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A little about me

Hiking is my
favorite activity
I love to spend my time out in
nature and hiking is one way that
I get to do that. When I’m walking
on the trails I get to look at all of
the things that the Earth has
created and just think about life. It
makes me feel at ease and calms
my spirit.

Learning to Cook
for my boyfriend
Growing up my mother never
really cooked for my brother
and I. I was a picky eater and
she worked late nights so I
would just end up making
spaghetti. But now that I live
with my boyfriend I have been
getting out of my comfort zone
and have been cooking more
unique foods and have been
enjoying it.
With social media we now have
all the information we could
ever need at our fingertips.
Through social media, I have
discovered my passion for
fashion. I love looking at the
different ways people can use
one item and turn it into
multiple different outfits. I
would like to get more into this
world later on.
Putting on a
Ever since I was little, I would
always be involved in some sort of
activity. I was a dancer for seven
years, I was involved in
gymnastics, and I was a
cheerleader for four years. I miss
the times where I would put
countless hours of work into my
practices and putting
performances on for people.

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