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Lost Journal of the Sea King

Introduction: A sudden attack during the midst of a storm wrecked

the ship. The group is now left stranded on a small island in the
middle of the vast sea. However, they are not alone as a band of
Sahuagin are stealing cargo and capturing prisoners. Not only are
they after a precious artifact but they may also have the only means
for the party to get out of the island alive.

A 4-6 hour adventure for 5th-6th level characters

by EM Hardesty

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other
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Introduction Overview
Lost Journal of the Sea King is a The adventure begins on the shores of an
Dungeons & Dragons adventure meant to be unnamed island. The players awake and find
played with four players. Combat encounters their ship wrecked. As they explore the small
are designed for an Average Player Level islet they discover a cave where several
(APL) of 5. There are annotations added to prisoners are being commanded to haul in
adjust this adventure for APL 6. cargo from other wrecked ships. These
prisoners are being rallied by the Sahuagin.
It should be noted that the main narrative is
designed as a one-off, meaning there is a When the players investigate and enter the
distinct beginning, middle and end. However, Sahuagin cave they meet more prisoners.
the ending is left a little open so that the There they will learn the Sahuagin have been
players can continue forth with another raiding ships and capturing captains in the
adventure. hopes of finding a lost journal. This journal
has the exact schedule pinpointing the
This adventure takes place along the Sword location of a war galley known as The
Coast in the Forgotten Realms campaign Burning Marauder. This ship carries an
setting but it can be used for any custom artifact from the Primordial Plane, one that
campaign setting as well. can end the world.

Credits Interrogating the prisoners, the players will

learn that the Sahuagin King has kept one of
the ship captains alive and is trying to force
the captain to reveal the location of the
Adventure Design: EM Hardesty
journal, which is kept somewhere amongst
Cartography: EM Hardesty the ship’s cargo.

Cover: Arcana Games When the players go through the caverns

and reach the Sahuagin King they’ll learn
Fonts: Solbera that the captain was the enemy all along –
the Sahuagin were trying to locate the
Art: Miguel Casas
Burning Marauder so they could destroy the
All other original material in this work is artifact, not use it. The captain, on the other
copyright 2017 by EM Hardesty and hand, served the nobles of the coastal cities
published under the Community Content and was aiming to deliver it and use it to
Agreement for Dungeon Master’s Guild. All conquer the world.
rights reserved.
The adventure ends with the players given
Playtesters: Genesis Padua, Jem the opportunity to set sail away from the
Raymundo, Eros Herzensbrecher, Alexandria island. From there they can go on a new
Rull, Ricky Anihcam adventure to hunt down the Burning
Marauder and destroy the artifact or to go on
a different adventure entirely.
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DM Tip: Give this moment to the players so

General Notes they can introduce each other. Perhaps they

were all traveling together as a band of
mercenaries safeguarding the ship or they
 All of the rooms in the inner caverns are were passengers and strangers hoping to get
lit by one or two torches perched on the to the next port.
 Except for the first two rooms, all of the Island size: with a successful DC
areas are intricately covered in ancient 15 Survival Check or if the
décor, reflecting the once-elegant and players opt to take time and walk
magnificent history of the Sahuagin. all around the island they will learn
 To add further roleplaying opportunities, its total landmass is roughly 8
you can give some of the Sahuagin hectares with a width of a quarter
soldiers or priestesses pieces of journals mile (350m). The island is small
kept in their belongings, further hinting and its total circumference is just
they are studying or looking for over half a mile (0.6 miles or
something. 1.1km).
 Most of the rooms have a ceiling roughly
15-feet high unless otherwise stated. Looking beyond the shores the
players will discover that the tidal

waves are unusually violent here
and the jagged reef would make it
difficult for any ship to come in and
out. Swimming in this environment
The adventure begins with the players would not be recommended as
waking up on the shores of a small island. there is no island in sight.
Read the following as they begin to look
around and discover where they are:
A simple survey of the island will reveal
You awake to the lapping of water there are a few groves of very small palm
against your cheeks and as you rise trees and small rock caves that only go in
you find yourselves left for dead on about 10-20 feet and are homes to wild
the shores of a beautiful island. All animals and beasts.
around you are planks of wood,
ruined cargo and corpses. You If the players choose to try and swim out
recognize many of the faces as into the open ocean they will be immediately
passengers and crewmembers of forced back onto the island by strong tidal
the Red Valiant, the ship you’ve currents.
been in for the past fortnight. If the players roam around the island for too
Fortunately for you, there are a few long they can run into the following random
other survivors also beginning to encounters:
find consciousness amongst the

