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Received: 19 March 2023

| Revised: 10 July 2023

| Accepted: 9 August 2023

DOI: 10.1111/sms.14480


Exploring the direct and indirect effects of cardiovascular

disease risk factors on exercise blood pressure

Myles N. Moore1 | Christopher L. Blizzard1 | Terence Dwyer1,2,3,4 |

Costan G. Magnussen1,5,6,7 | James E. Sharman1 | Alison J. Venn1 |
Martin G. Schultz1

Menzies Institute for Medical
Research, College of Health and Abstract
Medicine, University of Tasmania, Objective: Exaggerated exercise blood pressure (BP) is independently associated
Hobart, Australia
with cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes. However, it is unknown how indi-
George Institute for Global
Health, Oxford Martin School and
vidual CVD risk factors may interact with one another to influence exercise BP.
Nuffield Department of Obstetrics The aim of this study was to quantify direct and indirect associations between
& Gynaecology, Oxford University, CVD risk factors and exercise BP, to determine what CVD risk factor/s most-­
Oxford, UK
strongly relate to exercise BP.
Murdoch Children's Research
Institute, Melbourne, Australia Methods: In a cross-­sectional design, 660 participants (44 ± 2.6 years, 54% male)
Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry from the population-­based Childhood Determinants of Adult Health Study had
and Health Sciences, University of BP measured during low-­intensity fixed-­workload cycling. CVD risk factors were
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
measured, including body composition, clinic (rest) BP, blood biomarkers, and
Research Centre of Applied and
Preventive Cardiovascular Medicine, cardiorespiratory fitness. Associations between CVD risk factors and exercise BP
University of Turku, Turku, Finland were assessed using linear regression, with direct and indirect pathways of asso-
Centre for Population Health ciation assessed via structural equation model.
Research, University of Turku and
Results: Sex, waist-­to-­hip ratio, fitness, and clinic BP were independently associ-
Turku University Hospital, Turku,
Finland ated with exercise systolic BP (SBP), and along with age, had direct associations
Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute, with exercise SBP (p < 0.05 all). Most CVD risk factors were indirectly associated
Melbourne, Australia with exercise SBP via a relation with clinic BP (p < 0.05 all). Clinic BP, waist-­to-­
Correspondence hip ratio, and fitness were most-­strongly associated (direct and indirect associa-
Martin G. Schultz, Menzies Institute for tion) with exercise SBP (β[95% CI]: 9.35 [8.04, 10.67], 4.91 [2.56, 7.26], and −2.88
Medical Research, College of Health
[−4.25, −1.51] mm Hg/SD, respectively).
and Medicine, University of Tasmania,
Hobart 7000, Australia. Conclusion: Many CVD risk factors are associated with exercise BP, mostly
Email: with indirect effects via clinic BP. Clinic BP, body composition, and fitness were
most-­strongly associated with exercise BP. These results may elucidate how life-
Funding information
National Health and Medical Research style modification could be a primary strategy to decrease exaggerated exercise
Council BP-­related CVD risk.

cardiopulmonary, cohort, epidemiology, hemodynamic, hypertension, physiology

© 2023 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2023;33:2509–2515. | 2509


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2510    MOORE et al.

