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A BioHacking Ltd Product

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd


Introducing our personal trainer : Oliver Bates 5

Start here 6
Introduction 6
Who We Are 9
The Topics 11
The starting point 12
Why this program 14
Requirements to follow this program 14
Differences between men and women 17
Training management - beginner 19
Training management - Female fitness 21
Differences between the two programs - summary 29
Menopause 30
List of possible exercises divided according to equipment 32
Let's get started 41
Action 1 - The Belly Deflating Elixir 41
Action 2 - A Real Spartan Breakfast 42
Action 3 – Embrace the Right Carbs 42
Action 4 - Get rid of the flat belly killers 43
Action 5 - Balancing the pH of your cells 44
Belly deflating protocol: let's recap 45
Squat 49
Side squat steps 50
Jump squat 51
Front squat 52
Bulgarian Squat 53
Sumo squats 54

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Sissy squat 55
Hack squat 56
Non alternating spot lunges 57
Walking Lunges 58
Stretched legs 60
Stiff legged deadlift 61
Romanian Deadlift 63
Leg extension 63
Leg curl 64
Fire hydrant 67
Posterior hip trust 68
Back leaps 69
Standing Side Push-ups 70
Lateral push-ups on the ground 71
Lateral leaps 72
Skip 73
Jumps with legs outstretched 74
One-legged calf/hamstring lift 76
Calves 77
Knee push ups 78
Diamond push ups 79
Flood bends 80
Forward Slow 81
Lateral lifts 82
90° degree lifts 83
Front lifts 84
Front + Lateral lifts 85
Australian pull-ups 86
Reverse Australian pull-ups 87
Single rower 88
Double rower 89
Barbell rower 90
High elbow barbell rower 91
Reverse grip rower 92
Dorsy bar 93
Hammer curl 94

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Alternate Curl 95
Seated Alternate Curl 96
Non-Alternate Curl 97
Concentrated Curl 99
Supinated Curl 100
Openings/crosses on the ground 101
Chin Pulls 102
French press 103
Floor press 104
Military press 105
Clean & press 106
Stretches behind the neck 107
Dumbbell Pullover 108
Triceps extensions 109
Single push ups 110
Lumbars on the ground 111
Reverse hyperextensions 112
Reverse crunch 114
Crunch with raised legs 115
Crunch with hands on the floor 116
Crunch with outstretched legs 117
Cross-legged crunch 118
Bicycle obliques 119
Alternate ankle twist obliques 120
Oblique with weights 121
Chest and Leg crunch 122
Isometric crunch 123
Twisted crunch 124
Torso twist 125
Low abs 126
Bicycle abdominals 127
Plank 128
Lateral Plank 129
Sprint 130

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd


Introducing our personal trainers

Filippo Pagani
I’m Filippo Pagani and I've been a Bodybuilding enthusiast since I was 14. I studied and researched in
the fitness, nutrition, and supplements fields to get the best body results without using drugs and
medicinal products.
From the very beginning, I faced an environment - the one of fitness - which was dominated by
“standard” training techniques, inappropriate and minimally effective for most of the people. These
techniques are often coupled with diets, as much inappropriate and ineffective on myself and on
dozens of people I met along my way.
This pushed me to question the methods promoted by most of the industry insiders. I did it by
studying and finding alternatives that turned out to be extremely effective and, most importantly,
accessible to anyone. From the “fortunate” people with genetics on their side to the less gifted ones.
From that very moment, my continuous search brought me during the years to build guides and
video-courses which have proved to be more and more successful, reaching and helping more than
30,000 men and women across Europe get their dream body.
My courses recorded hundreds of successful stories of people who have improved their body and their
life following my guides.
Over the last year, I created a training protocol for women only to take conveniently from home - with
no need for equipment - that has found incredible success.
This convinced Spartan Health to translate it and spread all over Europe.

Oliver Bates
My name’s Oliver Bates. I am 32 years old and I was born in East London.
I have always been quite an active person from a young age, I played basketball from the age of 9
years old and I also used to run quite a lot and play various other sports.
I was always a very skinny child with little to no muscle and did not really know anything about the
nutrition side of health and fitness or the gym / workout routines.
This showed as when I joined a gym at the age of 16, I was very clueless of what to do, how the
machines work and what exercises to do.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

From the agers of 16-18 years old I went to college where I studied Leisure & Recreation and did my
fitness training qualification.
Over those two years I learnt a lot more about exercises and a little bit more on the nutrition part of
I decided I was going to change my lifestyle as well as my career so I applied to University to do a
Sports & Exercise Science Foundation degree (this was just a one-year course).
Over this year I built up a more impressive physique, adding on some more muscle, and was doing
weight training 5-6 times a week.
I also entered the 2013 Men's Health Cover Model Competition, and although I did not win, I got
pretty far in the competition, which I was pretty proud of.
I am proof to my clients and followers that you do not necessarily need to be a gym member to get fit,
healthy, build a great physique and enjoy your workouts.
I have also adapted a whole new outlook on nutrition and so called “diets”.
I came up with many recipes myself that work, and have proven to work for myself and my clients. I
check in with my clients daily and weekly and if we need to make any changes to their programme
then I do so. I monitor their progress through their weight change and progress photos they send me
every 2 weeks.
My passion in life is health and fitness and I absolutely LOVE it. I want to help, motivate and inspire
as many people as I possibly can to become a healthier version of themselves and show them how
much fun it is and how better they will feel.
I think being in a lockdown for the past year and gyms being opened and closed had made so many
people realise how much you can utilize home workouts and that a gym is not a necessity whatsoever.

Start here

Hi, welcome and congratulations on purchasing this program, you made the right choice.
If you follow the workouts consistently, you will notice that the results will not be late to come.
The program includes all the exercises that you can do at home, sometimes with the help of
improvised weights.
At the bottom, you will find all the workouts divided into different levels of training, beginner or
female fitness, Filippo Pagani's insights who will explain why this program is so effective for you and
why it is different from all the other methods you have tried so far.
In addition, you will find the bonus "Spartan glutes" and the "Deflated Belly Protocol".
If you need to ask a technical question, send an email to, and the staff
will respond to you within 24 hours.
Congratulations again, enjoy watching and have a good workout!


Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Hello ladies, and welcome to the Spartan Home Training - Women Edition program.
As you already know, this program was created to enable everyone to get the results they desire in
terms of aesthetics from the comfort of their own home and who until now have not been able to
achieve it by following the classic programs recommended in the gym.
The program is divided into a practical part and a theoretical part. Obviously, many emphases are
placed on the practical part, which interests us most, but don't underestimate the importance of the
theoretical part where I personally explain the various concepts behind the program and the
structuring of the various elements. For example, why do I have chosen specific exercises, a sure
recovery between sets, a certain range of repetitions, and why not do 30 repetitions instead of 7 and
other essential details.

You will find answers to all these questions in the theoretical part that I have described. Instead of the
practical part, you will have all the assistance from Alessandra Amori, who will always answer your
In the practical part, the program is divided into several weeks, each week the training card changes
and the program is divided into two paths: beginner path, which should not be mistaken, because it
should not be followed only at the beginning, I will explain later and female fitness path. In theory,
you will find the difference between these two paths well explained and above all which ones to
choose and why, what are the objectives of one, and the other's objectives.

I'll give you a preview, the beginner path should be followed by all the ladies who have not been
working out for a long time or simply want to firm, tone and stay active without a program that is too
expensive. On the other hand, the female fitness program should be followed by all the ladies who are
aiming for the top.

Remember that working out is based primarily on bodyweight training and weights that you can find
at your home. So no equipment is needed, although in some cases they are welcome, especially in the
last part of the program dedicated to the female fitness path, where I will introduce those who want to
train with equipment as well as cards with classic gym training exercises.

However, I would recommend starting with the beginner's program and then, after a period of
adaptation of a few weeks, eventually moving on to the female fitness program.
The beginner program is structured into full-body cards, so all the exercises indicated will be done at
each workout.
In this case, there is only one card, and it must be repeated three times a week (minimum two times).
The card will be changed the following week, and you will have to follow the next card.
On the contrary, there are three different workouts in the female fitness path: routine A, routine B, and
a specialization routine.
Routine A is for the lower body and cardio, routine B is for the upper body, and specialization is a
workout focused on the "key" areas of the female body as I will explain in the theory section. The key
areas are the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, those that women prefer, and those they want to emphasize.
In the Female Fitness workout, we have three different workouts that will be done two times,
respectively, for routine A, two times for routine B and one time for the specialization routine.
So, in this path, it will be essential to work out five times a week therefore, that will be the
recommended frequency.
At this point, we can already notice a substantial difference in the training of the two paths:
- in the " Beginners" path, we have one card that must be repeated 2 or 3 times a week;
Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
- in the " Female Fitness " path, we have three different routines, A and B, to be repeated two times
during the week; moreover, the structure of the training cards changes, the intensity to be adopted, the
number of exercises, the number of repetitions and recoveries.

But we are going to be more specific, why are they different? So, in the Beginners card, we have more
exercises than those that are in the Female Fitness card because the intensity of training is low,
medium and not high in the other path. We use more movements, and they are simplified to work out
the whole body to keep us toned and active.
The fact that there are more exercises in the session should not mislead us into thinking that it is a
more intense workout than the female fitness one. Because in female fitness, we have fewer exercises,
but they are basic ones, and above all, they must be performed with a much higher intensity, as I have
mentioned in theory. Consequently, the sessions' recoveries will also be higher to repeat the workout
with the appropriate intensity while respecting the correct type of training.

Why should (and are) recoveries be longer than those usually recommended? Because if we want to
do a workout that affects the alactacid anaerobic metabolism - I will explain what this is in the theory
section - it is essential to recover entirely after doing a very intense session. This mustn't last too long,
which is why I would recommend performing the exercises as quickly and explosively as possible
(while respecting the correct execution).

So, for example, if I do a series of squats with a crate of water in my arms, which for a lady maybe a
very, very intense exercise and therefore brings fatigue and breathlessness, it will be necessary to have
a complete recovery, otherwise, it becomes a more resistance-oriented workout which has other
assumptions, other consequences, different from alactacid anaerobic training.
If this seems complicated to understand, don't worry, you can follow the proposed workouts without
understanding any of this. However, for those who want to know why the training is structured in this
way, here is the explanation and more comprehensively in the rest of the course's theoretical part.

What can I say? I want to welcome and go for it because the results will be easily achieved, all I am
asking from you is your commitment.

How to read the training cards

I'll start right away with a foreword: all you really must do is follow what Alessandra Amori does in
the videos.
Copy what she does, hence the repetitions she does, the sessions and the recoveries - they are given in
the description of each card - and you are good to go, and you are doing what you have to do.

But we also decided to include the option of recording the various progress, workout by workout and
then, and providing the list of exercises and videos. We have created PDF cards divided into weeks in
which there are charts of the various workouts to fill out.
You do not have to fill them out, you can use that paper as a simple list of exercises, with sessions,
recovery and repetitions and then simply like the card that you are given in the gym on printed paper,

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

not to do anything just to read. However, to keep track of your training, I would recommend using
them to report your training.

The empty boxes in each table's columns represent the kilos and repetitions and serve the purpose of
keeping track, for each set of each exercise, of each workout, of how many repetitions of that set you
did and how many kilos you used, nothing more. You don't have to rack your brains to write
something down, you can decide not to write anything down but, I repeat, my advice is to write down:
how many repetitions you did for each set, with how many kilos if you used them so that after two
months you can go back and review the cards of the first workouts and you'll see the progress you've
made in terms of repetitions and kilos lifted (if you needed more kilos to use in the exercises).

That's it. So, take advantage of the reports if you want to track your progress meticulously; if you
don't want to, use the PDFs as cards that you can print and keep.

