2019 - Influence of Rainfall Pattern On The Slope Stability of Open Pit

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Geotech Geol Eng

https://doi.org/10.1007/s10706-019-01094-7 (0123456789().,-volV)
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Influence of Rainfall Patterns on the Slope Stability

of the Lumwana (the Malundwe) Open Pit
Lancine Doumbouya . Chang Sheng Guan . Victor Mwango Bowa

Received: 13 June 2017 / Accepted: 15 October 2019

 Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019

Abstract Malundwe open pit has experienced slope Keywords Rainfall pattern  Volumetric water
failures in the pit’s upper stack during rain-season content (%)  Matric suction  Safety factor  Slope
since mining started in 2008. Laboratory and numer- failure
ical model investigation methods were performed to
investigate the influence of the rainfall pattern on the
stability of the upper stack having saprolite domains.
The saprolite soil was classified using the British soil 1 Introduction
classification system as slightly clayey, silty, sand
with fine gravel which are of low plasticity. The water The Lumwana Mining Limited Copper Project is
retention test using pressure test conducted on sapro- located in the North-Western Province of Zambia,
lite, reveals that the saprolite soil could not dry up approximately 300 km west by road from the Cop-
completely as it contains about 9% volumetric content perbelt province, the city of Kitwe and 95 km west by
of water with the matric suction of 300 kPa during the road to the provincial centre of Solwezi as indicated in
most dehydrated month. The rainfall patterns at the (Fig. 1). The Lumwana Mining Limited Copper
mine site increase the groundwater level on the Project operates Malundwe and Chimiwungo open
saprolite material. The rising of the groundwater pits located within the Lumwana Mine licensed area.
table leads to the reduced matric suction and increased This article only focused on the effects of rainfall
volumetric water content in saprolite domain. The patterns on the stability of the upper slope of the
reduced matric suction in the saprolite soils reduce the Malundwe Open Pit. However, the reference to
saprolite soil’s shear strength effectively leading to Chimiwungo pits has been done in some cases in this
slope instability. Therefore, rainfall infiltration is the study. Lumwana mine has experienced a number of
facilitator for initiating the failure of the upper slope at slope failures in the upper stack of the slope with slope
Malundwe open pit. failure occurs in the rain season since the commence-
ment of mining in 2008 (Fig. 2). The slough volumes
recorded so far ranges from 2000 to 30,000 m3 by
manual computations in the saprolite and laterite soil
materials on the upper stack of the slope. Slope failure
once occurs, costs the company huge sums of money
L. Doumbouya  C. S. Guan  V. M. Bowa (&)
for material re-handling and pit re-design. The current
School of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Wuhan
University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China slope monitoring systems (GeoMos system and Slope
e-mail: mwangobowa@yahoo.com Stability Rader) in use at Malundwe open pit

Geotech Geol Eng

positioned on higher risk walls have made it possible Fig. 2 Records of slope failure on the upper stack of Malundwe c
to avoid loss of human life, as warnings are provided open pit
prior to slope failure at the mine site.
In surface mining where cut slopes are left in the
of rainfall on the slope failure mechanisms is essen-
soils/weak rock at shallow depth, rainfall pattern may
tially governed by the amount of rainwater infiltration
play a significant role in inducing slope failure as
into the slope. However, not all rainwater can infiltrate
explained in the geotechnical literature (Day and
down into the slope (Fredlund and Rahardjo 1993; Cui
Axten 1989; Fourier 1996; Dai et al. 2003; Chen et al.
et al. 2005, 2010). Some rainwater may be lost through
2005; Tohari et al. 2007; Cascini et al. 2010; Zhang
evaporation or runoff.
et al. 2011). The slope failure mechanisms induced by
It is indicated that saturated hydraulic conductivity
rainfall pattern occur on natural slopes especially in
becomes a limiting value of the infiltration rate into the
tropical regions, fill slopes, cut slopes and embank-
slope. Once the evaporation takes place from voids of
ments. Some scholars (Costa et al. 1989; Ng and Shi
the saturated soil mass, matric suction is formed
1998; Wolle and Hachich 1989; Au 1998; Kim et al.
between the soil particles. In wet conditions, the
2004; Tohari et al. 2007; Hearman and Hinz 2007;
permeability of the soil will be greater in the
Rahimi et al. 2011) have indicated that the infiltration
unsaturated zone and thus increase the rate of infiltra-
of rainwater into a slope decreases the stability of the
tion as pointed out by Hearman and Hinz (2007).
slope. Thode and Gitirana (2008) noted that the effect
Muhammad and Fourier (2014) noted that rainfall

