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Sairam Sampatirao Education


Sairam Sampatirao Education

Q: What ethical principles should guide public policy decisions
on environmental issues, and how can these principles be
incorporated into the decision-making process to ensure
sustainable and equitable outcomes? (200W, 10M)

o Introduce the answer by defining environmental ethics or by stating an example/real

incident highlighting the need of environmental ethics in public policymaking..

o Since the directives are What and How, thus, there would be two major headings.
The first shall state the ethical principles to guide public policy decisions on
environmental issues whereas the second shall state how these principles could be
incorporated in policy decision-making.

o Conclude either by summarizing the arguments of the body section or by stating

why environmental ethics must be promoted in modern-day governance..

Sairam Sampatirao Education

Environmental ethics plays a crucial role in addressing the ethical dilemmas surrounding
environmental protection, encompassing issues like deforestation, climate change, and
ocean acidification. By providing moral justification and motivation for global environmental
conservation efforts, environmental ethics guides public policy decisions on environmental

Ethical Principles Guiding Public Policy on Environmental Issues:
1. Prevention of Harm: Policies should prioritize avoiding harm to the environment
and wildlife. For example, the banning of DDT in India aimed to protect bird populations
from its harmful effects.

2. Precautionary Approach: The precautionary principle advocates for proactive

measures to control activities with suspected environmental harm, even in the absence
of conclusive scientific evidence. For instance, projects near the Western Ghats were
halted due to potential ecological damage, following this principle.

3. Sustainable Development: Policies should promote economic growth while

preserving environmental quality for future generations. India's promotion of solar
energy exemplifies balancing growth with environmental protection.

4. Equity and Justice: Policies must ensure fairness in access to environmental

resources and involve communities in decision-making. The Forest Rights Act in India
recognizes tribal rights in forest conservation, reflecting principles of equity and

5. Solidarity: Collective efforts and shared environmental responsibility are essential

for effective environmental protection. The Chipko movement in India, where villagers
united to prevent deforestation, exemplifies solidarity in environmental activism.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

6. Scientific Knowledge and Integrity: Decision-making should be based on
scientific information and integrity, respecting scientific findings in environmental
policy. For instance, preserving mangroves based on their coastal protection benefits
is rooted in scientific studies.

Incorporating Ethical Principles into Decision-making:

1. Identifying Stakeholders: Policies should consider the interests of stakeholders
impacted by environmental degradation, incorporating environmentally friendly

2. Capacity Building: Training and capacity-building initiatives are necessary to

integrate environmental ethics into policymaking processes effectively.

3. Promoting Citizen’s Participation: Citizen participation is crucial for the success

of environmental policies, ensuring public input, implementation, and feedback

4. Focusing on Environment-Centric Laws: Government policies must prioritize

environmental considerations, such as promoting electric vehicles over conventional

Case Study:
o Nordic nations, like Finland, exemplify successful initiatives toward a green future by
transitioning to eco-friendly technologies and renewable energy sources. Finland's
dedication to sustainable development and excellent air quality underscores its
commitment to environmental conservation.

Additional Information:
Broad Principles vis-a-vis Environmental Ethics:

o Non-Anthropocentrism: It is essentially a reversal of anthropocentrism i.e., stating

that the non-human world has value independent of its benefit to humanity.
o Psycho-centrism: It is the idea which states that living beings which have some
mental capacities are valuable.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

o Intrinsic value: The value which things hold in themselves rather than for the purpose
of something else. For example, human life is intrinsically valuable.
o Aesthetic value: It is the value for physical appearance or beauty.
o Moral considerability: It means the interaction between the beings are bound by moral
o Biocentrism: It is the principle that ensures the proper balance of ecology on the
o Holism: It moots the idea of whole environment systems against individual being.
o Resourcism: It states that nature is valued because it provides the environment with
o Animal welfare: It is to ensure that animals are treated well in the environment.
o Animal liberation: It ensures the safeguard of animal lives and their welfare..

Environmental ethics provides a moral framework for addressing environmental challenges
and guiding public policy decisions. By integrating ethical principles into policymaking
processes and promoting citizen participation, governments can achieve sustainable
development while preserving the environment for future generations. Embracing
environmental ethics in governance is essential for ensuring a healthy planet and prosperous

Sairam Sampatirao Education

Q. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) reconciles the need
for economic growth with environmental preservation.
Comment. (200W, 10M)

o Give a brief Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).


o Discuss the role of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in reconciling economic growth
with environmental preservation.
o Discuss the shortcomings of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in India.


o Conclude suitably.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), as defined by the United Nations Environment
Programme (UNEP), is a vital tool for evaluating the environmental consequences of projects
before their execution. It involves analyzing project alternatives, predicting environmental
impacts, and devising mitigation strategies. Issued under the Environmental (Protection)
Act, 1986, EIA serves as a crucial mechanism for reconciling economic growth with
environmental preservation.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

Role of EIA in Reconciling Economic Growth with Environmental Preservation:

1. Comprehensive Evaluation: EIA systematically assesses potential environmental

impacts, equipping decision-makers with essential information to balance economic
development goals with environmental concerns.

2. Informed Decision-Making: By quantifying environmental consequences such as

pollution and habitat destruction, EIA enables policymakers to make informed
decisions that minimize negative impacts on the environment while promoting
economic growth.

3. Stakeholder Engagement: EIA involves stakeholders, including local communities

and environmental advocates, in the decision-making process, ensuring diverse
perspectives are considered and environmental interests safeguarded.

4. Mitigation Measures: EIA recommends mitigation measures and alternative

approaches to minimize environmental harm. For example, it may suggest using
cleaner technologies or preserving ecologically sensitive areas, facilitating sustainable
development practices.

5. Promotion of Sustainable Development: By integrating environmental

considerations into project design, EIA promotes sustainable development that
balances economic, environmental, and social priorities.

Shortcomings of EIA in India:

1. Time-Consuming Process: The EIA process, often overly focused on scientific

investigation, causes project delays.

2. Limited Public Participation: While EIA regulations mandate public consultation,

meaningful participation by affected communities and stakeholders may be lacking.

3. Inadequate Baseline Data: EIA relies on baseline data to assess environmental

impacts accurately. However, incomplete or outdated baseline data in India may lead
to inaccuracies in impact assessments.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

4. Political Interference: Instances of political interference in the EIA process may
influence decisions based on vested interests rather than scientific evidence or
environmental considerations.

Measures to Improve EIA in India:

1. Independent Review and Monitoring: Establish an independent regulator to

ensure a more equitable balance between development and environmental
preservation. Conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of approved projects to
assess compliance with mitigation measures and environmental regulations.

2. Utilize Technology for Data Collection and Analysis: Invest in comprehensive

data collection and analysis methods, including environmental surveys and advanced
technologies like remote sensing and GIS, to ensure accurate assessments.

3. Transparency and Public Participation: Increase transparency by making

project documents and decisions easily accessible to the public. Encourage active
participation of stakeholders through public consultations, hearings, and feedback

4. Continuous Improvement and Learning: Foster a culture of continuous

improvement within the EIA community by sharing best practices, lessons learned, and
success stories.

By providing decision-makers with information about potential environmental impacts and
promoting stakeholder engagement and mitigation measures, EIA ensures that economic
growth is pursued in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner.
Implementing measures to address the shortcomings of EIA in India will further strengthen
its effectiveness in achieving this goal.

Sairam Sampatirao Education

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