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TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Document No.) (yyyy/mm in which the CE mark is affixed)


(Company name)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

declare under our responsibility that the product(s):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(brand name)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(product description) (Type version or model)

to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

following the provisions of:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
The Notified Body: NA performed: NA
(Name and number)

and issued the certificate: NA

(certificate number)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(place, date) (signature, name and function)

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Document No. / Numéro du document) (yyyy/mm in which the CE mark is affixed / aaaa/mm
au cours de laquelle le marquage CE a été apposé)


(Company name / Nom de l’entreprise)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(address / adresse)

declare under our responsibility that the product(s):

(déclarons sous notre propre responsabilité que le(s) produit(s))
TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(brand name, nom de la marque)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(product description, description du produit) (Type version or model, référence ou modèle)

to which this declaration relates is in conformity with the following harmonized standards:
(auquel cette déclaration se rapporte, est conforme aux normes harmonisées suivantes)

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

following the provisions of:

(conformément aux exigences essentielles et autres dispositions pertinentes de:)

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

And are produced under a quality scheme at least in conformity with ISO 9001 or CENELEC Permanent Documents
(Et sont fabriqués conformément à une qualité au moins conforme à la norme ISO 9001 ou aux Documents Permanents CENELEC)
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
The Notified Body: NA performed: NA
(L’Organisme Notifié) (Name and number/ nom et numéro) (a effectué)

and issued the certificate: NA

(et a délivré le certificat) (certificate number / numéro du certificat)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(place,date / lieu, date) (signature, name and function / signature, nom et fonction)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Bericht Nr.) (JJJJ/MM der CE Zeichnerteilung)

EG - Konformitätserklärung
Wir, TP Vision Europe B.V.
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

erklären als Verantwortliche, dass folgende(s) elektronische(s) Produkt(e):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(Produktbezeichnung) (Typenbezeichnung oder Modell)

auf die sich diese Konformitätserklärung bezieht, allen nachstehenden harmonisierten Normen entspricht:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

entsprechend der Bestimmungen der:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

und die gemäß eines Qualitätsystems produziert werden, dass mindestens der ISO 9001 oder CENELEC Permanent
Documents entspricht
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Die benannte Stelle: NA ausgeführt: NA
(Name und Kennnummer)

und stellen das Zertifikat: NA


Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(Ort, Datum) (Unterschrift, Name und Funktion des Unterzeichners)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Documentnummer) (Jaar, maand waarin de CE markering is uitgegeven)

Europese Conformiteitsverklaring
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

verklaren dat onder onze verantwoordelijkheid de product(en):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(productbeschrijving) (typenummer of model)

waar deze verklaring betrekking op heeft voldoen aan de volgende geharmoniseerde standaarden:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

volgens de voorwaarden van:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

En worden geproduceerd volgens een kwaliteitsprogramma wat minimaal overeenkomt met ISO9001 of de CENELEC
permanente documenten
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Notified Body: NA heeft uitgevoerd: NA
(Naam en nummer)

en heeft een certificaat uitgegeven: NA

(nummer van het certificaat)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(plaats, datum) (handtekening, naam en functie)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Dokument nummer) (Årstal for påhæftning af CE-mærkning)

CE deklarationserklæring
(virksomhedens navn)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

erklærer i henhold til vores ansvar, at de(t) elektriske produkt(er):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(navn på varermærke)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(produktbeskrivelse) (type eller model)

denne erklæring relaterer sig til er i overenstemmelse med de harmoniserede standarder:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

opfylder krav og forskrifter af:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Og er produceret i en kvalitet, der, som minimum, opfylder kravene i ISO 9001-standarden eller CENELEC´s permanente
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
udstedt af: NA har gennemført: NA
(Navn og nummer)

og udstedt certifikatet: NA
(certifikat nummer)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(sted, dato) (Signatur, navn og titel)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Raportti nr.) (CE merkinnän myöntämisvuosi)

Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Ilmoitus seuraavista vastuullamme olevista sähkötuotteista:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(Tuotekuvaus) (Tyypi, versio tai malli)