Fig. 1 The location of Lumwana open pits

Geotech Geol Eng

Geotech Geol Eng

patterns and soil hydraulic conductivity are highly faulting. Copper mineralization is hosted within
variable with geographical location. Thus, it is distinct Schist units (the Upper, Middle and Lower
unlikely to generalize the effect of rainfall patterns Ore Schist) which dip to the south-east at 20. The
on the failure mechanisms of the slopes for the details of the soil and rock stratigraphy are provided in
different sites. Table 1.
Lumwana (Malundwe) open pit has a consistent Lumwana (Malundwe) open pit groundwater can
and well-defined rainfall pattern with the rainy season be accounted for from rivers, aquifers below the
ranging from the month of November to April. The dry surface and rainwater that infiltrates into the soil and
season is from the month of May to October. The mine rock mass. It should be noted that although the epidote
area receives an average rainfall of 1300 mm per Schist generally has higher permeabilities than the
annum. Against this background, Lumwana (Mal- surrounding lithologies, the various horizons are well
undwe) open pit has experienced a number of slope hydraulically connected and act as a groundwater
failures in the upper stack of the slope with slope system.
failure occurring in the rainy season as explained The hydrogeological assements at the mine site are
earlier. Therefore, infiltrations of rainwater within the summarized as follows;
upper slope are suspected to be the main triggering
Surface Sand This represents the top superficial
factor to slope failures at Lumwana (Malundwe) open
layer, with a thickness of up to 1 m. Hydraulic
conductivity, K varies across zones and influences
The paper analysed the effects of rainfall patterns
the rainfall recharge into the hydrogeological
on the stability of the upper slopes at the Lumwana
domain. Hydraulic conductivity, K ranges from 10
(Malundwe) Open Pit. In this article, the discussion
to 100 m/d.
that follows is about the laboratory and slope model by
Laterite The laterite represents a highly weathered,
limit equilibrium study methods that were performed
iron-rich clayey material, immediately below the
to investigate the influence of the rainfall pattern on
sands of 2 m thick; Hydraulic conductivity, K
the stability of the upper stack of the slope having
ranges from 10-1 to 1 m/d.
saprolite domains.
Saprolite Represents highly weathered residual
country rock and has an average thickness of
40 m, Hydraulic conductivity, K ranges from 10-2
2 Geology and Hydrogeology Settings
to 10-3 m/d.
Saprock The Saprock represents the unfractured
The general stratigraphy of the upper stacks of
transition zone between the saprolite and the
Lumwana (Malundwe) Open Pit consists of vegeta-
underlying solid strata and acts as an impermeable
tion, a very thin layer of Sand and Laterite, Saprolite
zone for groundwater flow.
overlying the Saprock and downwards is the basement
Basements Schist and Gneiss can be characterized
rockmass consisting of Schist and Gneiss and the
as forming the unit of very low permeability.
fractured network. The deposit is located within the
Hydraulic conductivity, K values are enhanced
metamorphic rocks in the Basements (Gneiss and
where weathering along geological contacts and
Schist) of the Mwombezhi Dome which has been
fracturing occurred. The basement rock also
subjected to thrusting, folding and other late stage

Table 1 Stratigraphy and Stratigraphy Thickness (m) Hydrogeological unit

hydrogeological unit of
Lumwana Surface sand 1 Aquifers
Laterite 2 Aquifers
Saprolite 40 Aquifers
Saprock 20 Impermeable rock
Basements (Schists and Gneiss) 150–200 Aquiclude/minor aquifers
Fractured network [ 400 Aquiclude

Geotech Geol Eng

presents a higher hydraulic conductivity when • Clay content: 27% and 22%
exposed in the open pit, due to the over-shot blast
From Plasticity chart, for the classification of fine
zones and relaxation taking place.
soils under the British classification system, the
Fracture network Groundwater flow at depth is
saprolite material classifies as a CL Type (low
controlled by the fracture network present in the
plasticity clay) above the A-Line since the sampled
rock mass forming the basement. Hydraulic con-
saprolite material’s liquid limit had less than 35% as
ductivity, K varies between 10-2 and 102 m/d
seen from (Fig. 3) below.
(transmissivity 0.2 to 15 m2/d).
The coefficient of permeability of the groundwater
flow in the unsaturated soil is not constant but a
function of soil suction. For this reason, there was a
3 Soil Water Characteristic Curves, (SWCC) need to determine the soil–water characteristic curve
of the Saprolite Material (SWCC) that outlines the general relationship between
the matric suction and the volumetric water of the
Following the sloughing in the saprolite domain that saprolite soil (Fredlund and Rahardjo 1993). Water
occurred in the upper stack of the pit in the east and retention tests were conducted on three sets of
north-east walls in 2010; south-east and east walls in saprolite soil samples (S1, S2 and S3) to identify the
2012 and North-east and east walls in 2014, saprolite relationship between the change in water content and
soils were sampled on the footwall where sloughing matric suction. Where S1, S2 and S3 represent sets of
occurred. Index testing was carried out on saprolite saprolite soil samples, sampled on the footwall trench
samples picked from a trench on the footwall prone to where sloughing occurred on the upper stack of the pit
sloughing. Wet sieving and hydrometer analysis were in 2010, 2012 and 2014 respectively. This relationship
carried out using the British Standard (Lambe 1951) to is usually illustrated as a curve called the Soil–Water
determine the particle size distribution. The grain-size Characteristic Curve (SWCC) and is very useful in
distribution curve of the sampled saprolite under investigating the behaviour of unsaturated soils. Water
British soil classifications systems indicate slightly retention tests were performed using a pressure plate
clayey, silty sand with some fine gravel, mostly non- with an applied pressure of up to 800 kPa. For this
plastic (no Atterberg Limits possible). Only in two study, the SWCCs including the refinement using the
cases was it possible to obtain the Atterberg Limits and Fredlund and Xing method (Fredlund and Xing 1994)
these were as follows: were plotted (Fig. 4). Equation 1 was applied to plot
the best-fit curve of the SWCC which correlates matric
• Liquid limits: 32 and 33;
suction (w) to volumetric water content (h) for each set
• Plastic limits: 13 and 16;
of the tested samples.
• Plasticity index: 19 and 17

