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Aggression In Sales
A Private Transcript from Traffic And Funnels™

Audio File: ​

[Below is a transcript of a coaching call with one of our advisors about AGGRESSION. Read it and weep :-)]

Speaker 1: Yes, I'm recording it now.

Speaker 2: Hold on one sec.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: Okay. They have you in sales frame, can't get out.

Speaker 1: Yes.

Speaker 2: Okay. Got it.

Speaker 1: I don't know if it's the framing at the beginning of a call. I've kind of switched it
up a little bit just depending on who I'm talking to, where they came from, and I
think I've gotten better, but I also ... I don't know if you have any advice on how
to get out of being in that frame of somebody feels like you're there.

Speaker 2: Okay. Where is the call recording?

Speaker 1: I asked Heather if she could get it, because for some reason, HubSpot doesn't
show me logged calls.

Speaker 2: Did you make it from Aircall?

Speaker 1: Yes.

Speaker 2: What's the name of the client?

Speaker 1: Lysette, L-Y-S-E-T-T-E, [Offley 00:01:22]. I've emailed HubSpot a couple times
and called them. I don't know why I have this issue.

Speaker 2: Weird.

Speaker 1: It is weird.

Speaker 2: I don't see any calls.

Speaker 1: Okay. That's super weird too, then. Okay. I can grab another one that I do have.

Speaker 2: Is she enrolled?
Speaker 1:
Yeah. She did enroll, but it was like I collected a deposit from her, and then she
had a followup call with me, and then she was asking all these questions over
messenger and wanted to talk to a client in the UK and if we offered discounts,
and just I felt we left after the deposit in a really good place, and so I felt like
maybe I misread something, and then she shared ... I had Peyton on the
followup call, and she basically shared she felt like I was a typical salesperson.

Speaker 2: What did Peyton do different?

Speaker 1: He called her out on the fact she was making up a lot of excuses.

Speaker 2: Did you call her out?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: What does it take to call someone out?

Speaker 1: To show them what they need to be doing. [inaudible 00:03:01] aggression. I
knew that. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2: That's what you're missing. You're missing it. Let's figure out why. Okay?

Speaker 1: Yes. I agree.

Speaker 2: What is it that you believe that's causing you to not be aggressive with people?

Speaker 1: I don't want to offend someone. I feel like aggression, to me, I don't know why I
have this weird belief, but I think that I have a feeling or thought that being
aggressive is equal as being salesy.

Speaker 2: Have you ever had anyone you love die of cancer?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: Have you ever had anyone that you love die?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Was it preventable?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Did you speak up?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: Why not?

Speaker 1: I didn't feel like it was my place.

Speaker 2: Does it matter whose place it is?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2: Do you believe what you just said or do you not?

Speaker 1: No, I do. That's why it's so frustrating.

Speaker 2: It's not frustrating. This is just human nature. You are a maze, we're all just a
maze, and we have to figure out why it is that we have certain beliefs in some
areas and then different beliefs in other areas, so belief follows meaning, or
actually, meaning follows belief. We have a belief, then we have a meaning. I
believe that offending people is wrong, and therefore, I can't be aggressive with
people because that's what offends people. You actually have ... It's reversed in
your mind. It's not being aggressive offends people. That's not the belief that's
hurting you. It's that offending people is wrong. That's the belief that's hurting

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Who cares if being aggressive offends people? If there's a child walking in the
street and you watch him, you are going to jail because you did nothing. It's
actually reversed. Why do we think that offending people is the wrong thing?

Speaker 1: I don't know.

Speaker 2: Let's dive in. Have you offended people in the past?

Speaker 1: Yes.

Speaker 2: Friends?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Are you still friends with them?

Speaker 1: No. No.

Speaker 2: So you've never actually had a friend who you've offended and you're still
friends with?

Speaker 1: No, I have. I have. I have. Yeah. But I also have definitely lost a lot of, or not lost,
but ended a lot of friendships and relationships through not having the same
values, therefore offending someone because of that.

Speaker 2: Okay. When people first learn about power, the first thing that they learn, you
can tell where someone is in their journey, because when they first learn about
power, they think that the seat of power is not caring what anyone thinks. The
person who has the least to lose is the person who wins the negotiation, you've
heard that, right?