Tämä vakuutus on yhdenmukainen seuraavien harmonisointistandardien kanssa:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Seuraavien määräysten mukaisesti:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Ja on tuotettu seuraavien laatujärjestelmien mukaisesti : ISO 9001 ja CENELEC asiakirjat

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Ilmoitettu laitos: NA suoritetaan: NA
(Nimi ja numero)

Todistuksen antaja: NA
(Sertifikaatin numero)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(paikka, päiväys) (Allekirjoitus, nimi ja asema)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Número de Documento) (año/mes en que se colocó el marcado CE)


(Nombre de la Empresa)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Declaramos bajo nuestra responsabilidad que el/los producto(s):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(nombre de la marca)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(descripción del producto) (Referencia o modelo)

Al/a los que esta declaración hace(n) referencia es/son conforme(s) con los siguientes estándares armonizados:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

siguiendo las disposiciones pertinentes de:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Y se fabrican conforme a una calidad como mínimo conforme a la norma ISO 9001 o a los Documentos Permanentes
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
El organismo notificado: NA hecho en: NA
(Nombre y número)

y ha expedido el certificado: NA
(número de certificado)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(lugar, fecha) (firma, nombre y cargo)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Número do Documento) (durante a qual a marcação CE foi fixada)

(Nome da empresa)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Declaramos sob a nossa responsabilidade que o(s) produto(s):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(nome da marca)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(descrição do produto) (referéncia ou modelo)

A(os) quais diz respeito esta declaração é/são conforme(s) com os seguintes standards harmonisados:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Conforme as exigencias essenciais e outras disposições pertinentes de:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

E são fabricadas sob critérios de qualidade no mínimo conformes com a norma ISO 9001 ou documentos Permanentes
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Organismo Notificado: NA efectuado por: NA
(Nome e número)

emitiu o certificado: NA
(numero do certificado)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(local, data) (assinatura, nome e função)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Numero di documento) (in cui è apposto il marchio CE)

la sottoscritta TP VISION EUROPE B.V.
(Nome della società)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

dichiariamo sotto la nostra responsabilità che il(i) prodotto (i):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(descrizione del prodotto) (referenza o modello)

al quale questa dichiarazione si riferisce è conforme alle seguenti norme armonizzate:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

a seguito delle disposizioni del:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

e i processi produttivi seguono un sistema qualità conforme almeno alla norma ISO9001 o agli standard CENELEC

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
L'Organismo Notificato: NA ha eseguito: NA
(nome e numero)

e rilasciato il certificato: NA
(numero di certificato)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(luogo, data) (firma , nome e funzione)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Αρ. έκθεσης) (Έτος επικόλλησης του σήματος συμμόρφωσης CE)

Εμείς, η εταιρεία TP VISION EUROPE B.V.
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Δηλώνουμε υπεύθυνα ότι το ηλεκτρολογικό προϊόν/ προϊόντα:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(ονομασία μάρκας)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(περιγραφή προϊόντος) (Τύπος έκδοσης ή μοντέλο)

στο οποίο/ στα οποία αφορά η παρούσα δήλωση συμμορφούται/ συμμορφούνται με τα εξής εναρμονισμένα πρότυπα:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Σύμφωνα με τις διατάξεις των οδηγιών:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Και παράγεται/ παράγονται σύμφωνα με ένα ποιοτικό πρόγραμμα που συμμορφούται, κατ'ελάχιστον, με το πρότυπο ISO 9001
ή με τα Μόνιμα Έγγραφα Τεκμηρίωσης της CENELEC
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Ο ειδοποιηθείς NA διεξήγαγε: NA
οργανισμός: (Ονομασία και αριθμός)

Και εξέδωσε το πιστοποιητικό: NA

(αριθμός πιστοποιητικού)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(τόπος, ημερομηνία) (υπογραφή, ονοματεπώνυμο και λειτουργία)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Numer raportu) (Rok, w którym oznakowanie CE zostało umieszczone na wyrobie)

Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Deklarujemy na naszą odpowiedzialność, że urządzeni(e/a) elektryczne:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(nazwa /opis produktu) (Typ lub model)

