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Retirement – payment for work no longer

performed based on length of employment
11. Personal Growth
Total rewards – Is a system of rewards that goes
beyond compensation and benefits and includes 12. Training – skill development through on or off the
anything and everything the employee values and the job instruction
employer is willing and able to offer employees.
13. Career Development – in-the-job coaching to
Total rewards system – Is comprised of compensation develop skills
and non-compensation elements used to attract and
retain workers and reinforce desired behaviors. 14. Performance Management – ongoing goal setting
and feedback to develop skills
Total rewards strategy – Is a system implemented by a
business that provides monetary, beneficial, and FOUR (4) PHASES OF TOTAL REWARDS
developmental rewards to employees who achieve IMPLEMENTATION
specific business goals. 1. Assessment – this phase, the HRP evaluates the
- The strategy combines compensation and company’s total rewards system and generates ideas
benefits with personal growth opportunities for improving it. To carry-out this phase effectively, HR
inside a motivated work environment. must take responsibility for a lengthy series of tasks.
- Total rewards strategy encourages organizations 2. Design – during this phase, the HR team identifies
to move toward a pay-for-performance which employee and organizational attributes to
philosophy providing opportunities for top reward and which types of rewards to offer. The HR
performers to earn higher base salaries Team should consider the full range of rewards
through a well-defined performance evaluation strategies, including compensation, benefits, personal
program embracing a meritocracy culture. and professional development, and work environment.
EXAMPLES OF TOTAL REWARS STRATEGIES 3. Execution – once the HR Team has designed a total
1. Compensation rewards system, it moves to the execution phase of the
implementation process- putting the new system in
2. Base Pay – wages and salary place in the organization. During this phase, the HR
team must consider numerous issues.
3. Merit Pay – base-pay increase based on employee
performance 4. Evaluation – in this phase, the project team
compares the actual results of the executed total
4. Incentives – cash bonuses based on employee rewards strategies against the desired results. By
performance conducting evaluation, you can show top management
5. Promotions – base pay increase based on potential that the company’s investment in its total rewards
to perform new job system has paid off.

6. Pay Increases – base pay increase based on length of BENEFITS OF TOTAL REWARDS
service with the organization 1. A Persuasive Recruitment Tool – the more items or
7. Benefits inducements that you’re able to put on the table, the
stronger the case you make for selling your
8. Health and Welfare – payment for injuries and organization, this can help you bring high-performing
illness both on and off the job candidates on board.

9. Paid Time Off – payment for vacation time or 2. Signaling that you’re a Progressive Company –
excused days from work employees like to be associated with well-known, well-
considered company. “The brand of the company is PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AS A
very important. A positive, well-respected brand makes TOTAL REWARDS
it easier to draw in quality candidates.”
 Work environment (safety and comfort)
3. Increasing Employee Engagement without  Job design
Increasing Costs – Happy, engaged, connected  Recognition
employees will spread the word that they like where  Work/life balance
they work. Overtime, that builds and solidifies the  Autonomy
reputation of the company as a good place to work.  Flexible schedules and work arrangements
 Relationships with other people
4. Increased Awareness of all the Benefits the
 Quality leadership
Employer Provides – underutilization of employee
benefits is a big concern for many companies. The ADVANTAGES OF TOTAL REWARDS PROGRAM
time, effort and resources that go into putting together
an employee benefits packages (particularly to a small  Employee Retention
business) can be considerable, and when those  Employee Performance
benefits go unused, it can all feel like a waste.  Controllable Expenses
 Program Administration
5. Higher Employee Retention Rates – engaged
employees are more loyal, which means that it’s going DISADVANTAGES OF TOTAL REWARDS PROGRAM
to take more than a small salary increase to lure the
 Lag the Market
them away.
 Appropriate Mixture
6. Improved Performance and Productivity – a more  Self-focus and Competition
engaged workforce isn’t just a loyal workforce; it’s also
a more productive one. Total rewards program have
been linked to increases in overall employee LECTURE 7: SIGNIFICANT FACTORS AFFECTING
performance and satisfaction. COMPENSATION
External Factors:
 Trainings, career development, and performance
management can constitute valuable rewards  Supply and demand for employee skills;
for employees. But the value of these rewards  Labor organization;
for an organization is less clear.  Competitors
 From the employer’s perspective, personal and  The Economy;
professional development is good only if it  Cost of living; and
enables workers to acquire special skills that  Government Legislation
add value to the enterprise.
 Valuable skills are those that give an Internal Factors:
organization unique capabilities that rivals
 The firm’s financial condition;
can’t copy and thus afford the employers a
 Productivity of the firm
sharp competitive edge (Barney and Wright,
 Employee
1998). Clearly, development opportunities that
 Job Description
give workers general skills that can be easily
transported to other organizations do not
provide strategic value.
The commodity approach to labor tend to show that a It should be recognized that not a few employers share
wage is a price for the services of a worker or their bonanza in the form of bonuses with their
employee. As such, if a firm desires his services, it must employees.
pay a price for such services which are subject to
control by the worker or group of workers acting in If the firm is highly successful, it is good public relations
concert with one another. to pay their workers and employees above the
prevailing wage rate. Contented and happy workers
As the law of supply and demand indicates the greater become sufficiently motivated to work harder resulting
supply of any commodity and the lesser the demand in increased productivity.
for it, the price is low. Conversely, if the demand is
greater than the supply, the price is high. All said, ability to pay is an important factor affecting
compensation, not for the individual firm for the entire
In general, anything works to decrease the supply of economy or industry.
labor, such as restriction by a particular labor union,
there will be a tendency to increase the compensation. PRODUCTIVITY
If anything works to increase the employers demand Productivity goes hand in hand with morale, i.e., if
for labor, such as wartime prosperity, there will be a morale is high, the worker exerts greater efforts
tendency to increase the compensation. The reverse of resulting in increased productivity.
each situation is likely to result in a decrease in
employee compensation. Productivity is a measure of performance.

