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Digital Media Guidelines

This document is confidential and is intended only for the internal use by SBI Life Insurance Co Ltd. The recipient(s) should ensure that this document is not reproduced or circulated
to external entities in any form or means including electronic, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior approval of the competent authority. The recipients are required
to maintain the confidentiality of the document and may share with the officers of the Company on need-to know basis and such recipients are also bound by confidentiality
Table of Contents

A) Introduction
B) Purpose

C) Understanding Digital Media

D) Authorized Users

E) Content Guidelines

F) Engagement Guidelines (Digital Media/Mediums)

G) Personal Rules & Guidelines

H) Digital Code of Conduct for SBI Life Associates

I) Enforcement

J) Review and Approval of Guidelines

K) Managing and Reporting

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A) Introduction

1. Digital Media is an integral aspect of today’s society. Digital media is omnipresent in daily lives and
consumed on phones, tablets, computers and other devices.

2. A displacement of consumption is seen from offline media to online websites, apps and videos. Instead of
turning on cable TV, the younger generation prefers to watch content online. Instead of reading a
newspaper, youth prefer to use their phones, read online articles and share social media posts.

3. Over the past decade, digital media has kept up with technology and people’s affinity towards device
usage. It has evolved to the point where potential customers assess a brand basis its online presence
(website, etc.) & capabilities on digital platforms. The prospect consumer and customer today knows all
about your company way before they even contact you.

4. Digital media has changed the world over and the way individuals talk to each other, customers, prospects
and partners.

SBI Life fully acknowledges and recognizes the emergence and influence of Digital Media in the modern
world, and requires all SBI Life Associates as representatives of the brand to abide by the digital media
guidelines for undertaking any interaction about or on behalf of the brand, SBI Life Insurance.

(The term "SBI Life associates" includes, but is not limited to, SBI Life's Employees/Officers, insurance
agents, insurance intermediaries, employees & affiliates of insurance intermediaries, who have been
authorised to solicit insurance products of SBI Life and vendors or business partners or other Service
Providers of SBI Life who provide various services to SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.
*‘Partner’ here refers to any organization /individual who has the mandate to market products and
services of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.)

B) Purpose

1. To establish digital media guidelines for SBI Life Associates to protect the brand identity, integrity and

2. The guidelines cover the conduct and expectations, policies, audiences, definitions, standards, guidelines
& examples for SBI Life associates on and beyond SBI Life Insurance’s social media, digital networking,
broadcasting or publishing platforms.

3. To ensure that the interaction/presence on digital mediums is made as per the brand identity, integrity
and reputation that the brand holds while minimizing legal risks, inside or outside of the workplace.

4. Due to the dynamic and prompt nature of digital media, it is important to convey information about the
company’s products and services, promote and raise awareness around the brand SBI Life. It is also
essential to explore new markets, communicate with associates and customers to brainstorm regarding
issues concerning the brand’s integrity or respond to breaking news or negative publicity, discuss
corporate/business-unit or department-specific activities and events and do so responsibly.

C) Understanding Digital Media

1. What is digital media? - - > Digital media is digitized content that can be transmitted over the internet or
computer networks. This can include text, audio, video, graphics etc. Digital media/mediums includes all
forms of online content and discussions (including but not limited to blogs, wikis, file sharing, user-
generated videos, images, comments or responses and audio) published across social networks and other
social networking applications.

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2. What are the types of digital media? - - > Examples of digital media include (but not limited to) software,
digital images, digital video, video games, web pages/websites, social media, apps, digital data/databases,
digital audio such as MP3, electronic documents and electronic books.

3. What is the use of digital media? - - > Digital media are tools (websites, apps, etc.) that establish digital
presence. The public wants to see digital media used to facilitate more effective and meaningful
interactions and communication. Digital media is a transformative technology that is dramatically
changing the face of communication and experience.

