QAP-VCB - Siemens

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SIEMENS Air Insulated Products Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurai TRIVEM TURBINE UTD, BANGALORE REVIEW CODE FpayaRepOvET WEE = a Prepared by Reviewed By Relea z Department: IC LMV MS O-AIS QM IC LMV MS O-AIS QM IC LINERS 3 Ais QMm———! Name Wagar Azeem Shaikh Mandar Vilankar Bharaikumar Jain Date | 8 fer 2003, te[olf2o13. ieloifSer3. Signature ; \h 0 i mM eee Se Project related Data ‘Customer Cistomer reference ‘Siemens-Sales/Project number Notes: 4 Equipment / components manufactured by other Siemens factories in India are accepted without involving incoming inspection. 2. For equipment / components imported from other Siemens factories outside India, only visual inspectior transit as these are high value and long lead time items, 3. For all non-Siemens make indigenous/imported equipment/components, Supplier's Test Certificates are reviewed along with visual inspection. 4. Inspection records are in form of checklist/summary, GRN, records, log books etc. done to detect damages in |A- RAW MATERIAL! CHECKS J Siemens Ltd. Infrastructure & Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) Air Insulated Products Quality Management Issued Jan 2013 Version: 01. Page 1/8 TCLVINSTO-AISTOMIGAP-Ot Reference | Quantum of | Record format | Activity/Agency Particulars Bosman cect eewdice Remarks |A-_ RAW MATERIAL! CHECKS 4. Sheet Metal Se a. Visual inspection : Inspection report be aia) ceases IS107eNs612 | Sampling bass |merutoctur’s |S © | Lab teston sample once in a year ¢._Malterial Properties 2. Non Ferrous (Copper/Alurminium) meres crear lesen | oy lpm is1619/1897-Cu. Manutecture's/ | $ (© | Lab test on sample once in a year b. Hardnes 2 NofLot ‘Supplier TC &__ Conductivity 2 NofLot 3. PVC Insulated cablesWires a. Visual/Physicat 4 colfLot i. Dimension Type Manufecture's Colour 'ego4-00 ‘Supplier TC s 2 iv. Grade + b. Routine Test c. Type Test Once in Ys Type test carried out at approved Lab Abbreviations: P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives 9! |2 iemens Ltd. Quality Management =~ eee Giy | Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) |iseced fan 20130 LMV/Medium Voltage — Air Insulated Products TC-LMVIMS7O-AISIOMIQAP-O7 [an " Reference | Quantum of | Record format | Activity/Agency Particulars Dowunonts heels SE Remarks B- COMPONENT! CHECKS 1. Insulating Materiat i a. Dimension ‘Siemens Drawings | 2 Samplesitot | Inspection report b. HV Test 2Samples/Lot |Manufacture's/ | S ° Visual 100% ‘Supplier TC 2. Resin Cast Insulstor eae a. Dimension i ___. | 2 Samples/.ot | tnspection Report Siemens Drawings . b. Cantilever forces SS} 1 No/Lot | Manufacture’s/ |g ° Visual, Surface finish 400% | Supplier Tc d_ HV Test 100% 3, Sheet Metal Fabricated Paris a. Dimensions 1" piece : b. Finish ‘Siemens Drawings Inspection Report] S ° ¢._ Burr control of edges Random 4. Busbars (Cu/Al) ‘a. Dimensions 1 piece b. Finish ‘Siemens Drawing Inspection Report} S ° c._Burr control of edges Rendom 5. Springs a. Dimensions i i Siemens Drawing |Sampiing plan |Supplie’sTC | $ ° Finish eee 7 6. Load test 6. Hardware a. Dimensions 181989, 1964, GRN aod. ag | Sampling plan epee 1367, 2369, 2016 ing pan | pliers tc | SO © | Lab test on sample every 6 months &._ Mechanical Abbreviations: P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives Siemens Ltd. Quality Management Infrastructure & City Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) | issued Jan 2013 Air Insulated Products. LMV/Medium-Voltage Version: 01 Page 3/8 TCLMVINSTO-AISTOMIOAP-OT Reference | Quantum of | Record format Particulars Documents ‘checks Remarks [C- Equipments! Checks 4. Current/Gore Balance Transformers. ‘Siemens PO/Drgs a. Rating Plate detai Manuf Catalogue | 100% S10 ° TRIVENT TURBINE LTD. b. Dimensions 1ec60044.1 4Sample ‘Supplier's TC s ° BANGALORE, c._ Routine Test 182706 100% s ° 2. Potential /Control Transformers Siemens PO/Drgs a. Rating Plate details Manuf Catatogue | 400% suppiersto | | ° b. Dimensions lec60044.2 4 Sample ppl s ° CeAFORUTD &_Routine Test Is 3186. 100% s ° AS URAKERD 3. Fuses/MCBY/ Switches- Selectors/Control ‘Siemens PO/Drgs a. Visual Manuf Catalogue | 499% SiO oO b. Rating/Type HEC 60296-3 100% io sO oO Mechanical IEC 60947, 60898 | 400% ee s oO d. Routine test 1813703 parti | 400% s ° | . 1S: 13947Part 1,5 4. Relays ‘Siemens PO/Drgs a. Visual Manuf Catalogue | 49095 : s/o ° b. Rating/Type 18:928//0686 400% Supplier's TCT ig, ° ©. Routine Test Jee 60255 100% s ° 5. Vacuum Interrupter Siemens PO/Drgs a. Rating/Type Manuf Catalogue | 400% ‘ 80 ° ‘b. Visual 100% Supplier's TC S10 fo ©. Routine Test tec 62271-4100 | 400% $ ° Abbreviations: _P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives Siemens Ltd. LMV/Medium Voltage |. Air Insulated Products infrastructure & city | Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) Quality Management Issued Jan 2013 Version: 01 Page 4/8 TC-LNVIMS7O-AISTOMIGAPOT Reference | Quantum of | Record format | Activity/Agency bieddictetata Documents | — checks Pl wR Pea 6 Surge Arrestors Siemens POIDrgs, a. Rating Type Manuf Catalogue | 190% : sO ° b. Visual 1ec60099-4 =| 400% Suppliere®e | S10 ° 6. Routine Test 1s 3070-3, 100% 8 ° ir ‘Siemens POIDIgs Manuf Catalogue | 400% si ° HEC 60051/60052 | 199% Supplier's TC SiO ° ae Routine test 18 1248 part2-5 | 100% s © | Refer Notés fist 8, Other LV controVAux Equipments like mens POIDrgs. fa ena Indicating lamps, Annunciators, Heaters, | Manufacturer's | 400% s ° ZED Thermostat, Spring charging Motors ete, | Catalogue e —

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