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Routine Test : ae peeeereriaes “Type tes carried out at approved Lab Abbreviations: P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives 9! |2( 1 2—~ Siemens Ltd. Infrastructure & Cit LMV/Medium Voltage} — Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) z Air Insulated Products_____ Issued Jan 2013 Version:01 Page 2/8 Quality Management TC-LRVAISIO-AISTONIOAP-OF ae Jord vONDISI-OISWUANTOL 8/¢ eed bo uosi< -Sjonpoig payeinsuy ary [ee wrperYAAT €L0¢ uer panssi| (yejq eouednss) NO) uejg Uooedsu] pue so) psepuey SO 7 eumponasesul juauso teen ere | ele sy Ajend) ueld UOH: 1 PUB ISL PIEPUEIS | ee OWalg ‘SSE TSSEIdeY JOUIO|SNOTOWOISND =O ‘UOPESUEBIO =O Teyddng=g MeINeY =U ‘SSSUTIM = WHOS, =q -SUOREINSIGGY eoqueysow “9 ‘4 sionddag ‘eeez ysus “4 SuMUOU: g Arena ajduies uo Se ge 9192 ‘e8ez ‘ZOE ; co os nuo| Ut Pucwes) "yoes fesehst suorsuewig @ orempieH “9 1881 a0] usw “9 ° S| oLszeiddng] ued 6uydwes| Suynesg suawierg aciouig ee sGuuds “s wopuey, ‘96p9 Jo jajuOS UNG “O ysud “4 day uojoad 6 ° 8 todo uonaedsut) sg uneig sueWaIS Hiseareavinsion yng) sieasng *y wOpUEY oo ung “O uss “a 0d cs Bune ° S$ |uodou vonsedsuy| ggg, | stumnexa suowors cous Sued peyeouge4 ION IOUS “E. ‘00k LAH P oLseusidng| — %00} ‘usiuy aoeyng ens “2 ° S| rsamenien| 201 0N 1 | spumeig suewoss seouo} Jenomqueg “4 yodey uonpadsul| jorysoidwes z | : worsuawig “e sojeinsuy seo useH “% ‘OL sauiddng, ‘%00L ree 3 g | [Sainioemnueyt| wovysoidures z BOLAH a ode uoposdeuy| oryeardureg ¢ | SSuywe.a suaWag voisuewig -& reyerew Buyensur “L ‘S)O3HO LLNSNOdINOD -8} u[m]a 319049 ‘squewinoog soeute, oe Foueby/finnay | U0} piosey | JO wNULND | doUDIE9y suemnonied Reference | Quantum of | Record format Particulars Documents | ‘checks Remarks \C- Equipments/ Checks | ‘CurrentiGore Balance Transformers ‘Siemens PO/Drgs | & Rating Plate details Manuf Catalogue | 400% SiO ° Dimensions lece0044.4 1Sample |SuPlersTC | "s ° ©. Routine Test 182705 100% 5 a 2. Potential Control Transformers ‘Siemens PO/Drgs | a. Rating Plate details Manuf Catalogue | 499% 7 SiO ° b. Dimensions Wec60044.2 1 Sample Suppliers TC s ° Routine Test 1S 3156. 100% s ° 3, Fuses/MCB/ Switches- Selectors/Control__| Siemens PO/Digs a. Visual Manuf Catalogue | 499% si ° b. Rating/type ec.60296-3 | 400% z ‘SiO ° ¢. Mechanical 1EC 60847, 60888 | 100% eee oe s ° 4. Routine test 1818703 part 1 | 400% s ° Is: 13947Part 4, 5 | 4, Relays Siemens PO/Digs a. Visual Manuf Catalogue | 409% SiO ° b. Rating/type Is323%/8086 | 400% SupplersTC | Si ° c._Routine Test JEC 60255 100% s ° 8. Vacuum interrupter ‘Siemens PO/Digs, i Manuf Catalogue ° nda toon -fovrnerrro 58) | 8 &_Routine Test 1c 6271-400 | 100% s ° ions: _P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives Sie is Ltd. Quality