Who We Are

Alessandra: Here we are, I wanted to thank all the ladies who have joined the Spartan
Warrior program, so congratulations to all of you, if you are here, it is because you want to
change, to improve.
I am Alessandra Amori, and I am a personal trainer; I am very proud to be contributing
together with our coaches Filippo Pagani and Oliver Bates, hello guys.

Oliver: Hi, Alessandra and Filippo. Hope everyone is well. I am Oliver, a personal trainer
from the UK and am so excited to start changing lives with this programme.
Can’t wait to get everyone involved and start achieving their desired fitness goals.

Filippo: Hi guys, hi everyone, I also wanted to thank you for joining this program, I can
assure you that you will not regret it. In this first part, I wanted to welcome Alessandra and
Oliver, and explain why this program is different from other available courses on the market,
the advantages of following it, and the results you can expect by following the proposed
Would you like to say something in particular, Oliver?

Oliver: Yes, I found that the results achievable with this programme are amazing and it’s all
from the comfort of your own home.
Some people don’t particularly enjoy going to the gym, some feel intimidated and some just
do not have the time.
These 18 minute workouts are perfect for everyone and anyone who wants achievable results
by not spending countless hours in the gym, doing repetitive and long lasting boring

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Alessandra: Yes, I also would like to add that based on my personal experience that we have
in any case implemented in the field, I realized over time that a workout in the gym
sometimes was not at least as far as my experience is concerned, but if you are here is
because you have also found this very difficult in being consistent in going to the gym
because each of you has your own life, your own primary goals, and so a workout that you
can do at home with what you have available, both with and without equipment is
undoubtedly fundamental for your health and also because it is limiting to talk only about
home training, what we have done is a 360-degree program, right?

Filippo: Exactly, when we came up with the idea of making this program, the main idea was
to be able to help all those ladies who cannot work out, go to the gym or have gone to the
gym but did not achieve the results they desired, perhaps because they followed unsuitable
workouts, or standard workouts, the classic workouts that are given to any person who joins
the gym, or because they were not performed sufficiently and therefore we thought about
making a program, actually, a video guide that could help all these ladies from home to train
and obviously get the results they want and have always wanted.

How does it differ from what's out there? Well, there are many differences. The first thing is
that we have decided, as you can see there are two of us, to create this program by making it
possible to train right away, therefore immediately focusing on what counts in training. At the
same time, to study these topics in detail to allow all the ladies to have a cultural background
that will enable them to train individually, so they can also progress on their own.
So a practical part and a theoretical part, a continuous and constant support, not only through
the ability to comment on each video, but also by providing support through a Facebook
group dedicated to this program, which includes not only us but also the many other ladies
who are following this program. You can create a "family" of people who help each other,
support each other, share doubts, continue on the path that will lead them to have a better
physique and everything that comes with it, therefore more self-esteem and well-being.

Alessandra: Especially because at the beginning people who get involved in this program of
ours, aside from those who don't have much time anyway, but even those who want to lose a
lot of kilos, so maybe they are a bit ashamed of going to the gym. However, at home, they
have a commitment that is planned because there are three workouts per week that we would
recommend as opposed to 2 because there is an entire program to follow and the great thing
about the group you mentioned, Guerriera Spartana. It is exactly because people put their
testimonials, including the excellent results they are getting by constantly training and
because we do not give up. We don't make them give up, so this is fundamental for
self-esteem and the desire to continue pursuing their goals because then each of us, as well as
each of you, has your objectives, from weight loss to wellness, to toning, etc.

Filippo: I can confirm, everything is accessible from anywhere, you need a computer, a
smartphone, a tablet and so on, so in essence, you can immediately focus on training with
your videos, Alessandra, videos of complete workouts, then there is the next part that is a
theoretical part, which is not mandatory to watch to follow the program but I would
recommend it for the principles and to understand the reason for some choices.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

You will also find a bonus in the videos of the execution of individual exercises, which have
nothing to do with the exercises.
You will find the bonus deflate belly, where Alessandra explains how to implement what to
do to get a flat stomach and lose fat quickly.
You will find the bonus made by me "Spartan Buttocks", which is a program at the end, to
provide further emphasis to the gluteus muscle, with all the exercises and performances that
will show you precisely Alessandra. And in essence, you will have everything you need to
get results from home, even without any equipment. In fact, as overloads or as tools to be
used, there will be nothing but weights of convenience, bottles, tables, chairs, everything else
can be done freely.

Alessandra: Kids, cats, dogs...

Filippo: That's it, if you scroll down in the other videos, you'll find all the other explanations
that you need.
Don't forget to subscribe to the private Facebook group of Guerriera Spartan, where you will
find thousands of ladies who have already signed up for the program, you will find our
updates, our posts, videos of Alessandra who will show you what she eats, what she does,
how she trains and so on.
The only thing you have to do now is get into it and follow the directions.

Alessandra: And train, please don't give up.

Oliver: That’s right. I hope everyone enjoys and trusts the process and can’t wait to get you
started and see you achieving and exceeding your fitness goals!

Filippo: Alright, thanks again for trusting us and see you in the following videos, bye.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd


The Topics

Hello ladies, this is Oliver Bates and welcome to this new program: Spartan Home Training -
After a long time, I decided to come online to create a program entirely dedicated to the fairer
sex. That's because, given the success I've had with men, I wanted to delve into the "women"
issue as well, and over time I've made training plans that have proven effective for them.
"Why not take a course then, and why not do it with the help of a professional like
Alessandra Amori?" And here we go.

In this first paragraph, I want to give you an intro and an overview of the topics we'll be
covering in the program.
This isn't the first one you will see, so you've already read Alessandra's introduction; you've
already read that there are ready-made workouts to follow. I anticipate that content will be
added every week until we reach 120 days of training, which is a 4-month schedule.

Obviously, as the first thing, we will talk about the basics, that is:
- what are the requirements to follow the course without problems and especially to achieve
maximum results;
- the subdivision of the training programs (yes because, I decided to divide the program
according to the objective, the difficulty and the commitment required);
- what are the achievable goals, including examples.

In the second part of the program, we will look at an important topic, which concerns the
differences between men and women. The subject is vital because training between men and
women must be different for several reasons, primarily for biological differences. For
example, we know that men are much stronger and more muscular by nature. They have
more robust joints, different hormonal production, and these differences between men and
women inevitably affect training.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

These differences relate specifically to hormonal levels, joints, predispositions, the
predisposition to gain weight in specific points, tolerance to workloads. Men can tolerate
much more intense training - and these differences also have repercussions on the objectives
because perhaps when a man wants to be as muscular as possible, a woman on the other hand
just wants to be toned, to have a nice shape without excessive muscle mass.

In the third part of the program, we'll talk about training by focusing on the key points that
characterize an effective workout for women.
Then we'll look at how to manage the workout and delve into the different types. This is a
crucial point because it's never generally addressed by personal trainers in the gym, and it
will make you realize what the difference is between this program and the ones you will find
out there.
We will then look at the difference and why I have divided the program into beginner and
female fitness, don't be deceived by the word beginner, because in many cases this program
will be the one you will always have to follow if you have certain goals. We will then talk
about training frequency, recovery and release.

Part 4 of the program is about training specific parts that are often the ones women pay the
most attention to, so we'll talk about glutes, thighs, abdomen, hips and calves, so mainly the
lower body, including the waistline.

The last part will focus on the workout programs, divided into Beginner and Female Fitness,
with respective notions that will help you know how you should approach workout to achieve
that specific goal. Besides, you will find the various cards related to Alessandra's respective
workout videos, so don't worry, there will be both the PDF and video of the workout.

The Beginner program will be exclusively performed with a free body style workout with the
possibility of adding convenience weights such as water bottles, chairs and broomsticks.
On the other hand, in the Female Fitness course and free body style, there is also the option of
working out with different equipment such as just a barbell, just two dumbbells, bench and
dumbbells or a barbell, rack and bench together.
In the last part of the course, you will find the bonuses: Spartan Glutes and the "Deflating
Belly" program

The starting point ...

Working out is a need felt by women as well. Doing so without getting results inevitably results in
them quitting the exercise, blaming genetics, too much time needed to see some result, and too many
Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
sacrifices required. Unfortunately, this scenario affects so many women all the time, much more so
than men.

I see many ladies who initially join the gym, all motivated and then after a few weeks or a month, they
drop out because the results they got didn't repay the effort they put in.

In reality, if a woman works out in the right way, she sees improvements right away and even quicker,
and only in the long run, will they tend to slow down. This happens because the body gets used to
working out, can achieve specific results, and gradually, these tend to slow down until you reach a
point of maintenance of the form completed. But this occurs after years of working out or at least after
months of adequate workout and after having achieved consistent results, which is not the case for
most women.
So why is it that so many women, despite their efforts, always look the same as they did on their first
day at the gym? Simply because they get the workout method and food program wrong, very simple.
There is no dietary or particular reason behind why so many women do not get results and a few get
them, it is simply because those who get them follow a proper workout and a proper dietary program.

You don't need a lot of equipment to work out, at least not if you're aiming for a toned, feminine, sexy
and not too masculine physique. So, if your goal is a female physique, toned, sexy, and not too
masculine, you can easily work out at home and get the same results as working out in the gym
without any problems.

If, on the other hand, we're talking about bodybuilding, the discourse obviously changes and working
out with a free body style wouldn't be enough, but if you've joined this program, if you've signed up
for it, indeed the highest goal you're aiming for can be that of a physique that looks like a bikini
model, certainly not that of a bodybuilder. And I can assure you that the results obtained through this
program will undoubtedly be superior compared to workouts done in the gym but of the wrong type,
without the proper instructions.

So, a workout at home appropriately done, like the one I'm going to propose, is better than a workout
poorly done but done in the gym. What are the proper guidelines we will discuss during the program
with Alessandra and me.

Don't worry because everything will be effortless.

I'll give you, as you've already seen in the overview, notions about the buttocks, thighs, breasts, all the
fundamental aspects to achieve the coveted form that distinguishes the best "Female Fitness" and if
you do not know what I mean by "Female Fitness", stay with me
because in a moment, I'll give you a concrete example.

As I have already mentioned in the index, you will find the workout programs divided by level of
experience, which does not mean that they have to be, for example, in the beginner's case, followed
only at the beginning. The beginner level will enable everyone, even those with zero experience, to
follow the program without any problems.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Why this program…?

As I had already mentioned in the previous paragraphs of the theoretical part of this course, I created
this program because, together with Alessandra Amori, I shared the frustrations of many women who,
despite working out in the gym, could not get the desired results. So the program was created to get a
feminine body, toned, sexy with the "right" shapes, to all women who want it regardless of the level of
experience, age, fitness and equipment available and especially from the comfort of your own home,
most simply and directly possible. You will always be guided: we will assist by responding to the
comments you leave below each video to resolve any issues that may arise from watching the

If you want to get a female body, toned, sexy, with the proper shape, you must follow this program
step by step.
There are some concepts to know, and you must go through different workouts progressively, but
everything will be effortless and straightforward, and I repeat, you will always have support from
Alessandra and me.

Requirements to follow this program...

First of all: be healthy and able to exercise. So, if for some reason you can't exercise, if your doctor
has told you that you can't exercise, if you have cardiovascular problems and more generally if you
have conditions where you have to be careful when exercising, talk to your doctor before following
any workout program. If, on the other hand, you are healthy and have no problems, you can safely
start right away.

Second thing: have at least 20-25 minutes to exercise, two times a week (minimum). The initial cards
could last longer, but not much longer, maximum 5-10 minutes more, so more or less the time
required is 25-30 minutes at most.

Third thing: being able to finish a workout session without interruption. Using the excuse that you are
at home, every opportunity is good to interrupt the workout for a moment and do something else;
maybe you will interrupt the workout for 10 minutes, resume and do another exercise; then interrupt
for another 5 minutes and do another exercise. No, this is absolute to be avoided. You need to have
that 20/25 minutes, maximum 30, to be able to do the workout without interruption. You also need
time to watch the bonus videos of this program, if you don't watch the videos, you'll struggle to know
how to work out, what tricks you can apply, what mistakes you shouldn't make to get maximum
results, so dedicate at least 15/20 minutes every day, even half an hour or more if you can, to watch
the videos of this program.