4. What’s is SBI Life presence in Digital media - - > At present, SBI Life has presence on social media (such as
Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram and LinkedIn) and is engaged with consumers/customers through
its corporate website (, & various other modes (such as
WhatsApp, Easy Access mobile application, Smart Advisor, Paisa Genie, Saathi, etc.) or any new digital
media avenues/assets that may appear in future.

D) Authorized users

1. The Brand and Corporate Communication team at SBI Life is authorised to handle and maintain all Digital
Media, including social media assets on behalf of the company. If there are any questions or queries
pertaining to Social Media, they are to be addressed to the official e-mail -

2. SBI Life Associates must be authorized by SBI Life (Authority appointed by SBI Life), based on job
responsibilities, to engage on digital media sites during working hours.

3. Only SBI Life appointed spokesperson is permitted to issue statements on behalf of the company. Other
SBI Life Associates may publish opinion on digital media platform only in an individual capacity and not for
or on behalf of SBI Life.

4. If SBI Life Associates list SBI Life as an employer on their social media profiles, it is mandated that a
disclaimer be published on their bio descriptions stating ‘Posts and views are purely personal.’

E) Content guidelines

1. The content published must be relevant, meet specified goals or purposes and add value to SBI Life brand.

2. Any copyrighted information requires written authorization from the Brand & Corporate Communication
team at SBI Life, before it can be published and should be properly attributed.

3. All content published must conform to appropriate laws and regulations, as well as guidelines adopted by
and governing the Company along with other applicable laws such as but not limited to privacy laws.

4. Undisclosed price sensitive information should not be published on digital media or mediums or any other
external sites.

5. Content published must be respectful towards individuals and must not hurt the sentiments of any
community, religion, gender, sect or any other demographic/psychographic segment of the society.

6. Content is to be created and published while complying with (including but not limited to) the Terms and
conditions or Terms of Services or User Agreement or Privacy Policy or Data Policy as applicable to Digital
and Social media platforms.

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F) Engagement guidelines (Digital Media / Mediums)

1. SBI Life Associates owning a Digital medium(s) profile or any other user accounts are advised to have
profiles in their own individual names. The company name ‘SBI Life / SBI / SBI Life Insurance’ or the brand
logo should not be used as part of their profile URL, username or profile picture/icon by any of the SBI Life

2. SBI Life Associates should refrain from forming any groups or community pages or blogs or property or
assets etc. using the SBI or SBI Life company name, logo, video or make any form of amendments to digital
content created by the brand or for the brand.

3. SBI Life Associates should publish opinions only in an individual capacity and not for or on behalf of SBI
Life, including any job/work related matter.

4. SBI Life Associates should publish a disclaimer in the bio description stating ‘Posts and views are purely
personal’, if SBI Life is listed as employer in the profile.

5. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any content against the Company or its affiliates, also it should
not tarnish the image of the Company and should not put the Company to any embarrassment.

6. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any personal information like phone number, e-mail address,
or any unique identifying information pertaining to any customer/employee/vendor/partner any other
person for security reasons.

7. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any links or other content that may contain viruses or
malicious software within or outside the Company.

8. SBI Life Associates should not share any information about SBI Life customers (application number, policy
number, phone number, email-id, courier dispatch no, etc.).

9. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any information marked by the company as ‘Strictly
Confidential’ or ‘Confidential’ or ‘Internal Circulation Only’.

10. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any undisclosed financial information, undisclosed price
sensitive information, strategies, forecasts, company policies, business processes, presentations, SOPs,
collaterals marked for internal use only etc.

11. SBI Life Associates not appointed as spokesperson, should not publish/post/issue statements on behalf of
company on any subject. Only an appointed spokesperson is permitted to do so.

12. SBI Life Associates should use digital media/medium purposefully (for useful information and ideas,
inspire informative discussions and educate).

13. SBI Life Associates should respect people and must refrain from using ethnic slurs, personal insults or
engage in any conduct that would not be acceptable in the SBI Life workplace. (Examples include offensive
posts intended to harm or sabotage someone's reputation or that contribute to a hostile work
environment on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, or any other status protected by law or company

14. SBI Life Associates should not publish/post any content that is obscene, indecent, unlawful, defamatory,
misleading, intended to harass, abuse, threaten others or infringe on another's rights.

