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Divorce Letter

From: ___________________________ To:______________________________

Sender’s Name Recipient's Name
_________________________________ _________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________________
Sender’s Address Recipient's Address
_________________________________ _________________________________
City, State, ZIP Code City, State, ZIP Code


Re: Divorce From _____________________ Through Court of Law

Dear ____________________________,
Recipient's Name

This letter is a notification of your former spouse, _____________________, having filed a

case of divorce from you and from now onwards further future communications (such as
_____________________) will be sent to you only and the mutual bank account will be
solely held by you as they have withdrawn their portion of money from the bank.

_____________________ made it clear that you will be no longer held liable to ______ their
pay or other personal concerns and if you do approach them for any financial affair, this
court of law will take strict and firm action against you. For your safety, this court orders you
to show compliance with and appreciate its verdict.


Sender’s Name

Sender’s Signature


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