Mango Growing Technology

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Mango cultivation has seen a rise in the use of advanced technologies to improve

yields, fruit quality, and farm management. Here's a glimpse into some of the
technologies used in mango growing:

1. High-Density Plantation (HDP):

Image of HighDensity Plantation (HDP) mango farmingOpens in a new window
HighDensity Plantation (HDP) mango farming

This method involves planting more trees per unit area compared to traditional
methods. It utilizes dwarf or semi-dwarf mango varieties planted closer
together. This method requires proper planning and management but can significantly
increase yields per hectare.

2. Precision Irrigation:
Image of Precision Irrigation mango farmingOpens in a new window
Precision Irrigation mango farming

This technique uses sensors and automated systems to deliver the optimal amount of
water to mango trees. It conserves water and reduces waste. Sensors monitor soil
moisture levels and deliver water through drip irrigation systems directly to the
root zone, minimizing evaporation.


This combines irrigation with fertilization, delivering nutrients directly to the

roots through the irrigation system. This ensures efficient nutrient uptake and
reduces waste.

4. Flower Induction Techniques:

Certain treatments can stimulate flowering in mango trees, leading to more uniform
fruit production and potentially higher yields. Sprays containing paclobutrazol or
potassium nitrate can be used to achieve this.

5. Pollination Management:

Mango trees can benefit from assisted pollination, especially in areas with low
insect populations. This can be done by introducing bee hives or using manual
pollination techniques.

6. Canopy Management:

Proper pruning and shaping of the mango tree canopy allows for better light
penetration, improved air circulation, and easier fruit harvesting.

7. Disease and Pest Management:

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) practices are used to control pests and diseases
while minimizing environmental impact. This involves using monitoring
techniques, natural predators, and targeted application of pesticides when

8. Use of Cover Crops:

Planting cover crops in mango orchards helps suppress weeds, improves soil
health, and reduces erosion.
9. Fruit Ripening Technologies:

Controlled atmosphere storage or 1-MCP application can help extend the shelf life
of harvested mangoes, reducing post-harvest losses.

10. Automation and Robotics:

In some cases, robotic harvesters or automated sorting systems are being

implemented in large-scale mango farms to improve efficiency and reduce labor

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