15. SBI Life Associates are personally responsible for the content published/posted on digital media/mediums,
including the legality, reliability, appropriateness, originality and copyright of any such material. SBI Life is
not liable for any direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages that may arise from the

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use of digital media/mediums or any other external platforms by SBI Life Associates.

16. If SBI Life Associates would like to leverage digital media/medium to drive sales, specific guidelines would
be applicable which could be procured by contacting

17. SBI Life Associate could interact with, like and share content published by the brand on its social media
assets. SBI Life has official corporate profiles on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.

18. SBI Life Associate should only share/refer the job posted by HR on SBI Life official websites and social
media handles or on independent publisher. No SBI Life Associate should share/publish any content
related to job postings/vacancies unless approved by the Brand & Corporate Communication team.

G) Personal Rules & Guidelines

1. SBI Life Associates are expected to follow the guidelines set forth below to provide a clear line between
you as the individual and you as the associate of SBI Life.

2. SBI Life Associates are not permitted to use social media during working hours or at any time on company
computers or any other company-supplied devices unless authorised by SBI Life (Authority appointed by
SBI Life). SBI Life respects the right of its Associates to use digital media/mediums for self-publishing and
self-expression but on personal time.

3. SBI Life Associates need to be socially conscious and responsible for all their acts on the digital space. Any
act on digital mediums—even if intended to be solely personal, can be easily circulated beyond the
intended audience. This content, therefore, represents the associate and SBI Life to the outside world and
the associate shall be personally liable for the same.

4. SBI Life Associates will be held personally liable for any content published by them that is considered
defamatory, obscene, proprietary or libellous by any offended party.

5. SBI Life Associates are prohibited from harassing, discriminating or disparaging against any one (including
employee or anyone affiliated with or doing business with SBI Life or otherwise).

6. SBI Life Associates are prohibited from posting company’s name, trademark or logo or property or asset or
any company-privileged information, including but not limited to: copyrighted information or company-
issued documents unless authorized by the competent deciding authority at SBI Life.

7. SBI Life Associates are prohibited from promoting personal projects (associated with their line of work and
related to the job responsibilities at SBI Life) and endorsing brands (in the BFSI domain).

8. SBI Life Associates shall use discretion in responding to public users through digital media/medium and
use a respectful and courteous tone.

9. SBI Life Associates will adhere to the guidelines, to protect self and SBI Life’s brand (reputation).

10. SBI Life associates (whichever applicable) should refer and adhere to various Company policies as
applicable from time to time. Some of the applicable SBI Life policies (including but not limited to) are:

10.1. Information and Cyber Security Policy

10.2. Information Technology Policy

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H) Digital code of conduct for SBI Life Associate

1. Creation of Page /Group /Community/Blog


i) If any associate of SBI Life Insurance is creating any social network profile he/she should create such profile
in his/her real name and shall not create any profile using the Company (SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd) or
parent company or group companies’ or logo or similar.


ii) No associate of SBI Life Insurance shall establish/form/promote any group/community on any internet site
which uses the name or logo of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd/Parent Company/Group Companies/Similar
name/Identity, or shall become member of any such group or community unless such group is expressly
created or permitted by the Company.
iii) No associate of SBI LIFE INSURANCE CO. LTD shall create any identity/form of communication in any
manner whatsoever, including but not limited to email id/address or any other platform, using the brand
name and/or logo of SBI Life and use any such combination of words with "SBI" that may mislead the public
that the communication is from an authorised source or official source of SBI Life Insurance Co or Parent
Company or Group Companies (e.g.

