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CLIN PHARM 2 - Ivory Diane Amancio 02

ALLERGIC RHINITIS - Microbial exposure in the first years of life could
Allergic Rhinitis help prevent Allergic disease by stimulating a
- Involves inflammation of the nasal mucous nonatopic immune response.
Farm Children: (Suburban)
- Two types: ✓ High exposure of endotoxin in barns and dust
1. Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis (Hay fever) around the farmhouse.
- Hay because it primarily comes from ✓ Consumption of no pasteurized farm milk.
hay, mga pollen ✓ Proactive exposure to harmless bacteria in early
⊳ Occurs in response to allergens usually Life.
present at predictable times of the year; - During covid, di kaayo affected ang people in
during plant pollination (Spring or fall) the streets compared to children nga very
- Walay spring or fall ang philippines, pero contained
naay time nga tig pulak na sa mga - Before, asthma was considered sakit sa datoon
mangga so kasagaran mo react ang
mga tao ana, like iingon tigpulak naman
gud sa mga mangga, thus this is not
only for season countries, but it is
associated with ting pulak sa mga plant Children from High Socioeconomic Class:
✓ Frequently has more positive skin tests allergen
2. Persistent Allergic Rhinitis (Perennial Allergic sensitization than children in the suburban area
⊳ Year-round (di mag agad sa pollination) 3. Presence of Other Risk Factors
disease caused by non-seasonal ✓ Elevated Serum IgE (>100 IU/mL) before the
disease.(house dust mites, animal dander, age of 6 years
and molds) ✓ Eczema
✓ Heavy exposure to secondhand cigarette
⊳ Patients may have a combination of the two- smoke
with year-round symptoms and seasonal
Exacerbation (ma grabehan pud at certain NASAL PHYSIOLOGY AND
time sa year). (possible pud na perennial +
seasonal ang allergic rhinitis sa px)
ETIOLOGY OF ALLERGIC RHINITIS ● The air passes to through the nose, turbulence
throws particulate matter against a mucus blanket.
Determined by 3 Factors: ● Mucus blanket - pertains to vascular area of the
1. Genetic nose kanang naay mga blood vessels
2. Allergen Exposure
3. Presence of Other Risk Factors

✓ Family history of Allergic Rhinitis
✓ Atopic Dermatitis
✓ Asthma

❖ Suggests that rhinitis is allergic. (kay naa na sa

iyang blood or genetic makeup)
● The rhythmic movements of the nasal cilia cause the
❖ Increased risk if one parent is atopic (tendency/
mucous blanket to move posteriorly where it is
possible nga allergy) and further increases if two are eventually swallowed; thus trapped foreign particles
allergic. are removed via the GI tract and do not reach the
2. Allergen Exposure (pollen, dust mites and animal ● Thus, dele maka acquire ug foreign body ang lungs,
dander) ditso ra ang foreign body sa GI tract
- Individuals must be exposed over time to a
protein that elicits the allergic response in that
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY clear secretions. Tearing and periorbital (muscles
● It also concentrates foreign protein material into the surrounding the eyes) swelling may be present.
posterior nasopharynx, where lymph tissues identify ➢ Adenoidal breathing - ping ot ang ilong, sa ba ba mo
them and produce most of the allergic antibody that ginhawa, matulog mag nga nga
drives allergic rhinitis

Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests

➢ Microscopic examination of the nasal smear will
show numerous eosinophils. Blood eosinophil
count (immune cells) may be elevated in allergic
rhinitis, but it is nonspecific.

Other Diagnostic Tests

✓ Percutaneous skin tests with diluted allergen,
positive control (histamine), and negative control are
used to identify to what the patient has sensitivities.
Allergen Sensitization and the Allergic Response: ✓ Radioallergosorbent test can detect IgE
⊳ Exposure to antigen stimulates IgE production and antibodies
sensitization of mast cells with antigen-specific IgE in the blood that are specific for a given allergen.
⊳ Subsequent exposure to the same antigen produces
an allergic reaction when mast cell mediators are Pharmacotherapeutic Option
- There is a subsequent exposure in allergic Medication Symptoms Comments
rhinitis Class Controlled

