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e-ISSN: 2582-5208

International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science

( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:03/March-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752


Dr. V. Rama Krisha Sharma*1, Akash Reddy Singi Reddy*2,
Hari Hara Vishwa Karma Kathuroju*3, Nikhila Sreepothula*4
*1Assistant Professor, Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Sreenidhi
Institute Of Science And Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
*2,3,4UG Scholar, Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering, Sreenidhi Institute Of
Science And Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
One of the mankind’s greatest gifts is the power to see the world around them. It is possible to look at the world
around you through Eyes. The loss of eye-sight due to many factors in one’s life or through problem is one’s
greatest suffering. There are many ways a blind person can become independent or live his life independently
with or without some assistance. A lot of countries around the world provide people with disability some extra
benefits and tools to help them. One such idea to help the blind to prevent fatal accidents and frequent clashes
with objects around them is to provide a Ultra Sonic Glove to help them to prevent these accidents with a low-
cost module. This project aimed to design a mobility aid for visually impaired. This project was made to design
a product, which is compact, efficient and usable with little or no training.
Keywords: Mankind, Independent, Assistance, Fatal, Compact.
Suffering from blindness is not temporary, for certain time it's being blind the whole day the whole time every
second and every minute. Once the blind person wakes up from his bed in the morning his suffering starts and
his daily needs start. Blind people need more care to avoid risk of injuries and that affect people around them;
people need to be near them to avoid being injured. People around them will be exhausted from giving
attention to them and supplying them with their needs. So blind people should not depend on anybody but
themselves, as such is the aim of this paper. Blindness is the condition of lacking vision due to various
neurological or physiological reasons. For a blind pedestrian, one of the biggest problems is mobility. According
to the World Health Organization: In 2012, out of 7 billion people around the world, there were over 285
million people with partial blindness and 39 million were totally blind, out of which about 48% (19 million) are
children aged lesser than 15 years. So, some navigation system is required to assist or guide these people. Many
researchers around the world are trying to come up with suitable solution to build navigation system for the
blind. Most of these technologies have limitations as it involves great accuracy, interoperability, usability,
coverage which is not easy to overcome with current technology. The disability and technology are considered
as two cooperative words: by exploiting advances in bioengineering technology, smart solutions have been
developed. Since historical times, man used the stick and leaned on it. Also, it is used by a visually impaired
person in to avoid colliding with objects while walking. The main approach of this paper is to look forward to
the technology beyond white cane.
The project consists of a left glove worn by the user. To begin the gloves activity, the user needs to direct his
hand to know if there were handicap objects around through beep from gloves. Gloves raise an alarm when any
object is on its side. In addition, it alarms when any object is in front of the user. Ultrasonic sensor will work as
an input device sending data of obstacles to the Central Arduino System and finds out the distance between the
user and the obstacle which is used to trigger the vibrator. It also triggers the alarm making giving out higher
sound when the object is closer and lesser sound when the object is far away.
The proposed device is divided into two main parts:
 Ultrasonic sensor (input device)
 Buzzer(output device) @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:03/March-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
Ultrasonic sensor exports inputs data about objects distance around it to a Arduino to process this data then
commanding buzzer to give output in form of beep in accordance with programming on Arduino. Arduino will
give buzzer order to alarm with continuous beep when the object is close from the user. When the object is at
more distance from the user, the Arduino will give buzzer order to alarm with intermittent beep. When the
object is farther away from the user, the Arduino will order a buzzer to give no beep. Ultrasonic will be sending
back-to-back send waves to find objects. Then repeat the process. Many trial and error based experiments were
conducted to test the functionality and the accuracy of the device.
Circuit Connections
We will have to make the connections on the Arduino Board as follows:
Firstly, Trigger “HIGH” for 10msec and then for 2 msec make it “LOW”. From the Ultrasonic sender side, the
wave propagates and if it collides with any object, it generates an echo. The echo is picked by the Receiver end
of the sensor. The distance can be calculated from time duration of travelling wave and the velocity of sound
wave, using a formula we can deduce the distance of the object in the path.
Distance = (TIME/2)/29