Fig. 3 Plasticity chart for

the classification of fine soils

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 4 Soil-water
characteristic curve

1 the resulting negative pore pressure ðuÞ tends to rise
h ¼ hs ð1Þ up (Cui et al. 2005, 2010). This results in an increase in
ln ½e þ ðw=aÞn
the shear strength of the Saprolite material as shown in
where hs is saturated volumetric water content; a, m, Eq. 2.
and n are the parameters used for determining the
shape of the SWCC; and e is the natural number S ¼ c0 þ rðððuÞÞÞtan/0 as u ! u ð2Þ
(e = 2.71828). During the rain season with excessive rainfalls, the
The average curve was also derived from all negative pore pressure tends to reduce towards zero
collected data for the best representation of the SWCC and even become positive with the rising-up of the
data used in this analysis. Based on the plotted groundwater table due to rainwater infiltrations in
experiment results (Fig. 4) for the soil–water charac- saprolite soils. Such a change in pore water pressure
teristic curve (SWCC), saprolite could not dry up causes a decrease in the shear strength of the saprolite
completely as it contains about 9% volumetric content soils (Cui et al. 2005, 2010) as demonstrated in Eq. 3.
of water with the matric suction of 300 kPa during the
most dehydrated month. Furthermore, the established S ¼ c0 þ ðr  uÞtan/0 as u ! u ð3Þ
SWCC revealed that the matric suction (kPa) increases where S is the resultant shear strength, c0 is the
with a decrease in volumetric water content of effective cohesion, /0 is the effective friction angle, r0
saprolite soil. When saprolite has the volumetric water is the effective total normal stress on the failure
content of 50%, it becomes saturated as it can not surface and u is the pore pressure.
absorb any more water.

5 Numerical Simulation Analyses

4 Effects of Rainfall Infiltrations on the Shear
Strength of the Saprolite Material Following the sloughing in the saprolite soils that
occurred in the upper stack of the pit in the east and
From Fig. 4, during the drying-up process (reduction north-east walls in 2010; south-east and east walls in
in volumetric water content) of the Saprolite material,