⊳ Systemic Sneezing, For seasonal
(oral) rhinorrhea, allergic rhinitis,
itching, begin treatment
conjunctivitis before allergen
agents should be
tried first. If
ineffective or too
expensive for the
patient, the older
agents may be
used. (use oral for
seasonal) For
If curious pa mo sa pathophysiology, watch osmosis
perennial allergic
rhinitis, use an
intranasal steroid
as an alternative to
Signs and Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis or in combination
Symptoms: with systemic
➢ The patient typically complains of clear rhinorrhea, antihistamines.
paroxysms of sneezing, nasal congestion,
⊳ Ophthalmic Conjunctivitis Logical addition to
postnasal drip, and pruritic eyes (itchy), ears, nose,
or palate. Late-phase reaction consists of primarily nasal steroids if
nasal congestion. ocular symptoms
are present.
➢ For children, physical exam may reveal allergic ⊳ Intranasal Sneezing, Option for seasonal
shiners, a transverse nasal crease caused by rhinorrhea, allergic rhinitis.
repeated rubbing of the nose, and adenoidal nasal pruritus Warn patients of
breathing. Nasal turbinate's are coated with thin,
potential rhinitis
Intranasal Rhinorrhea Reserve for use
Decongestants anticholinergic when above
⊳ Systemic Nasal Only needed when s therapies fail or
congestion nasal congestion is cannot be
present. tolerated.

Nasal Only needed when Leukotriene See When combined

⊳ Topical
congestion nasal congestion is receptor comments with antihistamines,
present. Do not antagonists more effective than
exceed 3-5 days. (Montelukast) antihistamines
- Symptoms alone. May be used
there will as monotherapy in
be a children with
rebound for asthma and
rhinorrhea coexisting allergic
after taking rhinitis.
3-5 days With combination of
- Bisan orally antihistamines
or systemic Co-Aleva (Ebastine
na siya, + Betamethasone)
there can If di na ma igo ang
be a patient sa
significant antihistamines,
effect on then agto nas
patients Leukotriene
antagonist +
Intranasal Sneezing, For seasonal Antihistamine
corticosteroids rhinorrhea, allergic rhinitis,
itching, nasal an option when
congestion congestion is
present. Must
begin therapy Chief Complaint (CC)
before allergen
“My nose is stopped up and I can’t sleep at night. I wake
up with a dry mouth, and it stays dry all day. Sometimes
Excellent choice for
I start sneezing and can’t stop. When I do stop sneezing,
perennial rhinitis.
my nose starts running and then plugs up again. I am
having trouble in school because I am always tired, and
Mast cell See Prevents
now my eyes are itchy and watery all the time.”
stabilizers comments symptoms;
(Cromolyn therefore, for
History of Present Illness (HPI)
Sodium) seasonal allergic
rhinitis, use before AB is a 19-year-old woman who presents to her
offending allergen’s physician with complaints of upper respiratory
season starts. For symptoms. The symptoms have occurred off and on
perennial rhinitis, since she was a child, worsening in the fall and
improvement may lessening in the spring; however, they have been
not be seen for up continuous for the last 7 months. Additionally, she has
to 1 month. developed itchy, watery eyes that did not occur with the
- If nag rhinitis symptoms she had in the past. She has not run a
cromolyn fever and does not have throat pain, but she does have
sodium, an occasional nonproductive cough that gets worse at
advise the night.
patient di
makita Past Medical History (PMH)
ditso ang
improveme ➔ Allergic rhinitis × 14 years
nt sa ➔ Tonsillectomy(usa pud sa risk factor) and
adenoidectomy at age 8
➔ Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction at age 16 ⊳ The patient is a young woman who looks her stated
➔ Sinusitis 5 months ago age. She appears tired with darkened areas under her
Sinusitis, ni inflare or ni hubag sa sinuses, orbital eyes. She sounds congested and is continually
sinuses, maxillary; Rhinitis, kay nasal mucosa ang ni rubbing her nose and eye.
hubag dele ang sinus
Importance of tonsils: helps in filtering with foreign Vital Signs
body ⊳ BP 102/62 - low
Family History (FH) ⊳ P 64
Father age 43, with a history of HTN and hyperlipidemia. ⊳ RR 14
Mother age 39, with a history of major depressive ⊳ T 36.9°C
disorder. Brother age 17, with moderate persistent ⊳ Wt 114 lb & Ht 5'4''
asthma, and sister age 14, with allergic rhinitis
Social History (SH) ⊳ NC/AT; PERRLA; EOMI.
● Lives in a 3-bedroom house built on a concrete slab ⊳ Chemosis (swelling of the conjunctive of the eyes or
with two roommates. She has been living there for periorbital region) and conjunctival injection.
approximately 9 months. One roommate smokes ⊳ Periorbital edema and discoloration.
cigarettes, but not in the house. ⊳ TMs are intact.
● AB smokes occasionally when she drinks ⊳ Nasal mucous membranes and turbinates are swollen
alcohol. She drinks 5 or 6 drinks once or twice a and pale with no epistaxis. There is no tenderness
week when she goes out (risk factor, nag over the frontal and maxillary sinuses. There are no
maintain man gud siyag alcohol, acute oropharyngeal lesions, and the throat is
alcoholism so enzyme inhibitor). One of her
non-erythematous (wala ray redness sa throat)
roommates has a cat that lives indoors.
● Last August (about 8 months ago) AB started ⊳ Neck No lymphadenopathy or thyromegaly
attending the State University where she is a nursing ⊳ Chest CRX bilaterally; no wheezes
major. AB plays intramural flag football and ⊳ Breast Deferred
basketball at the University and competes locally
⊳ Heart RRR without murmur or rub
and regionally in triathlons.
⊳ Abdomen Soft, non-tender, (+) BS
MEDS ⊳ Genit/Rect Deferred
⊳ Extremities No CCE (Clubbing, Cyanosis, Edema),
➔ Clemastine (Tavist) 1 tablet po BID
➔ Oxymetazoline nasal spray PRN at night (once or pulses 2+ throughout
twice a week) ⊳ Neuro A & O × 3; DTRs 2+ throughout; 5/5 strength;
CN I–XII intact
❖ Butterbur Extract 1 capsule po BID ➢ Butterbur
or Petasites hybridus is an herbal remedy that ASSESSMENT
exhibits antihistamine and anti-leukotriene
activity and has been shown to attenuate the This is a 19-year-old woman with nasal congestion,
response to adenosine monophosphate chemosis, and conjunctival injection most likely due to
challenge in patients with allergic rhinitis and seasonal and perennial allergies