Do którego odnosi się niniejsza deklaracja jest zgodny z następującymi normami zharmonizowanymi:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Zgodnie z dyrektywami:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

oraz został wyprodukowany zgodnie ze standardami jakościowymi takimi jak ISO9001 lub CENELEC Permanent Documents

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Jednostka certyfikująca: NA wykonała: NA
(Nazwa i numer)

i wydała certyfikat: NA
(numero del certificatonumer certyfikatu)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(miasto, data) (podpis, imię i nazwisko oraz funkcja)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Nr. raport) (Anul în care este aplicat marcajul CE)

Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Declarăm pe proprie răspundere că produsul (produsele) electric(e):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(descriere produs) (Tip sau model)

La care se referă această declaraţie, este in conformitate cu următoarele standarde armonizate:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

În conformitate cu dispoziţiile directivelor:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Şi sunt fabricate după o schemă de calitate conformă cel puţin cu standardul ISO 9001 sau Documentele Permanente
Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Organismul notificat: NA a efectuat: NA
(Nume si număr)

Şi a emis certificatul: NA
(Numărul certificatului)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(locul, data) (semnătura, nume şi funcţie)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Jelentés száma) (A CE jelzés feltüntetésének éve)

Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Felelőssége tudatában nyilatkozik, hogy az alábbi elektronikai termék(ek):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(termék megnevezése) (Típusváltozat vagy modell)

Az ezen nyilatkozatban foglaltak szerint megfelel(nek) a következő harmonizált szabványoknak:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Követve a következő ajánlásokat:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

legalább az ISO 9001-nek megfelelően vagy

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Bejelentett testület: NA teljesítve: NA
(Név és szám)

és a kibocsátott tanúsítvány: NA
(tanúsítvány száma)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(hely, dátum) (aláírás, név és beosztás)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Документ №) (Година на поставяне на CE маркировката)

CE Декларация за съответствие
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Декларираме на наша отговорност, че електрическият(те) уред(и):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(търговска марка)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(описание на продукта(ите)) (Серия или модел)

Към който(които) се отнася тази декларация е(са) в съответствие със следните установени стандарти:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

В съответствие с директиви:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

и са произведени под система за качествен контрол най-малко в съответствие с ISO 9001 или

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Известяващата NA извърши: NA
институция: (Име и номер)

И издаде сертификат: NA
(номер на сертификата)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(място, дата) (подпис, име и длъжност)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Číslo zprávy) (Rok udělění známky CE)

Prohlášení o shodě v EU
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Prohlašujeme na svou odpovědnost, že elektrický výrobek:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(popis výrobku) (Typ verze nebo model)

na nějž se toto prohlášení vztahuje, je ve shodě s následujícími harmonizovanými normami:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Následovaných ustanoveními Směrnic:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

A jsou vyráběny v systému řízení kvality minimálně ve shodě s ISO 9001 nebo

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Kompetentní orgán: NA provedl: NA
(Název a číslo)

a vydal certifikát: NA
(číslo certifikátu)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(místo, datum) (podpis, jméno a funkce)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Broj izvještaja) (Godina ishođenja CE oznake)

Izjava o sukladnosti
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Odgovorno izjavljujemo da je elektični uređaj(i):

(yy=AA do ZZ različite boje, xx= 00 - 99 različite
(Naziv robne marke)
(opis proizvoda) (Tipska oznaka ili model)

Na koje se ova izjava odnosi zadovoljava sljedeće usklađene norme:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Slijedom odredbi:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

najmanje u skladu sa normom ISO 9001 ili

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Nadležno tijelon: NA Izveden: NA
(Ime i broj)

I izdana je potvrda: NA
(Broj potvrde)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(Mjesto ,datum) (Potpis,ime i radno mjesto)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Številka poročila) (Leto namstitve CE znaka)

Izjava o skladnosti
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

S polno odgovornostjo izjavljamo:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(Ime znamke)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(Opis proizvoda) (Tip, verzija ali model)

Na katerega se nanaša ta izjava je skladen z naslednjimi harmoniziranimi standardi:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

V skladu z naslednjimi odločbami:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

In so proizvedeni v skladu s shemo kakovosti najmanj v skladu z ISO 9001 ali CENELEC stalnimi dokumenti

