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BURAYU, 2023
TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 2
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3
2. Selection and Approval of Thesis Topic ........................................................................... 3
2. General Remarks on Thesis Format and Style .................................................................. 3
3. Cover Page and Title Page .................................................................................................4
4. Table of Contents ...............................................................................................................5
5. Approval Sheet .................................................................................................................. 6
6. Certification Sheet ............................................................................................................. 7
7. Declaration .........................................................................................................................7
8. Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. 7
9. List of Figures and Tables ................................................................................................. 8
10. Abstract ...........................................................................................................................8
11. Thesis Submission Process .............................................................................................8
12. Plagiarism ....................................................................................................................... 8
13. Conflict of Interest ..........................................................................................................9
14. Graduation and Award of Credential to Graduate Students ........................................... 9
15. Student Supervisor/advisor Agreement Form ................................................................ 9
16. Thesis Progress Assessment/Evaluation Form ............................................................... 9
16.1. Student’s Progress Report Form ........................................................................... 10
16.2. Supervisor’s or Advisor’s Progress Report Form ................................................. 11
17. Thesis Proposal Format ................................................................................................ 12
18. Thesis Report Format ................................................................................................... 13
1. Introduction
According to Rift Valley University Legislation Article (89) and Guideline for Student
Research (2016), all students attending their education in Rift Valley University for Master’s
Degree in research-based programs are required to conduct and defend their research/thesis
as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the completion of the program or graduation.

A master's thesis is a personal independent academic work prepared by the student which
makes a contribution to scientific knowledge. The aim of the master's thesis is to improve
the student's ability for independent research work. Although there may be some variation in
thesis formats, it is very important and necessary to have a research writing format that at
least fulfill minimum requirements and uniformly used in all departments of the campus.
To this end, the following thesis proposal and report writing format shall be used by all
postgraduate students of Rift Valley University, Hachalu Hundessa Campus.

2. Selection and Approval of Thesis Topic

The topic for thesis work shall be selected in consultation with, and prior approval of, the
thesis advisor. The selection of thesis topic shall be on the basis of the broad needs of the
country and/or the priority areas of research topics as determined by the concerned academic
unit. The accepted title by the advisor will be forwarded to graduate committee for further
evaluation and recommendation, on which finally the accepted title will have forwarded to
the academic commission of the campus for approval.
1. General Remarks on Thesis Format and Style
1. Language: The thesis must be written in English.
1. Page Specifications: The page size must be A4 (or 216 x 279 millimeters). Other
paper sizes are not allowed.
2. Headings and Subheadings: Main chapters can have subheadings up to three but
not more levels to avoid unnecessary details. You can have further subheadings for
those listed under literature review and analyses sections depending on the nature of
your topics. In disciplines where section numbering is normally used, the following
guidelines apply:
1. Chapter title: 18 font size, bold.
2. First Headings: 16 font size, bold.
3. Second Headings:14 font size, bold.
4. Third Headings: 12 font size, regular.
1. Font: All thesis text must be in Times New Roman 12 font size and must be typed in
black ink. Color text is acceptable only in limited parts of your thesis and for very
specific purposes. Smaller font size (9-10 size are appropriate only for endnotes,
captions, legends, etc.
2. Margins: The left margin of the thesis must be l.5 inch (3.81cm) to permit binding.
All other margins (top, bottom, and right) must be 1 inch (2.54cm). The running head
and the page numbers should be 0.75 inch (1.9 cm) from the edge of the page. All of
the text throughout the thesis must be justified, uniform and formatted for only one
column throughout the manuscript with the exception of section titles (e.g. 'Abstract',
'Acknowledgements') which are centered.