That's it; no other requirements are needed. We are really at the minimum standard, which is why
EVERYONE can follow this program and get the promised results.

Division of the programs: "Beginner" and "Female Fitness"

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
As I mentioned, the program is divided into two paths:

- "Beginner" - don't be deceived by the word "beginner", - which is intended for those women who
have not worked out for a long time or are starting from scratch or want to stay active and toned
without great expectations. Nutrition will not be neglected, even if there are no significant demands.
Remember that working out alone does not work magic, you also need to follow an adequate diet. So
the "Beginner" program, let's reiterate for clarity, is suitable for women who have not worked out for a
long time or are starting from scratch, women who want to follow a simple and straightforward
workout, as well as an efficient one, to stay active and toned without making big demands, without
wanting to have a great physique. If you find yourself in this description, then follow this workout;
The program "Female Fitness" is recommended for those who really want it, are passionate, and want
to achieve a feminine physique to impress any man (I used these words to convey a good idea of the
program's goal).

Now I'm going to give you some examples of less abstract objectives by showing you some physiques
and their respective programs, to indicate precisely what we mean by results achievable with the
"Beginner" program and results possible with the "Female Fitness" program.
I want to mention one more thing, which I will repeat several times in the program, which concerns
the workout mode. In the "Beginner" path, we will have full body cards, which means that in the card,
we will exercise the whole body each time, they will be a few longer but more lightweight cards.

While instead in the "Female Fitness", we will have fewer exercises, but this should not be mistaken,
because one could say: "eh but excuse me, in the beginner program there are more exercises than the
female fitness program, which would be more advanced, is there a mistake?" No, there is not an error.
There will be fewer exercises in the "Female Fitness" program because they will be performed in a
much more intense way, with specifications that I will give to you later in the program. Besides, since
exercises are performed more intensely, there will be more recovery between successive sessions.

This is what we mean by Female Fitness physique for

those who do not know what we are talking about. We
can use the athlete Anllela Sagra as an example, who is
a perfect example of female fitness physique, that is, a
feminine and athletic physique at the same time. As
you can see, it's an entirely feminine physique, toned,
with an acceptable percentage of fat for a woman,
however not so low as to make her breasts and curves
disappear. This, of course, always speaking in natural
terms, it is obvious that if a woman gets her breasts
re-worked, she may have a lower percentage of fat, and
the size of this will not be affected. So, a percentage of fat as low as necessary to have a definite belly
without affecting the breast and feminine curves. It is a physique that, despite being athletic,
highlights the curves.

In summary, here are the characteristics of the Female Fitness physique: all the forms such as
buttocks, thighs, calves which are not too developed and breasts are present, abdominals are defined
but not sculpted, deltoid outlined that stands out due to the "shoulder pad", toned arms but not
Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
hypertrophic because in that case, they would give a very
masculine look, it is no coincidence that those that are defined
as muscles of virility are precisely the shoulders and arms.
Women who are afraid of becoming too big through working
out have nothing to fear. First and foremost, it's not easy to
become a bodybuilder, especially for women, because they
have much lower hormone levels than men in terms of
testosterone. The program is designed without considering the
bodybuilder objective.

Those women who want to get a much more muscular physique reminiscent of a bodybuilder aspire to
a completely different type of physique, not female fitness, to that of an amazon. An example is the
one on the right, which is not covered in the program.

What differentiates a Female Fitness physique from a so-called "amazon" physique? Well, the
disappearance of the breasts, because obviously to obtain low percentages of body fat, all the fat
deposits are affected, including those of the breasts; a much lower percentage of fat than that of an
Anllela Sagra; a musculature, as you can see, more evident, more hypertrophic, more reminiscent of
that of a man.

For this objective, you need other courses, such as Spartan Physique and Spartan Home Training for
men with the appropriate guidance for the female side.

First: decrease body fat to natural percentages from normal weight, this as a basic goal, achievable
with the "Beginner" program. The diet will be crucial. Exercise helps, but the diet is essential.

The second objective, next step: decrease body fat to natural physiological percentages, but lower than
the previous one. Lower but to levels that do not have an excessive reduction of the breast, which is
the goal for those who follow the "Female Fitness" program, which provides a more intense training
and a greater emphasis on diet. In fact, in this case, the diet is even more important, fundamental, I
would say.
Another objective: for those who are following the beginner program, to increase and maintain muscle
tone, while for those who are following Female Fitness, the objective is to increase muscle tone,
particularly in the key areas necessary to bring out the curves.

This can be a symbolic progression of the goals we want to achieve, from the lowest to the most
advanced. We want to accomplish with a beginner program, a lean and toned physique like the one in
the first photo starting from the left.

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The next step could be what we have in the picture in the middle (see the arrow going to the right with
the image below). This intermediate step is an even more toned physique, can you see? The abs are a
bit more visible, the legs a bit leaner, and so on. The last goal is a physique like Anllela Sagra's
(Female Fitness) that could be even more advanced.

Differences between men and women

This is an important topic because it will make you understand the differences that must be there and
why there must be, between a workout for men and one for women.
As I predicted, the differences between the two sexes inevitably have consequences in workouts.
Therefore, a training program that does not consider these differences obviously would not make

It is clear that women and men are different. These differences from a biological point of view are
relevant. When drawing up the workout program, they must be taken into account, even more so when
we have targeted goals as in the case of this program: to achieve a toned and sexy physique that
enhances the curves but without the risk of becoming too masculine.

Generally, the differences between men and women are reflected:

- in the workloads, we said that men are stronger, have more developed muscles and consequently will
use higher weights;
- in the workout frequency, because men recover faster;
- in the results, in terms of increased muscle mass, maximal and explosive strength -men can in fact,
aspire to higher levels of muscle mass, maximal and explosive strength because higher levels of
testosterone influence these;
- in decreasing body fat levels - men have and can aspire to lower body fat percentages than women;
- in the positioning of body fat levels, which are affected by hormonal factors - women tend to
accumulate more fat in the thighs and buttocks because they have higher estrogen levels and more
estrogen receptors are present in these areas).

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An aspect not to be underestimated is body fat: men, who have higher levels of androgens, tend to
gain more fat on the abdominal area and tend to have higher levels of visceral fat than women.
For those who do not know, Visceral fat is correlated with various diseases, not least cardiovascular
diseases, which is why it is also called the "most dangerous" fat.

Women have a testosterone level 50-60 times lower than men, which is why they have lower levels of
muscle mass and strength and higher levels of body fat. Based on this, results will never be
comparable between the two sexes.

Phrases such as, "I don't want to become a man," "I don't want to become too big," be rest assured that
they shouldn't even cross your mind.

The differences between men and women are not just aesthetic and hormonal. Women, for example,
have a slightly smaller but more interconnected brain than men, a characteristic that makes women
more suitable for certain types of tasks than men and vice versa. This partly has repercussions in the
approach to sports and, more generally, to physical activity.

Another important thing: although women have less testosterone, they have greater responsiveness to
it, so an increase in levels of the hormone will be felt faster.

Remember that one of the benefits of working out is also to increase hormone levels. Attention: of
course, we are always talking about physiological hormone levels, this doesn't mean that tomorrow
you will grow a beard, or your voice will become louder and you will look like a man, absolutely not.
Instead, there will be a physiological increase in testosterone levels that are always in equilibrium
with the other hormones and remember that the male hormone also positively affects women. The
hormone levels are essential when specific and physiological for women as it maintains muscle mass,
energy levels, sexual desire and mood.

Unlike men, women have a higher production of the growth hormone at the basal level, thus during
the day but less pulsatile. On the contrary, in the former, the growth hormone production is lower
during the day, but with more evident peaks when present (for example in the night peak).

As you know, women have higher levels of estrogen and progesterone and a higher life expectancy
than men.

They have a different response to stress, which inevitably has repercussions and, as I said, in the
sport's psychological approach.
They suffer to a lesser extent - in the fertile age - from cardiovascular diseases (supposedly due to a
protective role of estrogens), but at the same time, they are more prone to other diseases, such as those
of the thyroid. Also, this susceptibility could be conditioned by the hormonal balance, in fact, estrogen
hormones act in part as antagonists with respect to thyroid hormones.

All the differences compared to men and, specifically, all the traits mentioned are taken into account
in the proposed workouts.

Not to be overlooked too:

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- lower production of red blood cells, consequently less physical endurance (lower performance in
- higher levels of HDL cholesterol, the so-called good cholesterol - another reason why they tend to
have fewer cardiovascular problems, especially in the fertile age;
- the onset of what is known as menopause, i.e. the moment in which they are no longer fertile and
their entire hormonal balance changes, something that does not happen in men or, in any case, we are
talking about andropause, which is a more nuanced phase of life and does not always affect everyone
in the same way.
- a different immune response, tendency to get sick much less for certain types of diseases.
- a lower energy intake due to different characteristics, such as lower muscle mass;
Again, a lower protein intake is due to lower levels of muscle mass and a lower rate of protein
- the menstrual cycle, which causes a " fluctuating" hormonal system during the month, a different
inclination to training, as we will see in the program and a slight variation in the physical form during
the month.

Training management - BEGINNER

As I have already mentioned, I would recommend starting with the beginner program.
Now we will look at the main characteristics that the beginner program will have and must have, and
at the same time, I will explain why I chose to make this program this way.

Each week there will be different exercises, and the program will always be a full-body program, that
is, a workout program that includes various exercises that will train all parts of our body. Since the
intensity is low, recovery is relatively fast, and we can train 2-3 times a week while repeating the
workout for the same muscles. The card will then be unique and repeated 2-3 times (I would
recommend three times). In the following week, the card will change, and we will change the

In the card, there will usually be only one exercise that will affect the pectorals, this is because a toned
pectoral certainly helps to prevent sagging breasts and also serves as a practical issue. All muscles
should be toned in the same way and equilibrium, including the pectoral - but the working out of it
should not be too exaggerated to not incur in a significant "spot reduction" that would result in a
reduction of the size.

Spot reduction is simply that mechanism that achieves a reduction of fat, in this case, localized fat.
There is a lot of discussion about whether or not localized slimming exists, and we can say that it is a
half-truth and half lie. Let me explain: if you think you're going to reduce kilos and kilos of belly fat
by doing 1,000 crunches, 1,000 sit-ups every day, you're sadly mistaken. However, at the same time, it
has been observed that wherever musculature increases, the percentage of body fat usually decreases.

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The mechanism of spot reduction, therefore, involves a localized reduction of fat. In the case of
pectorals, we do not want to have a reduction of the surrounding fat deposits that affect the breast or at
least we do not want this to be a major phenomenon.

In the beginning, the exercises' execution should be slow and controlled as Alessandra instructs you in
the videos to learn the movements correctly and avoid any mistakes. When you are familiar with the
exercises, you will have to switch to a "standard" execution to make a positive phase of the
movement, that is, the phase in which we push or pull respectively in the exercises of pushing or
pulling, explosive. And a negative phase, that is, where we resist the weight that our body or an
improvised weight can represent, controlled but not stopped. This means that we must not slow down
the negative phase as is usually recommended.

Why should we move from a slow and controlled execution to a more explosive and unrestrained
execution? Simply because the execution of the exercise determines the metabolisms involved.

To make an effort a characteristic effort of the alactacid anaerobic metabolism as much as possible,
we must make it intense, explosive and of short duration. The alactacid anaerobic metabolism
provides energy for efforts that do not exceed 10-15 seconds, that's why once you learn the
movement, you should try to do the exercises explosively, faster and possibly with a heavier weight (a
higher improvised weight).