1 | I N T RO DU CT ION collection of lifestyle and physical data on 8498 school

children aged 7–­15 years across Australia.18 Of these par-
Systolic blood pressure (BP) will normally rise with inten- ticipants, 1363 attended a follow-­up clinic from 2017 to
sity of dynamic exercise.1 This systolic BP response during 2019. Participants were excluded from the current anal-
submaximal intensity can, however, be exaggerated, ysis if: (1) a submaximal exercise (fitness) test was not
which pooled data indicate is independently associated completed, and (2) a BP was not measured during the
with incident hypertension, cardiovascular morbidity, warm-­up stage of the exercise test at a fixed workload of
and mortality.2,3 An exaggerated BP response during sub- 75 watts. A total of 660 participants were available for
maximal intensity exercise is also associated with other analysis. Figure S1 illustrates the flow of study partici-
hypertension-­related cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk pants. All participants provided informed consent, and
factors (e.g., raised left ventricular mass and aortic stiff- ethics approval was received from the Tasmania Health
ness),4,5 likely because it represents a state of chronic hy- and Medical Human Research Ethics Committee.
pertension gone undetected with standard measurement
of BP at rest.6,7 Thus, submaximal exercise BP may be a
useful clinical tool to identify CVD risk. 2.2 | Exercise test
Several CVD risk factors are known to influence the BP re-
sponse to exercise.8,9 However, CVD risk factors rarely occur A submaximal exercise test was performed on a cadence-­
in isolation,10,11 and likely interact with one another via sev- independent cycle ergometer (Monark 928G3r; Monark
eral pathways to influence exercise BP. For example, a raised exercise ab, vansbro, Sweden) to determine physical work
total and abdominal fat is associated with metabolic-­and capacity at a heart rate of 170 bpm (PWC170) as an estimate
lipid-­related CVD risk factors.12 Metabolic-­and lipid-­related of cardiorespiratory fitness.19 Specific information on the
CVD risk factors may damage the peripheral vasculature protocol of the exercise test (including criteria for the in-
and inhibit vasodilation during exercise,13,14 which when titiation and termination of the test) are described in the
accompanied with an exercise-­induced elevation in cardiac supplementary material (page 3).
output may increase the BP response to exercise.
Pathways of association (i.e., direct and indirect ef-
fects) between exercise BP and different CVD risk factors 2.3 | Exercise BP
have never been explored, and cannot be assessed with
traditional statistical methods (i.e., linear regression). A A cuff attached to a mercury-­ free manual ausculta-
structural equation model (SEM) is one method which tory sphygmomanometer (UM-­101, A&D instruments)
can be used to identify, test, and quantify possible path- was placed onto the left arm of each participant before
ways of association between different CVD risk factors si- the exercise test. A single BP measurement was then
multaneously.15,16 These possible pathways of association taken during the second minute of the 2-­min warm-­up
identified from the SEM may help to better understand stage while participants were cycling at a workload of
the interrelationships between exercise BP and multiple 75 watts. The technician read the BP values from the
CVD risk factors, which likely influence one another and manual sphygmomanometer while listening for the
may be missed when traditional linear regression is used first and fifth Korotkoff sounds (representing systolic
to analyze data.17 The various pathways of association and diastolic BP, respectively) in accordance with
between exercise BP and CVD risk factors are also im- recommendations.20
portant to understand in order to improve the identifi-
cation and management of CVD risk related to high BP.
Thus, the aim of this study was to quantify the direct and 2.4 | Cardiorespiratory fitness
indirect pathways of association between different CVD
risk factors and exercise BP, while also determining what Cardiorespiratory fitness was estimated using the heart rate
CVD risk factor/s most-­strongly relate to exercise BP. and workload recorded during the three (or four) incre-
mental exercise test stages. Calculations used to estimate
PWC170 are described in supplementary material (page 3).

2.1 | Participants 2.5 | Clinic (resting) BP and heart rate

Participants were initially recruited for the 1985 Austral- At a separate time to the exercise test (but on the same
ian Schools Health and Fitness Survey, which involved day), clinic BP and resting heart rate were measured