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Random Encounters #1: However, the most prominent feature is a
large rock formation with a cave opening.
Roll a 1d4. Compare the results to
the following: When the players approach, whether they
rush in directly or stealthily behind the
Rolled a 1: 2x Basilisk, 1x Water bushes, they will notice six humanoid
Weird creatures known as the Sahuagin. Four are
armed with spears and the other two are a
EXP Total: 2,100
little taller, almost feminine in nature. All of
Rolled a 2: 1x Thri-Kreen, 2x them are hideous to look at: they are more
Swarm of Poisonous Snakes fish than man.

EXP Total: 2,000 The party will also spot a male human and a
female elf, both who are chained like
Rolled a 3: 2x Lizardfolk, 1x Giant prisoners, being prodded by the Sahuagin.
Crocodile They are both unarmed and are being forced
to carry wooden crates from the shoreline
EXP Total: 2,000
into the cave.
Rolled a 4: No encounters
Getting into the cave will require the party to
get past these six Sahuagin and their
If the players take time to investigate the prisoners. The male human utilizes the
shoreline they will find a lone chest, covered bandit stat block and the female elf uses the
in algae, shells and seaweed. veteran stat block. Neither one of them will
willingly help the Sahuagin in combat and
This is not a real treasure chest and is will opt to drop the crates in their hands and
instead a lone mimic. hide inside the cave.

Optional Island Encounter: Encounter #1:

1x Mimic  4x Sahuagin
 2x Sahuagin Priestess
EXP Total: 450
EXP Total: 2,000

Once the mimic is defeated the players will

find the real treasure inside its fleshy The male will introduce himself as Travis
remains. A successful DC 20 Arcana Check while the female is named Antoinette.
reveals it to be a Gem of Brightness. Travis was a boatswain’s mate aboard a ship
known as the Sea Blazer while Antoinette

Cave Entrance was the quartermaster and second officer.

Questioning either of them will inform the

party the following details:
Because it is so small, there are very few
bushes and only half a dozen palm trees.

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 The Sea Blazer was only carrying Swimming and Drowning: You
consumer goods such as spices, fabrics can find the rules regarding
and books. swimming speed and characters
 Thompson, the first mate aboard the holding their breath in the Player’s
Sea Blazer, died during battle with the Handbook (PHB), pages 182-
Sahuagin raiders. 183.
 Sir Naertho Sarven, the Sea Blazer’s
captain and a pioneer of half-elf civil

Cargo Room
rights, was taken captive.

Upon entering the cave, the party discovers

it is small and has no tunnel leading inside.
Instead, they find a large pool of water and Swimming in from the pool leads the party
numerous crates. to a large cargo room. This area is damp but
there is a notable amount of dry land,
There is also a large bag of gel. Travis will
allowing the crates to dry off. The gel used
inform the players that the gel is coated over
on the crates slowly crusts and then chips
the crates so that water cannot seep inside
and ruin the content.
Checking the crates with a successful DC 10
If Travis or Antoinette is alive, they will
Investigation Check will unveil they are
inform the players that the real entrance to
mostly filled with books and journals. A large
the Sahuagin base is underneath the pool
portion of them are ship logs, ship schedules
waters. The pool itself goes down for another
and cargo manifests. One of the crates also
thirty feet and the underwater tunnel going
contains a small leather pouch containing 2
inside is at the very bottom. The tunnel
Potions of Healing.
itself goes for another ten feet and then
opens up to the main cavern on the other The team will discover there are also loads of
side. dried wooden planks, metal and other
building materials. Many of them appear to
If Travis and Antoinette die during the battle
have been taken from other wrecked ships
with the Sahuagin on the beach, the party
and boats.
can still find the entrance. Should the players
only try to look into the water without diving At the northeast corner of this room the
in they can spot the tunnel with a successful players will discover a small cove with prison
DC 20 Perception Check. Drop this to a DC cells. The entire room is monitored by a
10 Perception Check if they decide to swim diamond embedded on the floor. This
into the pool to get a closer look. diamond creates a 30-feet radius antimagic
There is also a half-buried chest at the
bottom of the pool. It is rigged with a trap,
requiring a successful DC 15 Sleight of
Hand Check and Thieves’ Tools to disarm.
If the disarm attempt fails, the trap ignites
and deals 2d6 lightning damage to anyone
within a 15 feet radius.
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Locked in these cells are four prisoners: There are no encounters in this room but if
the players decide to stick around to rest or
 Imsh Thelgga – a male half-orc, with if they chat with the prisoners for too long
the bandit stat block, and was a prisoner then random wandering guards might catch
aboard The Sea Blazer. them.
 Anders – a male half-elf, with the
commoner stat block, and was a To determine random wandering encounters,
passenger, a merchant, aboard The Sea refer to the following:
 Kara – a female human, with the Random Encounters #2:
commoner stat block. She was a
Roll a 1d4. Compare the results to
navigator aboard a merchant ship called
the following:
The Radical Dreamer. All her shipmates
have been killed. Rolled a 1: 4X Sahuagin
 Dorn – a human male, with the
commoner stat block, also a prisoner in EXP Total: 400
the cells. He was on a vacation aboard
Rolled a 2: 4X Sahuagin Priestes
The Sea Blazer when it was attacked.
EXP Total: 1,800
By interrogating the prisoners and promising
to free them when possible, the players can Rolled a 3: 2x Giant Constrictor
learn more information about the enemy. Snake, 2x Sahuagin Priestess