Speaker 1: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Speaker 2:
But the truth is there's a layer deeper than that, and actually the greatest power
you have is caring but caring about the right things, and you have first order
consequences and second order consequences and third order consequences,
and you care, your problem is you care too much about the first order
consequence, but you don't actually care about what actually happens to
people. That's a tough pill to swallow because it's like, "No, I do care about what
happens to people. I do," but if we want to hang on to the belief that offending
someone in the moment is bad and not good, then we actually lose our power
to affect them long term. A lot of people-

Speaker 2: ... that you're talking to, they need to be offended. If you can't do that, because
you've shackled yourself to this offending people is wrong, and then Payton has
to come in and fix it, call her on her BS, boom, she comes in, and if it were just
you, you have to personalize that a little bit of like, "I actually don't care about
people as much as I thought I did." I think when you dive down into it, you care
more about what people think about you, because if you're running from
offending people, that's a personal thing. Would you rather be ... This is going to
be an interesting question and you're not going to know the answer to it. Would
you rather be loved and irrelevant, or hated but move the world forward?

Speaker 1: Hated but move the world forward, but that's also challenging.

Speaker 2: Yeah. It sucks sometimes. The beauty of sales is that if you're selling a product
that actually helps people, you can wound someone in the short term, and
explain to them what you're doing, and put them into a position where they can
grow in the future and they'll thank you for it. Do people always get what they

Speaker 1: What was the question? What do you mean?

Speaker 2: Do people always get what they want?

Speaker 1: Sometimes. Not always.

Speaker 2: So it's not a rule. People don't typically get what they want.

Speaker 1: Right.

Speaker 2: Do they? I'm asking you?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: No? Are you sure?

Speaker 1: Do people get what they want? If they work for it.

Speaker 2: Okay. So there's a caveat. Some people get what they want. What's the

Speaker 1: They have to do what they don't want to do.

Speaker 2: Do you know people who are hard workers?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2: Are all of them wealthy?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: Okay. So that's not the secret. You have to start over. Do you know people who
do hard things?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Are all of those people wealthy?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: So that's not the secret.

Speaker 1: What is the secret?

Speaker 2: Do people get what they want? If you want something and you're on the phone
with you and you're like, "This is what I want. I want my kids to be able to take
vacation and I want this more than anything," does that constitute you getting
it? Do you deserve getting it because you want it?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: No, and if you don't say this to people, are you helping them?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: No. You need power. Unadulterated power. That's what I'm trying to bring up in
you, is power. People get what they desperately have to have, that they will go
to the ends of the earth to get. That's what constitutes you deserving getting
what you want. You're on the phone call with people and it's like any time
you're not in that frame where it's like you're able to tell someone, "I don't see
behavior that shows that you actually want this," you're going to get caught in
the sales frame.

Speaker 1: Right. That makes sense.

Speaker 2: It's a mental game, so you should be really good at this. It won't take you
forever like it will somebody like Josh, because you understand the threads
inside, but your beliefs are hooked up wrong. And so offending people is
probably necessary on 90% of your deals. Sorry. But they're going to write you
letters in three months thanking you for telling them the dirty truth. Thoughts?

Speaker 1: No. It makes sense.

Speaker 2: Okay. Do you want to roleplay this lady with her questions and objections, and

Speaker 1: I did get the recording, and I know where to play it if we should listen to it, but-
Speaker 2:
Let's just roleplay it and you be the lady and I'll be you.
Speaker 1: Okay. I guess I don't really know where to start. [crosstalk 00:12:11].

Speaker 2: Figure it out.

Speaker 1: Okay. I think I need to have the recording because this was two weeks ago.

Speaker 2: Do you have a recent one that you want to roleplay?

Speaker 1: Yeah. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Speaker 2: All right. Roleplay a recent one.

Speaker 1: Okay. The program, everything sounds great, it's exactly what I need, but I'm
going to Bali and I just invested in a spiritual coach, so I'm going to be traveling
and doing that, so I don't have any extra-

Speaker 2: Real quick, let me stop you. Everything before the word but, you know what
they say, right?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: It doesn't matter. I want to be doing XYZ, but. Everything before the word but
doesn't matter. True or false?

Speaker 1: True.

Speaker 2: I'm still roleplaying with you. You know that, right?

Speaker 1: Oh, no. I didn't. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2: I will stop roleplaying. I'm roleplaying with you.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: This is [crosstalk 00:13:38] prospect. I want to be wealthy beyond imagination,


Speaker 1: Well, I'm traveling. I want to do this after, when I get back.

Speaker 2: When do you get back?