The duration of the training session will depend on the recovery between the sessions. Obviously the
longer it is, the longer the workout will last -, the number of exercises (it seems obvious why) and the
TUT (Time Under Tension).

In the beginning, it is logical that the duration of the workout will be a little longer than usual, having
to learn the exercises and performing them more slowly, but over time by moving to a more explosive
execution, the total duration of the workout will be reduced.

As a rule, the workout will last for 20-25 minutes, a little longer at the beginning, for the reasons
already mentioned.
They will be only free-body exercises, some with improvised weights (water bottles, broomsticks).
You don't need equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, bench, racks and more.
It will be 2/3 sessions per week equally spaced (the advice is to work out three times). If you cannot
get three free sessions during the week to work out, 2 is the minimum frequency.

Evenly spaced means that if you train on Monday and choose a frequency of 3 times, you can do:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Or, if you only train two times you can do: Monday and Thursday.
The number of repetitions in the exercises will range from 8 to 15. Now, those who know me know
that I recommend exercises with a low number of repetitions, always to stay within the scope of
efforts characteristic of alactacid anaerobic metabolism but in this case when we are working out with
lighter weights, with free body exercises and improvised weights, it is clear that we will have to
necessarily increase the number of repetitions to make the exercise effective.

The number of sets will depend on the number of exercises, in general between 3 and 5. Recovery
between sessions will range from 60 to 180 seconds, this is because the recovery between sets also
identifies the metabolisms involved. We must try to do as much alactacid anaerobic work as possible.
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This does not mean that all efforts are either alactacid anaerobic or lactacid anaerobic, with the latter
being another energy metabolism.

The longer the recovery time between the sessions, the more the effort will be less lactacyd, i.e. it will
result in a lower production of lactic acid. Recovery also depends on the load we will be using,
because if the exercise is very light obviously a shorter recovery time is enough and vice versa if we
are using higher loads and therefore get tired during the sessions, it will be appropriate to have a
complete recovery, which can take up to 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.
The number of exercises is variable in the program and also depends on the exercises that have been
chosen, because if I, for example, do squats in a certain way, I'm not only working out the pectoral
muscles, I'm also working out the triceps and anterior deltoid, so I'll take this into account when
adding other exercises. If you know that you have already worked your triceps, I will include one less
exercise to exercise them, so the number of exercises is variable and depends on the exercises chosen.

What intensity should be used in the exercises? By intensity I also mean the load we are going to
choose. Obviously training at home with what we can find, we will not always be able to find a
suitable weight for a sufficient intensity, our goal would always be to be able to find one sufficient to
do the exercise mentioned.

So assuming that we have a weight that is always available and we need to have an adequate intensity,
we should be able to do all the sessions of the exercises mentioned, with commitment, so a weight that
requires me to finish the exercise, but that does not require such a high commitment to be completely
exhausted. For example, suppose I have the military press to be performed with improvised weights,
and I have nine repetitions. In that case, I will do my nine repetitions with a weight that requires
commitment but that does not get me exhausted and above all a weight that will allow me to do all the
sessions with the recommended repetitions while feeling the muscle work the weight exhausting us
too much.

Dumbbells and equipment, I've already said, will not be necessary.

There will be no unloading phases (if you don't know what unloading is, don't worry, I'll talk about it
later and explain what it is and why it's not necessary).
Cardio will not be necessary; however, you can add it on the days you don't work out if you want to
do it.

Let us reiterate the subject of the execution that will be slow and controlled to learn the exercise. You
will have to move to execution with an explosive positive phase, always maintaining the correct
execution, I recommend and a negative phase-controlled but not stopped. This is to have an exercise
as alactacid as possible. The low levels of body fat will be maintained with the help of this training
and, above all, with a correct diet.

In order to shorten the overall duration of the workout, we will apply a basic concept: we will
consecutively carry out exercises that train different muscles without recovery between one and
another. In this manner, we save time; we do not "shift" too much towards the lactacid anaerobic
metabolism. With each exercise, we always exercise muscles that have not been affected by the
previous exercise and maintain the advantages of alactacid training as much as possible.

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Training management - Female fitness
Similarly to the previous paragraph, we will list and describe the features and the reason for
these features of training in the Female Fitness program.
I would recommend starting with the beginner's course even for those who have decided that
their goal is to achieve a Female Fitness physique.

If you have already been working out, if you already know the exercises, if you already have
some experience, you can move directly to this program, where you will find the cards ready
for the first week and then the following weeks.

In this program, we will also have different exercises every week to work the muscles
differently. The cards will not always be the same in each routine: in this program, we will
have three different cards: 1 exercise for the lower body and core muscles, one for the upper
body and one for those parts which we want to focus on: buttocks, thighs and abdomen.

Pectoral training will be limited, as we mentioned in the training management for the
beginner program.
Athletes who will move from the beginner program to the female fitness program, should
already know how to perform the exercises correctly or, if you do not go through the beginner
program and you already have experience so you've immediately jumped in, surely you
already know how to perform the exercises correctly. In any case, if something is not clear or
maybe you don't remember some exercise, you can quickly go to Alessandra's video, where
you can see all the exercises included in the cards.
Knowing the exercises, we no longer have a slow and controlled execution to adopt at the
beginning to learn the exercises, you can immediately switch to execution with an explosive
positive phase and a controlled but not slow negative phase.

Also, in this case, the duration of the training session will depend on the:
- recovery between sessions
- number of exercises
- TUT (Time Under Tension - time of execution of the sessions)
The cards will last for 18-20 minutes, a little more at the beginning if we consider
explanations and familiarization with the training. There will be five sessions per week
equally spaced: routines A and B will be repeated twice while the specialization routine once.
Example: Monday routine A lower body, Tuesday routine B upper body, Wednesday routine
A lower body, Thursday routine B upper body and Friday routine "Specialization" for crucial

In the Female Fitness workout, you will see that there will be fewer exercises compared to
the beginner's card. But how come there are fewer exercises if the workout is more
advanced? First of all, we have three different routines than the beginner program and a
higher training frequency. Also, we always have other exercises for the various practices,
which will perform with more weight than the beginner card by adopting a higher intensity.

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There will be free body exercises in the Female Fitness program training, with improvised
weights for the beginner path (but more significant) and optional cards to be performed with
a barbell, dumbbells, racks, and an inclinable bench.

What intensity will I need to adopt in performing the exercises, sessions and repetitions in
this program? High intensity but not to the point of failure. You will see that there will be a
range of repetitions between 7 and 9. You will have to choose a load or a weight (a dumbbell
or an improvised weight) with which you would be able to finish 11/13 repetitions to
exhaustion, then a weight with which you would do 11/13 repetitions and would not be able
to spend even one more. Here, once you have identified this weight, you will not do 11/13
reps in the exercises, but you will do less, 7 or 9; generally, those indicated in the card. This
means that the weight will be high, but still, you will not reach the exhaustion point.

If there are seven repetitions on the card, you will choose a weight to do 11 repetitions to
exhaustion. If there are nine repetitions of the card's exercise, choose a weight with which
you can do 13 repetitions to exhaustion.

The number of sessions will also depend on the number of exercises, usually 3-4 sessions per

Recovery between sessions will range from 60 seconds to 180 seconds and will be more
inclined towards a long recovery so that you can do repetitions of high-intensity exercise
sessions. Having a longer recovery than the one mentioned between sessions in the "
Beginner" path, with this workout, we are moving even more towards anaerobic alactacid
efforts compared to the beginner program. Therefore, we are going to get many more benefits
which I will tell you about shortly.

Cardio will also not be necessary for this program, but if you want to do it for your personal
preference, you can. I would recommend doing it after the training session.

The number of variable exercises will also depend on the exercises chosen, as I have
explained previously. As I have already mentioned, they will be fewer than in the beginner

The program is multi-frequency: it means that we train the respective body parts several
times a week.

Unloading will also not be necessary for this workout. I will discuss it later, explain what it
is, and why it is not required.

A remark about warming up before working out the muscle group: In the beginner card, we
do not need to do a warm-up because our body represents the weight, the exercises are done
in a non-exasperated way with a medium/high intensity. Consequently, we do not need much
workout preparation. Instead, in this program, we will use heavier loads and higher intensity,
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so it would be desirable to do a 1/2 series of warm-up. In the case of bodyweight training,
you cannot modulate the weight, and in that case, maybe you can do a session with a much
lower number of repetitions, for example, 2-3, to warm up before doing the training session
of the exercise.

Recovery between warm-up sessions will be lower, 60-90 seconds.

Remember, it is vital to measure the intensity of this program. As I mentioned, you'll need to
choose a weight with which you'd be able to do 11-13 repetitions to exhaustion and then do
7-9. So, you will stop well before having reached the fatigue, but this does not mean playing
and, I repeat, training like this and choosing a weight with which you could do 11-13
repetitions to exhaustion means that those hypothetical 11-13 repetitions would have been
really carried out to exhaustion, with a consistent weight regarding your physical capabilities.

Let's reiterate further for maximum clarity: the weight with which you would be able to do 11
reps to exhaustion, do 7. If there are seven repetitions in the card, measure yourself by using a
load with which you could do 11 repetitions to exhaustion. If you find an exercise on the card
where there are nine reps indicated, you should use a load to do 13 reps to exhaustion

You are not looking for muscle exhaustion, so if the weight is too heavy, reduce it. The goal
is not maximum muscle growth buttoning and localized weight loss.

As for the beginner, to shorten the overall duration of the training, we will apply a basic
concept: we will do exercises in succession, without recovery between them, which train
different muscles. In this way, we will save time, we will not "shift" too much towards
lactacid anaerobic metabolism, because with each exercise, we always train muscles that have
not been affected by the previous exercise, and we will maintain the advantages of alactacid
training as much as possible.

The work on the thighs and buttocks will be more excellent than the rest of the body because
we want to highlight these muscle groups and take advantage of spot reduction. Remember
that women tend to accumulate fat primarily in the thighs and glutes.

Type of training

This paragraph will expand on some of the concepts I introduced in the previous two paragraphs. Do
you remember when I talked about workouts and alactacid efforts? Here, in this paragraph, I will
explain what this is all about even more precisely.

First of all, let's say right away that the optimal training to obtain tonicity, slimming, avoiding possible
water retention and avoiding a sudden increase (which is then not lasting) of muscle volume is the
alactacid anaerobic type.

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What does alactacid anaerobic mean? For those who do not know, there are three energy metabolisms,
which can be understood as three mechanisms by which our body's cells obtain energy.

Our cells run on ATP (adenosine triphosphate), not sugars, fats, or carbohydrates, as is usually
believed. Specifically: sugars, fats, amino acids are used in one way or another to obtain energy, but at
the end of the day, our cells only ever run on ATP.
This ATP is obtained in different ways, and the energy metabolisms are the mechanisms by which our
cells get energy. These three metabolisms are anaerobic alactacid, anaerobic lactacid and aerobic.

Anaerobic because energy is produced in the absence of oxygen, while aerobic is precise because
oxygen comes into play in energy production.
In alactacid anaerobic metabolism, energy is derived directly from ATP and CP, the creatine
phosphate that we can understand as a reserve of ATP.
It is a metabolism that provides energy immediately in a sudden way, for very intense efforts, such as
weight lifting, jumps or sprints, but which has limited autonomy. The alactacid anaerobic system
provides energy immediately, even for very intense efforts, but does not allow us to prolong our
efforts for more than 10-15 seconds.

This type of workouts, which is characterized by alactacid anaerobic metabolism, has several
advantages that we're going to look at shortly.

The lactacid anaerobic metabolism, on the other hand, is called into play by efforts that are still
intense but are more prolonged than the alactacid metabolism. ATP and CP are no longer enough to
provide energy to our cells and comes into play the importance of glycogen, which is the reserved
sugar contained in our muscles. This is used to produce energy and produces a "waste", in quotes
because it still has functions and is also reused for energy purposes, which is lactic acid. Therefore, it
is called "lactacid" metabolism, precisely because lactic acid is produced.