 Kara will reveal the Sahuagin have been EXP Total: 1,800
checking log books and journals for quite
some time, hinting they are after a Rolled a 4: No encounters
specific cargo on a specific ship.
 Dorn will state the journal they are
Rescuing the prisoners will require the
looking for might be the one Captain
players to find a prison cell key, which is
Naertho Sarven kept for the The Sea
shaped like a fish bone with a red ruby eye.
The prisoners will inform the party that one
 The Sahuagin have not yet been able to
of the priestesses carries this key.
find Naertho’s journal and it might have
been hidden in any of the crates or may Breaking or unlocking the cells without the
have been lost to the sea. key requires passing a DC 25 Athletics
 Anders reveal the leader of the Sahuagin, Check or DC 25 Sleight of Hand Check.
one that has always been referred to by
the others as “His Highness,” has in his Once free, the prisoners will escape out and
position a powerful – and perhaps even meet up with Antoinette and Travis.
magical – trident.
Once the players have decided it is time to
 None of the prisoners have yet met this
move on they will find the lone exit to the
Sahuagin leader but they have heard the
south of the cargo room. The exit is a large
lower ranking Sahuagin soldiers and
double-door made of white wood and
priestesses talk highly of him.
elaborate knobs of gold.

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another large, white wood double door, is

Common Room found in the center south.

Roaming Encounters continue in this

The ceiling is roughly fifteen feet high and
the room is shaped like a jagged oval, about Underwater
140-feet in diameter.

The right side of the room is slightly

elevated, about five feet from the rest of the
floor. Crates filled with books are
everywhere. There is only a small patch of land and a
pool of water. The water will have a floating
Everything about this room is different from chest. When opened, the players will find 3
the natural caverns of the entrance and the pieces of gold, 12 pieces of Sardonyx worth
cargo section. Instead of natural rock walls, 50 gold each and a beautifully ornate dagger
floors and ceilings, everything is made of that has no magical properties. This chest,
finely made marble and there are beautiful however, is not the real treasure.
tapestries hanging on the walls.
The pool seems to be only 4 feet deep but at
In the center of the elevated portion are the the point furthest from the entrance it goes
remains of a bonfire. Next to it are several much deeper. A DC 15 Investigation
pans, pots, sacks of condiments. It appears Check will reveal this, in case any of the
the Sahuagin have at least been preparing players look into what the pool hides.
basic meals for their prisoners. There are
also several crates around the bonfire, all of Going down this pool leads to a hidden room
them filled with journals and ships’ log which serves as an underwater shrine. This
books. room is cylindrical in shape and filled with
water. The water is 50 feet deep and once
With a successful DC 15 Investigation the players reach the water surface they’ll
Check, the players can find Captain find the ceiling hovering just 10 feet above
Naertho Sarven’s journal. them. The entrance to this section, from the
pool with the chest, leads the players to the
Reading the journal seems to be futile as it
exact middle of the cylinder, roughly 25 feet
only lists the schedule of its cargo and ships
deep into the water. This may force the
that it will interact with in the open sea.
players to go up for a moment to catch their
A gambling table can be found on the lower breath before diving back in to survey the
floor. One corner has a practice dummy shrine.
showing clear signs of usage.
At the very bottom of this submerged area is
There are four exits: one to the northwest, a tall statue of the Sahuagin deity, Sekolah.
one to the southwest, another to the Shaped like a giant shark devouring an
southeast and the main exit, depicted by Aquatic Elf - also referred to as an