Speaker 1: End of May.

Speaker 2: Okay. 30 days.

Speaker 1: Yep.

Speaker 2: What are you going to do for the next 30 days?

Speaker 1: Well, I'm kind of taking work off.
Speaker 2:
A 30-day vacation?
Speaker 1: I'm hoping to get clients, but I'm just not able to invest right now.

Speaker 2: You're hoping to get clients? Have you ever bought a house?

Speaker 1: No.

Speaker 2: Next time try to take hope to the bank and cash it. Let me tell you real fast, this
is why I'm being so hard on you, do you want to know?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: There are about 2.4 billion on the internet, and there are about 2.399 billion
poor people on the internet, and all of them make excuses and they justify not
doing what they need to do because they always have a reason, and if you look
at your life closely, you probably always had a reason. You always had a reason.
I'm not saying you should enroll right now. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying
is I'm not going to let you off the phone without examining the quality of your
decision-making and making sure it's in line with what you say you want,
because that would be unfair to you. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1: Yeah. That makes sense. What are you saying?

Speaker 2: I'm saying it comes back down to what you want, and if you say you want
something, I'm really going to hold you to that, so if it's a money thing, fine, no
worries. If it's a money thing and we're going to blame it on going to Bali, no.
Absolutely not. If it's not a money thing and it's a belief thing, fine, let's call it
what it is. Let's get into the roots of why we're making decisions this way, and
I'm not going to necessarily judge you in your decision-making. I'm just going to
hold it up to the standard of what you say you want.

Speaker 1: Yeah. It's definitely because I just spent this money on the trip. I don't have the
money right now.

Speaker 2: Okay. Where do you live?

Speaker 1: Russia.

Speaker 2: Russia.

Speaker 1: Or Italy. Yeah. Russia.

Speaker 2: And you're going to Bali?

Speaker 1: Yes.

Speaker 2: Okay. Pause roleplay real fast. I wouldn't necessarily ... If you had said like
Delaware or something, I know how credit works in the United States, so you do
have money, but I'm out of my depth in Russia, so I wouldn't attack the credit
thing, and I don't really know what ... I wouldn't necessarily push it very hard.
Was she actually from Russia?
Speaker 1:
He was. Pretty sure Russia, or somewhere. Yeah.
Speaker 2: Okay. Gotcha. We'll go back and roleplay real fast. How much did you spend on
your spiritual coach?

Speaker 1: Like 5,000 US.

Speaker 2: Okay. How much money are you currently making per month?

Speaker 1: Like 2,000.

Speaker 2: 2,000 per month and you're trying to fix your spirituality?

Speaker 1: I thought it would help my business, too.

Speaker 2: How?

Speaker 1: Just give me the right mindset.

Speaker 2: Okay. Pause roleplay. What do you think about this person at this point?

Speaker 1: They don't know what's best for them.

Speaker 2: What are we going to do?

Speaker 1: Destroy them.

Speaker 2: Destroy them?

Speaker 1: In a good way.

Speaker 2: God. There it is. Yeah. We're going to be honest with them. Okay. We'll go back
and roleplay. Can I be honest with you?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Are you sure? Because if I'm going to be honest with you, I'm going to tell you
exactly what you need to do to fix your business, but it's going to be

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: You can either get mad at me and cry, or you can listen and we can hopefully
figure out how to get this fixed. Pause. What do you think happens if you say
that to somebody?

Speaker 1: They're going to listen to what I'm saying.

Speaker 2: Repeat it right back to me verbatim, what I just said, that permission-getting.
Repeat it back to me.

Speaker 1: Can you repeat it first?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1: Oh, god. Okay. You said-

Speaker 2: Get out of your intellect. [crosstalk 00:18:47]. Get into your gut.

Speaker 1: I want to tell you something that might bother you and it might upset you, you
might cry, but it's going to be what's best for you. Do you want me to share

Speaker 2: Okay. Let me tune that for a minute, because what you're missing there is the
slap, and the slap is very important, especially for you. I'll tell you why in a
second. Here's how it needs to go. Do you want me to be honest with you?
What is that buy-in? I'm getting a little bit of a feedback loop. Do you want me
to be honest with you? Are you sure? Two times. There's another feedback
loop. The reason I'm asking is because I know exactly what you need to do to fix
this situation. Certainty. But it's going to be uncomfortable and you can either
cry, or we can fix it together. Slap. We're resetting the positioning.