All efforts characteristic of lactacid anaerobic metabolism, therefore producing lactic acid, involve
some undesirable consequences: they involve a sudden increase in muscle volume, but just as
suddenly we lose it, they involve consumption of sugars and therefore require a higher diet in
carbohydrates, they involve possible water retention and increase in volume as I have already
indicated. Water retention that in part, can be linked to the phenomenon of cellulite, which is why we
do not recommend this type of training.

Then instead, the aerobic metabolism, where simply the efforts are even more prolonged and
inevitably, require less energy to be prolonged, so efforts that are greater than 120 seconds in duration
and this metabolism come into play lipids, i.e. fats. Aerobic metabolism uses in the delivery of energy
also fats for energy purposes. Still, we will see why it is not the optimal choice for losing weight, so
aerobics in this program is not recommended.

As we have already mentioned, alactacid anaerobic metabolism is involved in short and intense efforts
with complete recoveries between sessions, and this is very important because if I make a very
strenuous effort of 10 seconds. However, after 30-40 seconds, I repeat it when I am still panting and
have not recovered. I do not have enough ATP and CP to repeat my effort; consequently, lactacyd
anaerobic metabolism is involved and, therefore, sugars needed to feed the effort. At that point, it
becomes an exercise that has different goals and consequences from the initial one.
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This is why we recommend recoveries of up to 3 minutes (180 seconds) when the exercises are
intense. If I do a bad exercise and then recover for 3 minutes, I'm not working out practically. This is
also why people wonder if the training is sufficiently intense when you propose a very long recovery
between sessions because they are not used to training intensely.

Examples of alactacid efforts are: weightlifting, sprinting over 50 meters, jumping, fitness exercises
and bodybuilding, with series, performed explosively by no more than ten repetitions, these are some

However, this does not mean that there are no absolutes, all notions must then be applied to the
practical case, as we will see in the program. What does this sentence mean? It means that if I do, for
example, 12 repetitions instead of 10, it is not that there is a button that is pressed, and I switch from
anaerobic to lactacid metabolism in an absolute way. It's simply a shift that works continuously. For
example, if I do five repetitions, I will have a 95% anaerobic alactacid effort, and 5% of that effort
will be supported by lactacid metabolism. So, suppose we increase the duration of the effort, going
from 5 repetitions to 10 repetitions. In that case, we will have maybe an 85% alactacid and a 15%
lactacyd, doing 12 repetitions, perhaps we will have a 75% alactacid effort and a 20% lactacid and a
5% aerobic, this is to make you understand that there are no absolutes. We want to try to make our
efforts as alactacid as possible, and we'll see how to do that in this program, even with a little bit
higher repetitions and even shorter recoveries.

Alactacid workouts have several advantages:

- they can be combined with low-carb diets, so you can easily do these workouts and follow low-carb
diets without feeling drops in energy if you don't mix them with other strenuous activities;
- they stimulate positive hormone production;
- increase testosterone production;
- increase the metabolism, thus favouring the achievement of the results to which we aspire
and also favour a whole series of positive health benefits;
- they give positive results over time (I'll explain why in a moment);
- they give myofibrillar hypertrophy, i.e. an increase in functional muscle volume, due to a
rise in the volume of the number of myofibrils (myofibrils are, synthetically and crudely,
those components of the muscles that generate contractile force);

Regarding this last point, women are often advised to perform many sessions. Many
repetitions with little weight, which I tell you right now, have nothing to do with alactacid
workouts because they are mainly lactacid and contribute to failure. Why are these workouts
recommended? Simply because it is believed that women cannot train with relatively heavy
loads. By rather heavy, I mean fairly heavy loads for that lady over there: that is, if she
struggles to do eight reps with an 8 kg dumbbell, doing the curl, that's a relatively
heavyweight for her. Maybe another woman would find a 15 kg dumbbell a heavyweight,
another a 5 kg dumbbell, so heavy loads are not in an absolute feeling but in a relative way,
heavy loads for you.

As I said, lactacyd efforts are to be avoided, which are all those efforts that last much longer
than alactacid efforts, i.e. longer than 15/20 seconds, or that provide for incomplete recovery.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Significant lactacid efforts are the various cycles, the long sessions with high-intensity
techniques, the endurance pushed, resistance training, the 400 meters, the different exercises
done with weights with a high number of repetitions, and the exercises with slow and
controlled executions.

Beware, in the bonus videos, Alessandra demonstrates the exercises' execution in a slow and
controlled way. This is important at the beginning because it helps you learn the correct
movements, and then, as I said, there are no absolutes; doing slow and controlled executions
need an effort, more lactacid and less alactacid, not for this entirely out of the program.

As I told you, lactacyd workouts consume muscle glycogen. They involve lactic acid
production that can promote fluid stagnation, and this isn't good because it could encourage
water retention and cellulite.
These workouts require a diet high in carbohydrates. In subjects with low tolerance or who
gain weight quickly, they increase the risk of gaining weight; carbohydrates are the
macronutrient that facilitates weight gain.
Carbohydrates are the macronutrient that facilitates weight gain; they increase cortisol
because these workouts, when done in a very intense way, involve significant fatigue for the
body. Then the body sets in motion a whole series of responses, including the increase of
cortisol, not coincidentally called the stress hormone.

They cause sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, i.e. the volume of muscles does not increase due to the
size and number of myofibrils that have contractile force, but due to the increase of
sarcoplasm, which is the liquid that surrounds the myofibrils, a liquid that contains water,
phosphates, non-contractile proteins: water, phosphates, non-contractile proteins and
therefore having more sarcoplasm does not imply having more strength, and consequently the
muscle volume increases for the increase of sarcoplasm and not for the rise of myofibrils, and
this muscle volume is not functional, it does not imply an increase in performance.

In Alessandra's exercises, as I have already mentioned, you will see exercises performed
slowly, but this is for two reasons:
To learn the exercises correctly and because such execution is more suitable for beginners.
Beginners who can't do an explosive performance right away, otherwise they would risk
doing the wrong job.
The first thing is to learn the execution of the exercises correctly, the second thing is to have
mastery of the training, that is, when we do the floor bends, and we do them to train the
triceps, shoulders and pecs, we must always feel that these muscles work, if this happens then
we have mastered the training and the exercises that we are doing.

So, let's reiterate that even if the videos' training does not fully reflect the definition of
alactacid effort given earlier, it is still the starting point for our goal. As we advance as we
progress, once you have learned the exercises, the advice, as already mentioned in the
program, is to move to execution with a positive phase that is more explosive and a negative
phase that is controlled but not restrained. If your weight is no longer enough to do the
exercises in this way, you will increase it with improvised weights, convenience weights and
other equipment indicated in the program.
So, what happens if I do the exercises more slowly than explosively? We will have a slightly
more lactacid effort, especially in the beginning.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

The shorter the effort, the more it is an effort characteristic of alactacid anaerobic
The longer the effort lasts and is closer to 10-15 seconds, the more the lactacid anaerobic
metabolism comes into play.
After about 10/15 seconds, the primary metabolism to provide energy becomes the lactacid
anaerobic one up to 90 seconds or so, where the aerobic metabolism comes into play and the
lactacid anaerobic metabolism tends to be less and less used as the duration of the effort

In this image we have very clearly depicted the difference between myofibrillar hypertrophy and
sarcoplasmic hypertrophy.

In myofibrillar hypertrophy, as you can see, we have a more significant muscle fibre,
compared to the original one, but it's more critical because there are more pellets in it; the
pellets are the myofibrils. We have more muscle volume because we have more myofibrils,
more myofibrils that generate more contractile force, so this hypertrophy is functional.
Conversely, below we have an example of sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, as you can see the
muscle fibre is as large as the one above, but the number of myofibrils is the same as the
starting muscle fibre. What is it that has increased? What has increased is what surrounds the
myofibrils: the circles; what surrounds the myofibrils in the sarcoplasm, the fluid I was
telling you about earlier.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Differences between the two programs - summary

Meanwhile, the main difference is the objective. On the one hand, in the beginner program, we have
to have a toned physique and remain active and add percentages of body fat in the norm; this is
precisely the program for us.

On the other hand, in the female fitness program, we have "harder" objectives, so a percentage of fat
is even lower but still physiological and does not affect the breast.

Therefore, we have more intense workouts and, therefore, a more clear muscular objective and, above
all, a muscularization of those critical points such as buttocks and legs.
Then changes, as you have seen in previous paragraphs, the setting of the training card; in the first
case, we have a full-body. In contrast, in the second case, we have three different routines: a routine A
lower body, routine B upper body - both to be repeated twice a week - and a specialization routine
focused on key points to be carried out only once a week.

The female fitness program routines involve fewer exercises but performed more intensely and with
longer recoveries between sessions. More intensely, I mean with more load, within the limits of our
possibilities, of course.

So, between the two programs, even the training intensity, the load used, the card's split, the training
equipment and the weekly frequency (5 sessions as opposed to 2-3).
You can start as a beginner with slow and controlled repetitions until you get to sessions performed
more explosively, without obviously making mistakes in the execution.
It also changes the minimum number of sessions if, in the beginner's case, the minimum number of
sessions is 2; in the Female Fitness program, we recommend respecting the five sessions indicated (as
I said, a more outstanding commitment is required).

The difference between the two programs concerns the overall commitment required, which will also
involve nutrition and integration. This does not mean that you can eat as you please by following the
beginner program, but obviously, with more significant commitment, there will be more
meticulousness in the female fitness program.

Menstrual cycle

As all women know, certainly better than I do, the menstrual cycle is often accompanied by a state
that is uncomfortable and not conducive to working out, in general not conducive to physical efforts.
Menstrual pain and inflammation can occur, which are aspects that can be improved by following a
proper diet that aims to fill any deficiencies and counteract inflammation. Yes, this phase of the month
is usually characterized by an increase in inflammation and all the consequences that this aspect
entails. It is often possible to have excellent benefits from a proper diet that fills certain deficiencies.

Suppose you have your menstrual cycle and feel particularly tired, or perhaps you have little desire to
work out. In that case, you can proceed in the following way, for example, by decreasing the intensity
and volume of training. How can we do this? We can, for example, reduce the repetitions by 30%, so

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

if in the card there are ten repetitions with your usual weight, which of course you have to choose,
instead of doing ten you stop at 7, is a way to reduce the amount of effort.

If this is not enough, you can also decrease the number of sessions, not only the repetitions, even
these, by 25-30%. For example: in the card were marked three sessions of 10? In addition to
decreasing the ten repetitions to 7, you can reduce the three sessions to 2, thus reducing the workout's
total volume.

If you have an intense discomfort that forces you to skip the session, then I would try to foresee and
implement a specific strategy that is as follows: if in the beginner program there are three sessions,
that week skip a session and do only 2, this only in case of strong discomfort, of course.

If, on the other hand, you are following the female fitness program, I recommend that among the five
sessions, you skip the specialization session. If you have to skip further sessions, keep the same
frequency for A and B.

The following are tips to decrease inflammation during the menstrual cycle, improve your health and
performance in general.

Cod liver oil is an excellent ally because it contains omega 3's, which are anti-inflammatory essential
polyunsaturated fatty acids, decreasing inflammation levels. Cod liver oil contains vitamin D and
vitamin A, which in addition to regulating inflammation levels, are necessary for a myriad of
functions within our bodies, not the least of which is muscle function and our immune system's

Vitamin C is another beneficial supplement, antioxidant, anti-stress, anti-free radical, anti-ageing,

which would be good to supplement and, most importantly, since women are subject to these blood
losses every month. They should never miss red meat and whole eggs rich in iron in the heme-iron
form, which is practically the most bioavailable form of iron in food.