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Alu’Tel’Quessir. A successful DC 15 Puzzle:
Religion Check will help a character recall
the lore of the aquatic elves and Sekolah. If the players swim up to the water
surface and look down they’ll an
“Sekolah is one of the primordial engraving at the top of the statue
beings who existed long before the that reads “Only the Alu’Tel’Quessir
Material Plane and its gods even see the true terror of the Great
came to be. Represented as a giant Hunter.”
shark, Sekolah is often associated
with chaos, destruction and evil. He Investigating the aquatic elf, the
roams the depths of the Astral Sea players will notice that one of its
and the Lost Oceans. He is also eyes is missing. The one intact is
known as the first being that ever staring straight at a specific tooth of
came across the Sahuagin race and Sekolah. A switch is located just
is seen as their primary deity.” behind this tooth. Pressing it will
move the statue of Sekola. It will
open its mouth and devour the
If the players investigate the statute, a head of the elf. As its mouth
successful DC 15 Investigation Check will widens, the players will then be
uncover that Sekolah is designed to move, able to swim inside and retrieve the
thus presenting the team with a simple gem deep within Sekolah’s throat.
puzzle. Solving the puzzle will require the
players to locate a hidden switch to move
Sekolah and unveil the location of the hidden Solving the puzzle will reward the party with
treasure. a large Obsidian Gem. This gem is
necessary to open the Shrine of the
Trident room.

As soon as the players figure out that there's

some form of hidden treasure, several
sharks will start to swim up from the bottom
of the cylinder. They will also swim up and
attack the players if any of them decide to
swim down and check what is located at the
base of the statues.

Underwater Encounter:

3x Hunter Shark

1x Killer Whale

EXP Total: 2,050

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Room of
The engravings showcase:

1. The Sahuagin originated from a

great shell, deep within the

Ancient Lore seas.

2. The Sahuagin formed a pact
with Sekolah after he aided
This is a small room with a beautiful mosaic them in defeating the obryinth
in the wall, showcasing the history of the god, Dagon.
Sahuagin and their deity, Sekolah. There are 3. Sekolah defeated the
carving tools nearby, placed on a pedestal. Demogorgon with the aid of a
legendary artifact.
If the players stumble into this room without 4. Sekolah now resides in
reading up on Sahuagin and Sekolah lore in Sheyruushk, located in Stygia
The Library or if none of the players the sixth level of the Nine
specifically have this knowledge as a part of Hells of Shatterhelm.
their background then they will not notice
the puzzle in front of them.
The proper engravings should be:
A successful DC 25 Religion Check will let
a party member recall the necessary 1. The Sahuagin originated from a
information regarding Sekolah and the great shell, deep within the
Sahuagin to deal with the puzzle. seas.
2. The Sahuagin formed a pact
When the players have the necessary
with Sekolah, during the
knowledge they will notice that the
primordial era, after his
engravings are wrong. The engravings can
melancholic song called to
be altered with the simple carving tools.
3. Sekolah defeated the
Demogorgon with the aid of a
legendary artifact.
4. Sekolah now resides in
Sheyruushk, located in Stygia,
the fifth level of the Nine Hells
of Shatterhelm.

Once the engravings have been corrected,

the wall splits and out spits a small waterfall.
Gushing out is a small gem, another
Obsidian Gem required to open the Shrine
of the Trident room.

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The first barracks room contains several

Shrine of the sleeping Sahuagin in the water. Opening the

door without a successful DC 20 Sleight of
Hand or walking into the room without

Trident succeeding a DC 15 Stealth Check will cause

an encounter.

This room contains a magic item, Encounter #2:

the Trident of Fish Command.  3x Sahuagin Priestess
This item can be found in the  3x Sahuagin
Dungeon Master’s Guide, page
209. EXP Total: 1,650

The door into the shrine is magically sealed If the players succeed in avoiding combat,
and the only means of unlocking it requires reward them the same amount of EXP as if
retrieving three Obsidian Gems located they fought the enemies inside, rewarding
throughout the cavern. them for their wit.