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MOORE et al.    2511

using an automated BP device (Omron HEM-­ 907, (page 5) includes details on the analyses used to assess
Omron Healthcare) attached to a cuff on the right arm the distribution of data and presentation of participant
of each participant in a seated position after 5 min rest.21 characteristics.
The average of three measurements were used to cal- Exercise systolic and diastolic BP were analyzed as a
culate clinic systolic and diastolic BP and resting heart continuous variable because of substantial heterogeneity
rate. on thresholds used to define an exaggerated BP response
to exercise.4,5Analyses used to remove skewness in exer-
cise BP and assess linearity and age-­and sex-­interactions
2.6 | Body composition in associations between exercise BP and each study factor
are described in supplementary material (page 5). All as-
Supplementary material (page 4) includes details for how sociations were adjusted for age and sex. The estimated
weight, height, waist and hip circumference and triceps, cross-­sectional responses of exercise BP to a one-­ unit
biceps, subscapular, and suprailiac skinfolds were meas- change in each study factor are reported, together with
ured and calculations used for body mass index, fat and 95% confidence intervals (CI).
fat-­free (lean) mass and fat mass percentage. Multivariable linear regression analyses were per-
formed to assess the associations between exercise BP and
multiple study factors. Further details on how each study
2.7 | Blood and urine biochemistry factor were grouped into broad categories are described
in the supplementary material (page 6). The final multi-
Fasting blood samples were taken from the antecubi- variable linear regression models chosen for each broad
tal fossa and measured for glucose, insulin, HbA1c, total category included only the CVD risk factors that were in-
cholesterol, high-­and low-­density lipoprotein cholesterol, dependently associated with exercise BP, explaining the
triglycerides, high-­sensitivity c-­reactive protein, and creati- highest variance in the model (i.e., R2). In general, only
nine. Homeostatic model assessment of insulin resistance one study factor in each category was included in the final
(HOMA-­IR) was also calculated with glucose and insulin, multivariable model.
and these details are described in the supplementary ma- An SEM was used to assess whether a study factor in-
terial (page 4). Urine samples were collected to calculate cluded in the mutually adjusted multivariable linear re-
kidney function using the albumin-­to-­creatinine ratio. gression analyses mediated the associations of another
factor on exercise BP. Specific information on specifica-
tion and fit of the SEM are described in supplementary
2.8 | Muscular strength material (page 6) and illustrated in Figure S2. 17 A direct
effect reported from the SEM was defined as a directional
Left and right handgrip, shoulder extension and flexion, pathway of association from a study factor to exercise BP.
and leg extension strength were estimated from maximal An indirect effect was defined as a directional pathway of
voluntary isometric contractions. Specific information on association from a study factor to exercise BP that was me-
the measurement protocols for these strength variables is diated through the relationship of another study factor/s.
outlined in the supplementary methods (page 4). The joint direct and indirect effects of a study factor on
exercise BP defined the total effect.

2.9 | Health history

Participants who attended a follow-­up clinic completed a
lifestyle questionnaire, including questions on previous Participant characteristics are shown in Table S1.
diagnosis of hypertension and diabetes mellitus and his-
tory of smoking.
3.1 | Univariable associations with
exercise BP
2.10 | Statistical analysis
The associations between exercise systolic and diastolic
All statistical analyses were performed using Stata BP and each study factor after adjusting for age and sex
(Version 16.0, StataCorp). Statistical significance was are shown in Table S2 and described on pages 6-­7 of sup-
defined as a p-­value <0.05. Supplementary material plementary material.

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2512    MOORE et al.