As you well know, it is a phase of life that affects all women over 45 years old, some more than
others, a phase that leads the woman to be no longer fertile and involves a whole series of changes at
the physical level, not least the hormonal ones, indeed, perhaps they are the most obvious, and in
hormonal production, there is a significant drop in estrogen, progesterone, female hormones in general
and also testosterone, all hormones that are very important and also affect the physical form.
Menopausal women tend to decline physical fitness, with a loss of muscle mass, loss of bone density,
and therefore a greater risk of osteoporosis, increased body fat and all these things then also affect
feelings. There is also a decrease in energy levels, a change in mood, and all things related to
hormonal changes that occur.

Unfortunately, these hormonal changes also have a significant influence on the results we can achieve
through training. Menopausal effects tend to be slower and less noticeable than those of a woman who
still has a fully functioning hormonal system.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

What we can do, obviously we cannot do much, if we have specific problems, talk to the doctor or the
person who follows us. For example, many women resort to a rebalancing of the hormonal situation
with the doctor's help through hormones and so on, but these are all things that concern the
gynaecologist, the doctor and so on.

What we can do is to improve our diet and training and expect lower results, in this phase, compared
to younger women, for the reasons I have just mentioned, so if you are in menopause and you see that
the results are harder to come by than a young woman, you know the reason, but this should not be a
justification not to train, not to follow the program, on the contrary, it is even more important to try to
stimulate favourable hormonal production, physical well-being, taking care of nutrition, training and


Recovery is a fundamental part of any training program. In fact, during this phase, we manage to
improve our athletic abilities and obtain results.

Recovery at the intensities indicated in the cards is already considered, so you don't have to apply
anything additional to what is already indicated in the cards.
If for some reason you feel tired, or you are in a particular moment of your life, and your recovery is
compromised, then I would recommend that you skip a session that week, as I also mentioned in the
discourse and the menstrual cycle paragraph.
If I skipped a session, I start over in rotation, starting from where I left off.

By unloading, we mean a limited period where we decrease the intensity and volume of training
compared to our usual, this is when we mean partial unloading, but when we talk about total or
complete unloading, we are entirely interrupting the training for a limited period, which can be for
example a week, usually even ten days.

Discharges are often included in athletes' schedules because they serve not to overload the athlete and
allow him to recover.
The unloading is not necessary with the training proposed in this program. I would also like to point
out that skipping a session when you are exhausted, such as the menstrual cycle or when you are tired,
can be understood as a kind of unloading. In any case, we train once less than planned, therefore with
a lower frequency than indicated.
This reason can be safely understood as unloading as needed.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

List of possible exercises divided according to equipment

In this part of the program, we will list the possible exercises, i.e. those that we can do, according to
the equipment we have available. So we'll start by making a list of exercises that we can do without
equipment, with only a barbell, or with only dumbbells, or two dumbbells and a bench, and finally
with only a bench, a rack and a barbell, which would be the complete solution for training.

However, after this part, we will focus more specifically on the muscles that interest us. I'm talking
about the buttocks, thighs, calves, and abdomen. We will also talk about the so-called hips problem.
We will address these topics because, in my opinion, it is essential to have the basic knowledge that
we need to be able to then achieve those results to which you aspire, in the sense that: I want to have
the gluteus high, toned in a certain way, ok, I need to know how the gluteus is made, what exercises I
need to have a complete development and especially other tips and tricks that can be useful to achieve
maximum results.
As you know, the program has been given priority to free body exercises. As you have also seen in the
presentation, this program's goal is to train all women from home, having any equipment available.

Without equipment, we can do the following exercises:

The squat, those who start without ever having done it will do it free, perhaps using a broomstick, but
nothing prohibits you from being able to do it even with improvised loads, for example in the female
fitness program, you have seen the squat with a crate of water in your arms.
The sumo squat, a variant of the squat, stimulates in a more significant way the inner thigh and the
buttocks, so another exercise that we can also do without tools, with the same rules that apply to the

We can do single-leg squats, the famous pistol squat;

we can do, this we have already said, the squat with improvised weight;
We can do a high jump or long jump, for those who have space, so maybe even in the garden or
attached to the house. However, the high jump and long jump are movements that stimulate most of
the muscles of our body, incredibly obviously those of the lower part. They are always alactacid
exercises, as I explained to you because they are short and intense.
We can do the jump squat, which is a great exercise, even free-body, Bulgarian squat;
We can do the steps or stair steps, it may seem like a funny thing, but it's an exercise that can be very
useful, especially if we do the stairs two by 2 or 2 by three uphill.

We can do lunges one leg at a time, alternating with walking and even with an improvised weight, an
excellent exercise for glute development, then we'll talk about it.
Hip trust can be done, where you've seen in Alessandra's videos;
We can do the glute bridge;
The prone leg sprints, high leg sprints and the various alternatives;
We can do side leg openings to develop the side fascia tensor muscle;
We can do the leg curl with a weight held with the feet, or we can do the leg curl with the feet locked
in an assisted manner; also, these are all exercises that Alessandra will show you.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

An excellent underestimated exercise, in my opinion, are the sprints, which are equivalent to a
full-body exercise; this is because, during the sprints, it certainly works the lower body, but also in
part the high body.
The 50-meter sprints are excellent alactacid efforts to develop gluteus, thighs and calves. The sprints
then have various variants, which can do with the tow to increase the difficulty; look, for example, as
they do the sprinters.
We can make uphill sprints, and maybe if you want to decrease the intensity a bit, instead of doing
them over 50 meters, you can do them over 30 meters, obviously for those who can get out of the
house and have a hill available.

We can do leg extensions with an improvised weight as Alessandra showed you;

We can do a calf on a step or a calf raise; we can do it with two legs at a time or only one leg, with
weight and without weight.
We can do leg hops, which is another excellent exercise for the calves;
We can do plyometrics, which has lifts, which is an excellent exercise for the whole lower body;

We can train the adductors with the various exercises that I have already mentioned, such as the sumo
We can train the entire abdominal wall with the various exercises: crunch, reverse crunch, collection
legs to chest, crunch "bicycle", planche, the touch of the ankles alternating, as Alessandra will show
Abdomen on the bench, who has a bench and can stretch;

We can train the lumbar on the floor with the exercise indicated in the cards and exposed in
Alessandra's videos.
We can do hyperextension backwards using a table;
We can do floor bends, knee bends, bends on the risers, bends with risers on the feet, bends on the
table. Again, there are many variations, tight grip bends for triceps. However, it is hard enough
exercise that I do not feel like recommending it in this program because we prefer not to emphasise
the arms' development.
We can do the dip on the chairs;
We can do the French press with improvised weights, and again there are various variations, we can
do it lying on the floor, sitting on a chair;
We have the various side raises, frontal, 90 ° with water
bottles, also here you will find the exercises shown by
We can do overhead stretches always with improvised
weights, you have seen, for example, the slow forward
with bottles and the improvised military press with the
broom handle.
We can do the Australian tractions using a table, but
using even two chairs and one stick, Alessandra showed
you. These, in turn, can be done with a narrow grip, and
therefore more focused on the biceps than the muscles of
the back. On the other hand, a wider grip stimulates the back more than the biceps and a low
trajectory, which is more focused on the lats than the upper back.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

We can do the water bottle rower, single, double, high elbows, elbows adhering to the torso. You can
find all these exercises in the various executions of the program and the workouts, so if you do not
know them, do not worry because they are all indicated and shown in the multiple videos.
Then there are various impromptu weighted pull-ups, straight leg pull-ups;
Trapezius shrugs;
The curl we can do with improvised weights, the pulley too;

These are exercises that we can do having only a barbell and the discs:
The various Olympic lifts: power clean, clean, clean & press, clean & Jerk, snatch;
We can do the hack squat;
The classic pull-ups with the various variants: half pull-ups, straight-legged, Romanian pull-ups, sumo
We can do the rower, again in various variations: reverse grip, single-arm, bent over row, curl, reverse
We can do power clean + front squat;

One of the flaws that you have in having only a barbell without the rack is to have to lift the barbell
from the ground to the shoulders to do the squat, and we can do it by doing the power clean
movement to lift the barbell from the ground to the shoulders and then the various repetitions of front
squat that we need.
The same goes for other exercises in the absence of the rack, so we can always do a power clean,
bring the barbell on the shoulders, then the various: military press, push press and slow back.
We can do the dorsey bar to train the lats;
Chin pulls to train trapezius and shoulders, especially the lateral deltoids;
We can do frontal raises, again we could do these without equipment;
Floor French press;
Floor press, which in the absence of the bench is a great exercise to be able to train the pecs;
For the calves, then we can do the seated calf, taking advantage of a chair and a wooden board
There are all the apparent exercises that we can do free body, and we have also named a little while
Then there are the L extra rotations, the various lateral, front and rear raises, not using the barbell but
using the discs with which you load the barbell and then the regular lunges that can also do with a
barbell and the various variations.
Always with a barbell, we can do the two exercises that we mentioned above as lip trust and the glute

With a rack, a bench and a barbell, we can do all the exercises that we listed above, to which we can
add the squat and front squat, without having to use the power plinth, as an exercise to bring the
barbell on the shoulders.
We can do flat bench, incline, decline, tight grip, reverse grip;
The tractions if the rack also has a bar, in fact, for those who want to buy a rack, buy one that also has
a bar.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

We can do the various military press, push press, slow forward/backwards, without using the power
Calf Raise, using one wooden board under the foot;
Hip trust;
Standing calf, taking advantage of using a wooden board to be placed under your feet;
Hip trust;
30° bench press rower with high elbows, which is a great exercise for the upper back;
Pullover with a barbell;
French press on a bench;
Dip on a bench or parallel bars if you have the tool. It is often included in the various racks you are
going to buy.

Having two dumbbells, we can do stretches above the neck with the various variations: one arm at a
time or both arms, even here in a squat, a little more difficult than having only a barbell.
Deadlift with dumbbells;
Single or double dumbbell rower;
Curl with dumbbells: alternating, double, single, reverse, hummer curl that Alessandra showed you in
the video executions.
We can do the sumo squat;
Dumbbell squat, which is equivalent to the water box squat practically, only changes that a dumbbell
represents the overload in this case.
The various chin pulls;
The lateral lifts, also in this case;
The floor press, we can do it with either barbell or dumbbells;
The dumbbell stretches behind the neck, exercise for triceps;
The arm extensions and these Alessandra showed you in the video executions.

This is the leg curl in the absence of the leg curl machine, as
you can see, you can train the ischiocrural muscles, i.e. the
muscles at the back of the thigh, simply by using a dumbbell
or a weight, as Alessandra also did in the videos.

Always having only dumbbells available, you can also do

calf, all exercises that can do with both barbell and
Dorsal foot flexes for the tibialis anterior, recommended for those with flat feet or some ankle
Floor crosses;
Walking dumbbell lunges;
L-shaped lateral raises;
And intra rotation exercises, for the subscapularis;

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

If we have over 2 dumbbells also a bench, in addition to all the exercises listed above, we can do of
Flat bench, incline, decline, tight grip, neutral grip;
The dumbbell pullover can also be done with an improvised weight.
Variants on bench of the exercises mentioned earlier;
The slow forward;
Dumbbell stretches behind the neck, on a bench;
French press on flat/tilted bench;
Remator on incline bench at 30° with elbows high;
Curl on incline bench;
Hip trust and Dip on bench.

These are the muscles that receive the most attention from women, in fact, all want to achieve a dream
B-side it is for this reason that it is one of the key muscles in this program, that is one of the muscles
that receive the most attention, especially in the female fitness program.

If in the beginner program we have a general training of the whole body, always from a female point
of view, in the female fitness program we have a further specialization of the key points, as I
mentioned earlier in the program, which is: buttocks, thighs, abdomen, calves and hips.
In the female fitness program, you will find a specialization session that presents additional exercises
focused precisely on this muscle.
The gluteus is a large muscle that should train with more exercises to have complete development.