No enemies are found inside the second

room. However, if the team decides to
DM Tip: Collecting all the gems to get the inspect the water they will find a treasure
Trident of Fish Command is not required chest 20 feet under the surface, lodged
to finish the adventure. However, not getting between several loose rocks. The chest
it will make the final encounter much harder. contains a Potion of Healing, a Scroll
(Cloud of Daggers) and a Potion of

Barracks Water Breathing.

The third barracks room is open. It is

opposite to the door on the east wall and
The players will find themselves in a very
very close to the large altar of Sekolah.
beautiful and elaborately made hallway. The
walls are covered with Sahuagin engravings A successful DC 15 Investigation Check
and artwork. will alert the players that the altar has a
bowl and an engraving, hinting at another
This hallway continues on southwards. The
puzzle. The moment the players go near the
east wall is empty save for the engravings
altar, an encounter breaks loose from the
and an open hallway at the very
barracks room.
southeastern end. At the very end of the
hallway, embedded onto the wall, is an altar
Encounter #3:
dedicated to Sekolah. To the west players
will discover three different doors made of  1x Sahuagin Priestess
hardened seaweed and wood.  1x Water Elemental

Each door leads to a small room filled with EXP Total: 2,250
pools of water where the Sahuagin rest.
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The players can attempt to fight and solve Continuing on this path will lead the party to
the puzzle at the same time or deal with one the Shipyard.
before the other.
The pathway heading northeast leads to a
When the party approaches the long, narrow hall that leads to two doors.
altar and checks the engraving,
One door, made of wood and covered in
read the following: “Only with blood
blood, is rigged with a trap and leads to the
and the salt of the seas does
Library. The other, which is made of
Sekolah accept an offering.”
elaborate bronze and moss-covered bones,
The puzzle is solved when the will lead to the Audience Chamber.
players add blood and water from
As the party takes this path, read the
the pools into the bowl.

As the hallway gets narrower, blood

Once solved, the third Obsidian Gem for
stains begin to appear along the
the Shrine of the Trident will magically
walls and floor. Scratch marks
appear inside the bowl.
appear close to one of the doors,
With the third and final Obsidian Gem, the one that is also covered in dark, red
party can return to the Shrine of the blood. A single signboard has been
Trident and take the magic item inside. nailed shut to the bloodstained
door, written in Common. The sign

Inner Hallway reads “She’s insane. Do not enter!”

If the players opt to go in anyway,

Emerging from the barracks section the regardless of the warning, they’ll discover
party will enter a hallway with a fork in the the door is rigged with a trap.
road. One path leads northeast and the other
heads south. Identifying it will require a successful DC 20
Perception Check.
The pathway heading south is clear of
encounters. As the players head down this If the wire is tripped, poison darts fire out of
way, read the following: the walls and hit all party members, dealing
1d6 Piercing damage. The players must
Looking down at the ground you also succeed a DC 15 Con Saving Throw or
notice there are numerous drag suffer an additional 1d4 Poison Damage.
marks, as if heavy crates and other
If the trap is spotted, it can be disarmed with
materials have been hauled through
a successful DC 15 Sleight of Hand Check.
here. Checking in further, you see
pieces of metal and wood that have
broken off and scattered. You even
see a few screws and large nails. Shipyard
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The shipyard is a much larger cavern than This tunnel burrows underneath the ocean
the rest of the Sahuagin base. The ceiling is floor and eventually leads to a safe spot
approximately 100-feet high and the party where the ship could then set sail in the
will find, to their surprise, a large two-mast world above, miles away from the Sahuagin
ship resting in an underground lake. This base.
lake, at its deepest, goes down for forty feet.
The rocky cavern shore is littered with
There are multiple scaffoldings and planks numerous construction materials, crates
surrounding the ship, hinting that filled with nails, wood and other ship parts.
construction is still ongoing, but the general This will give the players some ample room
work appears to be done. to sneak around.

