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V Public School Ratia

Class 10 - Mathematics

1. If one of the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial (k – 1) x2+ kx + 1 is –3,then the value of k is [1]

−2 −4
a) 3
b) 3
4 2
c) 3
d) 3
2. A quadratic polynomial whose zeros are 5 and -3, is [1]

a)x2+2x -15 b)x2- 2x-15

c)x2- 2x+ 15 d)none of these

3. The graph of y = f(x) is shown in the figure for some polynomial f(x). [1]

The number of zeroes of f(x) is

a) 4 b)8

c)6 d)5

4. Ifα,βarethezerosofkx2-2x+3ksuchthatα+β=αβthenk=? [1]

−1 1
a) 3
b) 3
2 7
c) 3
d) 2

5. The zeros of the quadratic polynomial x2+ 88x +125 are [1]

a) both negative b)both positive

c)both equal d)one positive and one negative

6. Ifα,βbethezerosofthepolynomial2x2+5x+ksuchthatα2+β2+αβ=21thenk=? 4

a)2 b)-3

c)-2 d)3

7. The zeroes of the polynomial p(x) = x2+ 4x + 3are given by: [1]

a)-1, 3 b)1, -3

c)1, 3 d)-1, -3

8. Ifthesum ofthe zerosofthe quadraticpolynomial forkx2+ 2x+ 3kisequal tothe productofits zerosthen k=

a) 3 b)23

c)−23 d)−13

9. Aquadraticpolynomialwhoseproductandsumofzeroesare 1 and√2respectively is [1]


a)3x2-x+3√2x b)3x2-

c)3x2+x-3√2x 3√2x+1d)3x2+3√

2x+ 1

10. If α, β are the zeros of polynomial f(x) = x2− p (x + 1) − c, then (α+ 1) (β + 1) = [1]

a) 1 + c b)c

c)c − 1 d)1 − c

11. The zeros of the polynomial x2- 2x -3 are [1]

a)-3, 1 b)3, -1

c)3, 1 d)-3, -1

12. Ifαand βarethe zerosofthe polynomialf(x)= x2+ px+q, thenapolynomial having1 α

and1 is its zero is [1]

a) qx2+ px+ 1 b)x2+ qx +p

c)x2− px+ q d)px2+ qx+ 1

13. Ifα andβarethezerosof2x2+5x-9thenthevalueofαβis [1]

−9 9
a) b)
2 2
5 −5
c) d)
2 2
14. A polynomial of degree n has [1]

a) one zero b)n zeroes

c)at most n zeroes d)at least n zeroes

15. Thezerosofthepolynomialx2−√2x−12are [1]

a)3, 1 b)√2,−√2

c)3√2,−2√2 d)3, -1
16. Whichof the following is a quadratic polynomial having zeroes−2and2 [1]
3 3

a)4x2-9 b) 4(9x2+4)

c)5(9x2- 4} d)x2+9

17. If -2 and 3 are the zeros of the quadratic polynomial x2+ (a +1)x + b then [1]

a)a = 2, b = 6 b)a = 2, b = -6 18. W

c)a = -2, b = -6 d)a = -2, b = 6 h
ich of the following is a


iii. √x+1

a) Option (iv) b)Option (ii)

c)Option (i) d)Option (iii)

19. The number of polynomials having zeroes -3 and 4 is: [1]

a)x2- 2x+ 1 b)x2+2x +1

c)x2- x- 12 d)x2+2x -1
20. Thezerosof thepolynomial7x2−11x−2 are [1]
3 3

a) None of these b) 2,−1

7 3

c)−23,1 7 d)2,3−1 7
21. A quadratic polynomial, the sum of whose zeroes is 0 and one zero is 3, is [1]

a)x2-9 b)x2+3

c)x2-3 d)x2+9

22. Which of the following graph has more than three distinct real roots? [1]

a) b)

c) d)