Management Preteneegciy, | Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) [eau Manas LMViMedium Voltage| AirInsulated Products Version: 01 Page 4/8 TE-LRIVINSTO-AISIOMIGAP-OT 10rd VOINDISIV-OISWIAWT-OL 8/¢ bed Lo uoIsi8, syonpoud pazeinsuy ay ~ s8s0n winpeN/ANT £107 uer {uejg aouemnssy Ayjend) ue|q UoHDadsuj pue ysa) paepueyg | “HO? eMIONYSe.ZU) juewebeueyy it nee iL co “py] suswsig Senneidessidey TeuIDISNgTSWOISND =) 'UOTETUBEI =O TIGHS=S MOON =Y SUI SM WOE =q “SUOPESIGaT SiqUOW x1s Ai@ne suOp UoNRoyyeNd sss001g| O s yoog 607 ssauyoy Suyeig -q | rin6os poypne| © S| spooaryaduy lense ‘318 siopuon pue siopuen o} paornos Ino o2ds suswers Sune “e ° s YOIEEVON yo eeqniosaupy = Austen auop uoyeoyyenb ssacorg| © s YoreSION ue iupueryBuddng -p ° s upregedueg sseuyomyy Bue “0 “AusenGes poyone | © s yoog | UBVeqPO;dWeS ystuy aoepng -q fe1e siopuan pue siopuen of paainos 1np| © 8 | Sor suenddng| yoreqexdwes | tyaysi peo opeus apes soadg suowaig Bune09 sepMod z ‘{uayten auop uaneoyenb es00%g| 0 s seueg wopury ‘janoyun Buyeoo > “Ayseno1 poypne| © 8 yoo| swe 4 200 e498 St 8iem Buyeog q ‘988 suopuan pUE siopUEA or PaDIneS IN| O s | Sotsirdéng| Aveo pads suowals uopenusoues weg “e { quawzeay-aig “| qwaupeal] eRpNg -al ‘onfomieg| 21° SION Bufbieyo Buuds yewounsuL s %00L] — saaimpemueyy| —_‘S21€0H "sioe;oUnUUY ‘Seu BuneApU sfidiod suewers ox stuswdnbs xnypeitico ATIBNO “8 s %00r| szued ever 1 Bae = ois 00; rensia “a soln zs009/ts008 O31 os} % 7 400+] anoren jnueyy edkyouney e | sBig/od suaweig sis _“L) s %0or 0108 SI wel euinoy > os 00 rensia “a saoidd #65008 O31 ors} OL Saauens 001) snBoreieg vey edéy Bupey e sBig/ou suoUroIS sijseuy Ging 9 ul ma syayo | sjusuinsog spe, sieing u Rouedyifanay | ieuuoy piosay | $0 wNjueND | — eoudijoy diate : Reference | Quantum of | Record format | ActivitylAgency Particulars: Dociiene chet mlrwite Remarks E- Assembly and Checks jt. Structure sub/Final Assembly a. Correctness of assembly ‘As per Siemens 400% — |Inspectrecords | Ss (© Out sourced to Vendors and Vendors are b._ Dimensions design/Specs s © | sudited regularly, 2. Bushing/Busbar Assembly @ Correction of assernbly As per Siemens 100% | Inspectrecor’s | S/O © |Out sourced to Vendors and Vendors are b. Dimensions design/Specs Samples S10 (© | sudited reguiany co Mal SiO ° 4. Insulation SiO ° e._Joints (plating) SiO ° | TRIVENT TORE Ere 3. Panel Compete with Truck Fal UE EEE [ TRIVER TORE RE Te 2. Typelrating per Siemens 100 inspect recor EW CODE b. Paint shade Verification design/Specs ° S ETE 1 ©. Truck Type/Rating ° 4. Truck travel ° e. ° f ° la. Visual checks Assylechanical functional checks | As per Siemens 100% Rating of colis/motor/switches ° Drive Assembly ° COpening/closing (mechanical) }o ,. Mechanical endurance test ° v._ Stroke adjustment ° Abbreviations: P= Perform, W= Witness, R= Review.S=Supplier, O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives Siemens Ltd. Infrastructure & City LIVIV/Medium Voltage Air Insulated Products Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) Quality Management Issued Jan 2013 Version: 04 Page 6/8 TC-LRIVINSTO-AISIONIQAP-OF LOrsVOMOISW-OISIWANT-OL 8/2 26eq LO :uoIsie, £102 uer pans} quewebeueyy Ayeno syonpoid pajejisuy ary (uejq eouesnssy Ajjenp) uejg UoNSedsu] pue sel paepuers BRON WnIPAVAWT AND 2 ainjonyseyUl “py] suoweig SONTEIUSSSIdey JOUIO|SNOASWIO|SHO = ‘UOHESIUEBIO =O TayddnS=9 Maney =U SHUM SM WOHed =d “SUOTERSIGGY ° yoaye yUaULUB)}2 PoUEyOOYY anos = OUD PUR XNy UO 483} AH ° 1ynou Ueut UO 3894 AHL Oo WNowO UIE Jo SOURISISSY ° Suny uoyesedQ “Wy ° suoneoyioads Busdgybuscy ‘suaWe} prrepests Oa BujGseyp Ouydg | ° y609 a1 BEL ye ounnoy “q spicoasyadsuy| — %00L SI '62Zzt SI adh yBuney “e aiqeoudde se syso,. SHIMIL LAMOPUOOHeyLAIg YNIID T ° Uvoyoelur wanna KrepuosagiAieud “2 ° yNouJo JoUED pue xn " WOAH 'P Jewojsngyty4 Suunp pewioyed i “Westone ete O° sseujoeui0o Bu “¢ ° SHON] 95 fonoge £03 1-340 UoneOuLOA. "e spiooas yoodsut %001 yoy J sBuMAeIg, jeueg “1 (euso3u)) Bupsoy eurs -4| a a ‘syooyo ‘sjuauinsog, eee TouabyiAinnoy | ewuo} pooay | JO uMUEND | aduaIa;oy Sarita i Reference | Quantum of | Record format | Activity/Agency Particulars pocunoes hele ee Remarks |G- Customer Inspection/Factory Acceptance Test 1 Panol Joint Inspection 2. PhysicallVisua/BOM checks. Drawings / check 100% Report o}ec b. Dimensional checks oe a ASdeed ‘On Typical Far o|c . Rating/Type of Board coment 100% ofc 4. Alignment check 1812729, | ON Typical Far o]c Wiring Verification/Operation at No Load |i g47° On Typical Far o|ec Fey test lec 60604, i. Power ere : 100% ofc # Current Injection is performed for * auxand Control ec eee 400% ole verification ‘of correctness of Wiring and 9. # Primary/Secondary current injection (On Typical Far ofc een eee 2 Circuit Breaker 18 12720 a. Rating’Type : One of each ofc 1s 13118, 7 b. Electrical (Routine) iesewan TypeRating ‘Covered in Panel Customer inspection 1. * Spring charging lec esraaage ofc : * Closing/Opening Siemene el te + Performed on 1 VCB of each rating ‘## Operation Timing specifications oj}e iv, tH# Resistance of main circuit ofc HV Test HV test on main circuit o}e 2-b-vi (sh 7 and 8) repeat HV test is not * HV teston Aux and Control circuit ofc Fecommended. Repeat Test should be carried out at 60% of Test Voltage. £-O= Organisation, C= Customer/Customer Representatives Quality Management Infrastructure & City | Standard Test and Inspection Plan (Quality Assurance Plan) | sued Jan 2013 LMV/Medium Voltage Air Insulated Products Version: 01 Page 8/8 TCLNVINSTOATSTOMGAP-OT

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