When the party approaches, read the Closest to the boarding ramp is a gambling
following: table where several Sahuagin guards are
keeping watch.
Lo, and behold! Resting atop an
underground lake that stretches for Encounter #4:
half a mile in diameter you see a
large two-mast ship, a schooner,  2x Sahuagin Priestess
which is approximately 70-feet from  3x Sahuagin
stern to bow and possibly 25 to 30 EXP Total: 1,200
feet from its keel to the upper deck.
The ship is made of mismatched
pieces of wood, sails and metal, There are also two bands of roaming guards.
indicating the materials come from Simply roll a percentile dice to determine
stolen or wrecked ships that were how close each roaming group is to the
also attacked by the Sahuagin players.
band. Four mooring lines tie the
ship down to the rocky cavern Roaming Encounters:
 1x Sahuagin Priestess
 4x Sahuagin
This ship was not brought into the cave but
EXP Total: 850
was made here by the Sahuagin, using
materials gathered from the wrecked ships
that crashed onto the island shores. For this If the players manage to board the ship,
reason it looks misshapen and the colors of they will find it only has two decks plus the
the wood and paint are all mismatched. empty captain’s quarters and a cargo hold.
The upper deck is armed with eight ballistas.
In front of the ship there is a long, dark
The lower deck contains the crew quarters,
tunnel. This is where the lake water exits
cargo hold and the kitchens.
and is where the ship can go to leave the
island, once it is operational. The water DM Tip: If you allow guns in your game then
running from the lake moves violently fast you can simply replace the ballistas with
and is approximately thirty feet deep. cannons, found in the Dungeon Master’s

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Guide page 255. Keep note that this will blood. Beside her is the corpse of a Sahuagin
increase the damage output significantly. Priestess.

Unfortunately, the ship does not run even if A successful DC 10 Investigation Check
the mooring lines are untied. With a will lead the players to two discoveries:
successful DC 10 Investigation Check or
DC 10 Arcana Check on the ship’s helm will  They will find the Lore and Histories of
reveal that it is magically locked in place and the Sahuagin, a book by renowned
a medallion-shaped item is required to get it scholar Alegard Drazhil. This book,
working, functioning like a key. written by a Dragonborn scholar, will give
the information necessary for the Room
If the party dares to swim in the lake they of Ancient Lore.
will be hunted by a few roaming sharks.  They will discover all of the books are
about sea travel and that a vast majority
Roaming Encounters: of the books and journals are stolen log
books from pirate ships and cargo ships,
 3x Hunter Shark
further hinting the Sahuagin are hunting
 1x Reef Shark
for a specific ship.
EXP Total: 1450
As soon as the players investigate the female
corpse or retrieve the book necessary for the
Room of Ancient Lore, the corpse springs

Library to life and momentarily drops its illusory

appearance, proving to be a Sea Hag named
Nana Sourtooth.
Should the players disarm or survive through
During the battle, several Sahuagin will be
the trap rigged on its door and enter the
alarmed by the noise and will also spring up
library, they will walk into a circular room.
from the canals.
Exactly one half of the room is designed like
a library. There are shelves filled with Encounter #5:
numerous books, scrolls and collected
 1x Sea Hag
parchments of paper.
 3x Sahuagin Priestess
In each aisle are canals of flowing water.
EXP Total: 1800
This water circles the whole room and spirals
inward. The shelves are arranged so that any
Sahuagin in the water can easily swim up If the players further investigate the Sea Hag
and grab a book. they will discover a journal in her belongings.
This journal reads as follows:
The other half of the library has two study
desks and simple stools. However, the tables “The ultimate weapon is nearly in our hands.
are stained with blood and resting on one The king thinks he can fool me and snatch it
table is the corpse of a female human. She away from me or drive me away but he
appears haggard, wounded and covered in knows not that I am always watching him. I
know his deepest secrets. I will drive it from
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only . Lost Journal of the Sea King 13
him when he least expects it and use it on If the players try to investigate, one of the
his very soul.” creatures will leap out and tries to drag the
victim down into the water.
The players can also try to bargain with
Sourtooth she will offer to retrieve one of the Encounter #6:
Obsidian Gems for the Shrine of the
Trident but in return she wants the party to  4x Merrow
give Captain Naertho to her as a sacrifice.
EXP Total: 1,800
Sourtooth also carries the following rewards:
2x Amethyst worth 100 gold pieces each
When the glimmering item in the water is
and a Bag of Holding. The bag itself carries
investigated the party will discover it to be
a Potion of Healing, the prison cell key
an exquisitely designed chest.
and one jar of Keoghtom’s Ointment.
The chest is rigged with a trap that can be

Audience spotted with a DC 15 Investigation Check.

Disarming it requires a successful DC 15
Sleight of Hand Check and Thieves’

Chamber Tools.