Speaker 2: It's put together on the fly but it's on purpose. I have two engagements at the
beginning. Do you want me to be honest with you? Are you sure? Yes/no
questions. Because here's why I'm asking, [inaudible 00:20:21] know exactly
what you need to do, certainty, but it's going to hurt, another piece of buy-in,
and then there's a little bit of disdain, to be honest, like there's a little bit of a
feeling of like, "You freaking coward. You're either going to cry here or we're
going to grow together." Try it again.

Speaker 1: Okay. Do you want me to be honest with you?

Speaker 2: Yes.

Speaker 1: Are you sure?

Speaker 2: I mean, yeah.

Speaker 1: I know exactly what it is you need to do to fix this, but you're either going to-

Speaker 2: Practice this until it becomes normal. Normal. Just this cadence.

Speaker 1: Right.

Speaker 2: We'll do it again. Now get out of your head for a minute and don't write it down,
and actually feel it. Put yourself into a position where you're under-earning. You
can visualize. You have that skill. You're under-earning. You're stressed out. You
don't know what you're going to do, and you're thinking that Bali is going to
save you, and then get into this roleplay, and let me know when you're ready.
Do you want me to be honest with you?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: Are you sure?
Speaker 1:
Speaker 2: Okay. The reason I'm asking is I'm 100%, I know exactly what you need to do to
fix this. The goals you just told me, done. Easy. We've done them a million
times. But I'm going to be honest with you and give you my bit of feedback, and
it's going to be very difficult and uncomfortable, and you can either cry about it
and keep making two grand a month and wondering why the Buddha hasn't
saved you, or you can step up and together we can move forward. That doesn't
mean you have to buy today, but I'm going to give you what you need to do. Can
you handle that?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: How does that feel?

Speaker 1: It's like I need to listen to you.

Speaker 2: Yes. I'm nowhere near a sales frame. No one ever in the world is going to talk to
you that way. No one. There's a lot of different nuances that you'll master, like I
could send it getting a little bit too deep, so I'm kind of laughing at the end to
pull it back up, but at the end of the day, this isn't even intellectual. We can
describe everything with the intellect, but it's actually coming from a way
deeper place than the brain, which is like, "Dammit, I know what you need to
do, you're not doing it, you're an idiot, but I care about you. Please pay
attention," you know what I mean?

Speaker 1: Yeah. Right.

Speaker 2: Feel that certainty, that energy gets transferred, and then they listen to
whatever it is. Contrast that with, "Well, we can get you started today. We can
buy you 30 extra days, and we have amazing video content, and blah, blah,
blah," and you're selling cars. That's the difference.

Speaker 1: Right.

Speaker 2: You want to try it again?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: I'm struggling. I think that this spiritual coach is going to save me, and I've just
told you no because I'm going to go to Bali.

Speaker 1: You want me to be honest with you?

Speaker 2: Yeah. Sure.

Speaker 1: Are you sure?

Speaker 2: What do you mean?

Speaker 1: Are you sure that you want me to be honest with you?
Speaker 2:
Speaker 1: I know exactly what it is you need, and based on everything you've told me, it's
a no-brainer, we can help you, but you might not like what I have to say, but it's
what you need to hear, and it might feel like a slap in the face, or this could be
something that we can grow with together.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Cool. Tell me.

Speaker 1: You're making decisions from a really poor place, not just because you're only
doing 2K a month, but you're hoping that a spiritual trip in Bali is going to save
you and your business and your finances, and it's not. You need to hear that. I'm
not saying you need to invest in the program, not saying you should today, but if
you're committed to growing your business, this process is exactly what you

Speaker 2: Okay. Perfect. Do you feel the difference?

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 2: You're in your gut at this point and you actually believe what you're saying.
Here's how you can make this better and layer it on top of it. You said you're
hoping that a spiritual experience in Bali is going to help you with your business,
and it's not. Add some proof to that. I've done the spiritual experiences. I've
done the trips around the world, sat with monks, and I've done the meditation
thing. All of it's amazing. I wouldn't be who I am without it, but it's trying to put
water in a gas tank and wondering why it doesn't work because it's a liquid. It's
the wrong thing for what you need. Not saying cancel Bali. I'm saying you can
still enjoy Bali, but this process is what you need, and I've taken hundreds of
clients through it. I've seen Taylor and Chris fix the craziest businesses. So what
you're doing is you're adding on proof by your own story, you know what I

Speaker 1: Yeah. Absolutely.