Ultrasonic Sensor


The ultrasonic sensor currently being used in this project has the ability to calculate the distance of any objects
in their way with high accuracy. This sensor is most commonly used as it has less interference with the noise in
the environment. The mechanism of the sensor is simple, it gives out an electronic burst and then calculates the
time to hear back the echo. The echo pulse width is used to calculate the distance of the object or the obstacle.
The Ultrasonic sensor used in HC-SR04. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:03/March-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752

Fig 2: Ultrasonic Vibrator

The Arduino UNO micro-controller board is the main processing unit of our design. This acts as a control
system or central processing unit, which also stores all the algorithms in itself. All the inputs like ultrasonics
sensors and outputs like vibrator, LED, alarm buzzer have to be interfaced with the unit, making it the most
important part of the system.

Fig 3: Micro-Controller
We consider a quick and dependable algorithm to determine the position of the left hand taking into
consideration only the x-acceleration. The algorithm is designed on the popular Zero Velocity Update approach,
adopted in pedestrian dead reckoning. The peaks are separated using fixed threshold, while noise is regarded
as a bias and estimated when the hand is still. In this work we introduce the Zero Update algorithm.
Design Metrics
This design simulates an accomplishing system which includes both hardware and software. In terms of
hardware; a microcontroller, ultrasonic sensor, alarm and a power source are required. This project can help to
solve problems of blind people mainly outdoors to detect objects and avoid them. This device is based on
modern technologies and has room for many future developments. The design principles can be defined as:
 Reliable – chosen hardware is highly reliable.
 Advanced – advance software and hardware are being used
 Flexibility– Has room for changes with lesser NRE costs.
The hardware designed has been implemented with the glove in hand successfully. Many experiments were
conducted to know the quality and accuracy of the design as it should guide the blind people. It has been tested
in many ways to make sure the user is aware of the surrounding environments and properly avoids all the @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and

e-ISSN: 2582-5208
International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science
( Peer-Reviewed, Open Access, Fully Refereed International Journal )
Volume:04/Issue:03/March-2022 Impact Factor- 6.752
objects. As it was stated, the distance to measure the obstacle can be further increased with a lot of technology
being added to the glove to further make the life of a blind person a bit easier.
The result of the vibrator glove is as follows:
i. The lesser the distance from the object, the higher the vibration.
ii. The average distance has optimum vibration.
iii. No vibration when the object is at a negligible distance.
Table 1. Distance vs Intensity of Vibration
Distance Type of Vibration
From 0 to 40cm Hard Vibration
From 20 to 100cm Medium Vibration
Above 100cm No or less vibration
Ultrasonic vibrator glove sometimes also can be called as a smart glove is to help the visually impaired to walk
and estimate the distance of the objects before them. The main components include Arduino UNO, Vibrator
motor and ultrasonic sensor. Based on the proposed model, there are few advantages as well as disadvantages
to the project. The advantages include using the Ultra sonic sensor. This sensor detects objects faster and in a
very accurate manner. Adding to that, the cost of manufacturing is also low, thus making it affordable even for
the lower sections of the community. The limitations include that it can detect smallest objects like leaves also
which isn’t a major obstacle.
[3] International Journal of New Computer Architectures and their Applications (IJNCAA) 6(1): 16-22 The
Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications, 2016 ISSN 2220-9085 (Online); ISSN
2412-3587 (Print). Ultrasonic Sensors Gloves for Blind People using Lilypad Arduino
[4] AMSE JOURNALS-AMSE IIETA publication-2017-Series: Modelling D; Vol. 38; N°1; pp 102-110
Submitted April 2017; Revised July 30, 2017, Accepted Nov.15, 2017. SMART GLOVES FOR THE BLIND. @International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering, Technology and


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