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Teacher: Hanna Joy A. Melu

Grade and Level: Grade 4 Gumamela, Sampaguita, Rosal
Teaching Date April 11, 2024
and Time:
Subject Area: English
Quarter: 4 Quarter

A. Content Standards Organize the definition of Fiction and Non-Fiction
using graphic organizer.
B. Performance Standard Identify some different examples of fiction and on
fiction literary works.

C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Show ability on writing using Fiction and Non-Fiction

(Write the code for each) genre.
II. CONTENT Fiction and Non-Fiction Genre
(Subject Matter)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from Learning
Resource LR Portal
B. Other Learning Resources Graphic organizer, Power point
Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity
Preliminary Activities
1. Greetings

Good day class!

Good day Teacher!
2. Prayer
Before we start, can you all please
stand up and feel the presence of the

3. Checking of Attendance
Is there any absent today?

Before we proceed, I just want to

remind you our rules in class:
 Don’t talk when there is
someone talking in front.
 If you have any question, ask
me not your classmates.
 Kindly raise your hand if you
know the answer to my No, Teacher.

A. Reviewing past lesson or presenting

the new lesson
(Drill, Review/Unlocking of

Do you still remember what we tackle last

Yes Teacher.
So, what did we tackle last week?
We tackle about Elements of the Story, Teacher.
Very good!
What are the different Elements of the
Title, Character, Settings, and Plot.
Correct! What are the 3 parts of Plot?
The beginning, middle and ending Teacher.
Very good class!

Indicator # 3

Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop

critical and creative thinking as well as other higher-
order thinking skills.

Are you all familiar with the image?

Can you differentiate the first and the
second picture?
Yes Ma’am. It’s from the movie entitled Avatar.

Very good observation. Any other idea?

The 1st picture shows a human captured by a camera

while the 2nd one is edited.

The 1st one is the real one while the other one is

Correct class.
All your observation and ideas are correct,
the image was behind the scenes of Avatar
based on writers’ imagination and on-
screen scenarios on the movie.

B. Establishing the Purpose of the


I have here some pictures of series here

and tell me if it is real or not,
Yes Teacher.
Observe the 1 picture and tell me if it
is real or not.

Fake scene Teacher.

Very good!
Real Teacher.

Very good class!

What you saw on the screen is related
to our topic for today.

C. Presenting examples/instances of the

New Lesson

For the 1st picture, do you think it is a

true story or not?
Based on true story Teacher.
Very good!
How about the 2nd picture?

No Teacher.
correct! What you read in this platform
isn’t real.

Today we are going to discuss the

Genres of Literature focusing on
Fiction and No-Fiction.

D. Discussing the new concepts and

practicing new skills, #1

Who wants to read the meaning of


(students will raise their hand)

Yes Eunella
Genre is category of artistic, musical, or literary
composition characterized by a particular style, form,
or content.
For example, pop music, hip hop
music, reggae, funk and etc, is genre of

And in the world literature, it falls

under two genres. The 1st one is
Fiction, please read the definition
Fiction refers to literature that created from
imagination. It is made to entertain the reader.
Thank you!
In other words, fiction is only a made
up works of a certain author that
Indicator #1
sometimes derived from true situation.
Just like what we have read, it is
Apply knowledge of content within and across
written to entertain readers.
curriculum teaching areas.
Example of this are novels, short
stories, fable.

Can you give me an example of fiction

stories or movies?

Correct! Another example?

Very good! Harry Potter Teacher.

The Ant and the Grasshopper Teacher.

An story and movie that is fiction.

E. Discussing new concepts and

practicing new skills #2

Let’s go to 2nd type of world literature,

everyone please read the meaning of

Non-fiction refers to literature based in fact. It is read

Non-fiction is a text that is true and to inform the readers.
based on real life information.
Examples are newspapers, magazines,
textbooks, and dictionaries.

Any other example class?

Another example? Biographies or autobiographies Teacher.

Report and Articles teacher.

Very good! Is Diary a fiction or non-

Non-fiction teacher.
Very good class!

Do you understand what we tackle

Now that you already know the
difference between the two, can you Yes Teacher.
simply define what is fiction and non-
(student raising their hand)

Fiction define as make believe story by the author and

its purpose is to entertain, while the non-fiction is
Very good! based on real life situations and its purpose is to give
information to the readers.
Read the direction carefully, do it in
your one whole sheet of paper.

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Assessment)

Group Activity
5 All the groups are
cooperating and
sharing their own
4 Some of the
students are not
cooperating and
sharing their ideas.
3 Most of the
students are not
cooperating and
sharing their ideas.
Differentiated Activities
FIRST GROUP Indicator #9
Direction: Write F if it is fiction and Used strategies for providing timely, accurate and
NF if non-fiction. constructive feedback tom improve learner
1. Diary
2. Television News
3. Background profile of an author or
autobiography of an author.
4. Disney Princess movie
5. Spiderman movie

Direction: Cut out the different pictures
and put it in the basket if it is fiction
and put it in the non-fiction basket if it
is not.

Direction: Rearrange the jumbled
letters below.

1. T I O N C I F
2. T I O N N O N C I F
3. A R Y D I
4. S W N E
5. T O O N C A R


Direction: Draw a two big circle and

inside write the fiction and non-fiction.

G. Finding Practical Application of

concepts in Daily Living

In the world literature, what is the two


Fiction and non-fiction teacher.

In the two genres, what is the made up
by an author to make an entertainment?
Fiction teacher.
How about the real one, and giving us
Non-fiction teacher.
Is Avatar a fiction or non-fiction?
Fiction Teacher.
A wattpad stories?
Fiction Teacher.
How about the dictionary?
Non-fiction Teacher.
Your diary?
Non-fiction Teacher.
Very good class!

H. Making Generalization and

Abstraction of the Lesson

So what is our lesson for today?

It is all about the two genres for world literature which
is fiction and non-fiction teacher.
Very good!

What is fiction and non-fiction?

Fiction define as make believe story by the author and
its purpose is to entertain, while the non-fiction is
based on real life situations and its purpose is to give
information to the readers.
Very good class!

Do you already understand our topic

class? Yes Teacher.
Indicator #3
Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop
I will tell a statement and tell me if it is critical and creative thinking, as well as other higher-
a fiction or non-fiction, understand? order thinking skills.

A web page telling you about the Yes Teacher.


Correct. Non-fiction Teacher.

A zombie apocalypse in the year 2025.

The Ant and the Grasshopper. Fiction Teacher.

Correct! Fiction Teacher

A book informing you all about bats.

Correct. Non-fiction Teacher.

A restaurant menu?

Very good class. Non-fiction Teacher.

Just do remember the fiction doesn’t

exist while the non-fiction is existing,

Yes Teacher.

I. Evaluating Learning

Bring out one whole sheet of paper and

answer the following.

Direction: Write F if the picture is

fiction and NF if it is not.








J. Additional Activities for Application


Using the Venn Diagram, compare and

contrast the fiction and non-fiction.

A. No. of learners who earned 80%.
B. No. of learners who scored below
80% (need remediation)
C. No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation.
E. Which is my teaching strategies
work well?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover which I
wish to share with other teacher?

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