Speaker 2: This type of person is who you're going to get. This is your person. Payton would
just be like, "Bali? Are you retarded? What are you talking about?" He wouldn't
necessarily know, even though he can handle it, this isn't his perfect client. In
fact, if we have a risk, it would be that he would literally make this person cry
and he can't connect with them. You know what they're talking about. You can
understand it. You've experienced it. You just think that offending them is a bad
thing, and so you can't actually get them what they need.

Speaker 1: Right. How do I start to rewire that?

Speaker 2: You need to add some of the costs of your behavior into things like your
morning formula. Start being a little bit more aggressive and bladed in your stuff
in the morning.

Speaker 1: Got it.
Speaker 2:
If I don't tell people the hard truth and what they need to hear, then people will
burn alive in front of me because I wasn't strong enough to risk their feelings.
Start anchoring that cost there, and then you can just rewire it through even
your conversations here. Next time you get the opportunity to call Cody out in
front of everyone, you should take it. You're a protector, kind of. You're very
protective at times, and it's just your energy. It's just a different type of
personality, which is so good and so needed. Without aggression, though, it's
weakness, you know what I mean?

Speaker 1: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Speaker 2: One minute left. Has this been helpful?

Speaker 1: Yeah. This was hugely helpful. I'm going to listen to it like 1,000 times.

Speaker 2: Any other questions?

Speaker 1: No. [inaudible 00:28:30].

Speaker 2: Bring up the aggression. It's good.

Speaker 1: I will. I am.

Speaker 2: All right. See you.

Speaker 1: All right. Thanks.

Second Call
Audio File: ​

[Below is a transcript of a coaching call with one of our advisors about AGGRESSION. Read it and weep :-)]

Speaker 1: Real quick, I wouldn't normally pull you off a consult, but I had to fix this.

Speaker 2: ... out.

Speaker 1: Huh?

Speaker 2: You're cutting out. I'm not sure why.

Speaker 1: [crosstalk 00:00:16]

Speaker 2: [crosstalk 00:00:16] like now? You're good.

Speaker 1: It's definitely your connection.

Speaker 2: Okay.
Speaker 1:
Because I'm at 100 megs right now.
Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 1: Can you hear me?

Speaker 2: Yes.

Speaker 1: Okay. I normally would never pull you off a consult, but I need to fix it now.

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 1: We have to tilt this.

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 1: This conversation ...

Speaker 2: Yes?

Speaker 1: Tell me about it.

Speaker 2: This guy wanted to reschedule for next week. I wanted to make it happen
sooner than that, and he kind of took it the wrong way. I tried to just tell him it
wasn't about ... had the emergency and to definitely take care of his
family first, but we wanted ... I didn't want him to sideline his business. That was
my last message sent to him.

Speaker 1: Did he respond?

Speaker 2: No.

Speaker 1: Okay. What did you learn from this?

Speaker 2: Well, he took it the wrong way, and I tried to fix that. I was really trying to be
more, well, aggressive
with it. I felt like because he didn't respond, it was that he wasn't taking it
seriously, wanting to schedule a time to

Speaker 1: Because his daughter's in the hospital? So, if his daughter's in the hospital and
he doesn't respond about his business, that means he doesn't take it seriously?

Speaker 2: No, he does, and I did apologize after that message, and I said, "I'm sorry if you
took this the wrong way, because that wasn't-"

Speaker 1: That's not an apology. That is not an apology.

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 1: I'm sorry you took this the wrong way and got offended. The barometer on
what you're saying is not measured at your mouth, it's measured at the other
person's ear. There's no such thing as someone taking you the wrong way. That
doesn't exist. There's only I communicated improperly.
Speaker 2: Okay, yeah.

Speaker 1: Agree or disagree?

Speaker 2: I agree.

Speaker 1: When someone has an emergency, this is a level of aggression that is necessary
and needed but is devoid of all empathy, and that's why it doesn't work. When
you have a daughter at the emergency room, you don't give a shit about your
business, nor should you.

Speaker 1: So, the response should have been, "Ray, I hope everything's okay. Let me know
if you need anything. Do you want me to text you Monday or would you rather
set something up? Just let me know. Hope everything's fine." Or, at the very
least, "I hope your daughter's okay." He said, "Driving now. Let's reschedule for
next week because I have to change my schedule." "No problem, Ray. I'm going
to text you Sunday. I hope everything's fine."

