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Espacio Cultural: Como yo lo soñé!

Institute: English Time for you!

Mid – Term Exam
1_ Look and Colour: 5p.

2_ Look and Count: Write: 5p.

Eleven (11)

Thirty (30)

3_ Look at the box and White these numbers: 5p.

14 = fourteen 59 =

17 = 63 =

24 = 78 =

35 = 82 = eighty two

47 = 96 =

51 = 100 =
4_ Look at the family and complete whth your family: 5p.

1_ who is your mother? My mother is

2 _ who is your father?__________________________________
3 _ who is your grandmother? ____________________________
4 _ who is your grandfather?_____________________________
5 _ who is your aunt? __________________________________
6 _ who is your uncle? __________________________________
7 _ who is your cousins?_________________________________

5_ Who ae they? Write: 5p.

1_ 4_

2_ 5_

6_ Write about you and
your family. 5p.

1. When is your birthday?

2. When do you finish school?
3. When do you have a big party? (fiesta)
4. When do you have picnics?

7_ Write the days of the week. 5p.

Monday, ________________________________________________

8_ Read and circle. 5p.

Meat = Carne Ateak = Bife
Snacks = Merienda Nuts = Nueces
9_ Read and look. Write. 5p.
• Cookies
• Grapes
• Pears
• Cake
• chicken

• Nuts
• Steak
• Corn
• Cheese
• strawberries

10_ write the names of the animals: 5p.

• Giraffe
• Cangaroo
• Alligator
• Bears
• Peacock
• Snake
• Elephant
• Lion
• monkey
• Weather
• Snow • Cold
• hot • Rainy x2

8_ Answer: 15p.

• 1_ Are you a teacher?

• 2_ Have you got brotes or sisters?
• 3_ Can you speak Italian?
• 4_ Is there a blue car your house?

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