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THIS DEED OF ASSIGNMENT is made this .... Dav of ..




ANENE of House N0.12, Sir Anene Crescent off Beluolisa Street, off Tony
Umeh Street, Okwe Asaba, Oshimili South Local Government Area of
Delta State. (Hereinafter referred to as THE ASSIGNOR, which expression
sha1l where applicable, refer to his assigns, successors-in-tit1e, agents and
executors) of the ONE PART.


MR. IKENNA EZEEMO of No. 14 Pat Kanayo Okonta Street, Bonsaac,

Asaba, Oshimili South, Local Government Area, Delta State (hereinafter referred to
as 'The Assignee'), which expression shall, where the context so admits include his
heirs, executors, administrators, legal/personal representatives, successors-in-title
andior assigns of the OTHER PART

The Assignor is the Beneficial Owner in possession and entitled to the grant
of a Certificate of Occupancy In Respect Of All That Piece/Parcel of land
lying, being and situate at plot 460, Ozalla Ubom Farmland, (Jmuezeafadia
family land, Okolosi, Phase iii, Umuaji Quarters, Asaba, Oshimili South
Local Government Area, Delta State. Measuring approximately
1501.48sqaure metre together with bungalow therein.

1. The Assignor had earlier acquired his Title to the said piece of land
by way of an Assignment from Mr. Edeziogo Chinonso Solomon of
No. 6, Andy Okon Street, Bonsaac, Asaba, Oshimili South Local
Government Area of Delta State, possessed by virtue of Anambra
State certificate of occupancy Anambra State Measuring
Approxim ately I 69 5 .97 6square meters.

2. And whereas the Assignee has approached the assignor with an offer
to buy apiecelparcel of land measuring 1695.976square meters, part
of the aforementioned property for the total sum of N55,000,000.00
(Fifty Five Million Naira) Only.

3. The Assignor has agreed with the Assignee for the sale thereof of the
sum of N55,000,000.00 (Fifty Five Million Naira) Only.

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