Speaker 2: Okay. Yeah, and you know, I felt like crap after the conversation because I felt
like, well, I tried to be aggressive and it backfired, but I see now it just, yeah,
there wasn't empathy with it, and that was really my screwup there.

Speaker 1: Yes. If somebody's kid gets sick ...

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Go ahead. Engage with me.

Speaker 2: Well, he canceled like 10 minutes before our call, and at first I didn't know if I
believed him, and maybe that's my own thing and I shouldn't have brought that
in, but I honestly felt like he was bullshitting because it was 10 minutes before
we were scheduled to talk. He didn't say anything about the hospital at first. He
said he needed to take his daughter to the doctor and then he brought up
hospital, and so, I mean ...

Speaker 1: Okay. There's a way to handle if you think that someone's bullshitting you. "Hey,
we need to reschedule. I apologize for this again." Typically if they're
apologizing, then he's either really good at ... he's a Machiavellian-like tendency,
Machiavellian, which is manipulative, or he's legit, and if he's asking for help,
he's probably not. I would read that as an input of something probably is wrong.
But if you think that he's bullshitting you, then just ignore him and go set
something else up.

Speaker 2: Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 1: Because this makes people hate our brands. This makes everything that they've
ever had an experience with prior, this makes them be like, "Well, Taylor and
Chris are not what they say they are." This unwinds it. You want to be really
careful that you're not unwinding people's affinity with us, because that's not
the type of aggression that's going to move people across the line. That's the
type of aggression that's going to make people be like, "You guys are
terminators," and they're just going to run. You know?
Speaker 2: Yeah. [crosstalk 00:05:47]

Speaker 1: This is a normal pendulum swing. I'm bumping you back towards the middle. It is
about aggression. It is about saving people from the burning house, but there
are priorities in people's life, and their kids is like number one.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Make sense?

Speaker 2: Yeah, it makes sense.

Speaker 1: Your strength is not ever going to be aggression, ever. It's never going to be.
You're never going to be Payton, thank God. Right? One of him is enough for me
to handle. Your strength is going to be what?

Speaker 2: My compassion, my heart.

Speaker 1: I see you. I'm with you. I can be trusted with the most private parts of you. I am
in your corner, good, bad, ugly, and being able to actually have a level of
connection with people that Payton doesn't.. So, I'm trying to increase your
aggression, but I don't want that to be like, "Oh, well now I'm just an aggressive
person." You're never going to really be that. It's just a tool that you need to put
in your tool pack that you can use, but this was like crazy.

Speaker 2: Okay. Yeah. It felt terrible. Oh god. Yeah.

Speaker 1: It probably felt really out of alignment, and you do need to listen to your
alignment, because even though I'm bumping up your aggression, you know it's
right. You know what I mean? After our conversation Monday, you knew it was
right. It isn't taking you out of alignment. This probably felt out of alignment. It
didn't feel right, would be my guess.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: True or false, honestly?

Speaker 2: True.

Speaker 1: It didn't necessarily feel right. You know your-

Speaker 2: It was-

Speaker 1: Go ahead.

Speaker 2: Honestly, it was coming from a very selfish place. I wasn't thinking about him. I
was thinking in my head
that all these cancellations and reschedules and follow-ups that I've done thus
far are a week out, and it was totally me being selfish and like, "I need to have a
follow-up the next day, not in a week from now." I wasn't thinking about him,
and that was very out of alignment of who I am as a person, being of service,
and [crosstalk 00:08:09], yeah.
Speaker 1: No problem. No problem. You're in a culture that'll catch it. Let's fix it. Just don't
ever forget, hundreds of thousands of people in our ecosystem. It's easier to go
get a new one than it is to have this conversation in most cases.

Speaker 2: Yeah. Makes sense. I appreciate it. Why are you smiling?

Speaker 1: Because you're turning into an animal.

Speaker 2: Oh, dial it back. Yeah. Oh god.

Speaker 1: Somebody's like, "Yeah, I just got diagnosed with cancer," and you're like, "Get
over it. Freaking get
your ass into the office." Like, whoa.

Speaker 2: Oh, yeah. Okay.

Speaker 1: The motive is really important. You can do that to somebody if your motive is
just totally pure because they'll feel it, and then you won't have any problem. All
right. You good?

Speaker 2: Yes, I'm good. Thank you.

Speaker 1: All right, you got it. See you.

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