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Name: Utin Aulia Ananda

Class: VIII D
“Social Media Effect for Teenager”
Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb.
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen first of all, thanks to Allah SWT that gives us a
chance to gather in this room. In this opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech about
“The Effect of social media for teenager”. This speech is aimed to figure out the positive and
the negative effect for the user of social media in teenager life.
Social media is already familiar in our life. In teenager life they often use the social
media to get information. However, the user of social media not just the teenagers but it is
also used by the parents and the people. In the other hand social media also has negative
effect for teenagers, such as they can visit porn websites easily and they can also being
addicted to play online games.
Social media has negative effects for teenagers. The examples are the teenagers could
easily access the information easily. They also can expand their networks to all over the
world. Therefore, the user of social media is used in good ways in sya Allah we will get the
benefit from it. In contrast if we use social media for bad purpose there will be big
possibilities for us to fall in to the negative effects.
To sum up, social media has the positive and negative effects which depend to how
the user use it. Let’s use social media in smart ways. That all from me, I hope this speech
could beneficial for all of us especially for the teenagers in using the social media.
Additionally, I would like to say sorry if there is a mistake in my speech.
Thank you and Wassalamualikum Wr. Wb.

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