Once open, the players will find a Ring of

Mind Shielding. The ring does have a soul
Entering the audience chamber, read the already imbued in it.
following to the players:

“You walk into a room with a

domed ceiling about twenty feet
high. Six magnificent pillars made
of refined coral stand in two
columns, leading to what appears
to be some kind of throne of coral
and bones sitting atop a flight of
stairs. There are two doors behind
this throne, both made of steel.
Four aisles of flowing water run
through the audience chamber and
even at a distant glance you can
see dark shapes swimming
underneath the surface, circling
around something glimmering at
the bottom.”

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Revinath Kel’for own it led him to discover it was created
in a world beyond the Astral Sea.
Revinath is a former moon elf
necromancer who allied with a band Taking the left doorway will lead to the
of sellswords to stop the King’s Chamber. The door to the right will
resurrection of a powerful Dragon lead the party to the War Room.
Queen. He isn’t inherently evil but
can make questionable decisions,
always adhering to the “the ends
justify the means” way of life. He
War Room
also has a thing for collecting Rectangular in shape, the war room has a
corpses and anything that shines. large stone table with multiple maps laid out.
There are four racks, each lined with 3x
Speaking to the party, he will reveal
Spears each. There is also a basket that
he has no intention of passing to
holds a Longbow +1 and a quiver of arrows
the afterlife and instead requests
they bring him with them until they
can find out how to give him a new Most of the maps are outdated. One of the
body. Once he does regain a new maps does show the current island the party
body, either now or in the future, is trapped in. This map also shows that
Revinath will have the same stats approximately four miles east is another
as an Archmage. island with a large cavern opening. This is
where the ship in the Shipyard will exit after
travelling through the underground tunnels.
The players can ask Revinath for information
regarding the ultimate weapon that is teased Several red X marks have been made on the
in Sourtooth’s journal. If they did not read map as well. These are the locations where
the journal, Revinath will hint about the the Sea King may have tried to locate the
weapon and how the Sea King is constantly ultimate weapon.
scouring through journals and log books

The King’s
looking for the ship that carries it.

When interrogating Revinath he will divulge

the following:

 This ultimate weapon is actually an

ancient artifact that can be used to
summon biological weapons of mass
The room is circular in shape with a canal
destruction – dragons.
circling the area like a ring. The canals are
 Even with the item in possession, it has a
so large that a small raft could fit.
will of its own and influences its owner to
use the artifact’s power to destroy the In the center of the room is a circular
world. platform and is the only stable ground. Given
 Although the artifact exists in this world it that the Sea King is a Sahuagin, he mostly
was not created here. Revinath’s desire to

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spends time in the water canals and not on More information will be shared if the players
dry land. can succeed a DC 20 Persuasion Check:

This time, however, there is a prisoner  Naertho Sarven is indeed an “enemy” of

chained down to an X-shaped post. This is sorts; he is an agent of the noble families
Sir Naertho Sarven, Captain of the Sea from the great cities and wants to deliver
Blazer. the ultimate weapon to grant them full
power over the common folk.
Upon inspection the party will see he is still  Naertho may be a supporter of half-elf
alive but is very weak. Fortunately, he is still civil rights but he also aims to use the
conscious and warns the party not to step ultimate weapon to destroy entire
any closer. kingdoms that do not agree to his views.
Rescuing Naertho requires retrieving the  The Sahuagin do not aim to use the
keys from the Sea King, breaking the ultimate weapon. Instead, they hope to
restraints with a successful DC 25 Athletics destroy it or toss it back to the depths of
Check or a successful DC 20 Sleight of the Astral Sea where it may never be
Hand Check with Thieves’ Tools. found again.
 While he admits his people are violent
As soon as the party attempts to rescue him, and evil, they still want to survive and a
the Sea King leaps from the water canals to weapon such as this artifact could lead to
confront the team. He does not immediately their extinction if abused by the wrong
battle them and instead tries to reason with people. Their actions are by no means
them. noble but are decisions made for survival.