Geotech Geol Eng

2012 and North-east and east walls in 2014, numerical saprolite conditions. In the geotechnical analysis,
models were generated to study the influence of Bishop simplified and Morgenstern-Price slope sta-
groundwater from the rainfall in the saprolite material bility analysis methods were used for slope stability
on the stability of the slope from the footwall side of analysis of circular and non-circular slip surfaces
the Malundwe open pit using the geotechnical anal- respectively with the peak and residual shear strength
yses approach. The geotechnical analysis is an accounted for considering the matric suction of the
assessment of the potential for the slope failure within saprolite soils proposed by Fredlund et al. (1978).
the pit limit. The geotechnical analysis was conducted
to determine the factor of safety of the upper stack of 5.1 Footwall Slope Profile for Circular Failure
Malundwe open pit. It was carried out using the Surface
SLIDE computer program. The SLIDE software is a
2D slope stability program for evaluating the safety The slope was created from the current footwall slope
factor of circular or non-circular failure surfaces in soil geometry as follows:
or rock slopes. Sensitivity analysis allows one to
• Bench height: 4 m
determine the effect of individual variables on the
• Bench face angle: 30
safety factor of the slope. The input geotechnical
• Spill berm width: 10 m
parameters were obtained from a hybrid of data from
• Bench stack angle: 16.3 (for a 36 m high stack)
the rock mechanics field database, Lumwana Open Pit
• Inter-ramp angle: 15.2
Geotechnical Laboratory, and ROCLAB (a computer
program for estimating rock mass properties- This is a generic slope profile that was previously
(ROCSCIENCE 2003). The parameters used in the and currently being used at the mine. It illustrates a
numerical model summarized in Table 2. 36 m high saprolite bench stack lying over the
The Mohr–Coulomb model was used in the Slide weathered rock surface. The geotechnical open pit
program considering both the peak and residual shear slope design applied is based on the geotechnical
strength parameters respectively. Considering the nature of the homogeneous in situ saprolite materials
laboratory tests results, where the saprolite soil and their likely response to the mining process. To
become saturated when its volumetric water content determine the factor of safety of the circular failure
reaches 50%, both drained and undrained saprolite surfaces, the grid search method was applied to search
material conditions were considered. The peak shear for the potential circular failure surfaces. The safety
strength parameters were used under drained saprolite factor was determined for the potential circular failure
material conditions when the water content is under both drained and undrained conditions using
approaching 9% during the drying up process while limit equilibrium principles. The results for the
the residue shear strength parameters were used under drained case are provided (Fig. 5). The calculated
undrained saprolite material conditions in the wet factor of safety is displayed in the text box (Fig. 5).
season when the water content is approaching 50% for This case shows stable wall conditions and an
the slope. The geotechnical analysis was carried out as equivalent critical failure surface for the circular
a simulation of the factor of safety using SLIDE failure mode. Therefore the results do show that for
software, considering the drained and undrained drained conditions, it would be possible to develop

Table 2 Geotechnical parameters

Material Density (kg/ Young’s modulus UCS Poisson’s Peak strength Residual strength
type m3) (GPa) (MPa) ratio
Cohesion Friction Cohesion Friction
(kPa) angle () (kPa) angle ()

Saprolite 2650 60 100 0.35 300 30 200 15

Saprock 3000 50 200 0.32 400 45 100 23

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 5 The drained

footwall slope conditions
containing the Saprolite
domain-Fs = 2.150

steeper slope profiles. However, when non-circular for the generated slope models. This type of failure
conditions exist, undrained conditions may exhibit surface was specified in the case of non-circular slope
slope instability. failure. Advanced search algorithms simplify the task
of finding the critical slip surface for the lowest safety
5.2 Incorporation of Non-circular Failure Modes factor. The results with the non-circular critical failure
surface for the drained and undrained condition on the
To assess the influence of water on the shear strength saprolite on the footwall are provided in Figs. 6 and 7
resulting from a dominant relic structure (that also respectively. It is noticeable that there is a drop in the
induces non-circular failure geometries) the safety safety factor with the decrease in the strength param-
factor was determined for non-circular failure under eters in the undrained conditions (Dun and Wright
both drained and undrained conditions using Morgen- 1995).
stern-Price. To search for the potential non slip
surfaces, Block search method was used. Block search
method allows the user to search for complex non- 6 Conclusion
circular slip with any number of specified line
segments. The slope model of the physical slope was Based on the comprehensive laboratory and numerical
created from the current trial steeper slope geometry in model investigation results, saprolite domain com-
the footwall as follows: prises an important unit which has a negative effect on
Bench height: 4 m; the stability of Lumwana (Malundwe) Open Pit during
Bench face angle: 45; the rainy season. Saprolite soil in its dry state has a
Spill berm width: 5 m; high value of the matric suction which increases the
Bench stack angle: 27.2 (for a 36 m stack) shear strength of the saprolite material thereby
and; Inter-ramp angle: 25.6. improving the stability of the upper stack of the slope
The slope models were generated for the saprolite in the dry season. A slight increase in the suction
soils with the non-circular slip surfaces being specified matric and reduction in the volumetric water content

Geotech Geol Eng

Fig. 6 Non-circular
drained saprolite on the
footwall of Malundwe

Fig. 7 Non-circular
undrained saprolite on the
footwall of Malundwe

of the saprolite soil can significantly improve the content into saprolite material, results in reduced
stability of the slope’s upper stack. During the start of matric suction in the saprolite domain. The reduced
the rain season, the infiltrations of rainwater into the matric suction reduces the saprolite soil’s shear
slope is quite difficult but after the ground begin to wet strength effectively. The study indicates that the
with rainfall infiltration, then the next rainfall will magnitude of matric suction depends on the rainfall
facilitate infiltration of rainwater into the saprolite soil (volumetric water content into saprolite material)
mass domains. Therefore, the rainfall patterns at the infiltration into the saprolite domain. Therefore, the
mine site increase the volumetric water content into rainfall pattern is the facilitator for initiating failure of
saprolite material. The rising of volumetric water the upper slope at Lumwana (Malundwe) open pit.

Geotech Geol Eng

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