Creating A Case Study - Ultimate Guide With AI in 30-Minutes

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Creating a case study/ultimate guide with

AI in 30-minutes
You will use the info below to create a case study/ultimate guide related to your offer/service.

This guide will be used as a part of your:

1. Value first outreach systems

2. Social selling systems (DMs)

The document will be positioned as a “guide/case study”. But it will also function as a sales
letter for your service.

You will first outline the raw information using

Then, you will export the initial draft into notion & edit it by adding:

● Videos (of you)

● Photos (…of proof)
● Headings, bullets and other adjustments to the writing to improve readability

The document at the end will call the person to action to book a call (or similar with you) and
give them an incentive to get on the call.

Instructions (high level)

1. Use the brief prompt in GPT-4 (temperate 0.7) to get a set of questions that form your
2. Ask the questions so that you have the answers in sub-bullets below the question.
3. Copy the brief text into the Main Paste Prompt below
4. Copy-paste complete “Main Paste Prompt” into cluade
5. Copy-paste the text prompt for each section of the guide in order (…you can add specific
instructions as required in each section.
6. Move all the text into a seperate notion doc
7. Edit text, add media (images + videos) to improve engagement/readability
8. Send me the doc in a sharable notion link and I will give you feedback on it (…I also
want to see how good/bad the output is from these prompts

Watch this video to see how to create your guide/case study:
Brief Prompt

<aside> ✅ Use GPT-4 to create brief.

Copy all text in yellow & paste into Template 0.7. Output = 3,000


I want to write a [case study/ultimate guide] about [topic] using [your unique

The goal of the writing is [goal].

The final document should include the following sections:

1. Headline - This section acts as the hook to attract the reader's interest. The headline
should be catchy, benefit-driven, and specific to the service being offered. It should be
designed to compel the reader to delve deeper into the sales letter.
2. The Lead - This segment introduces the main product/service. It should start with a
compelling promise or benefit that your service offers, drawing the reader into the details
of the proposal.
3. The Problem - Here, you should clearly identify and elaborate on the issues or
challenges that the reader is likely facing. The aim is to resonate with the reader's
struggles and make them realize that you understand their predicament.
4. Expert Introduction - This section introduces the writer as a knowledgeable authority in
the field. It highlights the writer's background and notable achievements. This section is
used to establish trust and credibility with the reader.
5. Discovery Story - This part tells the story of how the solution was found, providing a
backstory and further credibility. It should be engaging and make the solution seem
credible and effective.
6. Mechanism of The Problem - This section dives deeper into the underlying cycle or
process causing the reader's problem. It should help the reader to see the root cause of
their issue and identify with the need for a solution.
7. The step-by-step process - This is a 300-400 word breakdown the process of how the
solution will be implemented to solve the reader's problem. It should be clear, succinct,
and make the solution seem achievable.
8. Mechanism of The Solution - This section explains why the solution works to address the
problem. It should provide a clear picture of the positive changes the reader can expect
after using the service.
9. Product/Service Reveal - This section officially introduces the product/service, spelling
out its features and what the customer will get. It should emphasize the value that the
service will provide to the customer.
10. Proof of results - This part provides testimonials or case studies from previous
customers who have benefited from the service. It should support the effectiveness of
the service and build confidence in the reader.
11. Call To Action - This section instructs the reader on the next steps to acquire the service.
It should create a sense of urgency and make clear the consequences of not taking
12. FAQs - This section anticipates and answers common questions or objections that the
reader may have. It should eliminate any remaining doubts or hesitations, paving the
way for the reader to take action.

Ask 12 questions that I can answer to formulate the document. Ask simple questions that a 12
year old could easily answer. Include an 50-70 word example answer for each question

Next Step
Create a “brief” by answering all the questions in a bullet point list.

Provide as much relevant detail as possible. Better input = better output = less editing time
down the track.

Once you have the brief complete, copy-paste it in to replace the [brief] placeholders below.

Main Paste Prompt

I want you to help me write a [case study/ultimate guide] for [avatar] explaining [topic] so they
could/to [outcome] using [your unique mechanism].

The [case study/ultimate guide] shall be written in the style of Todd Brown and will contain the
following sections:

The goal of the writing is [goal].