For example, it is essential to develop the gluteus in the lower part, that is
where there is the insertion near the femoral muscles, this is to give fullness
to this muscle, but it is also essential to work on the upper part because a
high gluteus stands out a lot.
However, there are some crucial concepts to keep in mind when we aim to
achieve a complete gluteus development. We can train this muscle as much
as we want, but if we do not have a physiological lumbar lordosis, that is, a
physiological curve of the lumbar area, we will never see the results in
terms of the development of these muscles, and we will never be able to
show off a perfect B side.

As you can see in this image, when the woman in the image above backs her pelvis, it gives the
visual effect of having no buttocks. Conversely, when in the image below you emphasize lumbar
lordosis, the buttocks automatically stand out much more.
So it is essential to have a proper visual effect of these muscles to have a physiological lumbar
lordosis, neither too accentuated, as in the image below, but not even completely absent, indeed
contrary to the image above and then I will explain well how to do, how to ensure a physiological
lumbar curvature.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

This is not only important from an aesthetic point of
view but also functional. Many women suffer from
back pain precisely because they have a
rectification of the lumbar area; they practically
have a flat back, with no more lumbar curve. This is
the cause of back pain and possible injuries in the

Regarding the development of the buttocks, I would

not underestimate an essential exercise for the entire
lower body's development and very functional,
which is the sprint.
Sprinting is an anaerobic, alactacid exercise, over suitable distances, so it has all the advantages we
mentioned in the program and is practically a complete workout for the entire lower body. They have
trained: quadriceps, calves, posterior muscles of the thigh and the buttocks. So, don't underestimate
this exercise and you will also find it in the training programs.

This image underlines the point I have just made, on one hand, we have a lumbar hyperlordosis that is
not physiological, but that, however, as you can see, makes the gluteal area stand out. On the other
hand, we have a lumbar rectification, practically where there is little or no physiological lumbar
curvature. As you can see, the buttocks seem not to be there because it is true that they are not very
toned and not very developed, those in the picture, but the fact that there is a lumbar rectification
contributes even more to give a negative visual effect of this area.

The glutes are essential training them with multi-joint exercises, such as we talked about sprints, with
the squat, such as lunges, but it is also good to train them with isolation exercises, especially in the
specialization program. This is because being a large muscle with multiple functions, to ensure a
complete development, we need more exercises, both multi-joint, where we can also load more
weight. Thus, allowing us to have an intense and deep stimulation of the gluteus and isolation
exercises that go to hit certain areas that instead could hardly be stimulated.

Be careful not to train only these muscles while neglecting the rest, I understand that everyone desires
to have a beautiful B side, but we must not overlook the rest because if we work out the buttocks too
much without working out the other muscles, it could lead to the opposite effect to the one desired.
The gluteus, paradoxically, a very toned gluteus, favours the pelvis's retroversion and, therefore, the
flattening of the lumbar curve, and if you flatten the lumbar curve, then you don't have the visual
effect of a beautiful gluteus, as I have just explained. It should be trained more than the rest if we want
to emphasize this muscle, but you should always train it in a balanced way with the other muscles that
counterbalance its action, to maintain a physiological lumbar curve.

What exercises in my opinion should always be included in the program for optimal gluteal
First of all, the squat with the full squat is essential to have a full squat because doing a squat is just
up to a perfect parallel; we do not have the stimulation of the muscles involved and the buttocks the
posterior muscles of the thigh.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

The squat is a fundamental exercise for the whole lower part of the body, including the buttocks, and
above all, it is fundamental at a functional level because when you do the squat. All you are doing is
simply performing the movement of squatting on the ground, which is an entirely natural and healthy
movement, also because it goes to strengthen the muscles involved in the hips.

Another key exercise, in my opinion, that should never be excluded in programs that also focus on the
glutes are sprints. So, squats and sprints should always be part of the training program.
Another great exercise focused on gluteal development, which is the hip trust. This exercise can be
done even with relatively high loads because the gluteus is very strong as a muscle.

Then we will round out with lunges, another great exercise to develop the glutes, extended leg
pull-ups, and lateral lunges. If you have other machines available and you are working out in a gym,
in my opinion, the gluteus machine is also great.

This below is an image that represents the anatomy of the various rear muscles of the lower body, as
you can see, we have the gluteus maximus muscle, which is a large muscle, it requires more exercises
to be trained completely. There is also the gluteus minimus muscle, which is not a superficial muscle
like the gluteus maximus, as you can see, we have a superficial dissection and a deep dissection, so in
the image on the right, you can see the muscles in depth. So, we have the gluteus minimus muscle and
the gluteus medius muscle, so: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus, so with
complexities like this at the muscular level, we need more exercises to have a complete development.

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Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
The buttocks are muscles with an excellent presentation of white fibres, as you can see, both the
gluteus maximus and gluteus medius minimus have a percentage of white fibres around 50%. They
must be trained with relatively heavy loads, and it is always essential, as I said, to balance the work of
the gluteus with the lumbar and quadriceps, so if you do a lot of work for the gluteus, do not forget the
lumbar and quadriceps, why? Because of the point we made earlier. Because quadriceps and lumbars
are going to rebalance, the gluteus' action would have on lumbar rectification.

The piriformis, great glutes, biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus, great adductor, rectus
abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique tend to rectify the lumbar area.

Conversely, the lumbar muscles, the psoas, the long adductor, the short adductor, the quadriceps
femoris, in particular, the rectus anterior, the tensor fascia lata, the sartorius, tend instead to increase
the lumbar lordosis, so it is important that the muscles mentioned, both those in image A and those in
photo B, are developed in a balanced way.
Therefore, a lot of work for the glutes because we want a dream B side, but let's not forget the lumbar
and quadriceps to maintain a balanced shape and maintain a proper lumbar curvature helps our B side
to stand out aesthetically.

Arthro-muscular balance is also essential to avoid back problems, so it's not just an aesthetic factor;
it's also functional.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd


Let's get started

Hello, and welcome.

If you're here, it's because you earned the "deflated belly" protocol bonus.
I have worked hard to find a protocol that is practical, effective and easy to apply, to be able to
enhance the actions necessary to get a flat belly, but without making you give up your daily habits.
I'll tell you all the actions you need to do, what you need to avoid and what you can replace to get
what you haven't been able to get so far; that is an exact and simple protocol to get a flat belly.
Follow me in the other paragraphs, and I will tell you exactly all the protocol and what you need to do
step by step to get this fantastic result.

Action 1 - The Belly Deflating Elixir

Hello and welcome to the first video of the deflating belly protocol.
Belly deflating elixir - let's get started right away.
The first action you need to do for this protocol is:
take a glass of water at room temperature
1/4 teaspoon, not coffee, of Himalayan pink salt and one lime, why? Because lime is an alkalizer,
while pink salt is a nutrient for the adrenals.
When PH levels drop at night, we need to increase PH levels in the morning to facilitate liver

You need the lime to alkalize, while the pink salt is a nutrient for the adrenals.
The adrenals regulate the hormonal cascade during the day, so they control the levels of cortisol,
adrenaline and normo adrenaline, and that's why this explosive mix, in the morning as soon as you
wake up, is the first action you need to do to have a deflated belly.

So take a glass of water at room temperature, squeeze the lime completely; if you don't have lime
right now, a squeezed lemon is fine too, if it's organic, maybe it's better plus a quarter teaspoon, not
coffee, which is a little bit bigger, and some pink Himalayan salt. Mix well until the salt dissolves and
drinks it all in one "gargle" because this helps you then have more energy during the day.
Now, you have to substitute this "belly deflating" elixir in place of coffee, so you have to replace a
glass of water, salt and lime, in place of your first-morning coffee.

This doesn't mean you can't have your coffee, but you have to let 45 minutes pass between this and
your first coffee.

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So maybe wake up a little earlier, take this elixir, wait 45 minutes, and then you can have your
morning coffee.

Action 2 - A Real Spartan Breakfast

Hi, change the way you eat breakfast.

In the belly deflating protocol, what I have tested and experienced and studied over the years, is that
you need to and must change the way you eat breakfast.
So you have to replace your cappuccino, your milk or your yogurt and toast with a good source of
protein, such as eggs and dark chocolate.
Yes, why? Because dark chocolate helps endorphins, so anyway it helps sustain you through a day in
the best way possible.
Eggs are protein, so the protein source is the one that makes you assimilate less fat, especially in the
abdominal part.

What the protocol wants to teach you are some very precise rules that you can do, but also in a very
simple way, to avoid abdominal bloating, because we women, especially women, tend to accumulate
fat in the belly and therefore tend to be bloated.

The bloating is determined by acidity and unfortunately you eat things, especially the first part of the
morning, that do not help to alkalize.
We have seen in the first video the elixir deflates belly and then we continue with the second action to
be done and is to have breakfast with eggs, (the ones you want, even 2) and dark chocolate, which is
more than 75% cocoa.

I made a video in which I also explained the process for how to make these eggs, but it is important
that you at this stage, replace sugars with protein, because in the morning the body needs protein and
fat, not sugar, because we still need to dispose of the sugar as it has remained in circulation during the
night, so the liver is still metabolizing it.

So consequently we need our body to work on the metabolism of fat, helping us with proteins.
Excellent and fundamental is this meal here: in the morning: so we have seen, the elixir deflates belly,
you can also take coffee and immediately after have breakfast with scrambled eggs and above melted
1-2 squares of dark chocolate, above 75% and this will certainly help in the process to have an
absolutely flat belly.

Action 3 – Embrace the Right Carbs

Hi, let's continue with the deflating belly protocol.

We have seen what you need to do in the morning as soon as you wake up, so the elixir deflates your
You have to eat then for breakfast are protein sources and fats, which are eggs, in this case, and

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

What must you not give up? You do not have to give up either vegetables or fruit, indeed these help in
the process of alkalinization.
However, we must deal with a selection of fruits and vegetables, that is, avoid those foods that do not
help in having a flat belly.
Therefore, fruit should not be abundant because the fruit we have available today is very sugary, and
sugars do not help because they ferment and, therefore, cause bloating.

Fruit must be in season, possibly organic, because this also helps you alkalize, but you don't have to
overdo it with fruit because fruit ferments, so you don't need all this fruit or two fruits a day are also
enough to alkalize.

You have to avoid vegetables that can give you inflammation, so solanaceous: peppers, eggplant. I
recommend more vegetables or broadleaf or otherwise vegetables that you can eat even raw. Replace
broccoli with arugula, avoid tomatoes because tomatoes can cause swelling and contain nickel. So if
you are intolerant or intoxicated by heavy metals, probably the intake of foods that contain nickel will
not help you.

So abundant amount of vegetables and a moderate amount of fruits, help you in this protocol, so
simple things, seasonal fruits and vegetables and it is essential that in the plate you eat, there must be:
a source of protein, a good source of vegetables and some carbohydrates, but as for carbohydrates we
must pay attention to the quality of carbohydrates, because wheat is not good, corn is not good. So the
only source of carbohydrates that are allowed in this deflated belly protocol is rice, and the quality of
rice, chestnuts and potatoes. These are the three carbohydrate sources that are allowed in this belly
deflating protocol.

You can alternate them, so if you obviously eat your carbohydrate source at lunch, avoid it at night
before bed, or do the opposite. At lunch, you eat only your good source of protein with vegetables and
fruit, and in the evening you eat many carbohydrates, but not derived from wheat, corn, sorghum,
millet or whatever, but only: rice, potatoes and chestnuts or potatoes, even those yellow, regular.

This will help you to dispose of and always keep the pH relatively neutral and not too alkaline
because there would be problems there too, but not too acid either.
Of course, always check the pH with litmus paper, which must be between 7 and 8.

Action 4 - Get rid of the flat stomach killers

Hi, fundamental in this belly deflating protocol is to keep our body alkaline, so you have to have a
perfect acid-base ratio; why? Because bloating is caused by the acidity that we have.
The acidity is increased with food, unfortunately, and in addition to stress.
So what do we need to do? We must avoid all those acidic foods or otherwise alkalize as much as
possible, to make our PH around 7.5/8.