3. Numbering Pages: Type of numbers used to paginate preliminaries should be
different from the one used to paginate the main chapters. Appendices should not be
paginated anew. They should retain their original pagination. Page numbers should be
placed in center of the bottom, 0.75 inch above the bottom edge of the page. Page
numbers must be in the same font and font size as your text. Except for the cover
page and title page, page numbers must be placed on each page of the thesis. The
Title Page is considered the first page ('i’) but this number does not actually appear
on the page. Page numbers for the preliminary pages should be numbered
consecutively in lower- case Roman numerals. Page Numbers for the Rest of the
Paper Text and all reference pages, including appendices, are numbered
consecutively in Arabic numerals beginning with 1 on the first page of text.
4. Spacing: The document must be consistently double-spaced throughout the thesis
with the exception of quotations as paragraphs, captions, lists, graphs, charts,
footnotes/endnotes, bibliographic entries, items within tables, and lists in appendices.
Irregular spacing and alignment may be used only to accommodate special text (e.g.
poetry or piece of creative writing) presented in such formats
1. Citation and Referencing: Citation and referencing should follow the referencing
style used by the American Psychological Association (2010, 6th edition). Please
ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and
vice versa).
2. Length of the thesis: The Departments may vary in the prescribed page limits for the thesis,
but it will normally be in the order of 40-100 pages (with double-spaced printing, including
tables and figures, but excluding endnotes, bibliography and appendices). The thesis pages
may exceed longer than 100 pages if necessary for social sciences.
3. Appendices: Appendices are not necessarily part of every thesis. Appendices are
used for supplementary illustrative material, original data, computer programs, and
other material not necessarily appropriate for inclusion within the text of
your thesis. If the student and the Thesis Supervisor agree that material should be
appendixes, then it must be compiled in one or more appendices after the References.
Each appendix must begin on a new page. Number and cite multiple appendices as 'A',
'B', 'C', etc
4. Type of Print: Consistent and clear of laser print quality should be used for all copies
for both text and illustrations. The text of the thesis must be printed single sided copy.
5. Cover Page and Title Page
1. Cover Page (Bonded by colored Hard Cover)

The cover page of the contains all the important information about the master thesis. Cover
page must state the following:

1. The logo and the name of the University, Campus, Department and/or Program (in
capital letters, bolded centered and colored)
2. Title of the thesis (in capital letters, bolded and centered)
3. Name and surname(s) of the author (in capital letters, bolded and centered)
4. The city (in capital letters, bolded and right aligned)

5. The month and year (Bolded and right aligned)
6. The color of the cover page is specified for each Departments
S. No. Departments Color
1. Business Management Brown/Chocolate
1. Public Health Light Blue

1. Title Page

The title page contains all the important information about the master thesis. Title page must
state the following:

2. The logo and the name of the University, Campus, Office of Postgraduate Program,
Department and/or Program (in capital letters, bolded and centered)
3. Title of the thesis (in capital letters, bolded and centered)
4. Name and surname(s) of the author (in capital letters, bolded and centered)
5. The words "Master Thesis" and Submitted to the Department of in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science/Art in

6. Name of Advisor Prof/ Dr. xxxxxx

7. The city (in capital letters, bolded and right aligned)
8. The month and year (Bolded and right aligned)

9. Table of Contents
Contents should be neither too detailed nor too sketchy. The table of contents should serve
an important purpose in providing an outline of the contents of the report. General Remarks
about the Table of Contents: -
1. List of topics appear at the left and their page numbers at the right margin.
2. Preliminaries, references, and appendices appear without serial numbers. But, while
preliminaries appear at the top references and appendices appear at the bottom. In
fact, both sections need to take equal indentation from the list of the main topics.
3. Moreover, main chapters should be separated from preliminaries and references and
appendices with enough space.
4. Note also that the list of items of the appendices should be stated

5. Approval Sheet
Final approval and acceptance of the thesis is contingent upon the submission of final copy
of the thesis to the Post Graduate Office.

Submitted by:

Name (PG Candidate) Signature Date

Approved by:

l. Advisor

Name Signature Date

1. Head, Department

Name Signature Date

2. Post Graduate Program Office

Name Signature Date

3. Campus Dean

Name Signature Date

4. Certification Sheet


A thesis research advisor, I hereby certify that I have read and evaluated this thesis prepared
under my guidance by________________________________________
entitled “__________________________________________________________________” I
recommend that it shall be submitted as fulfilling the thesis requirement.

Name of Major Advisor Signature Date

As mentioned of the Board of Examiners of the M.Sc/MA. thesis open defense examined.
We certified that we have read and evaluated the thesis prepared by and
examined the candidate. We recommend that the thesis be accepted as fulfilling the thesis
requirements for the degree of Master of Science/Art in

Chairperson Signature Date

Internal Examiner Signature Date

External Examiner Signature Date

5. Declaration
I, the undersigned, declare that the thesis comprises my own work. In compliance with
internationally accepted practices, I have dually acknowledged and refereed all materials
used in this work. I understand that non-adherence to the principles of academic honesty and
integrity, misrepresentation/ fabrication of any idea/data/fact/source will constitute
sufficient ground for disciplinary action by the university and can also evoke penal action
from the sources which have not been properly cited or acknowledged.