The sections I want you to write are:

1. Headline - This section acts as the hook to attract the reader's interest. The headline
should be catchy, benefit-driven, and specific to the service being offered. It should be
designed to compel the reader to delve deeper into the sales letter.
2. The Lead - This segment introduces the main product/service. It should start with a
compelling promise or benefit that your service offers, drawing the reader into the details
of the proposal.
3. The Problem - Here, you should clearly identify and elaborate on the issues or
challenges that the reader is likely facing. The aim is to resonate with the reader's
struggles and make them realize that you understand their predicament.
4. Expert Introduction - This section introduces the writer as a knowledgeable authority in
the field. It highlights the writer's background and notable achievements. This section is
used to establish trust and credibility with the reader.
5. Discovery Story - This part tells the story of how the solution was found, providing a
backstory and further credibility. It should be engaging and make the solution seem
credible and effective.
6. Mechanism of The Problem - This section dives deeper into the underlying cycle or
process causing the reader's problem. It should help the reader to see the root cause of
their issue and identify with the need for a solution.
7. The step-by-step process - This is a 300-400 word breakdown the process of how the
solution will be implemented to solve the reader's problem. It should be clear, succinct,
and make the solution seem achievable.
8. Mechanism of The Solution - This section explains how the solution works to address the
problem. It should provide a clear picture of the positive changes the reader can expect
after using the service.
9. Product/Service Reveal - This section officially introduces the product/service, spelling
out its features and what the customer will get. It should emphasize the value that the
service will provide to the customer.
10. Proof of results - This part provides testimonials or case studies from previous
customers who have benefited from the service. It should support the effectiveness of
the service and build confidence in the reader.
11. Call To Action - This section instructs the reader on the next steps to acquire the service.
It should create a sense of urgency and make clear the consequences of not taking
12. FAQs - This section anticipates and answers common questions or objections that the
reader may have. It should eliminate any remaining doubts or hesitations, paving the
way for the reader to take action.


Read the answers to the questions provided in the brief document below. Theses answer should
formulate the specific info within the document:

Here’s the brief for the document.



Text Prompting in Claude

<aside> ✅ Copy the complete main prompt above (including the complete brief) into claude.
Then write this text. Save outputs progressively until you have a draft complete

Use the pasted information to write “[section name]” section of the sales letter as a continuation
of the previous section. Write in the style of Todd Brown.

This section [context/function of section].

Write in the style of Todd Brown.

Claude text - Headline

Use the pasted information to write “the headline” section of the sales letter as a continuation of
the previous section.

This section acts as the hook to attract the reader's interest. The headline should be catchy,
benefit-driven, and specific to the service being offered. It should be designed to compel the
reader to delve deeper into the sales letter.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Give me 5 options for the headline

Claude text - Lead

Use the pasted information to write “the lead” section of the sales letter as a continuation of the
previous section.

This section introduces the main product/service. It should start with a compelling promise or
benefit that your service offers, drawing the reader into the details of the proposal.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 3 - The problem

Use the pasted information to write “the problem” section of the sales letter as a continuation of
the previous section.

This section should clearly identify and elaborate on the issues or challenges that the reader is
likely facing. The aim is to resonate with the reader's struggles and make them realize that you
understand their predicament.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 4 - Expert introduction

Use the pasted information to write “Expert introduction” section of the sales letter as a
continuation of the previous section.
This section introduces the writer as a knowledgeable authority in the field. It highlights the
writer's background and notable achievements. This section is used to establish trust and
credibility with the reader.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 5 - Discovery Story

Use the pasted information to write “Discovery Story” section of the sales letter as a continuation
of the previous section.

This section tells the story of how the solution was found, providing a backstory and further
credibility. It should be engaging and make the solution seem credible and effective.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 6 - Mechanism of The Problem

Use the pasted information to write “Mechanism of The Problem” section of the sales letter as a
continuation of the previous section.

This section dives deeper into the underlying cycle or process causing the reader's problem. It
should help the reader to see the root cause of their issue and identify with the need for a

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 7 - The step-by-step process

Use the pasted information to write “The step-by-step process” section of the sales letter as a
continuation of the previous section.

This is a 300-400 word breakdown the process of how the solution will be implemented to solve
the reader's problem. It should be clear, succinct, and make the solution seem achievable.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 8 - Mechanism of The Solution

Use the pasted information to write “Mechanism of The Solution” section of the sales letter as a
continuation of the previous section.

This section explains how the solution works to address the problem. It should provide a clear
picture of the positive changes the reader can expect after using the service.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 9 - Product/Service Reveal

Use the pasted information to write “Product/Service Reveal” section of the sales letter as a
continuation of the previous section.

This section officially introduces the product/service, spelling out its features and what the
customer will get. It should emphasize the value that the service will provide to the customer.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 10 - Proof of results

Use the pasted information to write “Proof of results” section of the sales letter as a continuation
of the previous section.

This part provides testimonials or case studies from previous customers who have benefited
from the service. It should support the effectiveness of the service and build confidence in the

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 11 - Call To Action

Use the pasted information to write “Call To Action” section of the sales letter as a continuation
of the previous section.