2. Communication on the Digital space

a. Do’s

i) An associate may create a blog/page/group to discuss or to publish any content

outside company’s functional domain.
1. If an associate wishes to create a blog/page/group to discuss or to publish
any content under the company’s functional domain, he/she may do so by
declaring his association with SBI Life Insurance and a disclaimer stating,
“‘Posts and views are purely personal.’
2. Any blog/page/group created should be disclosed to SBI Life Insurance Co.
Ltd, prior to creation of such a blog /page /group and should be done only
upon the approval of the company.
ii) The associate should take prior approval from SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd (Brand &
Corporate Communication team) before posting any service/product related
information or any information whatsoever related to the Company on the Digital
Space. Also, if the Company advises the associate to remove/discontinue posting any
particular content/creative, the same should be complied with immediately.
b. Don’ts

i) No associate of SBI Life Insurance shall post/express any remarks/views on any

internet site or social media which may be defamatory of SBI Life Insurance
Company/Parent Company/Group Companies or its officials/employees.
ii) No associate shall publish material on any internet site or social media which can
damage the reputation of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd /Parent Company/Group
Companies and its management / employees.

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iii) No associate shall publish material about the business processes / strategies /
policies of SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd /Parent Company/Group Companies on any
internet site or social media.
iv) No associate shall disclose any information about any employee or customer or
partner of the Company/Parent Company/Group Companies including their personal
details on any internet site or social media.
v) No associate shall use the name SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd/Parent Company/Group
Companies while expressing any views in any of the internet sites/social media.
vi) No associate should criticize the management of the Company, business processes,
strategies of the Company or policies of the Company on any internet site or social
vii) No associate shall share, create or distribute unauthorized information or material
related to products/services from SBI Life.
viii) No associate of the Company shall express any view on any internet site or social
media about the working of the Company, business of the Company or generally
about SBI Life Insurance or any of its officials.
ix) No associate of the Company shall publish any official information/ circulars/
memorandum/documents etc. which are of the record of the Company.
x) No associate shall engage in collusive behaviour on any internet site or social media,
with Company’s competitors or their employees.
xi) No associate shall canvass for any donation, lottery or third party marketing/business
promotional activities/affairs on any internet site or social media.
xii) No associate shall create an identity/form of communication, including but not
limited to email id/address, using the brand name/ combination of SBI Life Insurance
Co /Parent Company/Group Companies (e.g.
xiii) No associate shall share, create or distribute unauthorized information or material
related to products/services from SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd./Parent Company/Group
Companies, including staff/intermediary vacancies.
xiv) No associate shall write about, comment on, or answer questions on any crises
situation, legal matter, litigation or lawsuit involving SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd/Parent
Company/Group Companies.
xv) No associate shall allow others to use their blog/ id/ site, etc. for publishing any
views/material of any nature mentioned above and they shall be entirely responsible
for the contents posted in his name/ in his blog / under their id/ in his website.

3. Clause specific to Individual Agents and Intermediaries

In case of Brokers and Corporate Agents, the Digital Code of Conduct would also be applicable to their
employees associated with SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd.

4. Associates who do not have any association with SBI Life

Associates who do not have any association whatsoever with SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd. on account of
termination/non-renewal/suspension/ disqualification etc. of their license/registration, will not represent
SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd./Parent Company/Group Companies in any form and manner or post any content
about SBI Life Insurance Co. Ltd./Parent Company/Group Companies on the digital space through any

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I. Enforcement

Violations of the digital media guidelines will be enforced under current employee/associate personnel
policies (such as the Terms & Conditions of SBI Life Officers, Governing MoU/Contracts, etc.) regarding
personal conduct, supervisory discipline, reprimand, performance evaluation and/or termination.

J. Review and approval of the guidelines

The guidelines will be reviewed and approved by the competent authorities as and when required.

K. Managing and Reporting

1. SBI Life reserves the right to monitor digital media/mediums for the purpose of protecting its
interests and to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations or policies.

2. The Brand and Corporate Communication team at SBI Life has the sole authority to respond to
queries, complaints, feedback, etc. received on digital media/mediums.

3. For any potential crisis/topic that may need urgent attention would need to be escalated to for further action.

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