LABOR ORGANIZATION Productivity is the ability of the worker to produce

more is circumscribed by the path he has chosen, the
Labor unions – represent the vital arm and thus the path that lead to the accomplishment of desired goals.
strong force of labor organizations. In the structure of
economic relationships, the labor union attempts to This makes the worker highly productive provided
work primarily on the supply side. there are no restraining forces, that is, if no barriers
blocked the desired path.
Union leaders are often very competent in selecting
the appropriate time to strike as judged by the markets Higher productivity, it should be noted, is an index of
for the employer’s products. high or good performance and suggest promotion at a
certain time in the future; promotion in rank and in
To strengthen their control over the supply of labor, pay.
unions seek such goals as union or closed shops,
regulation or restricted substitution of capital for labor DRAWBACKS IN PRODUCTIVITY COMPENSATION
through technology, and controlled entry into
 There is no precise and accurate measure of
apprenticeship programs.
productivity acceptable to all;
Collective bargaining agreement – the process by  The reported percent increase are generally of
which unions and employers arrive and enforce their long-term average and are not achieved each
agreements year;
 Not all industries participate equally in
- In order to realize the ambition of creating some
productivity gains; and
effective power over a labor market, a union
 Use of any index does not materially reduce
had to gain control of the supply of labor and
controversy in bargaining since the index is
have the financial resources necessary to
used as the base from which to bargain.
outlast the employer strength. The union has
to force the employer to negotiate. The proper role of a productivity index in
compensation is not one of a rigid formula; rather, it


provides helpful information for both parties in the Principle of Competition – pay must be competitive
bargaining process. enough. It must compare favorably with pay for similar
work in both the area and the industry.
Principle of Significant Differences – compensation
In recent years apart from the base pay members of should recognize significant differences in
the labor force receive from their employers as responsibility, authority, accountability, and level of
compensation for their services, in addition thereto, employment within the organization.
there is added what has come to be known as cost of
living allowance termed as COLA for short. Principle of Contribution – should be based upon the
individual’s contribution to the objectives of the
The basic intent behind such increment is to help them company.
in their dilemma brought by the higher of inflation.
Principle of Change – should be capable of revision to
Briefly, COLA adjustment of compensation constitutes meet changing conditions.
no fundamental solution to equitable compensation of
employees. Rather, as indicated above, it is useful as a Principle of Status Symbolism – compensation
top gap device in times of inflation when labor is believes that individual earnings mark his progress in
pressed to keep with the rise in prices. life accordingly.

In the Philippines, the mandatory cost of living STEPS IN COMPENSATION ADMINISTRATION