Name of the student


6. Acknowledgement
It serves to acknowledge supports like: -professional, logistical, financial, moral etc. which
are gained while conducting the research. Acknowledgement should not be more than one

7. List of Figures and Tables
Whenever figures and tables (including graphs, photographs, images, etc.) are used they
should be listed and numbered consecutively by using Arabic numerals (Figure 1, 2, 3, etc.;
Table 1,2,3, etc). Figures must have captions under the figures while Tables must have
numbers and captions above 'Figure' and 'Table' are capitalized whenever a specific figure or
table is referred to in the thesis. The labeling of the figures and tables in the thesis must
correspond to the listing in the 'List of Figures' and 'List of Tables' respectively. In this
section, provide the figure number, a title, and the number of the thesis page on which the
figure appears.

8. Abstract
The master's thesis must include a maximum of one-page abstract (up to 500 words). The
abstract page must summarize all sections of the thesis, including the research
purpose/problem, research methods and /or material, major findings and conclusion of the
thesis. The abstract should be understandable without having to consult the thesis itself. In
the abstract, the student should use established terminology. References or quotations are not
to be used. The abstract must not include abbreviations, acronyms, jargon, reference
citations, or any figures or tables. Include a list of up to 5 key words, Times New Roman,
Font Size 10 and bolded.

9. Thesis Submission Process

A thesis is considered to be completed when the supervisor and the student decide that they
are ready to submit. Spelling, grammar and formatting must be checked and corrected
before submission. The submission is final. The thesis is reviewed and evaluated by the
thesis supervisor. The supervisor decides whether the thesis concerned is acceptable or not
in accordance with the thesis evaluation criteria. Send thesis to your advisor for his or her
approval and signature (see approval page).
Draft Thesis Submission: After approval by your advisor/s, Department head, and office of
Postgraduate Program Campus, submit the soft/electronic copy in pdf and FOUR hard
copies spiral bound (including the approval page) to the Post Graduate Program Office.
Final Thesis Submission: After successful defense of the thesis, the student should
incorporate the comments and suggestions given by the panel of examiners and shall submit
FOUR Hard Covered Bound copies and soft/electronic copy to the Office Post Graduate
10. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is unethical and illegal. It is not only directly copying of textual materials, without
acknowledgment, but it is also using others' ideas or findings without acknowledgement.
Based on the Rift Valley University's legislation a plagiarized thesis shall be REJECTED.
Hence, students must appropriately acknowledge the sources of information and ideas they
have used in their thesis by proper citation and referencing.

11. Conflict of Interest
If there is a conflict of interest during the process of the thesis work, the respective
department and office of Postgraduate Program has the responsibility to resolve the problem
by taking an appropriate measure. When students feel that they are not fairly evaluated on
their thesis/dissertation work they can appeal about it. After thesis defense, if the candidate
has a complain he/she shall appeal the case/complain to postgraduate office within eight
working hours counted after defense and decision or intervention shall be made by graduate
12. Graduation and Award of Credential to Graduate Students
A candidate who fulfils the requirements laid down in this document shall be recommended
by Office of Postgraduate Program or by the Dean to university senate through the Office of
Registrar, for the award of appropriate credential.

13. Student Supervisor/advisor Agreement Form



I____________________________________________ fully accepted and agreed to

undertake the responsibility of advisory ship work of the advisee based on the Rift Valley
University-Hachalu Hundessa Campus Thesis guideline.

Advisor/Supervisor Signature Date

Department Head Signature Date

Office of Postgraduate Program Signature Date

14. Thesis Progress Assessment/Evaluation Form

This form is the means by which progress of master thesis work is periodically assessed by
the Student, Supervisor, Department, and Office of Postgraduate Program. The regular
submission of progress report is a requirement and failure to carry out this responsibility
may lead to termination of enrolment. If a student is unable to complete his/her progress
report form by the due date, it should be reported to all the above by explaining why. The
brief report should not extend a maximum two pages.

