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Crosswind circuit CIRCUIT TRAINING

Objectives Air exercise

• To correctly position the aeroplane controls while taxiing. Take-off
• To compensate for drift throughout the circuit. • Line-up, adjust reference point for drift • Lift off at slightly higher speed than normal
• To take-off and land in crosswind conditions. • Ailerons fully into wind, elevator neutral • After lift-off make a gentle balanced turn into wind
• During take-off roll reduce aileron to neutral by rotate point

Considerations Circuit Landing

Climb-out • Combination of kick straight and wing down methods
On the ground On landing
• Wings level, in balance Kick-straight
• Aeroplane has tendency to • As crosswind increases amount of
• Adjust heading to track extended centreline • Crab into wind
weathercock into wind flap used decreases – to improve
Crosswind • Just before touchdown, kick straight, aileron to keep wings level
• Position controls to compensate directional control
• Reference heading allows for drift Wing-down
for wind • More airspeed needed if gusty
• Expect some headwind or tailwind • From short final
On take -off • Need to consider overall suitability of Downwind • Wing held down, rudder to keep aligned
• Allow for drift to track along the • Allow for wind on downwind turn with centreline – sideslip
runway in crosswind conditions
runway centreline • Track parallel to runway • Land on into wind wheel first
Maximum demonstrated • Assess runway and decide on Combination
In the circuit crosswind speeds and flap setting to use • Crab into wind on final
• Allow for drift and headwind/tailwind • In Flight Manual • Check downwind spacing • During round-out switch to wing
on each leg • Limited by ability of rudder and Base down method Wind
• Base leg will be affected the most • Allow for drift and • Aileron to stay aligned with centreline,
aileron to control aeroplane
• For this aeroplane is kts headwind or tailwind rudder to stay straight
• Extend all the landing flap • Into wind wheel touches down first

Calculating crosswind component • Anticipate turn onto final

• Need W/V from TAF or METAR Flight Manual graph Final
• Convert the direction to magnetic – Nav computer • Track extended

apply variation Windsock centreline

• Vector diagram Tower • Power controls rate

• Need pencil, paper, ruler and

Formula of descent
• Angular difference between wind
and RWY
Plot on watch face
210° M

• Percentage of distance around
watch face x wind strength = X/W

10 kts Wind 240/20

• 30° = half wind strength,
Wind vector
20 knots 60° = full wind strength

17.3 kts 11 12 1
Airmanship Aeroplane management Human factors
component 9 3
• Making the calculations improves SA • Control position on ground wrt wind • Assessing runway suitability
8 4 • Max crosswind is a recommendation, • May need to use brakes improved ADM
7 5
6 but may be other limits
Runway 21

Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand Flight Instructor Guide

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