The Sea King will divulge the following If the party attempts to intimidate him, steal
information: the medallion key or break Naertho out of
his chains then the Sea King will summon his
 The ultimate weapon, an artifact, is
mistress from the canals and attack the
aboard a heavily guarded ship known as
the Burning Marauder. Naertho’s
journal contains a detailed log of the Final Encounter Part 1:
Burning Marauder’s schedule and the
Sahuagin want to intercept it at sea. 1x Sahuagin Baron
 The Sahuagin are not the enemy.
1x Sahuagin Priestess
According to the Sea King, Naertho
Sarven and his ilk, the nobles of the land 1x Hunter Shark
cities, are the real enemies.
 He states that the ultimate weapon is EXP Total: 2,700
from a different world and was lost in the
Astral Sea for centuries.
DM Tip: This battle is above what the party
 An offer will be made to the party: let the
can normally handle at APL 5. However, one
Sea King kill Naertho and find the
way to work around is to keep the Hunter
ultimate weapon and he will give the
Shark in the water and only let it leap out to
medallion key to activate the ship in the
attack the party when one of the heroes is
too close to the water.
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If the party did not get the Trident of Fish Burning Marauder, the party will be able to
Command from the Shrine of the Trident decipher the data logged in it.
room then the battle will have a second
phase. According to the journal, the ship will not be
accompanied by its usual guard ships and
As soon as the Hunter Shark is defeated and this makes it vulnerable to an attack. The
either the Sahuagin Priestess or the Burning Marauder took a risk to sail
Sahuagin Baron’s life is dwindled down to without defenses because it is trying to reach
just a quarter of its max, the Sahuagin port before an impending thunder storm
Baron will leap into the water and vanish for strikes.
1 turn. He will then return with the Trident
of Fish Command and summons a shark
that instantly devours the Sahuagin Priestess
as part of its introduction to the battlefield.
What Now?
If the shark is summoned, the rewards are With the defeat of the Sea King the
as follows: remaining Sahuagin will scatter and flee to
the safety of the vast ocean. The players can
Final Encounter Part 2: then take the medallion key and use it to
operate the ship in the Shipyard. Taking the
1x Sahuagin Baron exit tunnel in front of the ship will lead to a
1x Giant Shark small alcove miles away from the Sahuagin
base. This alcove is closer to the mainland.
EXP Total: 3,600 The ship will need a name.

If Naertho Sarven is still alive, the party will

Once defeated, the party can take the need to determine what to do with him and
medallion key from the Sea King and they his conspiracy with the other nobles of using
can rescue Naertho if he is not already freed a destructive weapon on the world.
or killed.
Naertho will inform the players which crate
Other items in the possession of the Sea he hid the journal out of pure gratitude. If he
King include a small pouch with 300 gold is killed, the party will find a small note kept
pieces, another copy of the prison cell key hidden in his mouth. This note will reveal the
and a Potion of Heroism. journal’s location.

If the players rescued any of the prisoners,

Naertho’s including Antoinette and Travis, then they

can be recruited as crewmembers for the
ship. Keep in mind that some of them may

Journal ally themselves with Naertho. Antoinette will

need to be persuaded but Imsh, Kara and
Dorn will readily join. Anders will demand a
With the information that the journal small payment of 5 gold pieces per month.
contains the schedule of a ship known as the Travis will only agree if Antoinette signs on
as well.
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From this point, the party can go on a new
adventure sailing the seas. The party can
hunt the Burning Marauder and destroy
the artifact. They can also opt to ignore it
and just head out for land and look for new

DM Note: For the absolutely curious, this

artifact is the Orb of Dragonkind
(Dungeon Master’s Guide page 225).

The material is written specifically for an
Average Party Level of 5. However, the
game can be adjusted for an APL of 6 by
simply using the encounters listed on the
next page.

If you own Volo’s Guide to Monsters, it is

also recommended to swap some of the
regular Sahuagin soldiers with Sea Spawn.

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Encounter #1: Encounter #5:

 6x Sahuagin Priestess  1x Sea Hag

 2x Sahuagin Priestess
EXP Total: 2,700  2x Giant Constrictor Snake
Encounter #2: EXP Total: 2,250
 5x Sahuagin Priestess Encounter #6:
 1x Sahuagin
 4x Merrow
EXP Total: 2,350  1x Hunter Shark
Underwater Encounter: EXP Total: 2,250
3x Hunter Shark Final Encounter Part 1:
1x Merrow 1x Sahuagin Baron
1x Killer Whale 1x Sahuagin Priestess
EXP Total: 2,500 2x Sahuagin
Encounter #3: 1x Hunter Shark
 1x Sahuagin Priestess EXP Total: 2,900
 1x Water Elemental
 2x Sahuagin Final Encounter Part 2:

EXP Total: 2,450 1x Sahuagin Baron

Encounter #4: 1x Giant Shark

 3x Sahuagin Priestess EXP Total: 3,600

 3x Sahuagin

EXP Total: 1,650

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