pretty portable and are ceiling mountable. Some advanced LED projectors come
with a reduced noise fan which can reduce the noise by half.

3. LCOS Projector
LCOS also stands for Liquid Crystal Technology on Silicon.
This type of projector is a hybrid between DLP and LCD.

DLP projectors reflect light either into or away from the lens
using tilting mirrors, whereas LCD projectors use liquid
crystals on glass panels, modulating the amount of light passing through. LCOS
projectors use the reflective technology of DLP and block the light using crystals like

Applications of a Projector
Projectors are widely used in a variety of settings, including classrooms,
conference rooms, theaters, and home entertainment systems. They are particularly
useful for displaying large images or videos to a large audience, and for providing a
more immersive viewing experience than traditional displays.
1. In classrooms
Projectors are used in schooling areas to describe a particular topic to
students and to make their concepts clearer with visuals. With the introduction
of projectors in classrooms, videos and photographs have become more
enjoyable, and children can quickly learn in a fun manner. Further, images
can be zoomed in and zoomed out to get a clear vision and search minor
2. In companies
Projectors are also used in big companies, MNCs, and enterprises for
meetings, presentations, and conferences.

3. At home
Projectors are often used as home theatres, allowing you to see any movie or
series on a massive display with a first-rate sound that will give you the feeling
that you are staring at a live movie.

One significant advantage of projectors is their flexibility. They can be used

with a wide range of devices, including laptops, desktop computers, DVD players,
and gaming consoles. They can also easily adjust the size and position of the
projected image, making them a versatile tool for a wide range of applications.
How a Projector Works: Principle and Mechanism
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Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,


Most projectors create a photo or a video onto a surface by projecting a bright

light through a small lens. Some newer types of projectors can project images
directly through lasers. A digital rental display or retinal projector is a projector that
projects a photo at once on the retina. It is used as a substitute for using an external
projection screen.


If you want to know about the projector’s mechanism, there is a lamp inside.
This lamp is the source of luminous flux. According to the principles of light
projection, the flow is divided into three colors that are red, blue, and green, as it is
passed through the optical system. After that, it enters the modulator, which creates
a pixel structure. The control unit receives signals from the image source and adjusts
the direction of the modulating matrix. Following the principle of focusing, the lens
collects streams of different colors, forming an image on the screen.

The lenses or mirrors used in projectors are typically designed to focus and
magnify the image generated by the light source. Depending on the type of projector
and its intended application, different types of lenses or mirrors may be used. For
example, some projectors use concave mirrors to focus the light, while others use
lenses to magnify the image. Some projectors also include zoom lenses, which allow
users to adjust the size of the projected image without moving the projector itself.

How to Use Projectors?

To use a projector first, you need to turn on the computer or video equipment
that you want to use before you turn on the projector so that it can display the
image source.
1. First, remove the projector lens cover.
2. After that, connect the power cord to the projector’s power inlet.
3. Try to plug the power cord inside an electrical outlet. You will see the
projector’s power light turning orange. This means that the projector receives
power but has not yet turned on.
4. You are then needed to press the power button on the projector. You can also
use a remote control to turn on the projector.
5. The projector will beep, and the power light flashes green as it warms up. The
power light will stop flashing after five seconds and turn green.
Advantages of Using Projectors
Some of the advantages of using projectors are as follows:
1. It gives a large picture size
2. Acts as an alternative for large screen televisions
3. Projectors are budget-friendly
4. Saves space
5. Projectors are easy to install
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Projectors are powerful tools for displaying images and videos in a variety of
settings, and they rely on a combination of optical and electronic components to
produce high-quality images. Projectors are an important and widely used optical
device that provide a convenient and effective way to display visual content to a
large audience. They offer a flexible and versatile solution for a wide range of
applications, and are available in a variety of types and configurations to meet the
needs of different users.

Optical devices are a crucial aspect of many industries and scientific fields.
They utilize the properties of light and optical phenomena to perform various tasks
such as focusing, diverging, reflecting, and transmitting light. It is safe to say that
they have truly revolutionized the way we see and interact with the world around us.
From simple lenses in eyeglasses and mirrors to high-powered microscopes,
telescopes, Binocular and projector, these devices utilize some of the most
advanced technologies available to enhance our vision and perception. Overall,
optical devices are essential tools that have greatly contributed towards our
understanding of the universe and provided countless benefits to society as a whole.

Exploring Optical Devices

In order to introduce the different principles and applications of optical devices
this hands on activity will help to encourage hands-on exploration and
experimentation with the use of different optical devices to image formation.
Optical devices: Magnifying glass, Microscope, Binocular, Periscope
Manila paper

1. Introduce the various types of optical devices , such as microscopes,
binoculars, periscope and magnifying glass and explain how they work.
2. Distribute the materials and allow students to explore the properties of each
3. Used the given optical devices in viewing images or distant smaller objects.
Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

4. Examine and explore the optical devices being provided in your group and
answer the guide questions below.
Guide Questions:
1. How image are formed on each optical devices?
2. What kind of mirrors, lenses and prism are used in each types of optical
3. Give the functions and uses.

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Instructables,I.( 2019). Periscope. Instructables .Retrieved from:
Kawai (2022). How Do Binoculars Work &#8211; Binoculars Parts And Their
MammothMemmory.(2022). Convex lens use – Telescope. Retrieved from:
Nagpal, S.( 2023). Formation of Image, Periscope, Kaleidoscope. Class Notes.
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Republic of the Philippines
Old Sagay, Sagay City, Negros Occidental
ISO 9001: 2015 (034)722-4120,

Optik. A. (Feb. 27, 2014).Retrieved from:
Phiddian,E.( 2022). How do magnifying glasses work?. Retrieved from:
Smith,N.K.(2022). How to Make a Periscope: 15 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow.
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Swap. (2023). Complete guide on Parts of Telescope: names, functions & diagram.
Slidingmotion. Retrieved from:
Spmphysics.(2014 )Optical Instruments – Projector. Retrieved from:
Tector, T.( 2022). Types Of Projectors &#8211; DLP, LCD, LED, LCOS For Home
&#038; Office. Retrieved from:
The compound microscope- how to draw ray diagrams. Retrieved from:
Tutorialspoint.(2022 ) Periscope. Retrieved from:,the

Uses of convex Lens in Microscope (

Woodford, C.(October 10, 2021.). How do binoculars work?. Retrieved from:
Book Reference
Professor, J. B., & Griffith, W. T. (2018). Loose Leaf for Physics of Everyday
Phenomena. McGraw-Hill Education.( Book in Modern Physics).
Serway, R. Vuille, C. & Hughes, J. (2018). College Physics Global Edition (11 th ed).
(Book in Modern Physics)

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