23. The sum and product of the zeroes of the polynomial x 2- 6x+ 8 are respectively [1]
−3 −3
a) and1 b) and–1
2 2

c)32 and 1 d)6 and 8

24. If -4 is a zero of the polynomial x2- x - (2k + 2) thenfind the value of k. [1]

25. If the sum of the zeros of the quadratic polynomial f(t) = kt2 + 2t + 3k is equal to their product, find the value [1]

26. Findthe valueof 'k'such thatthe quadraticpolynomial x 2-( k+ 6)x +2 (2k+1) hassum ofthe zerosis halfoftheir [1]


27. Identify that the graph corresponds to a linear polynomial or a quadratic polynomial. [1]

28. Find the zeros of the polynomial x2+ x - p(p+ 1). [1]

29. Find the zeros of the polynomial x2- 3x - m(m+ 3) [1]

9 3
30. Writethepolynomial,the productandsumof whosezeroesare − 2 and − 2respectively. [1]

31. Find a quadratic polynomial whose zeroes are 6 and -3. [1]
32. Find a quadratic polynomial whose one zero is -8 and sum of zeroes is 0. [1]

33. Find the zeroes of the polynomial x2+ 4x- 12. [1]

34. Writethe zerosof thequadratic polynomialf(x) =6x 2-3. [1]

35. Define zero of a polynomial. [1]

36. Forapolynomial p(x),thegraph ofy= p(x)isgiven below.Findthe numberofzeroes ofp(x). [1]

37. Thesumofthezerosandtheproductofzerosofaquadraticpolynomialare −1and-3respectively.Writethe [1]



38. Find the sum of the zeroes of the given quadratic polynomial -3x2+ k. [1]

39. Ifα,βarezeroesofpolynomialp(x)=5x2+5x+1thenfindthevalueofα2+β2. [2]

40. If graph of quadratic polynomial ax2+ bx + c cuts positive direction of y-axis, then whatis the sign of c? [2]

41. Forapolynomial p(x),thegraph ofy= p(x)isgiven below.Findthe numberofzeroes ofp(x). [2]

42. Obtainthezerosofthequadraticpolynomial √3x2−8x+4√3andverifyrelationbetweenitszerosandcoefficients [2]


43. Thegraphofthepolynomialf(x)=ax2+bx+cisasshownbelow.Writethe signofc. [2]

44. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial x2 + 7x + 10, and verify the relationship between the zeroes and [2]


45.4 α,βarezeroesofthequadraticpolynomialx2-(k+6)x+2(2k-1).Findthevalueofkifα+β= [2]

46. Findthe zeroes of x2- 2x - 8and verify the relationship between the zeros andthe coefficients. [2]
47. Ifαandβarethezerosofthequadraticpolynomialf(x)=ax2+bx+c,thenevaluate:1 +1. [2]
aα +b aβ +b

48. Findthe zeros of the polynomial f(x) = x2 - 2 and verify the relationship between its zerosand coefficients. [2]

49. Find the zeroes of the quadratic polynomial 6x2 - 3 - 7x and verify the relationship between the zeroes and [3]
thecoefficientsof the polynomial.

50. If one root of the quadratic polynomial 2x2- 3x + p is 3, find the other root.Also, find the value of p. [3]
51. Findaquadraticpolynomial whose sumand product of the zeroes are −21 and5respectively.Alsofindthe [3]
8 16

zeroes of the polynomial by factorization.

52. Findthezeroesofthepolynomial7y2-11y−2byfactorization method and verify therelationship between the [3]
3 3
zeroesandcoefficient ofthepolynomial.
53. Ifthecoefficientofxinaquadraticpolynomialiszero,thenprovethatzeroswillbeequalinmagnitudeandopposite in [3]

54. If αand β arethezerosofthequadraticpolynomialf(x)=x2-2x+3,findapolynomialwhoserootsare [3]


55. Ifα,β arezeroesofthequadraticpolynomialx2+9x+20,formaquadraticpolynomialwhosezeroesare(α+1) and (β+ 1). [3]

56. If αandβarethezerosofthequadraticpolynomialf(x)=ax2+bx+c,thenevaluate: aα +b
+ αa
. [3]

57. Find the zeroes of the polynomial 2s2 + (1 + 2√2)s + √2 by factorization method and verify the [3]
relationshipbetweenthe zeroes and coefficient of the polynomial.

