Hours I Fift/ I D: FRFRQ

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First Semester
Cement Technolo gylCivil E n gineerin g/CTM/Electrical
Electrical Engineering/PRPC/Plastic Technology/
Production Engineering/Textile Technology
OCBC Scheme 2022
Time: Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70
Note :I Attempttotalsirquestions. QuestronNo.I (Objectivetype) is
compulsory. From the remaining questions attempt anyfve.
gd u: sec 6fl fift\ I (q-qEE !-6R or)
r qqq m-Trf,
3{Frqd t r e}s caii d <} m-6 qnq d ra frfrq r

rD In case of any doubt or dispute, the English version question

shouldbe treated as final.
frtfr fr q-on il ritt' eremr fr--4tq fr Rrfr q eilaft qrsr b
q:c o) 3Tftq qrri qrirnr

1. Choose the correct answer. 2 each

rr$ sos or qffI 6ftqt
I E-mail stands for:
(a) Electronicman (b) Electromagneticmail
(c) Electronicmail (d) Enguremail
t-i-d oT gE srf t
(e+) $-+-*ift--o fl-c (e) affiH&o t-a
(q) g++*Yftn +.d 1q; {q{ i-d '
D Speedofintemetismeasuredin
(a) GEtz (b) Gbps
(c) GB (d) dpi

FtZ022t73Sq P.T.O.

1ii) ln intemet, the term WWWW, the 41h W stands for

serid {, q e{ wwww, q 4th w 6r Fd sd ,
(a) Web (b) Worm
(c) Wreck (d) wsjk
lv) A computer network enables two or more computers to
(a) incre4sethe speed
(b) share data and Ilardware resources
(c) increase the work
(d) monitorthe software
\rr oqr ffi q\ qT E) + 3TRr+. oqc{ o1 q+e-d oror t
(sr) Ss o\ c.a-ql
(e) eifi srcT 3{t{ E€Aqr Rstqle
(s) s-#e q 16
(E) ,i+n q qir-iw
g Which ofthe following is a search engine?
(a) Intemet (b) Bn g ,
(c) Skype (d) AcrobatReader
Ect t olc-{rr Fd {q-{ t
(er) gsEie (q) fuT
(q) wdc (<) qdid R-sR

2. a) Whatis CPUaodmemory? Expiainit. 4

cpu 3fl-{ tElt Tql te eqsE\r

b) Differentiate between key-board and mouse? 4

fr-e)-g 3{t{ qrss { 3t-d( ecr{gt

c) $rrite steps for OS installation ofWindow. 4

frlq fr 3riTtfur fr{<q gr<rdeTq il ftid +tqr ftfuxr

F1202217354 Contd.....


3. a) CompareuNlxshellandkernel. 4
{R-6H a)-d 3t{ .6fu gan fift\l
b) Definevi-editorindetail 4
vi-editor d ft-if,r{ d qfurrfr-d 6ftqr
c) ExplainHTMlzlindetail. 4
HTML4 o\ 6so r\ c]qsE\r

4. a) Explain CSS in detail. 4

CSS d frRN rt eqsrc\r
b) How can we make basic personal web page? Explain it. 4
6q tfu-n q-Sqa A-E q-q d* q-nt te eqEEqr
c) Why do we use open office spreadsheet (calc)? Explain it.
Eq 3iq{ 3rnA;-t+ ri-scfu (calc) Eq\ eqch{r 6{t t? q]rflr{gl

5. a) Explainopenofficewriterindetail. 4
er)q{ 3rTfrH {r{ei @\ ft-ft-r{ c} tlqgE\r
b) What are information securitybestpractices? Explain it. 4
gqdqn Rrr$-E fr +-€ nm-fl Tql t? $r-fl-ssr
c) Explain the tool r.ve security.
use in infonnaticn 4
aqfie1a Rffi$A d wqir Eti qT-A F C flTs.rs(l

6. a) Explainefficientuseofsearchengines. 6
q-d {s-{ or sqqiT {BJe)q-i { qqilsqr
b) Define awareness about digital India portals. 6
Bfr-d tnro f&a fr et+eo d sqg.r$\r

7 . a) Compare differentperipheral devices. 6

erf,q s-fr-r{ fr tth-{d Wtr fr garr fittqr
b) How can actual leaming will take place in the Lab? Explain it. 6
+E fi 3fqq rq3ffi dFf.,'dn\ td tz Err$ilSqr

Ft2022t7354 P.T,@.




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