3.2 | Multivariable associations with were most-­strongly associated with exercise systolic BP
exercise BP were clinic BP, waist-­to-­hip ratio, and PWC170 (as a de-
terminant of cardiorespiratory fitness). This highlights
Body mass index, waist-­to-­hip ratio (body composition), that lifestyle modification of these CVD risk factors is
HOMA1-­ IR (metabolic), low-­ density lipoprotein cho- likely a primary strategy to decrease BP-­related CVD
lesterol, triglycerides (lipids), clinic systolic BP, resting risk.
heart rate (hemodynamic), high-­ sensitivity c-­reactive The statistical methods used in this study are dis-
protein (inflammation), and urine albumin–­ creatine tinctly different to those in previous studies that have
ratio (kidney function) and PWC170 (fitness) were the investigated the relationship between exercise BP and
study factors from grouped collections with the strong- various CVD risk factors via traditional linear models
est association with exercise systolic BP (Table S3). Sex (i.e., Pearson's correlation or regression).4,8,9 A limitation
(β, [95% CI]: 3.70 [0.19, 7.20]), waist-­to-­hip ratio (β [95% of previous findings and traditional statistical methods
CI]: 49.93 [21.96, 77.90]), PWC170 (β [95% CI]: -­0.02 is that the association between exercise BP and a indi-
[-­0.04. -­0.002]), and clinic systolic BP (β [95% CI]: 0.63 vidual CVD risk factor may be indirect via a relationship
[0.53, 0.73]) were independently associated with exer- with another factor. The novelty of this study is the SEM
cise systolic BP after mutual adjustment of all the CVD utilized enabled simultaneously tested multiple path-
risk factors found from grouped collections (p < 0.05 all; ways of association between exercise BP and different
Table S4). CVD risk factors. For example, the SEM showed that
The direct and indirect pathways of association of each while waist-­to-­hip ratio had a direct pathway of associ-
study factor with exercise systolic BP in the SEM are il- ation with exercise BP, an indirect pathway of associa-
lustrated in Figure S3 and described on supplementary tion was also simultaneously present via relationships
material (page 7; Table S5). Age, body mass index, waist-­ with HOMA1-­IR, low-­density lipoprotein cholesterol,
to-­hip ratio, HOMA1-­IR, high-­sensitivity c-­reactive pro- triglycerides, high-­sensitivity c-­reactive protein, resting
tein, low-­ density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglycerides, heart rate, and clinic systolic BP. Thus, the results from
clinic systolic BP, and resting heart rate had a positive total the SEM in the present study have enabled the interre-
effect (association) on exercise systolic BP, while female lationships between different CVD risk factors and exer-
sex and PWC170 had a negative total effect (association) cise BP to be better understood.
on exercise systolic BP (Table S4). Based on comparisons The measurement of BP is a mandatory requirement
of the estimated response of exercise systolic BP to a one of clinical exercise testing and is regularly performed in
standard deviation change in each study factor, the study cardiology and exercise physiology clinics. Although an
factor that had largest effect on exercise systolic BP was exaggerated exercise BP response is likely a signal of high
clinic systolic BP (β [95% CI]: 9.35 [8.04, 10.67] mmHg/SD, BP-­ CVD risk missed from resting clinic measures,5-­7
p < 0.05), followed by waist-­to-­hip ratio (β [95% CI]: 4.91 those with this exercise BP response often present with
[2.56, 7.26] mmHg/SD, p < 0.05) and then PWC170 (β [95% slightly raised clinic BP (i.e., pre-­hypertension).9,22 This
CI]: -­2.88 [-­4.25, -­1.51] mmHg/SD, p < 0.05; Table S4). Sup- may provide an explanation for why clinic BP was most-­
plementary material (page 7) describes the details for why strongly associated with exercise BP in this study, and
albumin-­creatine ratio was excluded from the multivari- why this relationship was also mediated via other CVD
able linear regression and SEM. risk factors that typically appear in concert with high
Details and results on the multivariable associations BP.10,11 However, an exaggerated exercise BP response
and direct, indirect and total effects between exercise dia- can still occur even when clinic BP is normal.6,7 The re-
stolic BP and each study factor are reported in supplemen- sults of this study also support this idea because exercise
tary material (page 7; Figure S4; Tables S7 and S8). BP was associated with age, sex, waist-­to-­hip ratio, and
PWC170 independently of clinic BP. Thus, these results
highlight that the measurement of exercise BP could
4 | DI S C USSION offer an opportunity to identify individuals at high BP-­
related CVD risk that may have been otherwise missed
This study aimed to quantify the direct and indirect from clinic BP taken under resting conditions,5-­7 and
pathways of association between different CVD risk fac- prompt further testing with ambulatory or home BP
tors and exercise BP to determine the CVD risk factor/s monitoring for a definitive diagnosis.
most-­strongly related to exercise BP. The novel findings There is a complex interplay between body compo-
of this study are that many CVD risk factors have a path- sition and cardiorespiratory fitness in relation to CVD
way of association with exercise systolic BP, mostly with risk. While raised body fatness is associated with in-
indirect relationship via clinic BP. The study factors that creased risk of CVD, this relationship can be reduced