ALLERGY Perennial rhinitis with seasonal exacerbations:

Discontinue butterbur. Continue Tavist; start Singulair
Codeine (itching) - for dry cough; antitussive 10 mg 1 tablet po at bedtime. (Tavist and Singulair will
enhance the effect together, synergistic ang effect)
- If nasal congestion, we need to use topical
Review of Systems (ROS) congestant, we need to clean the nose first, if
Admits to occasional headaches but denies shortness of wala na nasal congestion, go to steroids
breath, wheezing, chest pain, or abdominal discomfort - Seasonal, dx of choice is systemic
antihistamine, orally taken drug, that is for
exacerbation, take antihistamine before season
Physical Examination (PE) maabot

Part 1
⊳ Create a list of the patient’s drug therapy problems.
- Gitagaan siya ug singulair, kay sige siyag take
antihistamine pero wa na ni effect sa iyaa
⊳ What information (signs, symptoms, laboratory values)
indicates the presence or severity of allergic rhinitis?
⊳ What additional information from the patient history is
needed to satisfactorily assess this patient?

Part 2
⊳ What drug, dosage form, dose, schedule, and duration
of therapy are best for this patient?
⊳ What alternatives would be appropriate if the initial
therapy fails?

Part 3
⊳ What clinical and laboratory parameters are necessary
to evaluate the therapy for achievement of the desired
therapeutic outcome and to detect or prevent adverse

Part 4
⊳ What information should be provided to a patient
receiving an intranasal corticosteroid to enhance
compliance, ensure successful therapy, and
minimize adverse effects?
⊳ What information should be provided to a patient
receiving an ophthalmic antihistamine?

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