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8/10/23, 10:00 PM Creating LTE Activation Profiles

Creating LTE Activation Profiles

This chapter describes how to create a new LTE activation profile.

LTE activation profiles allow you to create profile which gathers desired information about traces. You can create few
profiles and in each of them you can define different messages to be traced.

1. In the TraceViewer main window, on the menu bar, select Tools → LTE Activation Profiles.

Expected outcome

The LTE Activation Profiles window appears.

2. You can create a new profile in any of the following ways:

Click Profile → New.

Click the Create new profile icon on the toolbar.

Press CTRL+N.

Expected outcome

The Create New Profiles dialog box appears.

3. In the Profile name field, type the unique name of the profile (maximum 25 characters).

This option is mandatory and until it is filled, it is marked with the icon.

4. In the Profile description field, type description (maximum 256 characters).

5. Optional:
In the Profile Type pane, select the Minimalization of Drive Test check box.

After selecting this option, in the List of messages pane on the right side of the dialog, some of the messages are
selected by default but you can select or clear desired check boxes.

6. In the List of messages pane, from a protocol tree, select desired messages you want to receive.

Messages marked with the asterisk character are dedicated for Interface Trace only. If messages marked with the
asterisk character are selected during Cell Trace activation, this data is not received by TraceViewer. For more
information on how to create new Cell Trace, see Creating a Cell Trace on LNBTS network element.

In the system profile, the following paging messages are disabled by default:

In the S1AP protocol, the id-paging message.

In the E-RRC protocol, the Paging (PCCH) and Paging-NB (PCCCH-Message-NB) messages.

Select these messages to enable their tracing.… 1/2
8/10/23, 10:00 PM Creating LTE Activation Profiles

7. To save profile, click Save as.

Expected outcome

The Create new profile dialog box closes. New profile is added to the profile list and it is visible in the table in the LTE
Activation Profiles window.
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