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Priglašeno organ: NA Izvršeno: NA
(Ime in številka)

Izdaja certifikat: NA
(Številka certifikata)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(Kraj, datum) (Podpis, Ime in funkcija)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Č. dokumentu) (Rok, kedy bola CE značka pridelená)

EC Vyhlásenie o zhode
(Názov spoločnosti)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Prehlasujeme v našej zodpovednosti, že elektrický výrobok (výrobky):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(popis produktu) (Typ, verzia alebo model)

Produkty, ktorých sa toto vyhlásenie týka, sú v súlade s nasledovnými harmonizovanými normami:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

V súlade s nasledovnými ustanoveniami:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

A sú vyrobené podľa osnov kvality a prinajmenšom v súlade s ISO 9001 alebo CENELEC ustanoveniami

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Oboznámený orgán: NA vykonané: NA
(Názov a číslo)

A vystavený certifikát: NA
(číslo certifikátu)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(miesto, dátum) (podpis, meno a funkcia)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Ziņojums Nr) (Gads kurā CE zīme ieviesta)

EC deklarācija atbilstība
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

deklarēt zem vai atbildība ka, elektronisks produkts:

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(fabrikas marka vārds)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(produkta apraksts) (Tips, versija vai modelis)

Kam ši deklarācija atbilst ir apliecināt ar sekojošiem saskaņotiem standartiem:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Sekojot noteikumiem:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Tiek ražots zem kvalitātes sistēma kas ir apstiprināta ar ISO 9001 vai CENELEC pastāvošiem dokumentiem

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Reģistrēta galvenā daļa: NA paveikts: NA
(vārds un numurs)

Un izveido sertifikātu: NA
(sertifikāta numurs)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(vieta, datums) (parskts, vārds un amatpienākums)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Pranešimo Nr.) (Metai, kada CE patvirtino)

Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Deklaruojame, kad elektronikos gaminys (-iai):

TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
(firmos ženklo pavadinimas)
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(gaminio aprašymas) (Tipas arba modelis)

Pagal šią deklaraciją atitinka toliau nurodytus standartus:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Atitinka tokias nuostatas:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

Pagaminta atitinkant visus kokybės reikalavimus pagal ISO 9001 ar CENELEC nuolatinius dokumentus

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Informuota įstaiga: NA atlikta: NA
(Pavadinimas ir numeris)

Sertifikatas išleistas: NA
(sertifikato numeris)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(vieta, data) (parašas, vardas, pavardė ir pareigos)
TP Vision Europe B.V.

HK-WK2307-TAT1108 2023/02/13
(Döküman Numarası) (CE İbaresinin eklendiği yıl (yyyy/aa))

(İmalatçının ismi)
Prins Bernhardplein 200, 1097 JB Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(İmalatçının adresi)

bizim sorumluluğumuz altında işbu beyanın ilgili bulunduğu aşağıdaki elektrikli ürünün:
TAT1108, TAT1108xx/yy, TAT1138, TAT1138xx/yy
(xx= AA-ZZ or blank denoted different colour; yy=00-99
denoted different country destination)
True wireless headphones
(Ürün Açıklamas) (Tip veya model)

aşağıda belirtilen ilgili standartların gerektirdiği uygunluğa sahip olduğunu beyan ederiz:

EN 62368-1:2014+A11:2017
EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3
EN 301 489-17 V3.2.4
EN 300 328 V2.2.2
EN 62479:2010
EN 55032:2015/A11:2020
EN 55035:2017/A11:2020
EN 50663:2017
EN 50581:2012

Yasal hükümler şu şekildedir:

2014/53/EU(Radio Equipment)
2011/65/EU with amendment of Directive (EU) 2015/863

En az ISO 9001 veya CENELEC Daimi Belgelerine uygun kalite şemasına binaen mevcut ürünlerdir

Only for Radio Equipment products produced under an EU type examination and conformity
Yetkili Kurul: NA yerine getirmiştir: NA
(Isin ve numara)

müdahalenin tanımı: NA
(sertifika numarası)

Amsterdam, 13.02.2023 Piotr Olechowski, Quality Manager

(Yer ve tarih) (İmza, isim ve görevi)

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