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MOORE et al.    2513

with higher cardiorespiratory fitness levels.23 Moreover, to exercise, as well as one or more CVD risk factors that
the poor CVD risk profile related to elevated body fat- were not included in the current study. Self-­reported be-
ness can be improved, but not fully eliminated, with an havioral factors can also be unreliable and inaccurately
increase in cardiorespiratory fitness.24 In this study, ex- estimate objective measures,34,35 which is why these fac-
ercise BP also had a stronger positive association with tors were excluded from the current analyses. An analysis
elevated body fatness compared to the independent neg- with longitudinal data would improve understanding of
ative relationship with PWC170. These findings are con- the different casual relationships between exercise BP and
sistent with other cross-­sectional studies where exercise different CVD risk factors compared to this cross-­sectional
systolic BP was higher among individuals with elevated study. Nevertheless, the direction of each relationship
body fatness irrespective of cardiorespiratory fitness.25,26 and total effect (i.e., the combined direct and indirect as-
A decrease in exercise BP has also been found to be inde- sociations) between exercise BP and individual CVD risk
pendently associated with a reduction in waist circum- factors in the SEM were as hypothesized in the original
ference and improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness model specification, and thus, likely represent biologically
following an exercise intervention.27 The current study plausible pathways to be tested in future studies. More-
also expands on this understanding between exercise BP, over, the SEM in this study was sufficiently powered to
body fatness, and PWC170 and shows these relationships evaluate the multiple pathways of association between ex-
were partly mediated via relations with general CVD risk ercise BP and different CVD risk factors simultaneously,
factors, suggesting other contributory factors may also which cannot be undertaken with a multivariable linear
influence the BP response. Indeed, another potential regression model. Future studies should aim to replicate
contributory factor associated with exercise BP is raised the SEM approach included in this study.
arterial stiffness,4 which also shares a relationship with
elevated body fatness parameters, low cardiorespiratory
fitness, and a poorer metabolic-­and lipid-­related CVD 5 | PERSPECTIVES
risk profile.28,29 Overall, the results in this study may
suggest that lifestyle modification of body fatness and There are many pathways of association between exercise
fitness could be a primary strategy to decrease exercise BP and different CVD risk factors, mostly that occur via an
BP-­related CVD risk that is independent and additive of indirect relationship with clinic BP. These interrelation-
clinic BP and other general CVD risk factors. ships between exercise BP and different CVD risk factors
are important to understand in order to improve the iden-
tification and management of high BP-­related CVD risk
4.1 | Strengths and limitations been otherwise missed by clinic BP taken under resting
conditions. While longitudinal analyses are needed to bet-
This study includes a large nationally representative sam- ter understand the casual relationships between exercise
ple of middle-­aged and healthy Australians. However, BP and different CVD risk factors, interventions that tar-
the cohort has a relatively narrow age band, and results get modification of both body composition and cardiores-
may not be generalizable to other population groups. Re- piratory fitness could be a primary strategy to decrease
sults are also only specific to exercise BP measured dur- exercise BP-­related CVD risk that is independent and ad-
ing submaximal (rather than peak) intensities. However, ditive of clinic BP and other general CVD risk factors.
a strength of this study was that exercise BP can be in-
terpreted free from the influence of cardiorespiratory fit- AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
ness and less influenced by movement and noise artifact MNM contributed to the study conception, statistical
because it was measured during a standardized fixed and analysis, and drafting manuscript. MNM, CLB, and MGS
submaximal workload rather than at a specific intensity.30 contributed to the study design and interpretated findings.
The manual measurement of BP is also feasible (and is MNM and CGM contributed to the data collection. TD
the recommended method outlined within exercise test- and AJV contributed to the data custodian. CLB contrib-
ing guidelines) in clinical practice.31 In the absence of the uted to the statistical support. CLB, TD, CGM, AJV, JES,
gold-­standard measurements, cardiorespiratory fitness and MGS critically revised manuscript. All authors gave
and body fatness were estimated in this study. However, final approval and agreed to be accountable for all aspects
PWC170 and the measurement of skin folds have shown to of work ensuring integrity and accuracy.
be suitable methods to estimate cardiorespiratory fitness
and body fatness within large scale field-­based studies.32,33 ACKNO​WLE​DGE​MENTS
Behavioral variables such as physical activity, diet, and al- We acknowledge the contribution of the project man-
cohol consumption might also influence the BP response agers (Marita Dalton, Karen Patterson and Jasmine

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2514    MOORE et al.

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