allowance is contained in WAGE ORDERS issued by the
government from one time to another. However, 1. Determining the relative value of positions;
distressed enterprises are granted full or partial 2. Grouping positions into classes or grades;
exemptions or deferment of compliance for a period to 3. Deciding upon general compensation levels;
be determined by the National Wage Council. 4. The company’s relative ability to pay;
5. Devising the range of compensation for the
6. Establishing criteria for advancement through
The recognition of the importance of labor to the the range; and
nation’s economy explains the government’s continued 7. Evaluating the individual
attention and concern to the plight of the workingman.
Such area of concern includes LAW to evolve fair and
equitable payment of wages due the workingman. To Job Description – a group of duties, responsibilities and
this end, a number of social and labor legislations have activities assigned to an individual. It is a summary of
been enacted, particularly relating to wages. One of the most important features of the job in terms of its
these is the Minimum Wage Law. general nature and of the type of operation required to
perform it in an efficient manner.
Government intervention took the form of the
establishment of a wage board or council for each - It summarizes duties and responsibilities, skill or
industry, or a central wages commission covering a training requirements; and organizational
group of companies. demands for this type of employees required.
- The job description is normally formulated by
Principle of Economics – pay must bear a reasonable Essential features each position as:
relationship to the overall financial structure of the
company. 1. The nature of the work involved, and
2. The type of worker that appears best fitted for
Principle of Living Wage – pay should be substantial the position (JS).
enough to obtain a reasonable standard of living.
CONTENTS OF JOB DESCRIPTION 10. Others that have a bearing on the job. For
1. A summary of statement/ job responsibility is to maintain adequate supply
2. Relationships of materials, proper utilization of resources,
3. Specific duties and responsibilities and etc.
4. Authority

DETAILED JOB DESCRIPTION CONTENTS 1. It should be borne in mind that job descriptions are
nothing more than job summary statements of duties
1. Job Summary and responsibilities called in the job and never
2. Job Title intended to serve as a measure of employee
3. Location of the Job in the organization performance.
(Department or Unit)
4. Authority to report – to what higher position 2. Attention should be focused and directed to two
the job is tied to. basic elements:
5. How much direction and supervision is given
to the job. 1. principal duties
6. Specific duties performed 2. accountability for performance of the job.
a. Regular as in the case of PAYROLL 3. Job identification data – this relates to identifying
ASSISTANT who is assigned to that job information about the job such as job title, (if
for as long as he holds that position in alternative titles exist); code name, if such is used;
the company; organizational unit and level of job; and, perhaps,
b. Less frequently, but regularly as, once current holder of the job.
a week or every fifteen days.
(Example: computing attendance 4. Minimal qualifications necessary for the job must be
worked by employees.) clearly indicated. This will help in the recruitment
c. Occasionally. When the PAYROLL process. Without gainsaying considering those without
MASTER is absent due to illness or the desired qualifications for the performance of the
vacation leave of absence, the job is a sheer waste of time, effort and money.
PAYROLL ASSISTANT takes over his
5. The chain of command must be clearly spelled out;
position and does the former’s job at
and so with delegation of authority.
least temporarily.
d. Unrelated tasks that could be assigned, 6. There should be a periodic review of job descriptions
as for instance, during an emergency, since jobs change. The descriptions should always
vacancies, resignations, absence, etc. reflect the nature and contents of the jobs in question.
7. Extent of job authority, if any. Statements of
authority relationships include: JOB SPECIFICATION
a. From whom authority is received for
Job specification – is at times termed as “job spec” for
this position;
short, it usually indicates the skill, education, and
b. To whom orders and instructions are
experience required to perform the job.
8. Working conditions, that is, whether safe, - It also includes a statement of the job conditions
pleasant and conducive to higher relating to the health, safety, and comfort of
productivity. If the reverse obtains, there the employee. Perhaps, a more nearly accurate
should be a clear statement to that effect. name would be to call this job specification an
9. Machinery and equipment required for the “person specification”.

 Job evaluation begins with job descriptions. 1. Gathering of factual material

 A job description begins with a job analysis. 2. Accuracy of data
3. Putting the information in draft form.
Job analysis – is the study of work done and the 4. The draft is now made subject to review
conditions under which it is done in order to determine 5. Revision of the first draft
what the job actually is. 6. Final approval
Job Analysis – is the methodical compilation of study
of work data in order to define and characterize each
occupation in such a way as to distinguish it from all


1. To determine and establish job specifications;

2. To develop training programs;
3. To evaluate positions in the company;
4. To study work flow and work process for
improvement in operations;
5. To determine safety standards
6. To aid in determining cost and value benefits
of employee benefits.


The decision to go on board on a job analysis program,

either for the purpose of reviewing the accuracy of
present and possibly obsolete job descriptions, or for
the sole purpose of installing a new plan, doubtless
requires a careful consideration of the following

1. What are the clear reasons which justify job

2. What reliable information, if any, exists? Is
such information complete and reliable for
the present use it is intended?
3. What jobs or groups of jobs are the subject of
study and analysis? In what order will the
study of other jobs follow?
4. How should the information from the job
analysis be collected and recorded?
5. When should the job analysis be undertaken?
When should it be completed?

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