1. Student’s Progress Report Form
1. Student’s Name ________________________________ ID Number _____________
2. First enrolment date ____________________________________________________
3. Department __________________________________________________________
4. Thesis Title __________________________________________________________
Briefly outline your progress report or achievements of Thesis work
1. Re-state the objectives of your research proposal
2. List your progress towards achieving these objectives
3. Indicate clearly what chapters or sections of your thesis have been written in draft or final
4. Have you made any change in your thesis work? If so, please explain
5. Have you faced challenges in your thesis work? If so, please explain
6. Give a time line describing the work you expect to achieve in the next months or weeks or
7. Please give an expected completion date
Please answer the following item by putting “√” mark in the box under your choice:
8. How often did you meet with your supervisor/advisor?
5times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1 times Not at all

9. By what means did you contact with your supervisor/advisor?

Face to Face E-mail Social Media Other means

10. I assess my overall thesis work progress as:

Very Good Good Satisfactory Below my Expectation

11. I have discussed this progress report with my supervisor/advisor?

Yes No

Once you have completed all the required section of this form, please sign below and hand the form
to your supervisor/advisor.

Student’s Name Signature Date

1. Supervisor’s or Advisor’s Progress Report Form
1. Student’s Name ___________________________________ID Number __________
2. Supervisor’s Name _____________________________________________________
3. Student’s enrolment date ________________________________________________
4. Department ___________________________________________________________
5. Thesis Title
Briefly outline your progress report or achievements
1. Comments on the progress of candidate’s thesis work
2. Are there any issues which have not been improved or resolved? If yes, please comment:
3. Are there any issues which the Office of Post Graduate Program or Head of the department
should be aware of?
Please answer the following item by putting “√” mark in the box under your choice:
4. How often did you contact with your advisee?
5times 4 times 3 times 2 times 1 times Not at all

5. By what means did you contact with your advisee?

Face to Face E-mail Social media Other means

6. Are you satisfied with the frequency of students’ contact with you as supervisor or advisor?
Yes No Undecided

7. I assess my advisee’s overall thesis work progress as:

Very Good Good Satisfactory Below my Expectation Not Known

8. I recommend that the candidate’s enrolment be:

Continued Continued with specific condition Terminated

9. I have discussed this progress report with the candidate?

Yes No

Once you have completed all the required section of this form, please sign below and hand the form
to the Office of Postgraduate Program.

Supervisor’s or Advisor’s Name Signature Date

10. Thesis Proposal Format
1. Title Page (The logo and the name of the University, Campus, Department, title,
Student name, Advisor name, Month, Academic Year, Place, Country)
2. Table of content
3. List of tables and figures (if any)
1. Introduction
1. Background of the Study
2. Statement of the Problem
3. Research Question/Hypothesis
4. Objectives of the Study
5. Significance of the Study
6. Delimitations of the Study
7. Definition of Key Terms
2. Review of Related Literature
1. Introduction
2. Reviewed topics
3. Summary
4. Conceptual Framework of the Study
3. Research Methods (Research Methods and Materials- for MHSC)
1. Research Design
2. Source and Type of the Data
3. Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique
1. Population
2. Sample and Sampling Technique
4. Method of Data Collection
5. Procedures of Data Collection
6. Method of Data Analysis
7. Time/Activity Plan
8. Budget Plan
1. References
2. Appendices

3. Thesis Report Format
The format of research paper usually includes three main points: preliminaries, the main
body of the report and annexes. Master's thesis can be structured as follows:

1. Title page (The logo and the name of the University, Campus, Department, title,
Student name, Advisor name, Month, Academic Year, Place, Country)
2. Approval Sheet
3. Certification Sheet
4. Declaration of Authorship
5. Dedication (if any)
6. Acknowledgement
7. Abstract
8. Table of Contents
9. List of Abbreviations, Acronyms, Symbols (where applicable)
10. List of Tables (if any)
11. List of Figures (if any)
1. Introduction
1. Background of the Study
2. Statement of the Problem
3. Research Question/Hypothesis
4. Objective of the Study
1. General objective
2. Specific objective
5. Significance of the study
6. Delimitations of the Study
7. Limitation of the Study
8. Definition of Key Terms
12. Review of Related Literature
1. Introduction
2. Reviewed Topics
3. Summary
4. Conceptual Framework of the Study

13. Research Methods
1. Research Design
2. Source and Type of the Data
3. Population, Sample Size and Sampling Technique
1. Population
2. Sample and Sampling Technique
4. Method of Data Gathering
3.4.1. Validity and Reliability of quantitative the Instrument (If applicable)
5. Procedures of Data Collection
6. Method of Data Analysis
7. Ethical Consideration

14. Result and Discussion
1. Result
2. Discussions
15. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations
1. Summary
2. Conclusion
3. Recommendation
References/ Bibliography
Appendices (e.g., instruments, Interview)


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