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very good, firstly good afternoon with each of you

present from the public, teachers and students of

the institution, thank God for allowing us to be here,

because the theme of this English exhibition is about I

used to and is that it has nothing to do with the verb use
in the sense of using something.
Used to is used to talk about a custom from the past,
that is, something that used to happen regularly but no
longer happens in the present.
the question is How do you use used to?
simple This is a very simple structure:
Subject + used to + verb in infinitive
Used to works as a modal verb, so it is always followed
by an infinitive verb.
Let's see an example:
When I was a child I played in the park.
I mean, when I was little I usually went to play in the
park, but I don't do that anymore.
Negative form
Subject + didn’t/did not + use to + main verb
didn't is the contraction of did and not
For example
I didn't use to like chocolate, but now I love it.
but be careful, in the past it appears in the auxiliary
form, so used to loses the -d.
Interrogative form
Did/Didn’t + Subject + use to + main verb
Did you use to walk to school?
Yes, I did/ No, I didn't.
In short, the used to in conclusion is used to mention
something that we did in the past and that now we do
not do it in the present.
Without further ado, thank you very much for
listening to me, have a good day.

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