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Ronaldo !s a famous player !n the world.He !

s the best player of all

t!me before Mess!. He have the most follow !n !nstagram.!n my
op!n!on Ronaldo very k!dness helpful and smart man. He started
career !n sport!ng L!sbon and then Man U d!scover you and Ronaldo
goes Man U.he spend the best t!mes.!t t!me,h!s age 18 l mean very
young.then he transferred to real madr!d and he w!n many
balloondors.he have 5 ballondors .l l!ke h!m.

Mess! one of the gratest footballer !n the vorld. He have all the t!tle and he v!n vorld kup !n
2022.!n f!nal,he throv 2 goal to france.he v!n 4 chanp!ons l!gue and he v!n the most t!tle !n the
B!r!nc!s!n!n parolu Mǝn!m canım kocam Hüseynn

Azǝrbaycan !s o!l country !t place famous for !ts o!l and sa!l much o!!s country have a many
h!stor!cal places and have a vealty h!story. İn here share among russ!an and qacar country v!th
türkmǝnçay and gülüstan agreement. Azǝrba!jan people !s very hosp!ral!ty,funny ,and
trad!t!onal.azǝrba!jan have a trad!t!onal dance,mus!c,food,clothes and have many many th!nks.

Mob!le telefon
Ən sevd!y!n hob!n
Bu hǝfdǝ sonundakı planın
Ən sevd!y!n meyvǝ

Tar!x haqda esse

I l!ke !n h!story because h!story help undertstand the vorld then my s!ster love the h!story she
choose th!rd group and she need a h!story knovledge.she !s dreams she have a much money. My
s!ster eye !s money.she !s fourteen years old and she l!ke a chocolate.she ansver ııııı. Nov she
th!nk!ng for your goal and she !s goal become a good don t knov a matemat!ks.she run
a vorld and she vould l!ke to l!ve !n mars.she vould l!ke tonjump !n moon .she !s favor!te planet
Mob!le phone
Mob!le phone !s a necessary th!nks !n modern vorld because many people vork h!s phone and
enjoy v!th your phone.aleksandr graham bell d!scovered mob!le phone !n 1876. He says alo
because h!m w!fe’s name of the famous mob!le telefon’ s marka !s !phone. Ef! buy !phone
today she have a !phonee and l l!ke that.!t’s color of l!la and she buy m!stake kabro .

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