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Saint Therese Martin of Lisieux School and Business High School


Entrepreneurship - 12
Grade 12 Tr. Angielyn
I. Directions: Identity what is being asked on the following question. Choose
your answers on the box.
1. It is a personality factor which means convincing customers to buy the product.
a. Proactive
b. Persuasion
c. Self-confidence
d. Risk-taker
2. All except one does NOT belong to the group. Which one is it?
a. Unfair trade practices
b. Strikes
c. Political protest
d. Product
3. Which of the following is NOT true?
a. Entrepreneurship creates organizations.
b. Entrepreneurs improve the life of the entrepreneur alone.
c. Entrepreneurs improves the economy.
d. None of the choices
4. Which of the statements below is true?
a. Entrepreneurs have limited career opportunities.
b. Entrepreneurs are prone to constant high income.
c. Entrepreneurs are contributors to the development of the society.
d. Entrepreneurs are the reasons for the unemployment problem.
II.Directions: Being a future entrepreneur, explain the meaning of the following
5-6 Entrepreneurship will transform the students to be innovators.

7-8. Entrepreneurship education is an individual lifetime learning process.

Answer the question based on your knowledge
9-10.What are the starting point that you need to become a successful entrepreneur?

11-12. In your own opinion, what do you need to possess to become a successful

III.Directions: Read the selection and try to answer the questions there after.

13. What were the challenges faced by Mr. Lucio Tan?




14. What are some of his achievements?




15-16. What made Mr. Lucio Tan successful?


17-20. If you were Mr. Tan, do you think you will be able to hurdle all the challenges
he had in the field of entrepreneurship during his younger years? Why?




IV.Directions: Look at the pictures below, study the items illustrated. Discuss
the advantages of being an entrepreneur.

21-25. Discuss the advantage of entrepreneur.






V. Directions: Analyze the selection carefully and give your insights thereafter.
And, list down at least three (3) probable solutions to uplift the economic
standing of the man in the selection.
26-27. First Solution:



28-29. Second Solution:




30-31. Third Solution:




VI. Directions: Make a reflection about the statement. The reflection must
contain 4-5 sentences. (32-40)
“Business ideas are not business opportunities...unless they solve problems.”

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