58. Writethefamilyofquadraticpolynomialshaving − 4 and 1 as its zeros. [3]

59. Ifonezeroofthepolynomial2x 2+3x+ λis1 ,findthevalueofλ andotherzero. [3]

60. Findthezerosofpolynomialp(y)= y2+ y−5andverifytherelationshipbetweenthezerosandits [3]


61. Findthe zeros of p(x) = x2+ 2√2x - 6 and verify the relationship between the zeros and its coefficients. [3]

62. Ifαandβarethezerosofthepolynomialf(x)=x2-5x+ksuchthatα−β=1,findthevalueofk. [3]

63. Findthe zeroesof thepolynomial v2+ 4√3v- 15by factorizationmethod andverify therelationship [3]
betweenthezeroes and coefficient of the polynomials.

64. Findaquadraticpolynomialwhosesumandproductofthezeroesare −3,−1 respectively.Alsofindthe [3]

2√5 2
zeroes of the polynomial by factorization.

65. Find the zeroes of quadratic polynomial x2- 2x - 8 and verify the relationshipbetween the zeroes and their [3]

66. If αand β arethezerosofthequadraticpolynomialf(x)=x2-2x+3,findapolynomialwhoserootsarei. α+2,β+2 [3]
α−1 β−1
ii. ,
α +1 β +1

67. Find the zeroes of the given quadratic polynomials and verify the relationship between the zeroes and [3]

68. Findaquadraticpolynomial, the sumand productof whose zeroesare √2and1,respectively.

69. Assertion (A):Number zero itself is known as zero polynomial. [1]
Reason (R):Zero polynomial has only one zero.

a) BothAandRaretrueandRisthecorrectexpla b) Both A and R are true but R is not

nation of A. thecorrect explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d)A is false but R is true.

70. Assertion (A):A quadratic polynomial with zeroes 2, 3 and -3 isx2– 5x + 6. [1]

Reason(R):Ifαandβarezeroesofaquadraticpolynomialthenpolynomialisgivenbyx 2-(α+β)x+αβ

a) BothAandRaretrueandRisthecorrectexpla b) Both A and R are true but R is not

nation of A. thecorrect explanation of A.

c) A is true but R is false. d)A is false but R is true.

71. Assertion:Zeroes of f(x) = x2- 4x - 5are 5, -1 [1]

Reason:Thepolynomialwhosezeroesare 2+√3,2−√3isx2-4x+7.

a) Assertion and reason both are b) Assertion and reason both are
correctstatementsandreasoniscorrectexplana correctstatements but reason is not
tionfor assertion. correctexplanation for assertion.

c) Assertion is correct statement but reason d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason
iswrong statement. iscorrect statement.

QuestionNo. 72to 75are based onthe giventext. Read thetext carefullyand answerthe questions: [4]
Anobjectwhichisthrownorprojectedintotheair,subjecttoonlytheaccelerationofgravityiscalledaprojectile,andits path is
called its trajectory. This curved path was shown by Galileo to be a parabola. Parabola is represented by apolynomial.
If the polynomial to represent the distance covered is,

p(t) = -5t2+ 40t +1.2

72. What is the degree of the polynomial p(t) = -5 t2+ 40t + 1.2?
73. What is the height of the projectile at the time of 4 seconds after it is launched?

74. What is the name of the polynomial p(t) = -5t2+ 40t + 1.2 thatis classified based on its degree?

75. What are the factors of the given quadratic equation p(x) = x2- 5x + 6?


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