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Convection and Radiation

Windspeed, Temperature, Dry Condition / Low Humidity

open towel means greater surface exposed to drying agent.

From the process of convection, hot air rises and cooler air descends.
In the house, the hot air will rise and escape through the ventilation blocks

Allowing for the cooler air to enter the house.

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Caribbean is a naturally hot and humid climate.

Non-functioning a/c means there is nothing to circulate and cool the air

This is going to cause a build up of hot / stale air which can become very


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Graph 1.0 - Showing rate of conduction over increasing distance.

11 cm

60 mm

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Time taken
/ mins

Distance / cm

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Cockroach, Mosquitoes

An organism that depends on another organism for nutrients, usually

at the harm of the host.




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Can be toxic to the environment

Can drive off or kill helpful organisms

Bioaccumulation - build up of toxins can be harmful to larger organisms

Fly Swatter

Light Zapper

Fly Paper (Sticky Paper)

Insect Screens

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Can introduce an organism that feeds on the rats such as cats


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1. Helps to channel or funnel the sound waves into middle and inner ear

2. It is to reduce / filter the excess vibrations from reaching the inner ear

will affect what soundwaves are heard and how they are directed

into the middle ear.

will affect how much soundwaves are able to be trapped and funnelled

into the middle ear.

Dogs ears are trained to hear higher frequencies than what typical humans

can hear. So when the whistle is blown, only dogs would be able to hear.

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1. The close sounds from the headphones can damage her hearing.

2. The headphones can block out other sounds, if people are trying to

reach her.

3. Wearing the headphone for long periods can physically hurt the ears.

Sound waves from her mom reach Vashti's ears.

Ears takes the sound waves and convert to electrical impulses which

go to her brain to be interpreted.

The brain responds by sending the appropriate signal to muscles for

her to begin to move.

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When the ears pick up the sounds, the intensity of the sounds triggers

an autonomic response. Where the signals immediately go to musclar

tissue (in this case vocal cords) to trigger a response.

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Class 1 / First Class Lever

An inclined plane.

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MA = 1000/250


Work Done = Force x Distance

= 250 x 0.1

= 25 Nm

1. Length of the Pulley itself

2. Number of wheels in the pulley system.

More effort would be required to move the load the same distance

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the removal of metabolic waste from the body

the removal of UNDIGESTED waste material from the body.

Oxygen, Water , Carbon Dioxide

Urea, Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapour

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Via Transpiration Stream, Oxygen and Water vapour are excreted

Via translocation, when a leaf is dying, solid waste material is deposited

into the leaf before the leaf drops.

The blood carries dissolved carbon dioxide and water which travel

via the blood stream to the lungs.

Via diffusion, the carbon dioxide and water vapour are excreted into

the lungs which is then eventually exhaled.

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Gases, Ash and Lava

1. Toxic, poisonous gases

2. Destruction of homes, land and personal property

3. Destruction of wildlife and surrounding habitats

4. Other seismiological activity

1. Volcanic material is very rich in nutrients can help to make land more


2. Volcanic vents can be use to produce geothermal energy.

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When the Moon is orbiting the Earth, the gravitational forces interact with the

Earth's gravitational forces to pull on the bodies of water on the surface

This pulling action will increase or decrease how tides form an interact
the Earth surface.

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1. Sets availability of food for other organisms such as predators

2. aquatic life can become stranded or homes can become eroded.

3. Tides can affect sunlight availability to aquatic plants.

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