This section instructs the reader on the next steps to acquire the service. It should create a
sense of urgency and make clear the consequences of not taking action.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Claude text - Section 12 - FAQs

Use the pasted information to write “FAQs” section of the sales letter as a continuation of the
previous section.

This section anticipates and answers common questions or objections that the reader may
have. It should eliminate any remaining doubts or hesitations, paving the way for the reader to
take action.

Write in the style of Todd Brown in 10th grade english.

Example of the “Main Paste Prompt”

Complete Main Prompt

I want to write a case study explaining how I help a b2b marketing agency to close 5 clients &
capture $132,000 in lifetime revenue for their business in 90-day using Linkedin

The case study shall be written in the style of Todd Brown and will contain the following

The goal of the writing is entice the reader book a free consulting with my team to learn more
about our Linkedin ghostwriting services.

The sections I want you to write are:

1. Headline - This section acts as the hook to attract the reader's interest. The headline
should be catchy, benefit-driven, and specific to the service being offered. It should be
designed to compel the reader to delve deeper into the sales letter.
2. The Lead - This segment introduces the main product/service. It should start with a
compelling promise or benefit that your service offers, drawing the reader into the details
of the proposal.
3. The Problem - Here, you should clearly identify and elaborate on the issues or
challenges that the reader is likely facing. The aim is to resonate with the reader's
struggles and make them realize that you understand their predicament.
4. Expert Introduction - This section introduces the writer as a knowledgeable authority in
the field. It highlights the writer's background and notable achievements. This section is
used to establish trust and credibility with the reader.
5. Discovery Story - This part tells the story of how the solution was found, providing a
backstory and further credibility. It should be engaging and make the solution seem
credible and effective.
6. Mechanism of The Problem - This section dives deeper into the underlying cycle or
process causing the reader's problem. It should help the reader to see the root cause of
their issue and identify with the need for a solution.
7. The step-by-step process - This is a 300-400 word breakdown the process of how the
solution will be implemented to solve the reader's problem. It should be clear, succinct,
and make the solution seem achievable.
8. Mechanism of The Solution - This section explains how the solution works to address the
problem. It should provide a clear picture of the positive changes the reader can expect
after using the service.
9. Service Reveal - This section officially introduces the service, spelling out its features
and what the customer will get. It should emphasize the value that the service will
provide to the customer.
10. Proof of results - This part provides testimonials or case studies from previous
customers who have benefited from the service. It should support the effectiveness of
the service and build confidence in the reader.
11. Call To Action - This section instructs the reader on the next steps to acquire the service.
It should create a sense of urgency and make clear the consequences of not taking
12. FAQs - This section anticipates and answers common questions or objections that the
reader may have. It should eliminate any remaining doubts or hesitations, paving the
way for the reader to take action.


Read the answers to the questions provided in the brief document below. Theses answer should
formulate the specific info within the document:

Here’s the brief for the document.


1. What's a catchy and specific headline for your success story?

"How I Boosted a B2B Agency's Client Base by 5 and Secured $132,000 in 90 Days
with LinkedIn Magic!"

2. What specific benefit did your LinkedIn strategy provide?

"My LinkedIn approach helped the agency get 5 new clients, increasing their revenue by
$132,000 in just three months."

3. What main problem did the marketing agency face before you stepped in?

"They struggled to find new clients and their sales were stagnant. They really needed a
fresh strategy to attract more business."

4. Can you briefly describe your expertise and background in B2B marketing?

"I've worked in B2B marketing for 10 years, helping over 20 agencies grow their client
base and increase revenue with innovative strategies."

5. How did you discover your successful LinkedIn method?

"I realized LinkedIn's potential after using it to connect with industry leaders. This led me
to develop a targeted approach for client acquisition."

6. What are the common thought processes or cycles that hold back agencies from
gaining new clients?

"Many agencies stick to old methods and don't leverage social media effectively. They
often miss out on reaching potential clients online."

7. Can you outline the steps of your LinkedIn strategy?

"First, optimize the LinkedIn profile; second, create engaging content; third, use targeted
messaging; and finally, follow up consistently."

8. How does your LinkedIn strategy solve the agency's client acquisition problem?

"By enhancing online presence and networking, my strategy breaks the cycle of
ineffective marketing, attracting more clients through LinkedIn."

9. What specific services did you offer to the agency?

"I provided a full LinkedIn makeover, content creation, and a tailored messaging
strategy to engage and attract potential clients."

10. What's a strong call to action you can use at the end of your case study?

"Ready to transform your client base? Contact me today to harness the power of
LinkedIn and see real results in your business!"

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