How do you calculate the PH? We buy some paper in the pharmacy, which is called litmus paper,
which must insert into the urine because they are paper that, through urine, determines PH's value.
Our body's PH value must be around 7.5/8 to have the possibility to detoxify the body, dispose of

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toxins, and therefore not accumulate more acidity and avoid swelling since swelling is only due to

Therefore, here is what we have done: elixir in the morning deflates the belly, and that is already a
sprint and helps us in detoxifying the liver; plus we have developed a breakfast, so we have
substituted a meal of carbohydrates with a protein meal, then with eggs and chocolate, which in any
case helps us to decrease stress, because it increases endorphin levels.
However, all the other foods you need to avoid for this protocol to work are milk and dairy products.
So you need to eliminate milk from your diet, replacing it with coconut milk, for example, or almond
milk, not soy milk, because soy milk contains estrogens that can cause several health problems. So if
you need to drink milk, let it be vegetable milk, coconut milk or almond milk or hazelnut milk, but do
not have added sugars.
No cheeses, no cow's milk, only maybe goat's milk, but I would avoid it and cheese for the moment.

Cheeses are the enemy of a deflated belly because abdominal bloating is also caused by casein and
lactose that is contained in cheese because they ferment. This fermentation process does not help
achieve the goal that we have set for ourselves, that is, a deflated belly, and with this protocol, you
will certainly achieve it.
So no milk or cheese, in this phase here, at least for a month, we must avoid these foods.
This is the protocol, and it works because it has been tested on many ladies, and they have noticed that
by removing these foods, the belly is deflated, I recommend it.

Action 5 - Balancing the pH of your cells

Here we are. Finally, the action to do with the belly deflating protocol is to drink alkaline water
throughout the day; you must drink 2 to 3 litres of alkaline water.
How do you make a 1.5-litre bottle of water alkaline? You have to put in two teaspoons of magnesium
or a product, and I will tell you which one to take, which are drops that alkalize the water.

Drinking alkaline water means purifying the body, cleansing the body, eliminating toxins, increasing
metabolism, and helping the process of abdominal deflation.
Start in the morning, and you are already doing it with the belly deflating elixir; continue throughout
the day to drink alkaline water.
If it is difficult for you to drink water, divide the two bottles of 1.5 litres into bottles of half a litre and
divide them over the day.

So start the first part of the morning drinking two bottles of half a litre, before lunch you take half a
litre of alkaline water, you eat. Immediately after eating, within 45/50 minutes, the other half litre of
water, and by 18, you must drink the additional litre that you have left to reach the quota of 3 litres per

This is a protocol that has been tested on so many women, including young women and women who
are over 45/50 years old, who are also starting menopause.
Drinking alkaline water helps in the purification process, and so as we've said and as I've made you
understand from the first video till now, it's essential to make the body alkaline.
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Stomach deflating protocol: let's recap

At breakfast, protein and fat.

I told you the things that do not help in this protocol and in the process to have a flat belly, and that is:
milk, cheese and dairy products, and you absolutely must not eat them.
You must replace the source of carbohydrates, which give intestinal permeability to those that are
good sources of carbohydrates instead of help. That is: rice, potatoes and chestnuts, to be always eaten
in moderation and however accompanied in your meals by a good source of protein and fruits and

The importance of drinking 3 litres of water a day, from the morning until 6 pm.
All this is the protocol to get a deflated belly and is called the deflated belly protocol because it has
been tested by many women who have tried it, and it is a protocol that works.

They are small steps, small tricks, small upsets that will help you get what you've always wanted, and
that is a deflated belly.
Obviously, you must not forget the protocol for training. Here I also intervene with the exercises and
Filippo Pagani with the Spartan Warrior protocol. There are all the teachings and all the exercises that
will also help you maintain a toned and dry body, both during the quarantine and when we leave here
if you want to continue to do exercises at home.

So belly deflation protocol plus training is the perfect combination to get what you've always wanted,
and that is a sculpted body and deflated belly.
I bid you farewell and see you in the following videos.

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Welcome to this bonus part of the Spartan Home Training - Women program, dedicated precisely to
emphasizing even more gluteal muscle development.
As you have seen in the theory, the gluteus is a large muscle and composed of 50% white fibres,
which are responsible for intense efforts, and this is a detail to be taken into account to train it in the
best way.
We can divide it into: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus.
It follows that to develop the gluteus fully, we must work on it with more exercises.

We will need both the basic ones, such as sprints or squats, this is because these exercises can and
should be performed with higher loads, being multi-articular and therefore go to stimulate the muscle
fibers of the gluteus in a deep way, which is essential to have a well highlighted development of this
However, to these, we also need isolation exercises. Since the gluteus is a big muscle, we need to
work it on multiple planes to complete development.
To see all the details about this muscle, I invite you to review the video "gluteus" in the program's
theory, this part is explained in detail.

Now instead, let's go deeper into the " Spartan glutes" protocol, so talking about applying this focus
on the glutes in training.
Spartan Glutes is a workout, simply a workout protocol to develop marble glutes lasting 30 days,
which possibly can be applied even after the 30 days to maintain the results achieved.

It can be used both for women who have chosen the beginner goal and those who have chosen the
female fitness goal, with the respective intensities to be adopted.
In the beginner's program, we have said in the theory that the exercises should be performed intensely
but far from a failure and far from excessive fatigue.
While in the female fitness program, we have given even more specific indications on the number of
repetitions and intensity to be adopted and therefore also on the necessary load.

PLEASE NOTE: the exercises indicated in this bonus will be in substitution of those of the lower
body, present in the various weeks of the program.
So you won't have to do only these exercises to apply the bonus. These exercises in this video (which
we will see shortly) will simply replace those for the lower body present in the various cards, and now
I'll give you a practical example.

For example, in the first beginner's week of the program, we have: free squats, free non-alternating
lunges on the spot, Leg curl with bottle/dumbbell, standing calves, knee bends, slow forward bottles,
side bottle raises, Australian pull-ups, single bottle rower, hummer bottle curl, lumbar on the floor,
floor crunch, reverse crunch, oblique "bicycle" with the respective series, repetitions and recoveries.
Following the " Spartan Glutes" bonus protocol, we will replace squats, lunges, leg curl, and calves
with the exercises outlined in this bonus.
The same goes for the female fitness program, although there are fewer exercises in this other
program path.

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I remind you that there are fewer exercises in female fitness because they have to be done more
intensely, and the recoveries between sets are longer; consequently, we can reasonably do fewer
exercises in one session.
So even in the case of female fitness, we will replace the exercises for the lower body with those of
this bonus, in routines A and B, except in the specialization, the specialization remains the same.

So to give an example for female fitness: if in routine A of the first week we had: free squats, leg curl,
lateral raises, Australian pull-ups, floor bends, we will replace free squats and leg curl, which are
precisely the exercises for the lower body, with the exercises indicated in this bonus.
The same goes for routine B; we are not replacing anything in the specialization, as already

It will be essential to maintain the work present in the cards for lumbar and quadriceps, and this is
because these muscles must still be in balance with the development of the buttocks to maintain the
correct lumbar lordosis, as I explained in the video of the theory on the buttocks.

So don't substitute exercises for the lower back such as: lumbar on the floor, hyperextensions, and
reverse hyperextensions where present.
So these exercises, as mentioned, should be maintained and should be done.
This is the bonus Spartan glutes for those who choose the beginner route.
We have the first two weeks where we have the exercises, which are:
the 50-meter sprints - 3 sets, then 3 reps over 50 meters, recovery between reps of 3 minutes;
then we have the lunges on the spot - 3 sets of 9 reps per leg, recovery here is 1 to 2 minutes;
then we have the glute bridge exercise - 3 sets of 12 and then the lateral lunges;

Don't worry because along with the bonus, there is also the video execution of Alessandra Amori
inherent precisely to these exercises.
For the sprints, which would be precisely the sprints (for those who do not know), I recommend you
do 5 minutes of warm-up jogging and then 2-3 stretches, or 2-3 repetitions where you start slowly and
gradually increase the speed as a form of warm-up.

In the last 2 weeks, we will instead do:

a squat by staying 2 seconds in full squat - 3 sets of 7 reps with 2 minutes of recovery;
then we will do glute bridge again - 3 sets of 12;
the Kickback exercise - again 3 sets of 12;
and the fire hydrant exercise - 3 sets of 12;
In these last 2 exercises, there will be 12 repetitions per leg.
Instead, for those who have chosen the female fitness route, we will have the same exercises in the
first two weeks:
sprints on 50 meters, but we will have 5 series with 3 minutes of recovery;
then we will have the lunges on the spot with improvised weights - 3 series of 9 per leg, also here 3
minutes of recovery;
We will then have the glute bridge with the leg raised, possibly performed with an additional weight
that can also be improvised. Again 3 sets of 9 reps per leg with 2/3 minutes of recovery;

In the last 2 weeks, we will also have the following:

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squats on the knees, keeping 2 seconds in a full squat, however, performed with some weight, such as
a crate of water - 3 sets of 7 with 3 minutes of rest;
Then we'll have Glute Bridge with raised leg and improvised weight - 3 sets of 9 per leg with 2-3
minutes of recovery;
And the fire hydrant with anklets or improvised weight, in some exercises, for example, Alessandra
used bottles tied to the ankle. Also, for this exercise 3 sets of 9 per leg with 2 minutes of recovery.

That's it!

February, 2021
Alessandra Amori and Filippo Pagani

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Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Side squat steps

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Jump squat

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Front squat

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Bulgarian Squat

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Sumo squats

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Sissy squat

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Hack squat

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Non alternating spot lunges

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Walking Lunges

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Alternating lunge on the spot

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Stretched legs

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Stiff legged deadlift

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Romanian deadlifts

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Leg extension

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Leg curl

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Glute Bridge

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Single leg glute bridge

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Fire hydrant

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Posterior hip trust

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Kick Backs

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Standing Abduction

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Lateral kneeling Abduction

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Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
Lateral leaps

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High knees

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Straight legged hops

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Seated calf raises

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One-legged calf raises

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Calf raises

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Kneeling push ups

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Diamond kneeling push ups

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Floor descends

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Seated shoulder press

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Lateral raises

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Bent over rear delt raises

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Front raises

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Front + Lateral raises

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Australian pull-ups

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Reverse Australian pull-ups

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Single arm bent over row

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Double arm bent over row

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Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd
Barbell bent over row

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High elbow barbell bent over row

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Reverse grip bent over row

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T-Bar Row

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Hammer curls

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Alternate Bicep Curls

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Seated Alternating Bicep Curls

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Non-Alternating bicep curls

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Reverse Bicep Curl

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Concentrated Curl

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Supinated Curl

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Lying chest flyes

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Upright rows

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Skull crushers

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Floor press

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Military press

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Clean & press

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Overhead tricep extensions

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Dumbbell Pullover

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Triceps extensions

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Single arm press

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Back extensions

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Reverse hyperextensions

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Ground crunch

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Reverse crunch

Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Crunch with raised legs

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Crunch with hands on the floor

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Crunch with outstretched legs

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Cross-legged crunch

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Bicycle oblique crunches

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Alternate ankle oblique twists

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Standing Oblique crunch with weight

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V- Sit crunches

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Isometric crunch

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Twisted crunch

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Torso twist

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Lower ab floor touches

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Bicycle abdominals

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Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd

Lateral Plank

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Sprints intensely work the buttocks, quadriceps, femoral biceps and calves, and the body's upper part.
It is the shots, or speedy race over a short distance, between 10 and 100 m.
To make them, we start with 5 minutes of jogging, concluding the last 50-70 m with some extensions.
After that, we start running again, increasing the speed until we get some high-speed sprints.
We walk back and breathe to recover.


Spartan Home Training – Woman Edition – Biohacking Ltd


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